Love At First Roll

By Crasieiness

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What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... More

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
'Open when...' REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
Consequences - Rewritten
Exposed - Rewritten
Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
Reunions- Rewritten
STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten
Prune Juice Is Not The Way Forward - Rewritten
Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten
Dinner Parties - Rewritten
Semi-Finals - Rewritten
Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten
Epilogue - Rewritten

Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten

100 6 0
By Crasieiness

A/N - New Characters are casted on the side.

Music for this chapter:

Rather Be - Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne.

Show Me - Kid Ink&Chris Brown

Thank you, 

C x


Nate’s POV –

“Nate what’s going on?” Aana frowned, looking like utter shit.

“Aana, why the fuck do you look like you’ve just been killed and buried?” I grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

“Nate.” Lottie glared, warningly. I backed off, not wanting to get on the bad side of my girl. Me and Lottie weren’t official but I wanted to make it official. But I wanted to get to know her before I asked. Obviously with my best friend being a big douche, now was not a good time.

“Nate, do you know what it’s fucking like having to stay awake all fucking night listening to a hormonal girl crying into your fucking lap?” Aana growled, getting louder as she went on. I think this was my que to leave but I think she would kill me so I put a hand on her shoulder and genuinely smiled at her.

“Aana, I’m sorry but he’s not telling me anything. He just keeps on saying Gabby was a fling. I don’t believe him though?” I started, looking her in the eye with sympathy.

“I swear to fucking god, I will fucking cut his balls off!” Lottie scowled, nodding at Aana. I think we were both surprised by Lott’s little outburst. She wasn’t a confrontational type and I don’t think ever heard her swear. By the looks of it, neither had Aana.

“Hi Nate.” I spun around to face Gabby. She looked worse than Aana. Her hair looked like shit and she looked like she hadn’t changed since the game. It had been two days and she was still wearing the jersey. All that had changed was she had ditched she shoes and socks.

“Hi Gabby.” I smiled. She just nodded and didn’t bother to acknowledge anybody else. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she was wearing nothing else but that black jersey. She walked straight over to the freezer, pulled out a pot of Ben and Jerry’s and started eating it with her hand. I looked at Aana who just shrugged then at Lottie who looked disgusted.

“Gabby, I was just saying to Aana and Lottie, I and the boys are going out tonight. Do you want to come? I’d love for them and you to meet you guys. You don't obviously have to.” I smiled, earning glares from Aana.

“Yep, we’ll be there.” Gabby grinned and walked out. Oh god, what is she up to. Why did I do that, I’m going to so die. Mark’s going to be there and so is Gabby. I'm pretty sure one of the girls were going to hit me in a second and as soon as Gabby was out, I got Aana's wrath. 

“What the fuck was that, asshole?” Aana practically screamed, stepping closer to me.

“I thought it would take her mind off it.” I shrugged, trying not to shit my pants. “Look I’m going ok, meet at Vanity? About seven ish?

“Whatever Nate, but I’m not driving.” Aana mumbled, collapsing on the breakfast bar and stuffing a chicken nugget in her mouth.

Aana’s POV –

“I wouldn’t say it to his face but he’s a keeper babe.” I smiled at Lottie, poking her cheeks.

“Aana, I think he’s the one.” Lottie smiled, avoiding eye contact with me.

“It will happen babe. I know it.” I grinned, lying across her lap and switching on the TV.

Since the game, Gabby had locked herself in her room, hence why I was surprised when she came down earlier. Although, we all know there’s nothing separating her and food. As far as I know, Mark hadn’t phoned her or even given her a text. The only thing that resembled an explanation even a little bit was ‘Gabby was just a fling’. Nate hadn’t told Gabby that because I’m about 99% sure that she would stop eating all together if she did hear. Rihana and Ron had gone back home as they had work and it was closer from there. Me and Lottie had decided to stay as Gabby’s parents were still gone and my parents were on holiday too.

