Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Moana's POV

 Time Skip... Six Months Later...

   Today is Fitia and Maui Jr's first birthday. We're having a little party with Sanai and some of the other villagers. We want our children to begin to form relationships with others, even if they both are only just turning one. The earlier children begin to socialize, the better social skills they'll have when they're older. The village baker even made the kids an amazing chocolate cake. They both love chocolate. It's their weakness, just like it is for Maui and I. I mean who doesn't love chocolate? Crazy people, that's who. Maui wraps an arm around me and smiles lovingly down at me. "Our kids are already social butterflies. They're also the hit of the village." I giggle. "They sure are." A moment of silence passes before Maui breaks it. "Mo, I've been doing some thinking." I raise an eyebrow. "What about?" "About what it would be like to live in a village filled with kind people like this one. Our children deserve to be in a place like this. They could be happy here, we could be happy here."

   I smile at the thought of living here. The people here really are great and this village has all the resources our family needs to survive. "As I think about it, I agree with you Maui. Living here would be wonderful. Do you know who the chief of this village is?" All of the sudden, a tall broad man makes his way over to his. "That would be me. My name is Maki. I'm the chief of this village. I've heard a lot about your family but haven't had the honor of meeting you yet. You make the people in this village very happy with your visits. It would be wonderful if you all decided to live here." I smile politely at him. "It's nice to meet you too Maki and we would love to live here. We just need to travel back to our island to grab a few things is all." He nods understandingly. "Understandable, but for now, relax and enjoy the celebration of your daughter and son's birthday. After all, they only come once a year for most of us." Maki makes his way over to some of the fishermen to have a chat with them. 

   "Maui, this is going to be great! After the party ends, we can travel back to our island for the night, pack what we need, and head back here in the morning. We'll be able to live in an actual hut rather than a cave. It'll be a nice improvement." He chuckles. "No kidding. I sleep in the cave because I have to, not because I want to. The musty smell bothers me if I spend too much time in there. I'm excited for this change though. Most changes are scary, but not this one. This one feels right. This is the start of our future, both as parents and as a family." I lean my head on his shoulder. "I agree Maui." He presses a loving kiss to my forehead. "You know, we should have some champagne to celebrate." He grabs a bottle from a cooler along with two glasses, opens the bottle without a problem, and pours us both some champagne. He then raises his glass motioning for me to do the same. "Cheers to the future!" I raise my glass and clink it against his. "Cheers to the future!" Both of us then take sips of our champagne, celebrating the wonderful future we've now officially embraced. 


Hoped that you guys liked this fanfic! I enjoyed writing it just as much as you hopefully enjoyed reading it. I think the way I ended it was quite fitting if I do say so myself. I'll still be updating my ScarletVision One Shots until I run out of one shot ideas all together. I'll also be beginning to write my next original story soon so stay tuned for that. Also, attached below is my explanation video about discovering my sexuality further is attached below if you want to check it out. :) -Mary 

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