Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Moana's POV

The next morning...

  I wake up in Maui's arms and the heat instantly rushes to my face, due to both the fact that I've been laying in his arms all night and how much of an emotional mess I was. "Maui" is all I manage to croak out before my voice cracks horribly. Maui looks down at me. "Hey there princess. I'm glad you got some sleep." I look away in shame. "Listen Maui, I'm really sorry about being such a mess last night. I know you're exhausted from all of the voyaging and have a lot on your mind as well. It isn't fair of me to place my problems onto you as well." Maui pulls me closer to him. "Moana, your problems are my problems. You don't need to apologize for letting out your emotions. As the king of insecurity of expressing emotions, I'll even tell you that it's healthy to let it all out from time to time." 

  I nod. "I'm insecure about it myself. I might even say I'm the queen of insecurity when it comes to expressing my emotions to others." Maui chuckles. "Well I guess we make the perfect pair then." That statement manages to make me crack a smile. "Agreed. Say Maui, where exactly are we heading to?" Maui frowns slightly. "I honestly have no clue, though I was going to ask you if there was anywhere in particular you wanted to go?" I bite my lip and think for a moment, hoping my answer won't upset Maui. "Well first of all, we need to talk to Te Fiti about potential immortality for me. After that... I was thinking maybe we could go back to your island." He looks at me with a bit of surprise. "Well I wasn't expecting to hear that, but I'm not against it either. Sounds like a plan. It'll be another week back to Te Fiti and then three days to my island from there." 

   For the rest of the afternoon, Maui helps me master a few more sailing and wayfinding techniques that will come in handy for future voyages. I have a feeling that Maui and I will be going on a lot of voyages together. Speaking of being together, Maui and I need to figure out exactly what we are once and for all. "Maui?" He smiles down at me. "Yes Moana?" "Can we talk?" Maui chuckles. "We already do a lot of that, but yes we can." He sits down and motions for me to do the same so I do. "Maui, what are we? We've been back and forth about it for a couple of weeks now, but I want to settle this." Maui looks at me seriously. "Well you like me and I like you, therefore I think we should be a couple. What about you?" I nod in agreement. "I think we should be too." Maui takes my hands in his and stares into my soul. "Moana, will you be my girlfriend?" The way he's looking at me causes my heart to flutter. "I'd love to be your girlfriend Maui, though there's one thing I kind of lied about." 

    Maui looks at me in confusion. "What did you kind of lie about?" I giggle. "I don't like you." He frowns. "Oh, I understand. I figured there was a chance you might have been joking around with me." I cup his face gently. "Maui, you need to stop cutting me off all the time or else you'll never let me finish a single sentence. I was going to tell you that I don't like you... I love you." Maui's frown shifts into a dorky grin. "Well that works out well because I also lied about liking you... I love you too." I burst into laughter. "We're the biggest dorks on the planet." Maui wraps an arm around me and kisses me on the forehead. "We sure are. By the way, I have confession to make as well." I raise an eyebrow. "And what would that be?" He smirks at me. "There's something I've been wanting to do for weeks now and with your permission, I'd like to do it." I grin, knowing that he's about to kiss me. 

  "You may." Without another word being said, he crashes his lips onto mine at all force. My lips move with his in perfect rhythm, thus creating the most perfect first kiss between us. When we pull apart, both of us are grinning from ear to ear. "That... was... amazing...", we say in unison before deciding to recreate the magic again and again for the rest of the evening. Yes, we do make sure to stop for breath here and there. Maui and I aren't idiots, we're just two fools who are in love with each other. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 


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