Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Moana's POV

 I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. My husband is my best friend in the entire world and now we have two wonderful children we get raise and teach how to use their powers once they develop them. According to Te Fiti, children begin to develop their powers at ten years old. They stop aging once they turn twenty five. I'll be done aging myself in a few years and Maui of course stopped aging thousands of years ago. I'm just so glad that there's very little chance of having to ever watch any of my loved ones ever die again. That's the only down side to being immortal. If you become attached to anyone who's mortal and they die, it destroys you. It makes you crawl so deep into your shell that you may never come out of it again. The fear of coming out your shell again is enough to paralyze you to your very core. 

   I have to stay here for two more nights for observational purposes and then Maui and I are free to go home. I adore Sanai, but I can't wait to get back home. Sanai was kind enough to donate us cribs to take back home with us for the babies. I'll never be able to repay her for her services. She has been so kind to us. Sanai's the best. I'm glad the twins and I were able to have her as our doctor rather than some arrogant quack who only wants to be rewarded for doing his job. Maui passed out a little while ago and currently sleeping with Maui Jr. in his arms while I'm feeding Fitia. Fitia has a huge appetite just like her mother, though Maui Jr. can eat just like his father. Both of them look equally like the both of us. They each of some traits that resemble mine and some traits that resemble Maui. Not a bad combination if I say so myself. 

    Now you're probably wondering if raising two babies in a cave on a loner island is the best way to bring up our children. I'll certainly say it's not the most traditional way of doing so, but it works for Maui and I. Maui and I don't need an army of people to raise our children, all we need is each other. Every now and then we may need medical care for the twins from Sanai and to gain knowledge from Te Fiti, but other than that, we are A okay in the parenting department. Our children are going to spoiled with love, brought up with good morals, and will be skilled in many aspects. There are advantages to have parents who are master wayfinders, immortal, and demigods/demigoddesses. Well it's still up for debate about whether or not I'm a demigoddess. Te Fiti says I am at times and other times tells me I'm simply immortal. I'm beginning to develop tattoos so I guess that's a sign that I'm on my way to being an official demigoddess. I do have some cool new ocean powers thanks to my new and improved oar. My oar isn't as flashy as Maui's hook, but it suits me better. 

  Two hours later...

  Maui Jr. wakes up crying. I gently lift him out of Maui's arms, give his diaper a quick motherly sniff, and nearly gag. This one of the few downsides to parenting babies, changing diapers. It's gross but it needs to be done. I sigh and begin changing his diaper, putting in baby powder and everything to prevent chaffing. When I'm done, Fitia starts crying as well. I give her the same motherly sniff and nearly gag once more. It's like my children are synchrodynamic poops, meaning they go to the bathroom in unison. Oh these kids are something else already. I change Fitia's diaper as well, putting on the baby powder to prevent chaffing for her as well. Now, both babies are properly changed and content. I gently put them back in their cribs where they play some of their toys for a bit before falling back asleep. Maui then begins to wake up groggily. "Hey Mo, how long was I out for?" I smirk. "Six hours. I feed the twins, changed their diapers, and they fell back asleep just a few minutes ago." I begin to slump back into my bed. "I'm so tired Maui." 

   Maui looks at me in the eyes with pure guilt all over his face. "Mo, I'm sorry I left you hanging like that. You're the one who just gave birth to two kids. You need far more rest than I do, yet you've been the one doing most of the work. I promise to stay awake for awhile pick up some of the slack. As for you, you go back to bed and get some rest. Okay?" I sigh. "Okay." I get back in bed and begin to doze off, gradually falling back asleep for the rest of the night surprisingly. I smile in my sleep, knowing that Maui is stepping up the plate, being the father that I knew we would be to our children. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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