My heart breaks in Mexico

بواسطة gwenfanatic

5.7K 68 40

Gwen finally give him her heart then he goes to Mexico. The pictures the stories did she just give her heart... المزيد

These feelings aree overwhelming
The voice
Eyes on you
Are you sure?
A family they could be
New nanny

Gotta get home

443 7 11
بواسطة gwenfanatic

"Gwen that lady is one of my fans. She is one that travels to bulk of my shows."

"Ok well is it something I should be concerned about? Like is that something I should worry about?" Gwen says trying not to allow anyone to understand exactly what she is talking about especially the new nanny.

"Gwen remember no reaction." He pauses a few seconds before proceeding with what he has to tell her. "Gwen she is the stalker."

Gwen's blood runs cold as she whips around again to make sure she has eyes on her three boys. Her mind is in pieces. What does she do? If she lets on that she knows, this woman could lose it and hurt her and her boys. She can't let this woman continue to be around her boys though.

"GWEN!" she is snapped out of her thoughts by Blake's voice.

"I'm here." Her voice wavers more than she would have liked it to.

"I'm gonna tell you what to do, ok. You can't freak out. I'm already on the way to the airport ok. I'm coming. What I What you to do is bring the boys inside for a movie. She can sit there with you guys, I don't think she will do anything during a movie. Then I want you to  send her home insisting that you put them to bed."

"Blake that won't work. Sleepover."

"Fuck. I don't want her there all night while you sleep damn it. Ok I'm flying straight there so I'll be there about 2am. So what I want you to do is put the kids to bed tell her goodnight sending her to the guest room. Then I want you to go get each of the boys very quietly and take them into our room. Lock the door and get in the closet and do not come out until I tell you to ok?"

"Okay baby we can do that."

"Gwen I love you! This will all be over soon ok! I promise."

"I love you to Blake."

Gwen hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath before setting the plan in place. She calls the boys in to the house and convinces then to watch a movie. She tells them to pick out a movie and that she will even let them have candy and popcorn if they are good. The whole time she is a nervous wreck. She is trying to keep her and her boys away from Felby but of course without making a scene that was an impossible task. So she settled for watching the woman closely out of the corner of her eye as she sat with Zuma watching the movie. When the movie ended she had to give in and let Felby help the boys brush their teeth but insisted that she put the boys to bed herself. Instead of putting the boys to bed Gwen took the boys to each of their rooms to get their blankets and Apollo's stuffed cowboy that Blake's mom had given him. She then took the boys into her room shutting and locking the door. The boys had started to question her but she silenced them and told them she would explain later. Once in the closet Gwen shut the door and situated her baby boy while the oldest two also made the little beds in the closet near their mom.

"Mom what's going on?" Kings voice comes hesitant

"Baby, you how someone has been hanging around our house and following us?"

"Yeah." Both boys said now fully paying attention.

"Well Blakey is pretty sure that person is Felby."

"Really?! Is he sure mom? She seems so cool." King says genuinely shocked

However what catches her attention is the shift in her middle boy. "Zuma what's up baby boy?"

"Well her phone was unlocked yesterday and I was looking through her pictures and she had a ton of pictures of Blakey on it. And she had pictures from meeting him at shows and stuff. When she saw I had it she yelled at me at first and told me I was never allowed to look through her phone."

"Zuma baby why didn't you tell me?"

"Everyone really liked her and we were having fun. I didn't want to ruin everything!"

"Oh baby!" Gwen said pulling her middle boy into her arms. She knows that being the middle child he probably gets over shadowed more than he should and she needs to make it a point to pay more attention to him. "Zuma I never want you to feel like you can't tell me something. I don't care how it's going to effect me, I want you to know you can come tell me anything."

"I'm sorry mama."

"It's not your fault baby! It's not your fault at all!" She tells her little boy.

Gwen however is beating herself up on the inside. She brought this woman into the house. She let this woman interact with her sons, her babies. She didn't even realize she had begun crying until her oldest wiped the tear from her cheek and proceeded to pull his mom and brothers into a hug. It was this moment that she knew she must have done something right with her boys because she was a proud mom of her eldest sons actions. They all sat there together in a hug until her baby yawned.

"Boys I know it's hard cause we are in the closet but why don't you lay down and try to rest it's very late. I love you boys very much."

