Strangers of Love

By Fierylight

10.7K 430 38

Greyson Lockwood He's well known for being the most heartless beast around. He is seen as immature, bitter, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 6

382 16 1
By Fierylight

Matthew's POV

Ever since Charlie came here to drop off my go-bag, my boss, Mr.Lockwood, continues to speak of her. He wants to know when she'll show up again so he can trap and interrogate her. I find it quite obnoxious because she is still my sister, and she hates his family.

"Matthew, we need you to stop in at our house some time tonight. My wife keeps complaining about the phone system glitching." Mr.Lockwood spoke as he popped into my office. I basically live here, it's safer for Charlie that way. She thinks I do communication for them, but I do a H*** of a lot more. 

"Will do." I mumbled as I continued typing. I'm more of a manager of the entire pack. My sister doesn't know, at least I hope she doesn't. I found out about this all when I was in high school. The only logical thing that could have happened involved mates and cheating. Charlie wouldn't be capable of understanding. She may be a genius, but she's narrow-minded about things that can't be explained perfectly. 

"Thanks." He said, except he didn't leave the office, meaning he wanted to speak about Charlie. 

"What?" He chuckled as I looked at him. When he entered, I wanted to roll my eyes, but that's a horrible idea. Charlie is lucky she gets away with being rude all the time. I can get killed for it. 

"You need to get her in here. No one should be able to hack our systems. It makes me think you're slacking, Matthew." His words burned slightly. 

"Or it means someone is a mole in your high ranking positions. Charlie and I are the lowest ranking here, we just returned because of the information I found. I'm working on finding the person behind it, and you're accusing me of being two-faced?" Irritation settled in my stomach. Charlie's attitude is starting to rub of on me now. 

"You seem to be telling the truth, so I'll listen. You need to get her in here though, I don't know how, just do it. Soon, too. I have people coming on Saturday for a meeting, have her here." He snapped at me. That's tomorrow morning, she'll be hungover. 

"Yes, sir." I muttered as he left my office. Great, how am I going to manage that? She's an alcoholic teenager who hates authority. Charlie, just behave for once please?

"Matt!" My name was almost screamed angrily from the hallway. My coworker in my office took in a breath.

"You're in trouble." He snickered as our boss barged into the room. Taking a breath, I looked up at him from the board I was writing on. 

"Your sister has managed to make yet another mess." He was mad, this is perfect. It's late a night, why is he even here? 

"Sorry?" I asked him, confused. What could she possibly have done now? 

"She's managed to upset neighboring packs at a stupid college party. She's sent seven kids of high ranking men to the ICU. She needs to learn discipline, Matthew. If not, I will take care of it. My night is now being spent doing damage control." He snapped at me. Charlie, seriously? Only seven this time?

"Sorry, sir. I'll speak with h-" He cut me off by grabbing me by the throat. I shut up immediately, watching his eyes change. 

"I expect her here tomorrow morning at ten. She is going to learn, Matthew. Her not knowing what's going on is creating more issues than I want to deal with. Kaine can't function anymore, he's recently told me information I highly disagree with. She's causing me more stress, and I do not want it. Handle it." He threw me on the ground before leaving with a slam of my door. The pictures on the wall crashed to the floor, the glass shattering all around. 

"Holy s***. She's going to get you killed." Sighing I started cleaning up the mess. 

"I know."

When I walked into our house, I was livid. Charlie is going to get me killed, she can deal with a hangover for a few hours. She needs to learn, d*** it. It was around seven in the morning when I made my way to her room. When I entered, all anger dissipated. She was fast asleep on her bed, curled in a ball, with my sweatshirt on. Her room was dark, that's unusual. I inspected her night light, it's off. She never turns it off. My heart rate picked up, has someone been sneaking into my house when she's alone. Anger filled my stomach, someone has been trying to-

"Matty, why are you home?" Her voice was groggy, but soft. Sighing, I went to her closet and picked out clothes. 

"Shower, get dressed, and eat. You need to go to a meeting with my boss. No arguments, Charlie. I'm close to getting terminated because of you." She sat up in pain. I turned the light on and that's when I saw the bruises and marks on her face and legs. She really did beat seven men, I suppose. They're wolves, so it makes sense she's more beaten than with just humans. Either way, it still makes me sad. I'm her brother, I'm never around her anymore. I miss her, but I just wish she'd mature a little. 

"Okay, give me a bit." She didn't argue and stood up slowly. She hates arguing with me. I could sense her emotions. She misses me, and I wish more than anything that it could be normal again. Alas, it can't. I had to grow up, so she needs to. I have to be more...more proactive in raising her. 

"You and I are also going to have a conversation about what's been going on for the last few months, Charlotte. I don't like the way you've been behaving, it needs to change. If consequences are needed, so be it." She stared at me, thinking.

"Okay." She nodded, walking past me into the bathroom. She closed the door, and I heard the water turn on.  I know it will take her at least two hours to get ready, her hangover is intense today. She's also sore, and seems a bit sad. Maybe she'll be mature for once.

Charlie's POV

 My brother and I made it to his office around nine-thirty. He said that I had to attend a meeting at ten, so we were early enough, I think. He didn't really speak the whole drive here. How does he plan on getting me home after? I mean, I'm sure Luke and Violet want to hang out today.

When we walked in, the sounds of a busy office forced me to grab Matty's hand. He pulled me closer to him as we walked through security. They allowed us through without an issue, as usual. He almost dragged me up the stairs, to the conference room. When we entered, only a few people were in here. 

