How The Bad Boy Found True Lo...

Od awkwardlyrare

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I watched him watch me as he was about to press his fist into the big red button that read "Emergency Fire!"... Více

How The Bad Boy Found True Love.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to tutor you, air for brains!
Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.
Chapter 4 - Seniors Ditch Day, here we come!
Chapter 5 - This should be fun.
Chapter 6 - Does it hurt?
Chapter 7 - My right toe, your right ear.
Chapter 8 - Dude, why are you carrying around a can of whipped cream?
Chapter 9 - This party is gonna have my name on it!
Chapter 10 - You know, I'm terrified of lightening.
Chapter 11 - Your dad sucks.
Chapter 12 - It's so cute, I could die.
Chapter 13 - Today must be opposite day then.
Chapter 14 - She could put twerk team out of business.
Chapter 15 - Oh no, he didn't!
Chapter 16 - Hear me out..
Chapter 18 - You suck at shopping.
Chapter 19 - I woke up in a new trolley!
Chapter 20 - What the hell?
Chapter 21 - We're married already?
Chapter 22 - Dare me, baby!
Chapter 23 - I've been shot!
Chapter 24 - Love hurts.
Chapter 25 - Uh, oh.
Chapter 26 - They took the cake.
Chapter 27 - No kidding.
Chapter 28 - Kids, be good in school. Detention sucks.
Chapter 29 - Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Oh, did I say pathetic?
Chapter 30 - Love.. is frustrating!
Chapter 31 - Old times.
Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!
Chapter 33 - I think my heart just stopped beating.
Chapter 34 - Talk about exhausted.
Chapter 35 - Too sweet.. overload!
Chapter 36 - Something new, something true.
Chapter 37 - An unexpected meeting.
Chapter 38 - Hold on, what?!
Chapter 39 - I need a breather.
Chapter 40 - I'm happy on the whole.
Chapter 41 - It's a surprise.
Chapter 42 - Sheer and Allan's date.
Author's Note!

Chapter 17 - When since did you hate school?

3.7K 137 10
Od awkwardlyrare

I dreaded getting up this morning. Not only because I'm not feeling it, also because I feel as though today is going to suck just as much as the other days sucked. School is so miserable and depressing. And the fact that I have to see his face everyday does not help. It also hurts me to see that he doesn't even look the least bit of hurt or upset that we stopped talking, which just shows he never really cared. It is heart breaking to see him flirting with Samantha even more now, or with anyone for that matter. I can't afford to sit back everyday and listen or watch him hook up with girls. At least I can say I'm happy for Allan and Sheer. They're still going strong..

I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was in the right order. I wasn't even trying to look my best, honestly. If I do, who am I doing it for? It's not like the boy I'd do this for is paying any attention to me. God, I sounded pathetic. And I hated it.

I have got to stop thinking about him!

Today, I wore a short ripped jeans, a huge black hoodie and my black tiny puma tennis. I know, it's not the least bit attractive. But I just can't bring myself to care.

One good thing about this situation though, is the fact that my mom is actually getting better quicker than I ever imagined. I know the memories and scars run deep. I expected her to still be sulking in bed or something. Instead, she's up on her feet to work, trying to get her mind off of everything. I love my mom for her determination, her strength, her confidence. Three things she failed to pass on to me. I mean, I had confidence, but the other two qualities.. not so much.

I ran my fingers through my purple bundle and slowly clambered downstairs. I wasn't in a rush to get to school. I made my way to the kitchen and I grabbed an apple and a water out of the refrigerator and made my way to my car.

I pulled into the parking lot of school, reluctantly got out of my car and locked it up. Sheer and I noticed each other from afar. She came skipping over to me. I've never seen Sheer this happy in a relationship and I couldn't be happier for my best friend and Allan. They're so cute, it hurts.

"Hey, girl." she chirped.

"Hi," I  forced a smile.

"I love you, Charm.." she started, so I know an insult was coming, which I expected. "But, you look like Dallas' waste." she said apologetically.

"I feel like Dallas' waste too. I'm in no mood to look beautiful. I feel like crap, so I look like crap too." I said.

She shook her head. "You can't show him that you're hurting without him, Charm. You're giving him power," she said.