"We love you to mom." They all said

Gwen watched as her boys fell asleep wish Blake would get there soon. She was scared and she missed him. She wanted desperately to have him holding her right now, protecting what had become their family.
Blake can't get to his family fast enough. The majority of the flight he paced the cabin of the plane. He didn't know how exactly this was gonna go. It could go easy or this could be a big ordeal. Of course he was hoping for the first. He made sure that the minute his plane landed there was already a car ready and waiting to take him home. He tells the driver to get him home as fast as possible. The whole car ride he is checking his phone to make sure Gwen hasn't tried to contact him. He realizes then that he never called Brandon to tell him he wouldn't be there the next morning for breakfast but that can wait until he knows his family is safe.

"Buddy I need ya to get to the address as fast as this car will take us."

"Sir I have to obey speed limits."

"Look I don't want to be an ass but my family is in trouble and I need to be there. Ill pay any tickets or anything you get, I just need to get there now."

"Of course sir."

Blake practically jumps out of the car the minute it comes to a stop, having given the man plenty of cash to cover the cost and any possible speeding tickets the man might receive. He practically runs to the door fumbling with his keys to unlock the door. As he bolts up the stairs, he gets his phone out and begins to text Gwen to open the bedroom door. As he finally reaches the door he hits send and listens for Gwen on the other side. He hears her cautiously walk up to the door.

"Blake?" She says to the person on the other side, not willing to unlock the door unless she knew it was him.

"It's me baby. Open the door." He says calmly.

He is anything but calm, however he knows he has to be the strong one here because she is terrified. The door clicks and pens slowly with her head peaking around it. The minute her eyes land on his there are tears pouring down her cheeks and she throws herself into his arms. He would give anything to stand there with her in his arms but he doesn't want them standing in the hallway with the stalker in the house. So reluctantly he moves to pull away so they can enter the room and lock themselves back in the bedroom. When he moves to pull away however Gwen doesn't let go. He can feel his shirt getting wet from her tears so he wraps his arms around her again and picks her up moving them into the room, locking the doors behind them.

"It's ok, I'm here now. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. I gotcha baby." Blake says trying to calm her.

Blake stands there holding Gwen for what feels like the better part of a half hour, into her sobs subside and her breathing calms.

"Gwen baby, are you and the boys ok? Nothing happened right?" Blake asks with fear laced in his voice.

"Yeah we are ok. Scared but ok. I'm so glad your home." She says tightening her arms around him.

"Everything is ok now. I'm gonna protect you. I promise." He says rubbing his hands up and down her back. "Are the kids in the closet."

"Yeah they are all asleep. I had them take blankets and stuff in there with us cause I didn't know how long it would take for you to get to us."

"I came as fast as I could. In fact I think I paid the car driver about $500 cause I just took bills out of my wallet and shoved them at him." He chuckles a little.

"Oh my gosh. You made his night." She giggles

Blake is beyond relieved to see her smile. He sure missed that smile and those chocolate brown eyes. He moves them toward the closet. He needs to lay eyes on the boys. He may not be their biological dad but he can't imagine loving any kids anymore than he loves those boys. Seeing them on their blankets asleep brings emotions up in him that he knows he can't let surface right now. So he pushes them back down and settles for planting a kiss on each of their head before walking back over to Gwen and wrapping her in his arms. He pulls her tight to him as she wraps her arms around him pulling him to her. He gently places a kiss on the top of her head, before pulling back to look her in the eye.

"Alright pretty girl, I'm gonna go get rid of her. If you hear anything, I mean ANYTHING, do not come out of here ok?"

"But bla...."

"No buts Gwen. I'm serious! Do not come out! Just call 911."

Blake pulls away from Gwen despite the grip she has on him. He needs to get rid of this stalker once and for all. Before he can turn the handle on the door Gwen grabs his arm. He stops turning to look at her. He can see the fear in her eyes and she stands there tears once again flowing down her face.

"I can't lose you." She says in a whisper that's barely audible.

He immediately pulls her to him but makes sure he can still look her in the eye.

"Gwen you will never lose me. I am yours and only yours. You are my everything." He says placing a kiss on her lips before trying to bring some light to the situation. "This girl, she can't hurt me. I'm a whole lot bigger than she is. I would guess she probably has to stand on her tippy toes to even look me in the eye."

Gwen appreciates his efforts to make her worry less, but until she is wrapped in his arms again and this girl is arrested, she won't be able to erase the worry.

"I love you." She says as he turns to leave

"I love you too Gwen. So much." He says before shutting the door behind him and waiting for Gwen to lock it back.

"Blake I love you!

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