A Boy's Mission

By thebotwhogotaway

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It's about a warrior who suddenly became a substitute hero. . . More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

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By thebotwhogotaway

As our potential hero travels looking for some thugs, zombies, etc...but in a unexpected timing, a beautiful woman was running for her life because some gargantwars are chasing her, wanting her as a mate and they also wanted as a meal but after they are done playing with her then Shiro yells immediately getting the attention of the gargantwars but seconds later, one of the gargantwars throws a broken bottle Shiro responds quickly by using shunpo telling himself "my, my, I thought these guys are easy to handle but I gotta say, these guys need to learn how to deal with someone they don’t know." Suddenly, gargantwar #1 runs forward but this time, he throws an axe Shiro flies down immediately avoiding the axe then gargantwar #2 attacks coming out of nowhere landing a strike using also an axe Shiro dodges to the left but gargantwar #3 attacks from behind landing also a strike using the same weapon Shiro uses shunpo again just to escape and told himself "man! I gotta do something, oh well (brings out his dragon sword) alright! the real battle begins now!" moments later, gargantwar #4 arrives unexpectedly saying "hey! looking for her (shows the woman tied up in a rope)" Shiro replies "let the woman go or else...." gargantwar #4 interrupts "or else what?!" after a while, Shiro stands in one place whispering "Red Dragon, I think it’s time for a little exercise." Red Dragon answers "alright! let’s do it! I’m ready to fight anytime."

   Another incident starts, gargantwar #1 speaks and said "so, any last words boy? (laughs)" Shiro didn’t respond standing only in one place surrounded by the four gargantwars. All of a sudden, gargantwar #1 attacks first landing a vicious strike but realizes that he was already split in half, Shiro appears from behind saying "you should have stayed where you were before." Then gargantwar #3 suddenly attacks running forward landing some strikes Shiro is just dodging from left and right seeing a lot of openings and unleashes a very dangerous attack turning gargantwar #3 into ashes moments later, gargantwar #4 said to himself "how is he doing those moves? who is this kid?" then Shiro takes his stance saying "get ready cause I can only use this once and it’s over." But gargantwar #2 attacks using a leaping slash and also realizes that half of his body is already gone telling himself "impossible!" gargantwar #4 carries the woman and started running away, Shiro keeps his dragon sword saying "you won’t get away without letting the woman go (throws a fire ball)" gargantwar #4 was hit in the back of his head groaning in pain dropping the woman to the ground after a while, Shiro arrives slicing gargantwar #4 in half and Shiro said "if the four of you could have freed the woman by the time I came here to rescue this woman and this should have not happened." Shiro unties the rope freeing the woman, the woman asks and said "wow! you were so amazing and I wanna thank you for saving my life." Shiro replies with a blush on his face "your welcome miss." Well, as for the woman she suddenly gave Shiro a sweet kiss in the cheek saying "thanks again, oh! by the way, I’m Megy, what’s your name? (smiles)" Shiro answers "my name is Shiro nice to meet you Megy (smiles) oh! I gotta go bye." Megy returns home, she suddenly spoke to herself "(smiles) oh Shiro, would I see you again? but where? and when? well, I guess only time will tell." As dawn approaches, Shiro finds himself in a village and sees a castle but momentarily, Shiro enters a restaurant where he saw some warriors eating and taking their breaks then Shiro sits alone in a dining table and a waiter comes in asking "what is your order? (smiles)" Shiro replies "can I take a look at the menu please?" the waiter answered "sorry sir but there is no menu and the only food we have here is baked potatoes with white rice and beef chunks." Shiro thinks for a moment and said "okay, I will have one order please, thank you." The waiter walks away immediately and after 30 minutes, the waiter brings out Shiro’s order and said "here you go sir, enjoy your meal, oh, there is a drinking station over there in the right corner and before I forgot, you can only pay your order for about 40 pieces of gold sickle coins." Then Shiro started eating his meal for the day and when he was done eating his meal, the waiter comes in again giving him a glass of cold water, Shiro said with a smile on his face " oh, thanks (drinks the cold water) man! that was so good! well, I gotta go and thanks for that wonderful meal."

   Shiro finishes his day with a very nice meal and now, he takes a rest and stays in for the night.

   The sun shines brightly and Shiro wakes up from his sleep telling himself "(yawning) man, that meal was awesome well, I better get going and it’s gonna be a great day." As our young hero prepares, someone arrives at the restaurant sitting on an empty chair, the waiter walks forward and said "may I take your order?" the stranger replies "I would like to order a bottomless root beer and bring me two cheeseburgers, thank you!" the waiter walks away quickly then Shiro comes out from the room walking towards the counter and sits on a round high chair saying "one can of mountain dew please and one order of pancakes, thank you!" the other waiter replies "right away sir." As the waiters brings out the orders for Shiro and the stranger and the other warrior’s order, after a while the stranger pays for his order and walked towards Shiro and the stranger said curiously "so, what brings you out here?" Shiro replies "well, I’m trying to find some upcoming tournaments but I don’t know if there are any upcoming tournaments in this place." The stranger puts a smile on his face and said "I see, maybe you can try going to this place (gives a note to Shiro)" Shiro curiously said "what’s this for?" the stranger said with a smile on his face "that’s your token to get inside cause in that place there is a on going street fight where you can be recruited by a king."

   Shiro said "well, I gotta go and try looking for this place and thanks for helping me out (pays his order)" the stranger replies "my pleasure and good luck going to that place cause there are some spectators who are gonna try and fight you on the way out." Shiro walks away and stops turning back saying "yeah sure! no problem! see ya (flies away immediately)" as Shiro leaves the restaurant, the waiter said "sir, if I may ask." The stranger answers "yes you may, don’t be shy." the waiter clears his throat and said "so, why did you make that boy go to this forbidden place?" the stranger answers bravely "the reason behind in why did I make that young boy go to that forbidden place cause I felt that this young boy has too many potentials inside of him." The waiter was quite surprised saying "okay but are you sure that this boy could survive the tournament?" the stranger said "I cannot say that he would survive or not but I am so sure that this young boy will do his best in order for him to win that tournament."

   The conversation ends, our potential hero heads to the place where the upcoming tournament is gonna be held in which before you get to that very place, Shiro would encounter some spectators before he reaches his destination.

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