針女 - (One Punch Man x OC)

By amaya9801

57.1K 1.8K 341

Saitama has always been known for his superhuman abilities such as immeasurable strength, speed, reflexes and... More

Chapter 1: The Strongest Man
Chapter 2: The Lone Cyborg
Chapter 3: The Obsessive Scientist
Chapter 4: The Modern Ninja
Chapter 5: The Ultimate Master
Chapter 6: The Terrifying City
Chapter 8: The Deep Sea King
Chapter 9: Unyielding Justice
Chapter 10: Unparalleled Peril
Chapter 11: The Dominator of the Universe
Chapter 12: The Strongest Hero
Chapter 13: The Hero's Return
Chapter 14: Human Monster
Chapter 15: The Hunt Begins
Chapter 16: Martial Arts Tournament
Chapter 17: The Uprising of Monsters
Chapter 18: Hot Pot
Chapter 19: Overgrown Rover
Chapter 20: Flashy Flash

Chapter 7: The Ultimate Disciple

2.5K 97 3
By amaya9801

It was evening when Masami, in a purple t-shirt and white pants, was doing her usual grocery shopping, getting more ingredients to cook dinner for her and her neighbours. When she exited the store with her groceries, she noticed people running around panicking, making her confused until she heard a loud siren blaring through the public speakers, followed by a warning.

"Attention!" announced the speaker. "This is an announcement from the Hero Association. Emergency evacuation warning. The threat level is Dragon. Evacuate immediately. Twenty-one more minutes until meteor impact."

'Oh, no!' she thought as she picked up the pace, running back to Saitama's apartment where he was putting on his hero costume. "Saitama-kun!" she called, barging through his door before dumping the groceries on the table. "The meteor-!"

"I know." he said seriously, putting on his white cape. "Let's go!" He and Manami, with her umbrella in her hand, ran out of the apartment building. "Genos had already left. I think the Hero Association called him out for this."

"But judging by his current powers, I highly doubt he can destroy the meteor in time." she said. They came out to the city center and noticed powerful blasts of flames fired from the highest building. "He's probably there!" The two quickly made their way towards the top of the building. By the time they arrived, they saw an exhausted Genos kneeling on the ground with an old man standing behind him.

"Old man, take care of Genos." called out Saitama, grabbing their attention as they made their way forward.

"Who... who are you two?" he asked, confused.

"I'm a hero." replied Saitama while Masami twisted her umbrella's handle, unsheathing her longsword with a wire attached to it. "And she's my neighbour."

"Master?!" gasped Genos as the said man leapt up to the meteor with his fist raised.

"You're not gonna fall on our town!" he yelled as he punched through the meteor at one strike.

As soon as the meteor was destroyed into fragments, Masami immediately leapt up to the nearest meteor and uncoiled the wire from the sheath, throwing the sword at the center with the sword as the wire went through it. She quickly went to the other side and repeated with the other meteors until all the bigger ones had wires. She then gave created a knot at the first meteor before snapping the wire and pulled the wire hardly. The meteors combined into a huge meteor before she gave it a hard push to the sea, causing a huge splash as she landed on the ground.

'At least I got the bigger ones away.' she thought before looking at the smaller meteor fragments that landed on the cities and sighed. 'I'm starting to be rusty at this. Guess that settles that.'

~Time skip~

Three days had passed since the incident, and most parts of City Z were destroyed by the pieces of meteors. In a pair of jeans and a white tank top, Masami was changing the curtains when the news was broadcasted on TV. "Although City Z was able to avoid total destruction, the city was still devastated with the effects of the meteor fragments visible everywhere." said the newscaster.

'Well, at least we minimised the damage.' she thought with relief. 'Luckily, no one died.' She hung up the light green curtains and sighed. 'However, despite Saitama-kun's effort to destroy the meteor, some of the public is making him out to be the bald guy for causing the partial destruction of City Z. I'm glad I stopped being a hero before the whole concept was changed by those rookie crushers.'

It was when she stopped her train of thoughts when she realised something. 'Rookie crushers? What if they suddenly pop out and take advantage of the people's anger to turn against him?' She quickly got down from the ladder and placed it back before leaving the apartment, leaving her weapon for the first time. As if on cue, Genos was leaving his apartment as well. "Genos, where is Saitama-kun?" she asked.

"Master had left just moments ago." he said.

"I have a bad feeling about this." she said as the two left together to look for the said man. They finally found him, standing at the center where people blaming him for causing the city to be in its current state and two muscular men, both in tank tops, were walking towards him. As Masami and Genos ran towards them, one of the men charged at Saitama, who knocked him off with a punch. The other man then tried to attack him but Saitama grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly, making him cry.

"I'm sorry!" he cried in pain. "I give up for real. I'm sorry! I'm sorry for lying!"

"No, you weren't lying." said Saitama, causing the man to stop crying. He then turned to the people and shouted, "I'm the one who smashed the meteor! Anyone with a complaint, let's hear it. Speak up!"

The people hesitated for a moment until one of them said, "Because of you, my brand new car was-"

"You can shut up!" yelled Saitama, cutting him off. "Why would I give a crap about your problems? Tell it to the meteor, jackass! Listen up! I don't this hero-thing for admiration! I do it because I want to! So if you wanna blame it, go ahead! You baldies!"

"You're the baldy..." retorted another person.

"What'd you say?!" yelled Saitama, glaring at him. That was when his companions stepped forward.

"Master." called Genos, grabbing Saitama's attention.

"Oh, it's you, Genos, Masami-chan." he said. "Hang on. These guys-"

"Saitama-kun." called the latter, cutting him off. The said man stopped and looked at her, who held out her hand and with an assuring smile on her face. "Let's go home." He stared at her and Genos, who nodded at him, for a few seconds before they started walking back.

"Damnit." he cursed as they walked through the ruins of the destroyed buildings. "That guy's face is burned into my brain. I'm gonna remember this."

"No point wasting your energy on those rookie crushers and the ungrateful ones." advised Masami, gently patting his shoulder.

"Master." called Genos. "I have never met any person as incredible as you, Master Saitama."

"What brought that on?" asked the said man, confused at his sudden statement. "You're creeping me out."

"Even if the public doesn't appreciate you, I will still follow you." said Genos.

"You don't have to butter me up." said Saitama. "Really. I was just following Masami-chan's advice."

Genos glanced at the said woman, who smiled at Saitama. "I'm glad you didn't let their remarks get to you." she said. "Now, what shall we have for dinner? I bought ramen noodles. Want tonkotsu ramen?"

"Yeah!" cheered Saitama, who started picking up the pace back home, leaving the two trailing behind.

"Masami-san." called the cyborg. "When you were a hero, did the city treat you like how they did to Master?"

She glanced at him before looking ahead. "No, because I used to wear a mask wherever I went. So even if I messed up, no one knew who caused it." She stared at Saitama, who was a few feet away from them, and smiled. "But like I kept telling him, I didn't become a hero to gain admiration and acknowledgement. I became a hero because I wanted to." Genos glanced at her, then at his mentor, and the corner of his lips curled upwards slightly.

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