"How am I giving him power by dressing like a stylish hobo?" I asked, as we made our way towards our lockers.

"C'mon. When you guys were on good terms or even before you guys started hanging out, you'd be all pretty and stuff. Now that you guys aren't speaking you just happened to get the fashion sense of a hobo?" she quirked her left brow at me.

"Yeah, why not? It's not like he's paying any attention to me anyway." I muttered.

She rolled her eyes. "Trust me, this is bugging him just as much as it bugs you." she said.

I didn't show her that what she said made me a teensy bit happier. Instead, I scoffed. "He sure has a funny way of showing it." I said.

"He's the bad boy! Bad boys aren't suppose to get hurt. So, he's going to continue to flirt with girls for the student body's sake. He's not going to show that you hurt him the day you and Ms. M told him to get out." she explained. "By the way, how is my mother?"

I smiled at the fact that Sheer still calls my mother hers. "She's doing better. She's going to work now too."

Sheer smiled. "That's great."

I pushed my books into my locker and grabbed the necessary ones for today. I was deep in thought when suddenly the halls got very quiet, which sparked my interest. This school is never quiet, much less the halls. It's busier than the crowds at a basketball game or a concert.

Sheer and I turned our heads to see two people walking through the halls, the boy's head was high with confidence, whilst the girl looked a bit shy. They're definitely related. I could tell by the way they both have the same green eyes and dusty blonde hair. They could be twins and all. I don't know. It was a boy and a girl and they're both undeniably good looking.

"Who are they?" I asked absentmindedly.

"No, don't worry, Charm. I'm not just seeing them for the first time or anything too." Sheer said sarcastically.

I playfully glared at her. "Hush. It was just a question." I stated. "They're related." I added.

"Yeah, and good looking." she observed.

"Stop eye raping the young man. You have Allan. Eye rape him or something." I said grinning.

"Sorry. My eyes just have a tendency to rape good looking things all the time." Sheer shrugged.

I grinned at my perverted best friend and slammed my locker shut. The bell rang as soon as I closed my locker. I groaned, placing my head on the locker.

"Kill me now." I muttered.

"When since did you hate school?" Sheer asked, surprised.

"Since Heath and I aren't talking and we have the same classes together!" I hissed.

Sheer shook her head at me and dragged me to class. I was literally dragged. If she didn't pull me, I definitely wouldn't have gone. I walked into homeroom with my head down. I know if I looked up, Heath and I would've made eye contact and I don't think I would've been able to look away, honestly. But, I did noticed his little minion, Samantha wasn't here.

I found my seat and took out my notepad, doodling a bunch of stuff on the back page.

Seriously, am I the only one who doodles in the back of every book I own?

I found myself doodling the letter 'H', then a 'E', then a 'A', then a 'T', and finally another 'H'. I stared at it in awe. It was actually really pretty. I felt weird about it, so even though I loved how it looked, I tore it out of my book and got up. I didn't realize how much pain and pressure I felt in my bladder until I got up. I started to dance and hiss.

"Can I use the bathroom please?" I asked desperately. My teacher waved me off, without so much as a glance. I quickly  dashed out of the room, practically running to the bathroom. When I got there, I blocked every single thing out and ran into one of the cleanest stalls, being the middle one. I'm not surprised to see a heap of sharpie markers and pen marks all over the stall walls. It shocked me and freaked me out to see that most of them were about Heath.

Heath is so sexy!

Why can't I have Heath?

I want Heath so badly.

I'd kill to be with Heath.

I shook my head and flushed the toilet after myself. I then heard soft whimpers and sniffling. My ears basically perked up. I quickly exited the stall, washed my hand and started searching throughout all the stalls. I finally found the stall where the girl was crying. I knocked on it subtly.

"Hello?" I wondered. She didn't answer, just kept crying. "Listen to me, I'm trying to help. Open up. C'mon," I said. I stood there waiting for about three minutes waiting for the door to open. I was about to turn around and leave when I heard the lock click and the handle jingle. I stood there with a worried expression on, waiting to see who was behind the door. When the door finally pulled open, my mouth hung open slightly and so did my eyes. It was the new girl. You know, the one from this morning.. the one with the cute brother. Her.

