My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)

By hein_girl

104K 3K 678

Kasei Asugh had the perfect life, set to be the next big name in ballet until everything pirouette's off her... More

1. Perfection is key
2. My Crazy Best Friend
3. Job Searching
4. Hired Pt1
5. Hired Pt2
6. No Longer a Newbie
7. Going to the barre
8. Family Dinner
9. You're always working
10. Going to be a Problem
11. Jake's POV
12. I'm Stealing This
13. I'm Moving Out
14. The Gym
15. Gym//Jake's POV
16. First Time For Everything
18. My Hero
19. All these boxes
20. Intense Game of Hide and Seek
21. House Party
22. Let's Go Clubbing-Dakota POV
23. Jake's Girl
24. Date With Jake
25. Genius-Dakota POV
26. Phone Call
27. Mushy Heart
28. Who Knew Shopping Was This Fun
29. Supper With Em
30. Talk It Out
31. Girl Time
32. Or Eat Me?
33. Only You
34. Happier(DPOV)
35. Why Do I Associate With Y'all?
36.Parent Introductions
37. The Harsh Truth
38. Answers
39. California
ā†“ā†“ Exciting news y'all read this ā†“ā†“
40. Room Service
41. Talk with the Scott's
42. Audition Realization
43. Unexpected Visitor-DPOV
44. Quick Visit
45. Finally Home
46. Dress Shopping
47. Why Else?
48. Business Dinner
49. The Race
50. The sober, smart one
51. M.I.A
52. You need help
53. How's He Doing?
54. Don't Mess With The Redhead
55. Make a difference
56. Trouble
57. Busy, busy
58. Finally
59. How It's Supposed To Go
60. Breaking Ground
61. Chicago
62. Girls Night Out
63. Meeting Her
64. Walk Through
65. Dysfunctional
66. Cloud Nine
67. My Kind Of Perfection

17. Pizza Hut-Jake POV

2.3K 71 8
By hein_girl

Okay! Okay! I know. ANOTHER JAKE chapter.

AND SO sooon???!?!?

My wattpad has been crappy lately, and EVEN though I said imma post on winter break, I didn't.


For some reason I love writing in Jake's perspective. Am I the only one that LOVES Jake here? AWEES the first sentence!

They neeeeed to get together and be together for the next 837598756571650 yearsss. ExCePT MWAHAHAHA I have a little plan up my sleeve.

I know. I'm evil.

Tap the little star at the bottom of the page if you like! PLEASE!? I see a couple of you vote on every chapter... LOVE YOUS SO MUCH! YOUS ARE MY favorite!

Love to all of yous!

Guys...Yous isn't a word.... I VOTE WE MAKE IT ONE!! ;P



She is incredible. I want her to be mine.

Like, actually mine, not just mine between the sheets. I mean, I guess I barely know her, but I hang out with her, she is a lot of fun to be with. I'd be extremely jealous of her and Thorn's 'friendship' if not for the fact that I know he has been in love with another girl for years. NO idea who she is, but he always says nice things about her. He's also a really great person, and I know that he's fiercely protective. I'd trust him with my life, he's basically my brother, and if something were to happen to any of the girls, he'd deal with it. It's happened to Keila, and he's always watched over and protected her.

(A/N: This is where WE laugh because we know more than you Jake! It's yo sisssstaaa)

I glance over at Kasey, who's currently sitting across the table from me, and not-so subtly checking me out. I find it adorable that she checks me out when she thinks I'm not looking, and really doesn't understand how attractive I find her. And HOLY CRAP she smells good. When she wrapped her arms around me tightly, her fingers digging into my abs on the bike, I wished I had taken the long way to Pizza Hut. And her excitement as she hopped of the bike and started gushing... I almost lost it. I adjust myself when she looks back down at the menu and sigh.

I'm whipped.

I look up again as Kasey is giving me a questioning look. I think she said something.

"Sorry what?"

"A penny for your thoughts?" She grins.

Sorry baby girl. Ain't happening. "I was just thinking about how much you liked riding." I give her an appropriate version of my thoughts.

Her whole face lights up when she smiles. "Yeah. That was so much fun. Thanks." She looks as though she wants to say something else, but a blush covers her cheeks and she looks down.

When she blushes, she doesn't just have the tips of her cheeks turn a little pink, her whole face will turn red, and the blush will creep down to the tops of her boobs. It's unique, and adorable.

Before I can ask her thoughts, the waiter comes up to our table.

"Okay, guys. Here are your drinks." He says to Kasey, placing them down. "Have you decided what you want to eat..?"

The way he's looking at Kasey makes me feel territorial, but she isn't even mine yet, so I don't really have a place to say anything.

He peels his eyes off her for a second to look in my direction as I start talking.

"I'll have a medium Cheese pizza. Actually, make 2 slices 3 meat, 2 slices Hawaiian, and the rest cheese." I change my mind

"Okay, and for yourself?" his gaze goes back to Kasey.

"Um... a light salad, no dressing."

