Strangers of Love

By Fierylight

10.7K 430 38

Greyson Lockwood He's well known for being the most heartless beast around. He is seen as immature, bitter, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

335 16 1
By Fierylight

Greyson's POV

As I followed Charlotte, I have no idea what came over me in the elevator. I just couldn't hold back anymore, she needed to know how I feel. She was mad at me now, so maybe it wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. She walked like she use to, shy and self conscious. Did I really make her feel that lowly about herself? I guess I really did destroy her self worth and view of the world. Funny how fate has a way of making things seem worse than they are.

As I was watching Charlotte, Mason my second in command, stopped me. He looked frantic as if he had information that was vital to me.

"There's rogues on the complex. We've narrowed it down to the lobby. I believe they are the same one's from last night at Reed's." He was panting, something serious has to be happening.

"Did Luke and Violet get home safe?" I asked as we walked. 

"Yes. What would you like us to do with-" He stopped, his eyes widening as he shot forward. "Charlotte!" His voice screamed, my eyes met what he was running towards. A rogue had stood up in human form, shifted mid jump, and was going right for Charlotte. She must have upset them last night at Violet's house...what could she have even done?!

She stood there as if thinking through her options. She chose the safer one, rolling to the left, out of the way. People around me were acting on protocol. I am not allowed to shift in front of Charlotte, not yet. My heart was pounding as I watched her stand up, ignoring any fear or pain, then sprint for the stairs as the rogue skid across the tiles. She was able to get a few steps up before the rogue grabbed her left pant leg, making her fall. Anger settled in my stomach, how dare he touch her?!

I looked above to my father, he stood in shock at what Charlotte was capable of. She shouldn't be able to move that fast or hit that hard. I nodded at Franky, one of few best friends. He leaped over the railing, shifting in the process. When he landed, I watched Mason's wolf rip the rogue away from Charlotte as if she was his sister. 

Only my friends knew of my secret, maybe my father. My wolf moved me, as a protective instinct. I gently touched Charlotte, causing her to flinch in fear. There is so much explaining I'm going to have to do....

She shocked me by hugging me with a fierceness. She was so much smaller than I could have ever thought, in my arms. I picked her up with ease, she always said she was fat, she wasn't.  Her peers are just cruel, I was cruel. As Mason and Franky fought with the rogue, I took her into her brother's office. 

He grabbed a kit, setting it on the coffee table as I set Charlotte down, facing the door. She's always had that tendency since I've known her. She hates her back to anyone, any exit, or any open area. Probably because of what I did to her....her back...

"I'm okay." Her voice was gentle, as if she wasn't worried that a rogue just attacked her. "Where are Luke and Violet?" Her face held worry. Of course that would be the first thing she thinks of, she always ignored her own pain and emotions, always protected her friends and brother at all cost. The other day when she made the deal for her brother, that shows her character. She's always been that way...she'll always be that way.

Anger bubbled in every atom of my body. When she left, I made a vow never to mistreat someone like I did to her. Now that she's back, I force myself everyday to do something nice. She makes me want to be a better person, a better wolf, better Alpha.

"They left ten minutes before you came upstairs." Matthew said moving her sweats. She went to stand up, as if to get them. Matthew pushed her back down on the couch.

"Ten minutes isn't long enough to get off the compound, Matthew. If there is one downstairs at the moment, there has to be others. There isn't a possible way that one could infiltrate without help." She thought. "Get me a tablet or laptop, Grey." She said looking up at me. Her eyes willed me to listen. I handed her Matthew's laptop. She ignored Matthew as he cleaned her wound, her eyes focused on the screen, her fingers moved with a determination I haven't ever seen.

"What are you doing?" Matthew's friend spoke, staring at Charlotte.

"There is a security system in place. If I can filter within the last hour, then to the last half hour, I can see where my friends are at the moment." She spoke as she worked. Her eyes soaked up the screen. When she stopped typing, she watched with an intense eye. She took in all the details she could...

"Consensus?" Matthew spoke as he stitched her wound. She didn't even many times has he had to do this to her? What happened in the six years they were gone?

"They're being followed. No one has made contact with them, but they will be leaving the compound in less than three minutes. Where would they be going?" She whispered to herself thinking. 

"His father is weapons and tactics. Her father is our medic." Matthew said looking at his sister. Her brain was processing the information, then her fingers started to type with speed. 

"Wait a minute." She whispered, her heart sped up. She focused on the screen. Matthew's friend and I watched the duo working.  "Um, what's that thing called where two people are in a serious relationship." She shook her hand, trying to find the word. "Kaine and Luke are dating, but they're more than that. What is it in your terms?" She looked up at me. 

"Mates?" She nodded.

"Okay, can I say what I think is happening?" She asked timidly. Matthew looked up at me with a look I've never seen. He dared me to say no to her.

"Yeah, of course." I spoke, she swallowed hard.

"Violet's family is medical. Luke's family is tactical. Your family, they're the highest rank. My family is the weakest link." She chewed on her lip. "Logically, you attack the weakest link, pack mentality is to protect the weaker link. That would draw attention away from anyone who wanted to hack the system or attack higher ranking people. They attacked Violet's family thinking about records of every and anything." Her brain moved so quickly. "Now, Luke and Kaine are, mates," She said as if it was awkward for her to say. "meaning, Luke is an even higher rank than tactical." She looked up at us three. "They're going for Luke." Her voice was fearful. 

