Power (The Drug Lord's Wife #...

By awesomegal15

827K 35.2K 2.5K

Back together again in the romantic and magical city of Paris, Jennifer and Adam are cruising down a mirthful... More

For the Children
Game on
Mini Date
You're Like My Goals
One Single Moment
Battle Ready
Estanque de León
I Have a Plan
El Paso
You Can
Don't Make Me Regret
The Holy Trinity
On Top of the World
Happy Birthday
6 out of 10
Date Night
The Meeting
O God
Dream Come True
Your Mess
Tell Me
Thank You
Home Alone
Lets Talk
Questions and Compromise
We Will

Just Us

17.9K 670 35
By awesomegal15

Chapter 41


I'm not dead?!

I woke up in a dimly lit room. There was a window close by showing it was twilight.

This place is close to a lake.

I sat up in pain.

Someone fixed me.

I looked around the room and saw cherry wood floors and ornate Victorian style furniture. The fireplace was lit.

What happened after I passed out? Is everyone ok?

I sat up and noticed I was only in a tee shirt.

Where am I?

I got out of bed, the floor was cold on my bare feet. I grab the fire poker and walked out the door. I was in a stately hallway, this was definitely a manor. With its old design schemes. The whole house felt like Adams office but older. I made my way down the hallway holding the poker like a baseball bat ready to swing at anyone.

This looks like a place that Adam would own, but where was he? I made my way down the spiral concrete staircase. This was definitely, an old building; not designed by Adam.

Once I made it to the bottom of the staircase I heard a voice coming from the back of the house.

Adam! He's ok!?

I ran past a den and a kitchen and found him. Adam was in a small office looking a tablet. He didn't hear or see me. I was relieved and sad at the same time. I was thankfully he was okay, but heartbroken too. I remember the questions Adam asked me during the shooting. They were normal questions any couple would be faced with; our future. After everything that's happened, that would never be true for us. How could we have children? What kind of future would we being giving them? How many more attacks could I survive? I wouldn't let my children be used, like Rodger used his kids to carry on his empire.

Before Adam, I never thought much of death, but now it's become a very real fear. I love Adam, truly I do. I had an idea of the life I wanted, none of which involved assassins, shoot outs, drug deals and the constant fear of death. I would have to let my fantasy of a normal family go. So no kids. I already didn't get the wedding I dreamed of. Now, I would have to be OK with not having the big family, I wanted.

How else would this play out?

I stepped out of the door way and walked back down the long hallway. I didn't get far before I sank against the wall.

There's only two options for us. The first is Adam could leave this world behind him. We could start all over with no drug ties. Realistically, I don't think Adam could let go if he wanted to. This business is a part of his identity. I could see him for a little bit trying to have a normal life. In the end it would lead to resentment of me, for making him choose. We wouldn't last long then. The second is, we just continue on the way we are. That would be fine for a while, but I wanted to be a mom at some point. I want to save lives as Trauma Surgeon. So far, I've killed two people. How long could I survive in this world?

I put my head in my knees and cried. I was frustrated, I couldn't think of a win-win situation. I loved Adam to much to just walk away. So, I had to be okay with option two. I know I'm not at a point in life where I should be thinking about kids, but that still doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

"What's wrong?" I popped my head up and saw Adam. His voice was soft and full of worry.

Since, when did he start walking like Batman.

I had cried myself into a frenzy and couldn't speak. Adam pulled me up so that I was standing in front of him. He wrapped me in his arms and we swayed. My face was buried in his chest.

"Hey, hey tell me whats wrong. Are you in pain?" Adam asked.

What do I say? Do I tell him our outcomes?

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. My heart melted, I could see his love for me. That can be enough for me. Just us. Adam is enough.

"Yes, and a little confused. Where are we?" I asked.

"You're a terrible lair, love. Tell me--"

"I'm not ready for that conversation yet, but soon I will". That was true, it took getting shot four times for my brain to even think about the risks.

How did Celine do it?

