Her Silenced Voice (Ouran Hig...

By colorlesssky9001

57.2K 1.7K 170

Her name is Evelyn Oshiro. She loves to play the guitar and sing. Her loving brother, Ace, supports her fully... More

Her Silenced Voice (OHSHC)
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 2*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 3*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 4*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 5*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 6*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 7*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 8*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 9*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 10*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 11*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 12*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 13*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 14*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 15*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 16*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 17*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 18*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 19*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 20*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 21*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 22*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 23*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 24*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 25*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 26*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 27*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 28*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 29*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 31*
Her Silenced Voice *ch. 32*

Her Silenced Voice *ch. 30*

490 33 4
By colorlesssky9001

Just as Pearson had said, Mom arrived shortly in a jet.

Pearson's hand held my back and braced me as the Jet landed 50 meters away.

Pearson and I looked at each other carefully before looking back. Behind us was the Host club. As the jet stopped, a door was opened and Mother walked out.

Then someone else walked out. It was a really sophisticated looking tall guy with white hair. Pearson and I looked at each other again as they walked together to greet us.

When they came up to us, Mom gave Pearson a look, her eyes flitting down to his arm and back up. Understanding enough, Pearson's comforting arm left me and the guy walked up. He towered a head and a half over me.

"You must be Evelyn Worthy,"

I offered a smile to the handsome man. Nodding, he took my hand and gave me a whisper of a kiss on the cheek.

'It's nice to-'

He interrupted me with a sheepish look, "I...I actually can't understand sign language," I stopped and stared blankly at him before turning to Mom.

Pearson cleared his throat shyly, "She said that it was nice to meet you,"

"Of course she is," Mom grabbed my arm and slipped it down to my hands as she pulled me away from Pearson, "This is-" I jerked my hands away.

'No, Mom, what is this?' I signed to her, 'He doesn't even understand sign language,'

But she smiled, "She's asking for you to introduce yourself. She's a rather sentimental person,"

"Oh," He said in surprise, then turned to me, "I'm Chance Pennington. It is an honor to be your fiancee,"

I smiled at him before I turned to Mom. 'We'll talk later,' she signed.

"Can I accompany her to the Manor?" Pearson asked, stepping up.

I turned towards Pearson with a nod, but an arm stretched across my shoulders and I looked up to see Mr. Pennington, "It's best that you don't. It may be a presumptuous thing to say, but I don't know how naive my wife is. You might try to seduce her, you see,"

Pearson's hands clutched and unclutched. I didn't want to look up. Ace having heard stormed up.

"Ace," Mom laughed, "I almost didn't see you " Liar. He was the first person you spotted. I hadn't realized how fake Mom was up until now.

"Now you do," he didn't in the slightest give Mom a hit of interest. Walking up to Chance and me, he pushed Chance's hands off, "Evelyn is my sister. If anything goes on-"

I pushed him away, turning back towards Chance; my hand was placed on his arm for good measures. Surprise registered on his face; understanding that he almost compromised the Plan.

I brushed my nose with my finger lightly, a signal we've had since we were children. It meant 'Remember'.

"It seems that Evelyn doesn't want to be near you," Mom said, coming between us. I turned to Chance, who grabbed my wrist.

"Let's go. It must have been a tiring day for you," he said.

I forced a smile and nodded. As we walked, I realized Mom had stayed behind. Her arms were folded and her expression revealed her frustration.

As we sat in the jet, Chance sat across from me. His polite smiled was gone, replaced by a more comfortable smirk, "I'm so glad I got someone cute as a wife,"

I said nothing. I mean, if I had my voice I probably wouldn't speak to him in the first place.

He studied me and an attendant walked up, "Would you like some champagne?" Her purple blouse was fitted across her tummy and breasts and her skirt was no different to her rear end.

"Yes, please for the the two of us," He held my hand. As she nodded and walked away, he leaned slightly out into the aisle to watch the attendant walk away. Glaring flatly at him, he turned back and laughed.

"Aw, is my fiancee jealous?" He cooed as if I were an adorable puppy gifted to him. Oh wait, that's exactly what I was.

He tried to cup my face, but I turned away. If I could talk some sense into him, but.....I wished my voice away for selfish reasons only to want it back.

I wanted more than anything in the world to just be back to normal. The way it was when Ace and Jake and I lived together and Kai lived in a close apartment. When we were always in need of milk or money, when I could at least argue with them- where I could at least say something.

