The Call (A Moana x Maui Fanf...

By iamsporty657

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Moana was just a normal sixteen year old attending high school and trying to survive day by day. She's also a... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note
Chapter 42

Chapter 41

324 6 2
By iamsporty657

Chapter 41

Maui's POV

Time Skip... Six Months Later...

  Fitia and Maui Jr are already social butterflies with us and those we happen to meet on our adventures. They adore Sanai whenever we go to them for checkups from them and/or Mo. I don't blame them, Mo and I think the world of Sanai. They can even say basic words like "Mama" and "Dada", which makes our hearts melt every time they call us those names. It also really makes it real that Mo and I are parents. The twins are both healthy babies and show no signs of any development problems. We're truly blessed. 

  Anyways, you're probably wondering what's new in our lives so I'll tell you. Fitia and Maui Jr just turned six months old the other day. In addition to learning how to speak, they both are eager to learn how to crawl. We're certain they'll be trying to walk quite early. They also show signs of true power within them both of them. Finding out what their powers are will be really cool. Mo and I plan on training them both on how to properly use their powers once they turn ten years old. We even expanded onto the cave recently. We needed more room now that we have two children. Speaking of children, Mo and I would love to have another child once the twins are a little older. Maybe it's the baby fever talking and maybe it isn't, but either way, it would be nice to extend the family even more. I bet the twins would love to have a little brother or sister. 

   "Hey Mo, want to take the kids out for some air? We've been cooked all day. I can tell they want to get out." She nods with a smile. "That would be nice. They've been wanting to see and play with the ocean a bit." I help her change them into swim wear before we all go down to the shore. We each hold them and let them play in the ocean. The ocean playfully splashes them and puts flowers on both of their heads. For being six month old babies, they both have nice heads of hair already. They definitely got that trait from me, but Mo insists it's from the both of us. It probably is, but I like to mess around with her and give her a hard time, out of love of course. We stay out here until the twins make it obvious that they're hungry. They've become fond of fruit and veggies, which we have plenty of. We bid the ocean goodbye for now and feed the twins. Once they've been fed, they have to use the bathroom... which is in their diapers. We then change them, put in baby powder in their diapers, and put their clothes back on. 

    The twins stay awake playing with us for a little while longer before yawning loudly. Mo and I look at each other and laugh. Our precious babies, they're pieces of work just like their parents. Soon enough, we're placing them into their cribs and they fall asleep at the same time. When they do, Mo and I finally have a few minutes to ourselves, which we haven't had all day. "So Mo, what shall we do?" She giggles. "Eat." I smile. "I can agree on that. What are you craving?" She bites her lip adorably before answering with chicken. "Sounds good love. I'll go roast one right now. It should be ready within a half an hour. 

Half an hour later...

  Not only did I successfully make a fire, but I successfully roasted a chicken over it. Mo likes the white meat so I give her the white meat while I prefer the dark meat, which I get to myself. Both of us moan in pleasure because the chicken is just that good. I happened to get it the other day and it's nice to finally be able to eat it. After we finish eating, we gaze at the stars, just like we used to do before we had the kids. "I've missed this Mo, it's been too long since we've done this." She sighs. "I know. It's hard not having someone to watch the kids so we can have an occasional date night. Maybe next time we go see Sanai, she can watch the kids for a night so we can have a date in her village. What do you think?" I wrap an arm around her and pull her close to me. "That sounds perfect Mo." We stay like this for awhile before going back into the cave to check on our little angels, which are thankfully still sound asleep. We climb into my bed, cuddle, and fall asleep ourselves, laying in each other's arms. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! My updates may not be as frequent over the next week because I'm going away Saturday and will be away until Tuesday morning. I have to work long shifts on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. In addition, my birthday is also next Friday (I'll be 19). I have birthday plans that will keep me busy as well. I hope you guys understand. :) <3 -Mary

My new cover on my Youtube channel is attached below. Feel free to check it out! :) -Mary 

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