I roll my eyes. "Could you actually make it a large? I'll want to share some with my fiancée." I shoot him a smug look as he fumbles for his notepad for a second before he regains his composer.

"Right. Um, sure. And congrats." He speeds off.

"Fiancée? Really JT?"

"Jake. And yes. If you just say girlfriend, they don't think it's serious enough to back off all the time." I say calmly, taking a sip of my drink. "Do you ever hear them say congrats she's your girlfriend?"

She rolls her eyes, and looks annoyed. "Seriously. We aren't even dating."

"Yet." I mutter.

She sighs. "I don't have time to date. It's not really my thing."

"Well you have time to be here, don't you?" I wink.

She shrugs and looks at me. "I guess. But I have work...and dance..." Kasey drifts off, biting her lip. "And my application dance is in like, a week... I hafta move in this weekend..."

"Right...You do dance."

"Yeah. It's rather funny, because before I started working at Joanie's, I had the same barre class as Erin, and I didn't even know." She laughs.

I try my best to look like I understand what she's saying, but I apparently fail miserably. "Okay, baby. You lost me at 'bar'." I mutter.

She giggles loudly. "Okay. Not 'bar' its 'barre' with two r's and an 'e' it's different."

"Okay." I nod. Still don't get it. "So is that some ballet thing?"

She laughs again. "Well, actually not only Ballet. But yes, I do ballet. Hmm, how do I explain this...?" She mutters to herself. "Okay. Umm, have you watched again dance movies?"

I straighten. "Yeah, actually. I have a younger cousin, and she loves watching dance movies. I've watched all the Step Up movies a zillion times, and a few other ones. I don't know the names..." Finally, I kind of know what I'm talking about. I never would tell the boys of this, though.

"Okay. Well, I'm not sure if they have a barre in that movie... they probably do. It's that pole attached to like, a mirror or something."

"Oh!" I exclaim. "Yeah! Like those wheelchair safety things! Except you stick your leg on it."

She snorts with laughter. "Oh, Jake."

I flush with embarrassment. "Well, I mean..."

"More like the thing they had in 'Shake It Off.' Silly."

I huff. "Yeah, well I don't make a big habit of watching Taylor Swift videos." I chuckle.

"Yeah, but most people know what a barre is." Kasey laughs.

"Whatever." Seeing her laugh brings a smile on my face, even if she thinks I'm crazy.

"Okay, Guys. Here's your food. Careful, it's hot." The waiter interrupts, bringing our food.

"Thank you." Kasey smiles at him, then turns to me.

"Enjoy." He starts walking away.

She flicks me, and shoots me a look similar to the one I would get from a Mother. "What?"

She blinks at me, discreetly nodding in his direction. Oh. Right.

"Thanks." I mutter in his direction. "Geez. I see what the guys mean." I huff playfully.

She puts her fork down and frowns, playing with a strand of her hair. "What do they say about me?"

I place a slice of pizza on my plate, chuckling. "Don't worry, Kase. I was joking."

"Oh. Okay. I'm sorry, it's just...Well...I'm just often bossy...and I scold people." She bites her lip.

"That's okay, Kasey. It's just the way you were raised. Your mom taught you that way." I assure, taking another bite of my pizza.

"Well, um." She looks down. "Actually, my mother never really taught me motherly stuff..."

I frown. I'm learning more about her, and I feel as though there is more to her than she lets it seem. "What exactly do you mean?"

"Well, growing up, the only thing we had in common, the only thing we ever talked about, was ballet."

"Oh. Your mother is a ballerina."

"Yeah, a really famous one, actually. See, the thing is, when I was younger, my Dad left us. Um, my mom was always gone out, all over the world preforming."

"Who'd you stay at home then?" I ask her. She's clearly trying to pretend that she's indifferent, but I can tell in her eyes that she cares. I honestly could get lost in the ice blue depths of her eyes.

"Well, um I have this housekeeper, who was also kind of my Nanny...Her name is Emmaline, and honestly she's the mother that my own wasn't." Her eyes sparkle as she takes a bite of her tiny salad.

"She sounds important to you."

"Yeah, she's honestly one of my best friends. She keeps me together, with my busy schedule. Without her, I'd fall apart. She's great." Kasey gushes. "I dunno, I guess she always taught me that everyone should be treated with respect. She's the typical sassy Mexican Momma...except she's Italian."

"Ah, so THAT'S where you get it from." I chuckle. She is quite the sassy girl.

"Well, yeah. Em says I get it from my father. Apparently, he's a 'fiery one', too. Whatever that means."

I chuckle. Whatever that means...surre.

"But yeah... I dunno. I guess I am who I am because of her. She always taught by example. Hell, she's the one that makes sure I actually eat every day."

I grin. "You tend to forget to eat, Red?"

She blushes. "Red?"

"You know, because you have Red hair..?"

She crinkles her nose adorably. "Whatever." She flips her hair over her shoulder and spoons another forkful of salad.

I finish up my first piece. "Are you sure you don't want to have any of these?" I gesture at the pizza.