"Don't make such an ugly face," He chuckled, "It's not sightly for a wife of mine,"

The attendant came back with a glass of champagne and two wine glasses. He offered an charming smile to the attendant, "Thank you, my dear." Upon obtaining flattering attention, she blushed and overpoured his drink. Fumbling the bottle with her hands, she desperately tried to remember how to hold it.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," She gasped in surprise, her face turning crimson.

"Ah..." one hand of Chance's went for a napkin, the other around her waist. What kind of guy was Chance? He looked up at her with a wink, "It's fine. If you'll help me, I need a change of clothes,"

I opened my mouth in protest but nothing came out. When I started to move, he and the attendant were already making their way to the bathroom.

Clenching my teeth, I silently cursed him. Mom walked in and I composed myself.

As she past by, she hesitated, then proceeded without looking at me. When she sat down, she spoke, "Pearson tried to convince me to let you go back to school at Ouran,"

I sat up straighter. Did he?

I only saw the curve of her jawbone, but it was enough to see her smile. "I think you are mature enough to go back. Tomorrow, you'll start attending,"

I wanted to jump and cheer. I wanted to sing and kiss Pearson. He did it! He convinced Mom that I should go to Ouran! I couldn't help but jump in my seat happily.

She probably thought that I wad repulsed by Ace. That I hated him. But no matter what is revealed, I'll go with him.

After ten minutes, Mom turned around, seeing two cups of champagne, one empty, one full. "Where is Mr. Pennington?"

Making out with the flight attendant.

'He's changing clothes in the back of the plane, his champagne spilled on him,'

Mother rolled her eyes, "He's taking an extremely long time. Go help him. He's polite and quite the charmer." I got up reluctantly. Did she know he was a sex machine? Or was she also duped by his alter ego?

'Not really,' I mouthed when she couldn't see.

Step one: I remember Ace saying with a smirk, we make signals. Evelyn and I already have one between us and it's effective. What could a good signal be?

Looking in the next room, I found it empty. Continuing, I let a long sigh out.

Step two: Depending on the person he is, we trust him to help us. It would be much easier if Mother had good taste, but sadly enough, she doesn't. Sorry Pearson, that doesn't include you. You're awesome. Evelyn. We'll leave the judgment of who to trust to you.

I cocked my head to the side as I heard voices. Walking down the aisle, I found myself at the end of the jet with a supply closet. I pushed open a closet door and the first thing I see is a purple blouse on the floor.

Looking up, I see that the lady and Pennington were making out, not noticing me yet. Her auburn bun was messy and her pale skin contrasted against Chance's slightly more tan skin.

Sorry Ace, we're going to have to take the long route. He's not trustful.

His hands roamed her waist and his thumb slipped under the side of the bra before either noticed me. Once they did, the lady blushed and hid her body, but Chance didn't seem the least bit fazed.

"Come to join us?" He asked, as he walked up to me. I wasn't going to look scared or frightened. If he was such a bad person, I'd never forgive myself if I backed down.

After a moment of utter silence, he looked away and laughed. "Just kidding, geez, you don't have to be so uptight. I guess we're done for now, Jessica,"

Uptight? Just kidding? Every word he said disgusted me.

"I'm Jennifer," She corrected, but upon hear the 'for now' she brushed off the offense.

As Chance put a new shirt on, I turned away to leave.

As I got halfway back to our seats, Chance caught up. "It's so cute that you're jealous," I said nothing. Or more....I couldn't. And even if I could, what would I say?

Suddenly, a hand gripped my shoulder tightly. Whipping me around, I looked up to face Chance. If he didn't disgust me so much, he probably would have been a decent candidate.

"Giving me the silent treatment?" He asked. Leaning down, his lips next to my ears, he started to whisper, "Let me tell you a secret. I like quiet girls."

When he pulled back, I glared at him through my lashes. After a second of angering silence, I turned away.

Step three: We have to meet up a lot. Keep updating each other so we're one step ahead of Mom. First choice would be Ouran, but we have to convince Mother that you can go. If not, go to the park and carve a code name onto the tree. Evelyn, you remember the signs right?

Yeah, Ace, I remember really well. It would be a duck if I wanted to meet up at the library. A rose if I wanted to meet at the lake. An infinity sign if I wanted to meet at the amusement park. A music note if I wanted to meet at the studio. And to know it was me. I'd tie a red ribbon on the branch and mark it with an E.

But that wasn't necessary. Pearson managed to convince Mom.

And I would be able to meet them, right? i'd be able to be with the Host club and Ace.

That was all that really mattered to me.

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