"Are you sure?" Matthew asked, she looked at him with a look that said she didn't know. 

"They've mated already." My father's voice came from the door. "Taking Lucas would create a larger problem, making us weaker." Charlotte looked at him in helplessness.

"How can we get to them." She thought hard. She went to the laptop, clicking away again. 

"The rogue has been apprehended. Landon is taking care of Franky, he was hurt pretty badly. It's as though they knew Franky's weakness." He spoke with anger. Charlotte had to be correct in her idea of what was going on. 

"Where is Kaine?" Her eyes bore into my father's.

"With his friends, he's safe." My father said calmly. "It's Luke then, we need to send men out for the truck." He nodded once, then a man exited the room.

"Can I just get in my car and-" She almost begged Matthew. He shut her down.

"Absolutely not." They had a silent conversation with their eyes, interesting. Her defeated sigh sent a hum through my body. She won't be in danger again, not yet anyways. "Greyson I'm sure they want you downstairs." Matthew's voice was cold towards me. Does he know? Who knows?

Charlie's POV

Matthew stitched my up before I was allowed to move where I was sitting. I felt like I couldn't function, my friends were out there with those things. Also, I'm the weakest link here. It's dangerous to keep me around them all, someone will manage to get hurt. 

"Okay, what the literal Hell?" Vi's voice shook as she entered my brother's office with Luke. A large sigh exited both my brother's mouth and mine. 

"You're both okay?" Matthew asked as he hugged both of them gently. Both nodded quietly, then sat on his couch. "Rogues." Both nodded with a sigh. "I'm being called down to speak with the Lockwood's, I'll be right back." He kissed my head before leaving the room.

"I just want to go home right now." Luke whined with a sigh. Nodding with a grunt, I went back to the camera systems. Call me naughty, but I was tracking where my brother was going. He was going into the sneaky area, so he did know about it all? 

The door was pushed open a good two hours later, revealing a tired looking Greyson. He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh before putting his hands in his pockets.

"You are all allowed to go home now. You will all have guards for the next few days." He was holding something back.

"We're f-" Greyson cut off Vi with a look. She groaned in annoyance at his demand.

"How do you expect people to want to stay if you can't even keep a high ranking mate safe?" Tumbled out of my mouth, tasting foreign, but so familiar. 

"Charlie." Luke said in shock, making me watch all their reactions. "You can't just ask him that." 

"Why not?" I snapped in irritation as I stood up, ignoring the pain. "You expect us to help you, but every time my hypotheses are supported by your ignorance. Why do you assume that I could help a town so far gone that you can't keep even a puny human safe?" Greyson leaned against the frame. "Beasty, why don't you tell me since you know everything?" All of these emotions came bubbling to the surface. Why?

"Charlotte," His voice was irritated and dark. "you need to calm down." He was trying to hold anger back. 

"Calm down?" I snorted at him. "Why? You aren't some human who had no clue about this s***. You didn't have some freaks teeth sink into your flesh." I shrugged as I crossed my arms. "You don't have fear of your brother dying because he doesn't have freaky capabilities to turn into some hairy mutt." My voice started to rise slightly. He and I were glaring at each other. "What? What are you going to do, spank me?" He tried his best not to shake from anger. 

"Charlie!" Vi snapped with a disapproving grunt. Shaking my head, I grabbed my things before going to leave. My body turned around to face the stupid oaf. 

"I will manage on my own, Lockwood. I don't want your help, nor do I need it." He and I glared intensely. 

"Charlotte." Matthew's voice was annoyed. "You're having a guard, even if it has to be Greyson himself." My mouth dropped in shock, forcing my gaze to my brother. He shrugged calmly, making me want to hit him even more. 

"No." He rose a brow at my incredulous voice. "This freak is not guarding me." I pointed at Greyson who growled and flicked me in annoyance. I growled at him and pinched his chest, which quickly earned me a growl and a fierce grip on my wrist. "Let go freak." He and I glared at each other.

"Shut it, Princess." He growled at me. 

"This is why they shouldn't." Vi said with a sigh, standing next to my brother and Michael.

"Stop being such a jerk." I snapped at Greyson. "I hope you get the clap." His mouth dropped.

"Stop being a brat." His eyes darkened, his features got angry.

"Bonding." Michael's voice made us both snap our gaze to him.

"No!" I almost screamed in shock. "I don't want to bond with your mutt. I'll manage on my own, thank you." Michael looked to Matthew who was staring at me already. 

"You're all on house arrest until Friday, Charlie." Matthew sighed gently. "That means you need someone there, and I can't be." He shrugged.

"Maybe I already have plans." Matthew rose a brow at me in shock and humor. 

"With?" Vi giggled at me. When I sent her a glare, she and Luke laughed harder. Greyson's soft chuckle made me pinch his chest again. He gasped in shock, making my ovaries be known. 

"He'll be dead before the night is over." I looked at Matthew and Michael before both shrugged.

"You'll both live. It's for a day, I think you can manage to not speak for a day." Matthew said.

"Excuse me while I have to go home and lock myself inside before the mutt gets there. Hey-" I said smiling at Greyson. "We have an old dog house you can stay in."

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