My Love is a Star (BTS Suga F...

By Kalliopey

195K 5.5K 4K

Every girl would dream of dating their favorite celebrity. But if it does come true, is it really a dream wor... More

1. The mix up
2. It's a date!
4. Got stood up
5. The voice inside my head
6. Fan Meeting
7. Found you
8. Make up
9. Stay with me
10. Run away
11. Nami
12. A taste of France
13. A lovely day
14. Stay the night
15. Connect the dots
16. A night to remember
17. A love to make
18. Worth it
19. The morning after
20. Judgment day
21. A story to tell
22. Thinking out loud
23. The struggle
24. Last Minute Thoughts
25. One last look
26. The Stages of Grief
27. Denial
28. Anger
29. Bargaining
30. Depression
31. Acceptance
32. On the other side
33. The Awards Night
34. On the sidelines
35. The After Party
36. Almost
37. In a sea of faces
38. Looking into your eyes
39. Commitment
40. Right time at the right moment
41. No more goodbyes
42. Bliss
43. First Fight
44. 100
45. An end to Selfishness
46. Comparison
47. The Break up
48. The Liar
49. Walking on broken glass
50. Too Little Too Late
51. The Buried Truth
52. Crystal Snow
53. The Patch
54. Behind the Surface
55. Breeze
56. Meota Iwa
57. The Set Up
58. A Change of Heart
59. Hello Stranger
60. Stranger no more
61. Blast from the past
62. Just another dream
63. Making progress
64. The call of truth
65. Sorry
66. The unexpected visitor
67. A Tempting offer
68. The Choice
69. The Big Leap
70. All that matters
71. Arrival
72. Busted
73. Cat and Mouse
74. The Blame Game
75. The Band-aid Solution
76. Rules
77. 9197
78. A Different Drink
79. The Accident
80. A new feeling
81. Rescued
82. Peppermint
83. All in the mind
84. End-game
85. Hwa Yong Yeon Hwa
86. Shutterbug
87. Embrace
88. A Broken promise
89. Do I make you proud?
90. Crushed
91. Defeated
92. Fragile and Vulnerable
93. Let me love you
94. But, what if...
95. The Invite
96. Her
97. The Start
98. Rollercoaster
99. Jungkook
100. Life is indeed an irony.
101. Come Undone
102. The Wake
103. Beautiful Eyes
104. Lies
105. Longing
106. Just Pretend
107. The Storm
108. Your Eyes Tell
109. No regrets
110. Lucid
111. Gut feeling
112. The Truth Untold
113. Dive and Drown
114. The Confession
115. Déjà vu
116. The Right Choice
117. Babe
118. Make-believe
119. Coaxed
Author's note 💜

3. To go? Or not to go?

4.9K 117 3
By Kalliopey


The meeting took almost 2 hours to finish and it bore me to death. I have very small eyes and the struggle to keep them half-open is just the hardest. Based on the smallest of details I have decently heard when I was half-awake, we were going to endorse a new cosmetic product. I forgot what the name is but schedules of photoshoots, interviews, and TV guestings were already planned out.

Our group has reached the level of popularity we members have wanted but the management is still not satisfied. They wanted us to be known overseas and spread the influence of Kpop across all nations. This is very ambitious of them I must say but who would know?

In my case, I am very much contented with what and where I am right now. I joined the industry for my love of music. I've been breathing music ever since I was thirteen. I came from a poor family and discouragement has always been given by my parents. They see no future in my passion. They would rather have me work 3 part-time jobs than waste my time composing trash as they call it. But I didn't let myself get hindered by their words. I joined various rap competitions here and there which led me to an audition on one of the entertainment companies in Seoul. I love my city, Daegu but I see no forthcoming if I just stayed there so I took the risk. Fortunately, I got accepted as a trainee but my journey didn't end there.

I had no choice but to work part-time jobs while training at the same time. My parents as supportive as they can be didn't give much thought to sending me money for food and stuff. I trained for 2 years and here I am.

As a member of a boyband, we're expected to be well.. good looking and uber-talented. I only knew rap at first but to debut, I had to push myself to learn how to sing and dance. I've only worn black and white clothes my whole life in Daegu and yet now, we are forced to wear neon colors for Pete's sake. Totally not my thing but yes, I wear them. Bunny ears and flower crowns? Yes, I wear them. I don't really understand why girls love to see us wearing those girly shits but whatever.

Jin: "Suga. I heard you met a girl in that café you always go to." He playfully teased.

Jungkook: "Yeppeo Hyung?"

I just rolled my eyes and made a grumpy face. I'm not really in the mood for talking. I just want to get some sleep.


I finally got into our apartment and my feet are sore from walking. Jennie and Yoona met me at the café and insisted we'd have dinner before we hit the sack. I agreed not knowing we'd be on a shopping spree again. These girls are such suckers for clothes!

I quickly changed into my pajamas. Getting a shower is not a priority right now, sleep is. I'm dead tired. How long will I have to put up with these shopaholics??!!

Tomorrow's another day. Another typical day in Seoul. Then something came to mind, someone rather.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I can't help but smile at the thought of him. He was very comforting. I mean he feels like home to me. I don't know. Do you ever feel like you've known someone for a long time when you actually just met them? That's exactly how I feel about him. Recalling our conversation makes me grin sheepishly. I've never really thought I'd befriend someone out here much more befriend an Idol as they call it. The odds seem to be in my favor. I giggled.

"What's so funny?" Yoona asked.

"Nothing!" I squished up against my pillow and turned my back on her.

He still didn't message me though. What could he be up to right now?


I cozied up on the sofa of my studio. Jin, my roommate was still trying to win over the AI of some silly computer game. Since I'm not really into games, I left. I badly need peace and quiet so here I am.

I literally live in this studio. This room pretty much sums up who I really am. This is my sweet escape from the cruel world outside.

I turned on some music and read the message sent by my older brother asking me how I was. I was too tired to reply so I put my phone away. I closed my eyes and was starting to drift off when a face appeared in my thoughts. Rozie. I tried to recall our conversation and I'm actually having second thoughts about tomorrow. Yes, she's pretty interesting but is she really worth my time? I barely sleep for 3 straight hours. And. It's. Risky. People could see me with her. And the list just goes on and on.

Oh well. She'll be gone in a few days so might as well not go. I'd rather stay... here... and.... zzzzzzz

To be continued...

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