"Okay", he picked me up bridal style and carried me to a different wing of the house.

"I can walk", I said.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't be yet", he kissed my forehead.

"Where are we?" I asked setting into his chest.

"Galway, no one knows we're here", he said.

"I've never been to Ireland. I always wanted to go around St.Patrick's Day", I said smiling.

"You and every other American. High street will be covered with tourist looking to celebrate their "Irish" roots", he said.

"Or their Catholic roots. We like to party too".

That's another thing to talk about. Religion. Ideally, my kids would be Catholic like me. I don't even know what religion Adam is or if he even believes in God.

Adam walked with me backup stairs. The whole house was done in cherry wood and concrete. With Victorian style furniture, everything had a gold finish to it. It reminded me of Downton Abbey.

Adam walked past the room I woke up in and continued up the stairs. We were faced with double white doors. Adam kicked the doors in and walked up a few stair.

This looked like something he designed. The room is a huge circle with half being completely glass showing the lake and forest. There was a cozy balcony too. On a nice night it would be perfect for a date night- just watching the sunset. The ceiling was a dome with a gold chandelier. The room was done in cool colors grays, blacks and navys. The California king size bed was on a three step platform.

Adam put me on the bed," You designed this room. But, nothing downstairs", I said still looking around.

Adam started to undress,"Is it that obvious?"

"A little, this house looks like something out of Downton Abbey. It has a old feeling to it. Except this room, it looks like something that should be in Safe House".

Adam tossed his shirt and pants to the floor and got into bed with me. He laid down and patted the spot next to him,"Come closer, love". I scooted closer to him. I wanted to face him. He stretched out his arm and pulled me so close I could feel his breath.

"Dr.Pellegrini doesn't want you moving too much your stitches could come out. She gave you some medicine too. But, what you really need is rest", Adam said.

"Is everyone okay? What happened after I passed out?" I asked.

"Everyone is fine. Dani was shot in the shoulder. Gamila was shot in the hip when we were making a run for it. I was shot in my thigh, but it went through", he said.

"O my god," I pulled back the sheets and looked for the wound. He had a large band aid covering it. "Dose it hurt?" I pulled the sheet back over him.

He pulled me down on top of him," I'm fine. You on the other hand, I don't know what's doing on in your head. And don't lie because I can tell".

"I was shot four times and I thought I was going to die. It hurts like a bitch", I said remembering the first shot. I was so caught off guard I didn't even realize I had been shot until I looked down and saw the blood.

"Why did you stay outside? You knew what was happening", Adam said in defeated voice.

"I was counting to see what floor the shooter was on. Plus, I saw them get out of their van and stormed the building. I was going to call Alejandro and have him take care of the shooter. But, I got shot and dropped my phone".

"He ended up killing him anyways. You weren't the target, Gamila was. It was one of Sliske old clients with a thousands reason why". He was holding back something. I pushed off his chest and laid next to him.

"What?" I said.

"You almost died trying to count floors", he said upset.

"Yes, we needed to get the shooter as soon as possible. I was the closest one to count. Plus, we needed to know how many people were coming for us".

"That doesn't sound like a death wish to you? It's a miracle that you're even alive. If we had stayed put and waited for everything to end; you would have bled out and died. If Nate didn't push the idea of leaving; you would have died. If I couldn't get to you when you collapsed on the floor; you would have died. Are you trying to tempt death?"

"No, but if we are being familiar with one another. I was trying to help--"

"By getting yourself killed?" He said harshly, "Everyone ran for cover but, you! Why? Were you even afraid? Because, I was. I thought you were dead. When your body hit the floor. I... I..." He couldn't finish.

I kissed him, softly brushing up against him,"I'm sorry, I scared you". Adam was breathing hard, he was pissed, but trying to calm himself. I ran my fingers through his hair," I love you, Adam. Thank you, for saving me" .

