Power (The Drug Lord's Wife #...

By awesomegal15

827K 35.2K 2.5K

Back together again in the romantic and magical city of Paris, Jennifer and Adam are cruising down a mirthful... More

For the Children
Game on
Mini Date
You're Like My Goals
One Single Moment
Battle Ready
Estanque de León
I Have a Plan
El Paso
You Can
Don't Make Me Regret
The Holy Trinity
On Top of the World
Happy Birthday
6 out of 10
Date Night
The Meeting
O God
Dream Come True
Your Mess
Tell Me
Just Us
Thank You
Home Alone
Lets Talk
Questions and Compromise
We Will


24.3K 897 36
By awesomegal15

Chapter 6


I love waking up; I get the best view in the world, Jennifer in my shirts, in our bed. She was still fast asleep, a rare thing that I was finding out. I had never met someone who no matter what time they went to bed always woke up at 7 o'clock no matter what. Looking at the clock I thought rebel, it was 9am.

She looked so peaceful.

There was a little knock at the door, "Jen!" Kairi's voice came through the door. I wanted Jennifer to sleep more, but her eyes shot open at the mention of her name. She stretched and said good morning to me got up and opened the door to let Kairi in.

Anytime Brandon needed a co-parent Jennifer was there, which means I was there too. She and Brandon had talked about an open door policy with Kairi. So at any point at night Kairi can go in to Brandon's room and at any point in the morning she can come into ours for Jennifer. It made me think back to my childhood, I would never go into my Mom's room, mainly because if Rodger caught me, he would have beaten the shit out of me.

Kairi was still in her pajamas she ran pass Jennifer to jump on the bed. I got up, kissed Jennifer and walked in to the bathroom. I could hear them talking.

"Good morning, Kairi! How did you sleep?" Jennifer said cheerfully. I both loved and hated that she was a morning person. I would need crack to have her kind of energy.

"I was a cat with powers and I froze my kingdom, then I took over the world., Daddy told me to stop and come home so, I did". Every morning she told us of a bizarre dream she had the night before. They really caught you off guard.

"How dare he", Jennifer said playing along. "Have you brushed your teeth this morning?" She asked.

"Yep", Kairi said.

"Washed your face?" Jennifer questioned.

"Yes, I get a star on my wall chart?" Kairi said excitedly.

"That depends did you made your bed?" Jennifer said.

Kairi let out a big yes.

"Then, you get your gold star", Jennifer said excitedly, Kairi was overjoyed. Since Jennifer got her teaching certificate she had taken over teaching Kairi Science, Math and a little engineering. What is really impressive is Jennifer is making her more independent. Last year, I knew Kairi was dependant on her nanny's and Brandon to a crippling point. Brandon had always complained it was one of the reasons he couldn't keep a nanny for long and with the drug threats none of them lasted longer than two months.

Jennifer's chart for Kairi was something new too, every time Kairi did her routine or was a big girl she got a star. Once she achieved 100 stars on her chart, we would take her to Disneyland. We could easily buy the whole park out today, but Jennifer said that defeated the purpose of her earning it and Brandon had agreed.

Jennifer was going to be a good mom one day; just how she is with Kairi and Jemma showed me that. I liked the idea of her growing bigger with my kid inside her; we hadn't really talked about the subject. Maybe in the future, I know I would have to step up more. I was shit with kids, I started taking care of Michael when he was 12 but he wasn't really a child then. I was 19 the first time I held a baby-Kairi. I never figured I would want children; the drug world isn't kind to innocents. Hell, I never wanted a real relationship until I met Jennifer and now, I can see that happening; wife, kids, Sunday dinners, which have somehow become an unspoken mandatory thing.

Damn, even a minivan.

Financially I could provide, but so could Jennifer well definitely after med school but she could do it now if she had to.

I looked back into the bedroom, Jennifer was doing Kairi's hair on the bed and Kairi was watching the TV.

What do I bring to the table that she can't do by herself? Not a lot. I would never be like Rodger that's for damn sure. You underestimate yourself I could hear Jennifer's voice in my head, I smiled at that. Walking out of the bathroom into t our walk in closet Jennifer called.

"Adam, do you have time for breakfast? Or are you rushing out the door?"

I put on my black business suit and the watch that Jennifer got me for Christmas. I have hundreds of watches but this is the only one that matters to me.

"Yeah, I've got time". Even if I hadn't, I would have made the time because I can; being the boss and all.

"Good, I'll make food", she said cheerfully. I didn't need to keep food staff with Jennifer here. I had to start going to the gym more because 70% of the time when she cooked it was something fried, covered in butter, salt or sugar. But it was so damn good!

