Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Maui's POV

 Time Skip... A few days later...

   Moana and I are leaving Kauai tomorrow morning so we're making the most out of our last day here. Kauai is truly paradise. The thought of having to leave here makes me as sad as Mo was when we left California to head back home to my island. Mo and I have so much packed into our last day. This includes surfing, snorkeling, some sailing, having a nice dinner, and a night swim to end it all. I'm excited! Mo is already ready wearing a super sexy stripped bikini. I'm trying my best to keep my hormones in check, but the girl is making it so damn hard for me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that she's doing this to me on purpose. Mo loves to torture me sometimes. She says it's out of love, which I know it is deep down, but it's still a nuisance. 

A few hours later...

  Mo and I have accomplished about half of the things we've wanted to do today and it's only three in the afternoon. We have four hours left of daylight before the sun even begins to set. We're doing awesome! Mo is just as energized as she was from the moment she woke up and so am I surprisingly. "Maui, this is the best day of the entire trip. Sure it's a little hectic squeezing so much into one day, but in the end it's totally worth it." I chuckle and ruffle her hair playfully. "I absolutely agree princess." 

After sailing...

  We head back to our bungalow to get dressed for dinner. I heard about a cafe that's a twenty minute walk from here. It's private and has amazing food. When Mo steps out of the changing area, I'm once again overcome by her beauty. She's wearing an orange maxi dress that suits her body so perfectly. She also has on light jewelry and makeup. Me on the other hand, I look like my usual self. I'm not one for dressing up, but I really enjoy when Mo does. I mean she always looks beautiful, but when she looks like she does now, it just enhances her beauty even more. "Mo, you look beautiful." An adorable blush creeps onto her face and she hugs me. "Thank you Maui. I'm surprised I got you to wear a bow tie on our wedding day." I grin. "That's probably the closest you'll ever get to seeing me dress up." She rolls her eyes playfully at me. "Never say never Maui. I have my ways." I smirk at her. "And I have my ways of making you scream my name... over and over again."

   A loud squeal slips out of her mouth and she swats me. "Maui, that is so inappropriate." I put my hands up in surrender while laughing. "I'm sorry baby girl. I'm in one of my moods today." She mutters "Yeah I can tell." I wrap an arm around her and kiss her on the cheek before leading her to the cafe that I heard about. We get there in exactly twenty minutes and have the most lovely sandwiches, soup, and teas for supper. Mo and I are huge tea drinkers. She used to drink coffee back in her realm, but I introduced her to tea when we went to California. Since then, she hasn't given coffee the time of day. I'm glad because coffee is actually really gross and smells awful. We all have our opinions and that's mine. Respect that dudes and dudettes. That's me trying to sound cool but epically failing. Woops. 

  After supper...

  Mo and I had back to our bungalow to freshen up a bit, take a quick bath in the ocean (there's no shower in our bungalow sadly), and change into comfortable sleeping clothes. Mo told me that they're called pajamas back in her realm. What an interesting term. We then climb into bed together and cuddle with one another. We reminisce about the highlights of both our wedding and this amazing honeymoon trip. We don't have much stuff to pack so we'll just pack in the morning before we check out. Both of us are so tired that we fall asleep quickly and don't wake up once during the night. Honeymooning can wear a couple out when they've been having too much fun. Who would have thought that there's such thing as too much fun?

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! I got home super late tonight but wanted to do an update on this fanfic as well as the ScarletVision One Shots, which I updated before I left work. :) -Mary 


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