Used and Abused

By ohsobiebah

49.6K 1.3K 209

In this twisted love and war, thoughts will be provoked and blood will be shed--some will die. Nothing will e... More

Chapter 1; The past never dies
Chapter 2; Safety
Chapter 3; Eyes
Chapter 4; Walls
Chapter 5; The crack within
Chapter 6; The Family Business
Chapter 7; Unique
Chapter 8; Friendship
Chapter 9; Worried
Chapter 10; Lips.
Chapter 11; Weakness
Chapter 12; Distance is good for the soul
Chapter 13; 'Fine...'
Chapter 14; let down
Chapter 15; Finding....
Chapter 17; Find yourself...
Chapter 18; A brother
Chapter 19; Treaty
Chapter 19; Miley
Chapter 20; Visitors
Chapter 21; I don't want to be here
Chapter 22; Maybe....
Chapter 23; Wake up call...
Chapter 24; Back to Reality
Chapter 25; In place
Chapter 26; Anger
Chapter 27; The Truth
Chapter 28; All That Matters
Chapter 29; Needed words and promises
Chapter 30; Memories goodbyes and fear
Chapter 31; Smug
Chapter 32; The Cabin in the Woods
Chapter 33; Tense
Chapter 34; his muse
Chapter 35; Promise
Chapter 36; Intertwined
Chapter 37; Secure Transfer
Chapter 38; We need him
Chapter 39; Carl
Chapter 40; Assured
Chapter 41; Shopping and distractions
Chapter 42; Moments
Chapter 43; Support
Chapter 44; Faith
Chapter 45; The Patriarch
Chapter 50; Awaken
Chapter 51; Realization
Chapter 52; Surprise
Chapter 53; Here we go
Chapter 54; Finally
Chapter 55: The End

Chapter 16; Tracking....

886 25 2
By ohsobiebah

Justin's p.o.v

"Justin?" Sam asked standing to her feet. I smiled over at her and nodded. I was surely not expecting to see her here of all places.

"What are you doing here?" She asked walking towards me. She was wearing a short red dress that revealed parts of her body that I didn't want to see. She smiled from ear-to-ear.

"I am doing business here." I said looking at two of my body guards. They eyed my sister carefully. "Wait for me outside." I said gesturing for them to leave. They followed my orders and walked out the front door of the overrated restaurant.

"I haven't seen you in years you look; different." She said looking at me from head-to-toe.

"Some things change." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Are you here with Martin?" I asked looking at the table that she was sitting at before she saw me.

"No," She said and looked down at her feet. I raised my eyebrows curiously. "I am here with some of my new friends. Martin and everyone else are back in Canada. I go to college here in LA." She said shyly.

"I didn't know that, but congrats. I'm sure you are enjoying yourself." I said. I was surprised, but happy for my little sister.

"Yes, I am studying fashion." She smiled. That wasn't surprising considering she loved fashion.

"Not much of surprise." I laughed lightly. "Well, you better get back to your dinner. I have some more business to take care of tonight." I cleared my throat. "I will see you around." I nodded before turning on my heal and walking away.

"We should get coffee while you are in town." She shouted before I walked away.

"I will see what I can do." I smiled and walked out of the restaurant. I always had time for my sister.

"Everything okay boss?" My body guards asked.

"Everything is fine." I said walking to the car.

After I got back to my house I went to my office. My sister was living here in LA, and no one told me about it. I grabbed my burn phone and dialed Martin's old number.

"Hello," He said into the phone.

"It's Justin." I spoke sternly.

"Justin, I didn't think I would ever hear from you again." He said lowly as if he was trying to hide the fact that he was talking to me.

"Well surprise." I said. "Why are you whispering?" I asked sternly.

"I am out with some old friend. We are alone now." He said.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked curiously.

"Sure," He spoke unsure of what I might ask.

"Where is my sister?" I asked sternly.

"Oh, umm she is in college. She wanted to get her degree in fashion." He spoke shyly. He seemed afraid to tell me, and he should be.

"And where are you?" I asked, hoping he would catch my suspicion.

"Justin, I am sorry. She broke up with me a few months after you left. She was going through a rough time, and after Miley left she broke. I tried to help her, encourage her, and show her that I would always be there for her no matter what. She just didn't want me, and she pushed me away. She is a lot like you in that area. I tried. I even followed her to college but she told me that she would file a police report, and tell them that I was stalking her, and a bunch of other horse shit if I didn't leave her alone. I had no choice. I still check in on her every now and then." He spoke. He seemed on edge and hurt.

"Wait. Miley left?" I was surprised, and not happy about just finding this out.

"Yeah, she left a letter for Sam, and it seemed to explain everything that had been bothering her. Miley just really needed to find herself."

"When did she leave?" I asked.

"About two weeks after you left." He replied.

"No one told me?" I asked raising my voice at this point I was pissed.

"What were we supposed to do? You took off and you made it pretty clear that we should never bother you again." He breathed. "I can promise you that your sister is in good hands. She is safe." He said also raising his voice.

"I believe you, but your job was to protect her. I asked you to protect both of them!" I spat.

"I fucking know that! Trust me I know. I couldn't do anything about the fact that she broke up with me. She built up a wall against me and pushed me away. I'm sorry if I let you down. Miley didn't even want to be protected anymore!" He sighed.

"Okay," I breathed rubbing the back of my neck. "Does anyone know where Miley is?" I asked unsure if I really wanted to know the answer to that question.

"If anyone knows where she is, it's Zach." He sighed.

"Why on earth would Zach know that?" I nearly screamed. I didn't want that pig near my girl. Well, she wasn't my girl, but she still is mine.

"When Miley left she took Zach's car. He apparently had a chip on his car, and was able to track it. I think that he may have went to visit her early this year, but I don't know for sure." He explained.

"Fine" I spat. My blood boiling was boiling. I hung up the phone before he could say another word.

From the same phone I dialed my sister's number. I was able to track it once I knew the name of the school she was attending.

"Hello," She said.

"Hey, it's Justin." I said into the phone once I heard her voice.

"Justin? Hey!" She said. I could hear her smiling.

"How about we get coffee tomorrow morning. I don't leave town until tomorrow night so I have some extra time to catch up." I said hoping she would agree to it.

"Okay, I don't have any class tomorrow morning so that works for me."

"How about we meet at the old café on beacon road?" I asked.

"Okay, I know exactly where that is" She said. I could tell that she was happy about it.

"I will see you then." I said before hanging up.

I was excited to talk to my sister. After all, she is my sister, and I have not talked to her in a while. Now that I know what happened after I left it seems that I have some cleaning up to do. After I meet with my sister I needed to track down Zach, and then Miley.

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