"Don't take risks like that, your one of the very few people I don't want to live without", he said. I wanted to say doesn't that come with the territory. What else can you expect? When every turn and deal is dangerous. If I see an opportunity to help us I'm going to take it. I'm not just going to hide and pray everything goes okay. I may not be the strongest person in the room or the smartest, but I am going to try the hardest.

Adam was waiting for an answer. I couldn't get him the one he really wanted.

"Okay. I won't take unnecessary risks". Which is true, I won't take unnecessary risk. I'll just take the ones I feel need to be taken advantage of.

Wanting to change the subject I asked,"What makes this house special?"

"What makes you think it's special?"

"You build your houses. This one was clearly bought, so what made this one worthy of staying the same?"

Adam sat up smiling,"I can show you." He was excited like a kid.

I have to see this.

Matching his excitement I said,"Yes!"

Adam jumped out of bed and put back on his pants. He came around the bed to pick me up," No, I can walk".

"Are you sure? Its no problem", He said suspiciously.

I kissed him,"I'm fine lead the way."

Hand in hand we all but ran back downstairs, giggling I said," Where are we going? Slow down, I can't run that fast". We quick walked back downstairs. Adam stopped at the bottom and turned around,"What do you see?"

"Is this a trick question? The stairs we just ran down?"

"Yup, pull the railing knob."

"Another secret passage?" I said.

"Pull it and see", he was grinning. I don't think I've ever seen him this giddy before. I walked over to rail and pulled hard on the rail.

Geez is this super glue down!

I threw all of weight to move the rail down. I moved it all the way down and then it snapped right back up. Like I never touched it.

Adam pulled the runner rug away and I saw a crack indent. There is a door in the stairs. Adam lifted up the door.

"After you, love", It was a tunnel.

"Anything to look at my butt", I said stepping forward. He slapped my ass and said,"You know it".

I got down on all fours and started to crawl forward. Adam followed behind me and shut the door behind us.

Jesus its dark.

I felt an decreasing incline,"I don't we can go any further there's a sharp drop--" Adam pushed me forwards.

I screamed going down,"I'm going to kill you!"

This is a slide?

Lights kicked on in the tube. I was gaining speed, each curve sent me spiraling down further and further. Until, I landed in a ball pit.


It's a playroom.

This is like the ultimate playroom with: ball pits, trampolines, rock climbing walls, a pool, race tracks, rope climbing, slides, a theater, lazy river, a hammock that covered the ceiling and a basketball court. You name it, its here. Batman must have had a playroom like this.

"Watch out!" Adam screamed. I moved.

He landed and popped his head out of the balls. He waddle to me.

Laughing he said,"Need some help?"

If this was water I would be drowning this pit had to be at least 4.5 feet tall. I stood at a confident 5 ft 1.

"I'm good", took a few more step and it got deeper,"Help me". Adam pulled me back and helped me out of the pit. I sat on the edge next to him.

Laughing, still he said,"There may be a height requirement".

I gave him a mocking laugh and ask," What is this? Did you buy a Pee Wee Herman house? "

"Nope, I won this house in poker game", he said proudly.

"So you turned it into a play cave. Not going to lie 10 year old me would have been very impressed", I said looking around.

"No, my mom did. I was eleven, what did I know about owning a house", he said standing up.

"Why is an 11 year old playing poker? No! How is an eleven-year-old good enough to beat an adult to win a house", I stood up too.

"Hanging out with Brandon and Rodger", he took my hand.

"Gotcha, so you turned it into the ultimate preteen boy fantasy. Well, you had your mom do it". We walked towards the theater. Celine really out did herself. It looked like an old theater complete with a billboard and flashing lights, with movie titles. Even a ticket stand.

"Yes, I used to come here a lot weekends mostly", he said," My mom wanted to keep the original structure of the house so she added this cave and a few years later I added the master suite and stargazing room".

"Where's that at?"

"Right above our room, I'll show you later.

We walked into the theater,"Where is the screen?" This was just a room with a circular couch. He pointed up.


The screen was on the ceiling,"Its a projector ceiling".

