
By TaylorFrank89

27.8K 546 129

Can an affair with a married really work or will the one thing you have in common tear you apart. Can an exot... More

Is the gun loaded
6 months earlier
Dicks and stones
Classy and boring
Brady bunch
Walk of shame
Tramp with soft hair
Eyes are lying
Sore heads
Im back
Shots ahoy
Over egg rolls
Did we
New yorker
Just friends
Work work play
Gucci is a girls best friend
Better best forgotten
channel suit and pearls
corsages and shit
dancing in the moonlight
until next time
see you around
risky business
old fashioned
let's get it on
100 lace thongs
double date
date from hell
do over
better the devil you know
Make up sex
uninterrupted sex
shall we
Other books im proud of !
bonus chapter
wealth part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 6
part 8

Scene of the crime

573 14 0
By TaylorFrank89

I dont get the afternoon of sleep I had planned, I was interrupted at 4 by my sister and mom. They thought it best to pre approve my outfit for the party, the way they act would make anyone think that I have turned up to formal events in a bikini. Ok that did happen but only once, and in all fairness I thought it was a beach party.
They decide the knee length navy dress I had brought was good enough although the shoes they are not as happy about. My mother refers to my red sky scrapper heels as "hooker heels".

"The scene of the crime, I hope the sheets have been changed" Grace sits on my bed, trust her to being Jason up. My mother's ears perk up.

"Jason couldn't take his eyes off you at brunch, have you made plans to meet when you go back to New York"

"No why would we, I probably won't see him again after this weekend"

Mother's heart stops, "Your not saying what I think your saying"

"It depends what you think I'm saying"

Mother looks a to Grace for back up " you can't have relations with a man then not see them again. I can't believe your suggesting that. I thought I taught you to value yourself"

"I do value myself that's why I know I deserve better"

... ...... ....   .....

Since our conversation at the hotel things between my mom and I have been tense. We havent spoken unless its necessary, she made it clear she didn't respect me. I was too busy catching up with relatives to really give her and her old fashioned views a thought.

Jason has pretty much stayed away, I think my brother had something to with that. He has stayed closer to Jason than he has his bride, he's like a chaperone.

The party is as grand as I had expected, the lawn is covered in white tables and a large dance floor. Everyone is having a good time , apart from me that Is. I just want to leave, I take my change to escape when the speeches are being made. Everyone is focused on the main table so no one sees me slink away. I walk behind the bushes and head to my old play house. I notice the door is already open and there is smoke in the air.


"Shit, sorry I'll just be a moment. I got lost"

The poor guy thinks he's in trouble, "hey is it ok for me to come in, I need a break from all that"

I poke my head around the door and see a man wearing a grey suit smoking a cigar while sitting on my childhood furniture. It's almost comical seeing his large frame being perched on a small wooden chair.

"I thought you were the Gilmore woman for a second there. Come in before they make you join in with the festivities"

I do as he says and sit on the chair opposite him. "Which Gilmore woman fills you with such dread"

"Kathleen, I swear when she speaks my balls retract in to my body"

I should be offended, she is my mother after all. Instead I nod before giggling.

"Darcy" he says offering me his hand.

"Savannah. Savannah Gilmore the daughter of the ball whisperer"

He fakes embarrassment, "I didn't mean that"

"You did and it's ok, she drives me crazy too. So welcome to the club"

"There's a club, do we have a secret handshake" he takes a large drag of his cigar before offering it to me.

"The two finger salute " I take the offered cigar and savour in the flavour, I don't smoke often but when I do I truly enjoy it.

Darcy looks impressed, he runs his fingers through this chestnut hair before rewarding me with his 1000 watt smile. He's clearly much older than I am but I find him attractive. He has a confident aura to him that entices me.

"Your sure your a Gilmore, don't take this the wrong way but your nothing like your family"

I put my hand to my chest " that's the nicest thing I think anyone has ever said to me"

"So do you live with your parents"

"Do I hell, I'm just here for the weekend. Back to New York and the real world tomorrow. How about you"

He narrows his eyes "no my parents live in Florida"

I roll my eyes at his would be joke, "I meant do you live here"

"No, I drive back to new York the morning."

"A New Yorker, I knew I liked you, so bride or grooms side"

"bride, although I don't really know her."

That has me stumped "Care to explain"

He shakes his head and releases a cloud of smoke "no"

"So mysterious"

"Not really, I just don't waste precious time talking about things that don't matter"

I'm so intrigued I want to know more but I don't think he would answer any questions if I were to ask.

"So is there a man out there in search of his missing date"

I tell him no that I fly solo, he says he prefers to fly that way also. He really doesn't give much away, we talk until it turns dark. My absence will have been noticed by now, I know it's time to face that music and rejoin the party.

"It was nice to meet you savannah, savannah Gilmore" he shakes my hand firmly like we were in a business merger.

I tilt my head and leave, everyone's drinking and dancing so I manage to sneak back in without being noticed.

After being cornered by my brother who warns me off Jason telling me about his player ways I leave. I say a quick goodbye before getting a cab back to the hotel.

I call Hugo to tell him of the weekends events.

Hugo "I thought you had forgotten about me now your back with the rich country club crew"

Me: "Hugo your parents are some of the richest members of the country club"

Hugo "first of all I'm not rich, well at least not until my parents croak and secondly if you tell anyone I'm from Connecticut I will Deny it and Sue you for slander"

Me: I wish you were here, it's been a nightmare.

Hugo: ooh do tell, it's been awfully drab here I could do with some excitement

Me; my misery is excitement to you

Hugo: obviously, so spill

Me: you know Jason

Hugo: no

Me; you do, the guy who thought I was a hooker

Hugo: doesn't sound familiar

Me; Hugo I told you about him when we went out for Chinese with zach

Hugo; oh don't mention that bitches name to me, We're so over

Me: Hugo focus. Well he was here at the wedding

Hugo: zach was, why was the there

Me; no not zach. Jason the hooker guy

Hugo: no O M G what did you do

Me: well mother believes he would be the perfect husband for me and has spent the weekend trying to set us up

Hugo; crazy old bat like that would happen

Me; Hugo I had sex with him

Hugo: did you take the money this time, I would. You could buy a nice pair of shoes with $500

Me: no he didn't offer money this time

Hugo :hmm your performance must have gone down hill

Me: why did I even call you. I'm gonna go , I'll speak to you when I'm home

I release the call and stare at my cell like it had betrayed me. I hoped I would feel better after getting everything off my chest, I should have known Hugo was the wrong person to call if I wanted to talk about myself.

Only 1 more day then I can go home. Monday can't come quick enough.

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