I looked up at Lottie who was now asleep, with her head rested on the arm rest. We both slept in with Gabby in the nights, which meant her crying on us all night was a daily thing. I glanced at the clock and it was already five in the evening which meant we had about two hours before we had to go and meet the Nate and his asshole friend. I hoped for his sake that he didn’t come near any of us. I was still trying to figure out why Gabby agreed to it; surely she had a plan, which I was excited to find out. Before I forgot, I grabbed my phone and texted Rihana and Ron to meet us here at seven.

“LOTTIE! AANA! CHARLOTTE! AANA! WAKE UP!” Somebody shouted, shaking my shoulders furiously.

“Leave me alone.” I muttered and drifted off again. The next thing I know is I was being pushed on the floor. Once I had face planted the floor, another weight dropped on to me. Definitely awake.

“Lottie, get off!” I growled, pushing her off me. I looked up at Gabby who was grinning at me, whilst eating a sausage and looking satisfied. “What’s wrong with you child?”

“It’s quarter to seven assholes, you need to get ready. You’ve been asleep for ages.” She smiled, pointing to the blanket which was now on the floor.

“Oh thanks.” I mumbled, still half asleep. I glanced up at the clock again and realised she was right. We literally had fifteen minutes to get ready. I looked over at Gabby who was already dressed. I laughed at her plan and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Sexy right?” she laughed and turned on her heel to answer the door. She was wearing a very tight lacy black Bodycon dress, red stilettos and little red blazer. I guess she was taking the Green Monster to him. I nudged Lottie and she just laughed. I knew that this night was not going to end well, plus I wasn’t driving. Perks. I pulled Lott up and dragged her up the stairs behind me, winking at Ron and Rihana in the process. I pulled out a plum coloured peplum dress and slipped it on with my purple platforms and black biker jacket. I tied my hair up into a donut bun and grabbed the black earrings and choker off the desk, clipping them both on. Lottie was in a blue stretch dress, navy kitten heels and a denim jacket. I was surprised as she hated any kind of heels; she kept to Converse and flats. Somehow  we managed to get ready in under thirty minutes which was a plus, of course. I guess it was only chucking on some clothes and looking presentable.

We both went downstairs to meet the girls. I looked at the time and it was only ten past seven. For us, that was record time, although we were still late. Ron and Rihana were both wearing long sleeved black stretch dresses and white converse. I guess they were going for the ‘twin’ act tonight. We all hugged each other because we hadn’t seen each other in a whole two days.

“I called a cab because I know Aana didn’t want to drive. It should be here right about now.” By pure coincidence, the taxi pulled up a few seconds later. Bruno Mars’s Runaway Baby started to ring, we all looked at Lottie. She shrugged and pulled out her phone from her purse.

“Yep, in the taxi.” I assumed it was Nate checking where we were. “Five minutes.” “Ok. Bye.”

“Nate?” Ron asked. She nodded and went back to day dreaming.

When we finally arrived, the sun had gone down and the club looked packed. The que was going around the corner. Luckily for me, I knew the bouncer. We exited the taxi, paid and walked straight to the front of the que, ignoring the evils the people in the que were giving us. As soon as we entered I spotted Nate, Mark and a some other boys. Gabby obviously spotted Mark too as her posture stiffened and her smile dropped, she realised I had noticed and quickly replaced it with a grin. Confidently, she struts over to the table and greets the boys, not even stealing a sneaky glance at Mark. Proud friend. I watched the scared looks on the girls face’s slip off. At least that was over and done with. I felt so much more relaxed knowing she wasn’t going to break down. I greeted Nate, nodded at Mark and waited to be introduced to the other boys by Nate.

“Girls, this is Joe, who I assume you’ve already met. This is Sean and finally Chris.” They were all pretty hot and muscular. We all greeted each other and sat around the booth in the corner.

“I’ll order the shots.” I smiled and made my way to the bar. 

“Aana, wait!” I looked back to see the guy who met us at the game, walking up to me.

“Oh sorry, did you want something else? Let me guess, not an alcohol person?” I smiled, slightly cringing at how close he was to my face. The music was very loud and there were people everywhere, hence why his face which practically touching mine.