Her gaze flicks to them, and she looks as though she does want one, but she denies it.

"No, I don't eat pizza."

I swallow hard. "You're joking."

She shakes her head, hair curtaining her face. "I don't eat bad food." She states.


"Well..." She hesitates. "Like I said earlier...Dakota manages to convince me of anything, usually, but I make sure only to on off days."

"Off days?" I smile in amusement.

"Yeah. Days that I can eat junk food without feeling too guilty." She blushes and looks down at her empty plate.

"I see. You ordered a salad, so I'm assuming that it's not one of your 'off days' today?"

"Well I went to Ballet practice with my teacher the other day, and she says that I need to be hardcore every day until application dance. So every day until then I hafta eat healthy." She takes a sip of her Pepsi.

"And you can still drink Pepsi?" I point out.

She pins me with a glare. "NOBODY. Can ever take my Pepsi from me."

I hold my hands up in surrender. "Okay, Okay. I get it. I just thought you would be the healthy smoothie type of girl."

She sighs and suppresses a shudder. "To be honest, Em makes me a smoothie almost every morning..." She leans closer to me. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What?"

"I hate it." She whispers.

I pull back. "You hate Ballet?"

"NO!" She thinks. "I'm not sure of that yet. I was saying I hate smoothies."

"Ah. Okay." I try to fight the smile tugging at my lips.

"Yeah. You can't tell anyone though, okay?" she holds out her pinky.

I look at it, then look at her. "Okay." I hook my pinky around hers, unsuccessfully hiding my smile. This girl is somethin' else.

"Are you laughing at me?"

I bite my lip. "No..."

"You're gonna tell someone though, aren't you."

I get an idea as I see her gaze flick down to the half-eaten pizza. "Well..."

She huffs. "You are evil."

"If you eat a full piece of pizza, I won't." I cross my heart with one finger. Her gaze follows the finger, and stays there, even after I drop my hand. I smirk. This girl.

"A full piece?" She repeats.

"Yep." I nod once.

She sighs. "Well, okay." She reaches over and grabs the tiniest piece.

"Okay. No." I huff.

"What?" She blinks innocently.

"It has to be that one." I point to the biggest piece of them all.

"I already touched this one." She sasses.

"That shouldn't count as a piece." I sass back.

"Well I can't put it back, can I?" Kasey challenges, taking a big bite of the pizza. She closes her eyes for a moment with how good it is.

"Otay. Dis is welly fuckin good." She mumbles through her mouthful.

I smirk. "Told ya. But you still have to eat that one." I plopped the big one down on her plate.

"I'm not hungry." She says.

Her stomach rumbles and I roll my eyes. "Sure. Well. We aren't leaving until you eat that!"

She huffs and finishes the first piece. There's a smear of sauce on the corner of her mouth, and I lean over and wipe it off with my thumb.

Her eyes turn hooded as she watches my movements. I lick off my finger.

She bites her lip and looks down at her pizza, grabbing her fork and knife and cutting it into tiny pieces. "How am I supposed to eat this all? It's so big!" she huffs, then looks up at my smirk in embarrassment. "Merda. You make everything sound bad."

"I didn't say that, baby girl. You did." My voice has turned husky, and I realize that I'm not going to keep my agreement.

I get up, heading in the direction of the bathroom. "I'll be back."

I take a deep breath in and scrub my hand over my face. Such a dumbass for thinking I could handle my promise not to touch her until we are dating.

"Having a hard time dealing with that babe, man?" A guy washing his hands says.

"You checking out my girl, dick?" I snap back. I'm not in the mood to deal with this.

"Hell yeah I've been checking out your bitch." He smirks.

"Don't fucking call her that." I say sharply

"What? A bitch?"

"Okay. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that one as long as you agree to walk out of this place and never fucking cross paths with either of us ever again, Okay?" I grit my teeth. I can't stand when people talk shit about girls.

"Probably haven't gotten laid. You need to chill the fuck down." He chuckles. "A shame. Hot bitch like her not putting out..."

That's it. I growl and punch him in the nose, satisfied at the blood that begins pouring out. "You need to get your sorry ass out of here now, understood?"

He whimpers. "It's a free country, man."

"That doesn't mean that you haven't pissed me off by respecting my woman. JT, leader of Hawks MC. Pleased to meet you."

"Kevin- Whattt? Wait. THE HAWKS MC?"

"The very one." I grip his shoulder, steering him out of the bathroom in the direction of the door. As I open it and shove him out, I hiss: "When you go home to mommy and she asks why you're ugly—ass face is uglier than usual, tell her you're in the Hawks' bad books."

"Wait..." He stutters. "Um, look-"

"No. you don't get to call people bitches. Especially when you don't even know them, understood?" I growl.


"You are in the bad books. Permanently." I huff, crack my sore knuckles, and head back to the table, where Kasey is absentmindedly inspecting a lock of her red hair. 

I'm aware of how blissfully innocent this girl is. I'm gonna end up corrupting her, but the truth is, I'm too selfish to pull away.

Love you



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