The Devil in Boots - Manan ff

By boundmind

37.7K 3.2K 257

A different story about Manik and Nandini. Everyone knows manik as the hot headed, hot, cold hearted, bully a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

1K 118 23
By boundmind

"What happened?" a girl was checking Manik, more like searching for something.

"There was a loud crash in the kitchen. When we went to check the whole place was covered in human blood" Nandini hugged herself tightly recalling the scene.

"And?" the girl probed.

"On the ceiling there was a message written..." Nandini sighed as the girl looked at her questioningly.

"It said the person would find Manik no matter where he hide" Abhimanyu finished knowing Nandini wouldn't be able to say it out loud.

"Any idea who left the message?" the girl asked curiously, even though she had a fair guess of who that might be.

"Him" a new sound replied. As the three of them looked wide eyes, they saw Manik sit up tiredly. "It was him, my so-called brother" his voice was dangerously calm, his eyes changing its color to a deep red.

"Manik" Nandini's soft voice brought him back from the vengeful trance.

Manik looked at her for a moment longer and felt himself calming down fast. "Give us a moment please" Manik requested the two members, who nodded and left without a question. "Come here" Manik held out his hand for Nandini to take. "Come on, I won't rest properly knowing you are all tensed and worried."

Even though she hesitated for a moment Nandini took his hand and lied down next to him, hugging him close. "Don't do this to yourself Manik" she whispered, tears falling from her eyes, drenching his chest.

"Shhhhh" Manik stroked her back soothingly. "I am sorry. I know I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. But just the thought of him make me so angry." is voice a dangerous calm, but his hands didn't stop the whisper-like stroke on her back.

"I know. But -" Nandini suddenly sat up "OH MY GOD!!"

"What? What happened?"

"Manik" she was pacing in the room occasionally muttering 'shit' under her breathe. "I should've guessed it, I should've guessed it" she kept muttering to herself. It was like a bolt of thunder. How could she miss such an important part. It all made sense now.

"Nandini" he grabbed her shoulders and made her face him. "What are you talking about?"

She took a deep breathe and looked him in the eye. It was not time to beat around the bush "Do you remember what happens to a half-vampire, half-human if a vampire tries to turn them into a complete vampire?" She searched his face, praying he understand where she is going with this. His eyes widen slightly before nodding. "I think that was your brother's plan all along" Nandini moved out of his grip and hugged herself tightly. "That's why he knows where you are. I think he always counted on our love to make this happen. He was planning this from the start" she was now standing by the window, her eyes constantly sweeping the scenery in front of her like she was expecting someone to break through the glass. You couldn't blame her. Everything was going out of hands lately and it wouldn't be a shock if some one attacks them now.

"What was planned from the beginning?" Abhimanyu's voice was hard. Guess he also understood what was happening.

"The change" the girl joined the company. "The change was what he had planned from the beginning" the four of them stood there in silence trying to grasp the severity of the situation. It was not just a game of cat and mouse any more. The revelation have changed everything they believed what was happening. And now it was time to act.

The girl's POV:

As we left Manik and Nandini in the room to have some alone time, me and Abhimanyu walked into the kitchen to look at the mess again. What if the person who did it left some clues unintentionally? As we were searching for some clues Abhi's voice brought me back from my searching, "Mukthi" his cool voice rang in the kitchen "Are there any symptoms?" I knew he'd ask me that and I was prepared too.

"You guys already saw he biggest signal to show that it have already happened" I turned to look at him. God, he was gorgeous. Concentrate! I shook myself. I have plently of time to ogle, but now was not the time. "His eyes. It turns red when angry. That's itself shows it's already out of our hands. And his vampire side was kept suppressed these past years. It also had an effect" I started to explain. Before he could argue I continued "Am not saying it was a bad decision to suppress his memories and his vampire side, but the sudden snap to his vampire side have brought out the side effects too. He have to learn to control his temper or..." I trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence. We both knew what I wanted to say.

"Let's go back" Abhimanyu said before moving upstairs to the others and I followed. I knew he was just too scared to accept that it already happened. As we moved close to their room, we could hear their voices, but it was not clear what they were talking about.  As Abhimanyu entered the room I heard what they were talking about.

" was your brother's plan all along" I heard Nandini's voice and instantly knew what she was pointing at.

"What was planned from the beginning?" I entered the room just as Abhimanyu posed the question.

"The change" I answered piecing together snippets of what I concluded. "The change was what he had planned from the beginning" we stood there in silence. As I weighed different options in my mind, I came to a conclusion. The only way to fight this was going through with Manik's brothers plan, that's the only way out. And saying that I was afraid was an understatement.

No one's POV:

"It's happening Master" a small, cold voice seeped into the room from the shadows. The place was always dark and cold.

"Yes it is" a deep voice resonated in the almost empty room. The room was drenched in darkness, the only light coming from the glass windows where a man was standing, watching the scenery outside through the open glass. His silhouette glowed in the orange light of the setting sun. "But it doesn't mean your work is finished"the figure stood still, his robes moving in the slight breeze coming through the window.

"Master" the small voice faded as the figure was left alone again.

"It's almost time to meet you face-to-face brother" the figure whispered harshly. "Hope you are ready."

In another part of the town Manik, Nandini, Abhimanyu and Mukthi was trying to piece together rest of the information. They couldn't afford to miss even the smallest clues and informations.

Hope they would be ready when the time comes.


Hellllloooooo guys!!! So here is a new update.

What do you think is going to happen next? Are the brothers going to face-off soon? What happened to Manik? Any guesses? So hit me with your reviews, suggestion and guesses in the comments. Let me know what you think about the update.

P.S: I'll update Enchanted soon. *grins innocently*


Amrutha (BluebellAries)

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