“No, I just thought I would help you. With those heels, you probably wouldn’t get back to the table with all forty shots.” He smirked, looking down at my platforms. Now I was thinking about it, I don’t know how I would have dodged all these drunken assholes with a tray of shots. We reached the bar and I ordered the shots, telling the bartender to put it on my account.

“You have an account here? Impressive?” He shouted, pretending to look shocked. I rolled my eyes at him and explained that the bartenders a friend also this is the only place we really come to. He nodded and pulled out his wallet, pulling out a black card and handing it to the guy. “Put all of the drinks on my tab.” The bartender just nodded and went back to the drinks.

“I could have paid for a few drinks.” I scowled.

“It was forty shots and you’ve only just got here. You probably work a minimum wage job, I on the other hand, don’t. Practically a millionaire babe. Don’t fret.”

God he was such an asshole. Yes he was right but bloody hell. Cocky bastard. I grabbed the tray and walked back to table. Making sure not to drop and prove a point. Fortunately, I reached the table with no harm done. Chris shared out the shots and counted to three. As soon as he got to three. Everyone had picked up a shot and downed it, one after the other. The liquid burned like a freaking bitch. I could feel my head starting to spin. I looked over at Gabby who had finished all four, whilst we were all still on our third. I looked around the table at the boys. Mark looked pretty shitty but he kept the fake smile plastered on to his face. I could tell he felt awkward around Gabby and I’m sure she was the same. Although, she wasn’t showing any negative emotion. I turned my attention towards Sean who looked just as depressed as Mark. He hadn’t talked so far or even looked interested in the small talk that was going on. Everybody was talking to each other in little groups. Chris was definitely the joker in the group, he was telling joke after joke. He was talking to Ri about something. Lottie looked totally engrossed in a conversation with Nate. Gabby was talking to Ron and laughing loudly at something which probably wasn’t at all funny. Mark caught my eye and I pointed to the balcony doors. I jumped up and walked out, nodding at Ron.

It was so much nicer outside. The fresh air was so good, although it was quite cold. Luckily, I had bought my jacket, knowing the weather wasn’t reliable.  Mark walked out a second later, joining me at the little table in the corner. This part of the club was mostly wear people came to talk or get away from the stuffy aroma.  You couldn’t hear the music from here and it was outside so the wind did you a great deal. I knew what I wanted to say and I’m pretty sure he knew as well. The drink had not got to me yet so I found it a great time to talk to him.

“Look let me just tell you now, give me a bullshit answer and I’ll throw you over this balcony.” I growled at him. He nodded and started to relax abit.

“How is she?”

“How do you think?”

“That bad?”

“This is the first time she’s left her room and actually talked to us. She’s been crying every night and doesn’t sleep very well.” I frowned. He looked down, playing with his hands.

“I’m sorry Aana.”

“I know you care about her because you haven’t stopped looking at her tonight. So what’s the real reason you left her?”

“I have a wife.”

“Don’t give me shit.”

“Aana, it’s complicated.”

“Do you care about her?”


“Then tell me why.”


“Work?” I questioned.


“Oh god, this is a publicity stunt isn’t it. The wife, she isn’t your wife?” How the freak didn’t I see this before.

“Aana please, you can’t tell anybody about this. My career depends on this.”

“How long?”

“Until the end of the Olympics. About a month?”

“Ok. Does Nate know?”

“Nobody, except you and Lily-Rose.”



“Got it, come on. Let’s go.”

We walked back inside and everyone except Gabby was still in the same place.

“Gabby?” I asked.

“Dancing.” Lottie replied. “Anyway we were waiting for you. Let’s dance.” She grinned, grabbing my hand and leading me to the dance floor. “None of them wanted to dance.” She finished. We found a place in the middle and began to sway to the music, screaming out the lyrics to Clean Bandit’s Rather Be. We carried on dancing through about three songs, until Nate interrupted and stole Lottie from me. Me being me just stood there awkwardly swaying from side to side and moving away from the horny guys dancing behind me.