I came back into the bedroom and saw Kairi lying on her belly across the bed, doing homework on her tablet. Jennifer was brushing her teeth and leaning against the doorway watching Kairi. I walked to her and put her in front of me, wrapping her in my arms and kissing that sweet spot on her neck, making her melt against me for a brief second before pulling away.

"Not in front of Kairi", she said with a smile and went to finish up in the bathroom. I like the routine we had fallen into; me going to work and Jennifer staying at home.

Leaning against the doorway I watched her, she smiled at me in the mirror, "Yes?"

"Enjoying the view", I said making her blush. "Do you want to go to Morocco?"

"What's in Morocco?" she questioned.

"Beautiful beaches, Paradise Valley some of the most beautiful architecture you'll ever see--"

"A meeting you don't want to go to", she said seeing right through my plan. She finished brushing her teeth and turned around to me and sat next to the bathroom sink. I walked to her to be in-between her legs and she wrapped her arms around my neck." You don't need me to go. You'll be working all day and bone tired at night". She kissed me and tried to jump back down but I held her hips in place.

Chuckling lowly I said," It's not going to be like Laos". I had a particularly needy customer; I basically had to hold his hand through the entire process.

"You said that about Central Sulawesi, India, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, Hawaii, should I go on?"

Damn, did I miss that much.

"I'm all about being independent, but I wanted to see those places with you. It's basically me and Thomas wandering around a city" she said.

I pulled her hips closer to me and said, "I promise you Morocco will be different. It's not a business venture; it's just the eight houses meeting". I made sad puppy dog eyes that she couldn't say no to, "All the other guys are bringing their wives, think about it? Three days in a villa, private beach with white sands".

"Ok," she said, "I guess it would be good for me to meet the other wives".

"You're going to love it, tanning on the beach with the best wine".

Laughing she said," You'll be tanning on the beach,I was born "tanned". I'll be sitting in the shade next to you". I gave her a quick kiss then walked downstairs to the kitchen. Danielle and Michael were already sitting at the table I join them.

Danielle was in tears, "What's happened?" I asked. Michael turned to me and said, "I have no idea what the fuck is happening". Michael got really close to Danielle's face and yelled, "Tell a cohesive story!"

Jennifer and Kairi entered the room; Jennifer had changed into leggings and a baggy t-shirt - still sexy.

"Good morning, everyone", Jennifer sang into to the room."Danielle what's wrong? What happened? Did Michael do something to upset you? That's just how he is in the mornings".

"Hey! I didn't do anything!" Michael snapped, ignoring him Jennifer started to cook.

In between breaths she said," Philip...he... Instagram liked....Halley...Facebooked... New couple...babe.. And he's ghosting me".

What the fuck?

"Oh Dani, I'm so sorry, Philip is a D-I-C-K and he's going to H-E-L-L to get A-S-S F'ed until he can't breathe! Cheaters never get far; he'll end up heartbroken with a STD".

"What is happening?" Michael said confused.

Kairi looked up from her tablet and said," Danielle was dating Philip, but he's into Halley. He liked her Instagram post and then she posted on Facebook of a picture of them together with the hashtag babe."

"No, it's happening! I'm getting old, I'm so old" contemplating his immortality Michael continued on. I walked over to Jennifer and sat at the island," Come to London with me today?"

"I can't Kairi's tutor doesn't get here until noon, and you'll be gone by then". She said pulling something out of the oven.

"I can wait", I said.

"But, can your meeting wait?"

"If I say so it can, have you ever been to London?" I said leaning forward.

"A couple times, Lillian has a headquarters there, so it wasn't uncommon for us to go".

Lillian was her father's company, a huge pharmaceutical juggernaut. I had a connection inside of the company but when he was let go, Jennifer's Dad took over and wanted no part in illegal trades. I had promised him I would be gone as soon as Nick's debts were paid. I also wanted his daughter for collateral, so that's how we met. Not the most romantic love story, but it is ours.

"Is that a yes, love?" I said smiling at her.

"Yes", then she kissed me, she set the table and we ate.

"Can I come too? I so don't want to go home at the moment and a little retail therapy in London would do me good. Plus, I still want to talk about college with Jen if that's OK?" That last part got Jennifer's attention.

"Sure, Danielle but you have to get your Father's permission first, if he says its fine then I don't mind". She pulled out her cell phone and on the third ring got her Dad and his permission to go.

"Have you picked a school yet?" Jennifer wouldn't stop now until Dani was in her first top choice school.

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