"I bet you were the coolest kid in school. I can't imagine the sleepover parties here". I crawled to the middle of the couch and spread out.

"Why", Adam said crawling on top of me.

"Don't try and be humble now. This would be the place to hang out", I said.

"Nope, just me and Michael really. Brandon was too old to hang out with us. Plus he was busy learning the business. And Michael was such a mama's boy back then; he hardly left Celine side. It was really just me", he said. I was going to ask him about friends but he read my mind and said," If they weren't apart of the business or knew about it. I couldn't bring them home. Plus, I was never running home so this was a good place to be. Haven House".

"Alone? I mean this is cool and all, but what did you do when you got bored?" I asked.

"I didn't," he said. Adam reached above my head and handed me a remote control,"Pick something. I think the last thing I watched in here was Spider-Man?"

I turned on the tv and the room filled with porn moans. I lost it and couldn't stop laughing," Hhhmmm, Spider man?" He tried to take the remote from me but I held it away saying," That's one way to never get bored". I was laughing so hard there was tears coming down my face.

Adam finally got the remote and turned off the tv. He was embarrassed.

That's so cute.

"I'm sorry for laughing, baby. But, was perfect", I said.

Adam turned to face me. He was red,"I was 11 so..." He said looking for the right words.

"Girls are a new thing", I said rolling over on top of him. "Masturbation, is completely normal nothing to be ashamed of".

"Thanks, mom", he said sitting up and wrapping his arms around me.

"You know I didn't watch porn in until I was sixteen. I googled,'what is porn?' Then, I clicked on a video and watched the whole thing. I had a lot of questions so I went and asked my Dad. Who redirected me to my mom. It was a mess". It was now Adams turn to laugh uncontrollably. He buried his head in my chest and couldn't stop laughing.

"That explains so much. So your mom had to give you the sex talk, a little late, but still given".

"Yup, apparently my mom had given it to me at 10, but I forgot and she had to redo it again at 16", he erupted in laughter again.

"Damn, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. And I grew up with Michael who until of the age of three wouldn't wear clothes. He would just strip down butt naked in the middle of anywhere and take off running".

"Strangely enough, that does not surprise me. God, poor Celine", I said.

"I'm sure you, did stuff too. I know I have a million different stories", I said.

"Share, love"

"You first, you got a story already."

"I was a normal kid", he said.

"Lair, tell me it's just us".

"Ok, ok. So you know I went to all boys school. Well, we had a sister school not that far from our campus. So a lot of the time our school ended up at the girls school. I when one day to hangout with my friends. We sat in the the bleachers and watch the girl cheerlead. One girl waves at me and gives me a smile. I'm thirteen and in my mind we were dating she was mine. I watch her the entire practice and I got hard. Like raging boner, my friends had all left and she starts walking to me. I can't tuck it so I just own it. You can imagine how that turned out".

I laughed,"Did she ever talk to you again?"

"No and I never when back to the girls school. Your turn, beat that".

"Don't get mad at this one. Promise?"

"Promise," he said ready for it.

"So Nate set me on a blind date when we got back to Missouri", I paused trying to read him.

"Go on, love. My ego isn't so easily bruised now".

"Ok, so this guy, Mark, comes and picks me up. We were going to see a movie. Being the naturally curious person I was looking around his car trying to see what kind of person he was. We make light conversation and as we are pulling up to the theatre I see a box with a towel over it. I ask Mark what's in there, joking that it was a head, but he wouldn't tell me. So I grab the box and rip off the towel. There's a giant tarantula in there. I throw the box at him and jump out of the car. We we're still moving to. He parks the car and tries to explain that it's a security blanket. That was too much. We still ended up seeing the movie because I had already paid for the tickets. And during the entire movie he way trying to make out. I don't think I've ever been more uncomfortable in my life".

I don't know how long we talk for. But, we really talked about everything. Embarrassing stories, awkward first encounters just normal everyday stuff. No drugs or deals just two people sharing their lives.

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