"Sit here." Matty pulled out a rolling chair, I listened to him. My hangover is intense at the moment, meaning I don't want to argue with anyone. Sighing, I put my head down, allowing my beanie to cover my eyes and ears. Over the course of maybe fifteen minutes, the office area started to fill with mainly men. Great, more testosterone in my life. I don't really need it. 

"Matthew." Someone's loud voice boomed, causing me to whine, covering my head with my arms. "I see you listened to my instructions." Did he not realize how loud he his? I ignored the speaking around the room, keeping my head down.  

"Okay, so what can we do to be proactive about it?" Matthew asked, catching my attention. Charlie, why do you have to be such an alcoholic...

"Well, if your guest would pay attention, she may be able to help." Some person snapped from my left, a few seats away. "If she were to be awake." He growled in irritation. Does everyone just assume I'm not paying attention to what they say around me? I can be lazy, but pay attention. I was met with silence, then a sigh.

"Ms.Gideon, it would be lovely if you actively listened to this conversation. You are a large part of the problem here." Matty's boss snapped in frustration. That sent a growl through my chest. I sat up, fixing my hat. When I looked up, I had to squint for a few seconds. They continued to speak, as they did, I grabbed the phone sitting on the table next to me. It was the woman's. 

"What are you doing?" The woman asked me quietly as I took it. She nudged me smiling.  I smiled at her, then started to do my magic. 

"W-What's going on with the TV?" I heard some man, sounds like Violet's father. I ignored them all and continued. "Boss, is-" He took a breath. "Is that you?" He kept in a laugh. 

"Who the H*** is doing this." He barked. The room fell silent, then he spoke again. "I want to know immediately who this is! Figure it out!" He snapped causing me to look at the screen and keep in a smirk of the photos that kept popping up. It's so easy to hack this system. I sat back and watched the meeting unravel wonderfully. 

"Sir, it's pinging in too many areas. We can't figure it out." A woman spoke gently. The woman sitting next to me sat back in awe as I was throwing confidential documents up on the screen, blacking out certain lines, leaving messages. Some people were laughing about it, others weren't. Then I found some documents pertaining to Kaine's academic achievements. It caused me to erupt in laughter. I gripped my stomach, covering my mouth. Oh, he isn't living this down!

"Was this you?!" Mr.Bossman snapped angrily at the end of the table to me. I shut up, biting my lips, keeping in a snicker.

"No." I lied, horribly might I add. The girl next to me kicked my leg in irritation, but smiled at me trying not to laugh.

"Matthew, enough." I heard some man say. His voice gave me the same feeling as Mystery Man, only he was angry. I looked up and saw someone I hated even more than Kaine. It was Greyson, Kaine's older brother. Scoffing I sat up with a mission. Soon, documents were on the screen about anything I could get on Greyson.

"Charlie, no." Mr.Reed spoke warily. He stood up and gave me a look. I bit my lip and took a breath.

"Test me, Grey." I sat back watching him. He glared at me with hatred. 

"Charlie, you're acting like a child." He growled at me. It was so close to Beasty's it was scary. Anger filled my stomach. "I wouldn't suggest it." He sat up straighter. The document came up on the screen, sending a laugh through the whole room. Even the boss, he patted Grey on the back. 

"Son, I didn't know." Son? Humor dropped off my face instantly. My hangover was well gone now. My heart beat picked up, the laughing made my anger worse. I glared at Mr.Lockwood with all the hatred I could manage.

"Charlotte!" Matthew snapped at me. My gaze snapped to him. He watched me carefully. This is when I realized all the men in the room were the fathers of the boys I hated most. The women were more than likely secretaries. The woman next to me stopped giggling, setting a hand on my leg gently. 

"Are you alright, Miss Gideon?" She was genuine. My voice didn't want to work at the moment. How am I supposed to react with this information. My hands started to tremble gently, my breathing became labored. 

"How are you so good at that?" Mr.Lockwood spoke as the screen went blank. All eyes turned to me, I could only glare at him with all the anger and pent up hatred in my body. The room was silent for a while before he spoke, breaking the silence. "I suppose now would be a good time to apologize." 

"Won't ever be enough, murderer." He took a breath at my words. "Since when did you work for them?" I snapped at Matthew. He looked at me, hands on his hips. He didn't know how to respond.

"Charlie-" Greyson spoke clearing his throat.

"Shove it, Greyson." I snapped at him. The room was full of suspension and anger. No one wanted to speak. "Freaks." I muttered, standing up. 

"Sit down, Charlotte." Greyson snapped at me with anger. It was actually quite scary. It made me falter for a moment, as if I actually wanted to do as he instructed. 

"Blow me, freak." He stood up and growled menacingly. 

"Okay, I think everyone just needs a ten minute break." Mr.Reed spoke gently. A smirk met my lips when the speakers in the building started playing pornographic moans and sounds. It caught everyone off guard, even Greyson. People had started exiting the room before the sounds started, now I could hear laughing throughout the building. 

"You're such a prankster." Mr.Lockwood sighed. "Please, turn it off." He said calmly. Wow, mood swings much? When I didn't move, Matthew grabbed my arm harshly. I looked at him in shock, he's never been like that. 

"Turn it off, now." He said angrily. Almost as if he was like these freaks. I did as he instructed, handing the woman her phone back. She almost ran out of the room. Now, I'm stuck in here with two men I hate, and an angry Matthew. 

What a wonderful thing? Not. 

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