Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Moana's POV

 The next morning...

  Maui and I start off our day by having a free breakfast in the hotel lobby before spending the entire day at the Santa Monica Pier. They have so many stores at the Promenade and even a separate mall filled with more stores. I have no clue how I'm going to fit all of this stuff into the boat to bring back to Maui's island, but I'll certainly try my best. Te Fiti upgraded my boat after we restored her heart. The upgraded boat thankfully includes a substantially bigger storage area. Wish me luck! Maui smirks at me. "Princess, I know that look. That's your "I'm going to shop til I drop look." I playfully gasp. "How dare you accuse me of such an act." He playfully rolls his eyes before kissing me on the cheek. "You can't fool me darling." I giggle. "I guess I can't. I promise I won't break your arms today." "I'd hope not or else no one can be able to admire my amazing muscles." He then flexes his muscles, earning an eye roll from me. 

  A few hours later...

    I've done all of my shopping for today and drop my bags off at our room before we quickly change into beach wear and hit the beach for awhile. Tonight, we're going to hit the pier itself, which includes the amusement park that's literally right over the ocean. This is going to be amazing! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh, I'm so excited! As soon as we get done to the ocean, Maui scoops me up into his arms, causing me to squeal. "Maui, put me down!" He smirks at me. "Well if you insist princess." He then drops me into the water. "Maui, what the hell?!!!" Maui flashes me a look of innocence. "What? You said to put you down. I was just following your instructions." If I were strong enough to do that same thing back to him, I would in a heartbeat. Since I'm still mortal, I have to settle for jumping into his arms and causing him to loose his footing, sending both of us into the water.

    Maui pouts at me. "Princess, that wasn't nice." I smirk at him triumphantly. "And you call dropping me into the ocean nice? Consider us even now." He sighs and pulls me close to him, giving me a hug. "Fine, we're even now." He then kisses my forehead. "I love you Mo." I blush and smile at him before pressing my lips onto his. "I love you too Maui." We spend a couple more hours goofing around in the water before deciding we've had enough swimming, which then leads to us bumming it in the sand for awhile. "Mo?" "Yes Maui?" "I have a surprise for you, but I want you to close your eyes." I pout but close my eyes for a minute before he allows me to open them. When I do, I notice a giant heart in the sand with our names in the center of it. "Maui, that is so corny yet so sweet. I love it. Thank you baby." Maui blushes. "Y-You're welcome." 

An hour later...

   We head back to the hotel to take quick showers and head back down once more to grab supper and go to the amusement park. The only downside is we have to go down a hundred stairs... no joke to get to the pier itself. I feel bad for people with medical issues, the elderly, etc who are forced to go down these stairs. I'm of able body, but it stills wears me out. Even Maui's short of breath and he's a freaking demigod. 

That night...

   Maui and I stay out until almost midnight. We rode every ride on the pier, including the two super scary rollercoasters. We also pigged out on pizza, popcorn, fried dough, and cotton candy. I'm surprised neither one of us has thrown up yet, though I really hope neither one of us does. Getting sick on vacation is the worst. "Princess, I had the best time with you. I never knew you had that much adrenaline in you. To be honest, your adrenaline rushes scared me a bit." I giggle. "Sorry Maui. To be honest, I didn't know that I had that much energy myself. I guess you learn something new everyday." He chuckles and wraps an arm around me, pulling my body against his. "Yes I suppose we do. I have to say that I really do like your realm, not as much as mine, but it's nice in it's own way." I nod in agreement with a smile on my face. A yawn then slips out. My exhaustion is only just starting to catch up with me. Before we even get back to the hotel, Maui has scooped me up into his arms because my tired self fell asleep already. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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