Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Maui's POV

Time Skip... A Few Days Later...

   San Francisco is truly a remarkable city and Moana's realm continues to fascinate me. Everything from the sights to the different kinds of people that roam around here blow my mind. Now we're moving onto Los Angeles, which will be a seven hour journey by boat. It's currently morning so we'll be there before the sunsets. We have the boat all packed up and are pulling out of the dock now. Mo was excited to see San Francisco, but she's even more over the moon to see L.A. and the surrounding areas. I don't blame her though. Most girls her age are drawn to L.A. I'm guessing it's due to the glitz and glam of Hollywood. Yes I know about Hollywood because Mo's told me all about it full detail. 

  "Maui, I'm having the time of my life. This is the best trip ever. Aren't you excited to see L.A.?" She then proceeds to squeal in my ear for the next five minutes straight. I chuckle at her cuteness. "I'm excited, though clearly not as excited as you are." My comment causes her to blush. "Sorry Maui. If I'm being annoying, you can tell me to shut up. It's okay to tell me to shut up. I know I get overexcited about certain things." I smile at her lovingly. "It's fine princess. I'm just glad that you're having a good time. Speaking of L.A., we should be there by dusk. It's only a seven hour journey by boat." She nods with a grin on her face, spending the next few hours telling about everything we need to do and see while we're in L.A. It certainly makes the time fly by. 

That evening...

   We arrive on the L.A. coast just before the sunsets. We dock the both at a beach, which according to Moana is the Santa Monica Pier, only the best beach in Southern California. I didn't know this until she told me of course, but I have to admit, it's pretty dang impressive. Mo and I plan on having supper at this burger place that she's dreamed of going to since she was a kid and then we'll head to our hotel for the night, which is a Best Western only half a mile away. The burger place is called In N Out Burger. That's a weird name for a burger joint, but it sounds interesting. I hope I'll like it. 

 Fifteen minutes later...

   We arrive at In N Out Burger and I can't believe the amount of people that are crowded into this establishment. We can hardly move, though it's slightly easier for Moana given how much smaller she is than me.  I volunteer to get us a table while Moana weaves through the line to order us some cheeseburgers, animal fries, and milkshakes: chocolate for me and strawberry for her. The food and shakes come out a few minutes later and Mo brings them back to the table. Both of us take our first bites and sips, moaning in pleasure. "Maui, this is just as good as I dreamed it would be. I can't believe we're here." I smile and nod in agreement. I'm happy to be here, but I'm playing up my excitement for Mo's sake. This trip means everything to her. I owed it to her. She gave me a second chance in every single aspect, the least I could do is give her the trip of a lifetime. 

An hour later... 

  We've finished having supper and are now heading back to the hotel, calling it a night early because we've been traveling all day. I know Moana's going to want to spend the day down at the pier, shops, etc tomorrow so I'll need all the energy I can get. I can just see it now. Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, hero to men and women, hero to all, is spotted on the 3rd Street Promenade, hauling ten shopping bags, six of them being from Forever 21. Oh the things I do for my baby girl. I shake my head with laughter. Mo looks at me strangely as we check into the hotel. "What's so funny Maui?" I blush and bite my lip. "Oh nothing princess. I was just thinking about how I'm going to be your caddy tomorrow. You can't fool me when it comes to you wanting to shop. I know you're going to go." 

   Mo giggles adorably, making my heart melt into a puddle of feels. We head up to our room, take quick showers, brush our teeth, and cuddle in bed until we both all asleep in each other's arms, which is my favorite way to fall asleep. I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck while Mo puts her head in my chest. Gah I love it when she does that. Thanks to her, my dreams are pleasant and nightmare free. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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