“Dance with me?” I spun around to meet Joe, holding his hand out to me. I grabbed it and began to dance with him. I guess he was better than dancing alone. He bought his head closer to mine and whispered in my ear.

“Sorry about earlier, you look beautiful by the way.” His breath was hot on my skin and tingled. I nodded and carried on swaying in his arms. It was nice.

“MOVE THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER.” Someone shouted. I jumped out of Joe’s arms and glanced around the dance floor. That’s when I saw Mark, Gabby and some Guy. I pulled Joe towards them. I grabbed Gabby and pulled her behind me.

“Mark, come on let’s move.” Joe started.

“Yeah go on Mark, listen to the guy.” The other guy started. If Mark didn’t hit him, I sure as hell would. Joe went from calm to pissed in about two point five seconds. Gabby walked forward and held the guy back.

“YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO HAVE A SAY IN WHO I DANCE WITH. YOU LOST THAT WHEN YOU LEFT ME YOU ASSHOLE.” She grabbed the guys hand and moved back. “Come on Luke, let’s dance.”

I stood there completely gob-smacked. Along with Mark and Joe. I just shrugged and grabbed Joe again to dance. I knew Mark cared and I know Gabs was trying to prove a point. I trusted them to do the right thing and keep out of eachothers ways, there's not much I could have done about it. After a few more songs we both moved towards the bar and ordered some drinks.

“Two JD&Cokes, one cosmopolitan and four cherry shots.” I smiled. Joe nodded and continued to stare at me. “Is there something on my face?” I frowned.

“No, gorgeous as ever. You just surprise me.”

“How so?”

“You dress so simple and you wear hardly any make up. You’re so confident. You’re not like other girls. Plus you hold your alcohol better than I do.”

“Other girls are just cliché.” I grinned and took another shot. We talked for ages about his career in Basketball and how he got involved and my ambitions. Under the cocky side, he was a really nice guy. Somewhere between the deep talks and the occasional chat up line, we exchanged numbers. Which I for one was happy about.

“Look over there.” He pointed to the corner of the bar, where Ron and Sean were eating each other’s mouths. I could not stop laughing.

“I think Ron like’s it rough.” I cackled, with my head in Joe’s chest. He was also laughing at Sean.

“Sean just got dumped, the day before the match. Hence why Mark was captain.” He laughed.

“Ooo, was it serious?”

“Marriage serious.”

“Fuck that sucks!” I frowned, with total sympathy. “Two seconds, my phone just buzzed.” I grabbed my phone and opened up the text.


From: Mark

Gabby’s a state, we got kicked out. Please come.


I showed Joe and he just laughed, and then pulled out his phone. He clicked a few buttons then put it away.

“It’s sorted. Let’s dance?” He smiled, holding out his hand. We walked over to dance floor and began to dance. He held my hand and spun me around, which left me in fits of giggles.

“Oops, sorry.” I smiled to the girl I had accidently hit.

“Did you just hit my girl?” A guy growled from behind the girl. Oh god and what made it worse I was still laughing. The guy looked quite built but I wasn’t threatened.

“She said sorry.” Joe shouted over the music, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

“Whatever just keep your whore on a leash.” he retorted.

“Excuse me?” I shouted. However, Joe was in there before me and landed a fist on the guys’ cheek. Before I could do anything both guys were scrapping. Luckily the other guy hadn't landed one on Joe yet but we still managed to cause a scene.

“You two, out!” Shouted the bouncer from behind us, pushing us both out.

“Come on, Ryan. That wasn’t our fault.” I frowned at the bouncer.

“Sorry Aana.”  He smiled as he pushed us out the door. Asshole. Me and Joe both erupted in laughter, collapsing against each other.

“Thank you.” I grinned, laying my head in his chest.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” He smiled, holding me close and climbing into the taxi. For some reason we had arrived back at mine but I didn't argue, probably because I couldn't. I'm surprised I was still standing.

“It’s been a nice night Aana, thanks.”

“Stay?” I smiled, holding his hand. He grabbed his phone, texted somebody and slipped it back into his pocket.

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