"Hi," she sniffed.

"New girl?" I asked, shocked. "What're you doing in here? Why are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"It's a long story." she said, waving her hand.

"I have all the time in the world," I lied. I actually don't. But it really sparked my interest and worried me. I mean, it's her first day. Who'd bother her and make her cry? Or maybe she misses her other school or something.

"It's silly." she mumbled, looking embarrassed.

"Come on. You can talk to me. I'm not one to judge. I'm all ears." I smiled at her to assure her that I was serious. I even heard the bell ring. I ignored it though.

"Well.. I was in here using the bathroom, and this beautiful, perky blonde barged in. And, she had this sickly sweet smile plastered on her face. And, I thought she was nice. Well, until she cornered me and threatened me, saying very mean things." she said, sniffing in between. I could tell she was a very shy girl, more sweeter. I also automatically knew who she meant.

"Samantha," I breathed. "Did she have on more makeup than she had on clothes? Her boobs looking all fake and what not?" I asked and she nodded. "Definitely Samantha." I muttered. "Listen to me, she's stupid. She can be real annoying. And I'm not gonna say she's not going to bother you any more, 'cause then I'd be lying. But, I can promise you I'll stick up for you." I said and I meant it. I couldn't tell you how happy and grateful she looked.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" she asked, wiping the last of her tears away.

I shrugged. "Because I too know how it feels to be harassed by her. Also, it would've made me feel guilty if I just left you and you seem pretty nice." I said and she nodded.

"Okay." she said.

"So, which class do you have right now?"

"I have biology.. for a Mr. Penn..?" she said.

I smiled a toothy one and grabbed her hand, dragging her along with me. "Great. We have the same thing. And Mr. Penn? Best teacher ever, okay?" I gushed.

"Good. At least I can look forward to this," she said, seeming a bit happier.

"Oh yeah, I didn't get your name." I said to her.

"It's Natalie. And even though you didn't ask, my brother's Nathaniel. He's actually my twin." she said, grinning.

"Nice to meet you Natalie. And, FYI, the girls are going to be all over your brother like white on rice." I muttered.

"Oh my gosh. You don't have to tell me that. It's part reason why Samantha threatened me this morning," she mumbled. "She assumed I liked him or something."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Wow. She's such a slut. Anyone with eyes can see that you and Nathaniel are related!" I said.

"Thank you!"

I found my seat in Mr. Penn's class, making Natalie sit on the left side of me, seen as Sheer's always on my right. Natalie and Sheer hit it off instantly when I introduced them. I told Sheer about how Natalie opened up to me about Samantha this morning. I can't tell you how upset that got Sheer. If you're cool with Sheer, she's definitely not going to stand by and watch you get harmed or bothered. She's going to take action.. even if it's violence. I love my best friend for that. Though I'd have to say the old me was way worse than this feisty Sheer.

"So, class.. we have two new students today. How exciting, they're twins." Mr. Penn smiled warmly at Natalie and Nathaniel. Natalie turned a beat red color, I could tell she wasn't use to crowds or  being in the spotlight or just didn't really fancy attention. She looked so adorable. "How about you two introduce yourselves, or one for both?" Mr. Penn continued.

When Natalie refused to get up, due to shyness, Nathaniel stood up in front of the class and I've got to see he's got this huge megawatt smile that lit up the whole room. Of course not as much as Heath.. but you get my point. I mentally rolled my eyes at my pathetic thoughts.

"Um, hey everyone." He smiled confidently, which I'm sure had every girl in here swooning.

"I'm Nathaniel Heffner, that's my little sister, or twin Natalie. We moved here from Missouri to finish school here, don't ask me why. I don't even have a clue. Um, we're both pretty cool and we're great to get along with. I'm also just as terrible at this introduction thing as I thought Natalie would be," he said and Natalie huffed in response. I bit back a grin. "Well, I guess that's it. If you want to get to know us more.. I guess you can just come and ask." he shrugged and walked back to his seat which was one row in front of me, directly in front of Natalie.

"Nice intro, dude." Mr. Penn said. "So.. moving on. Today class, we're moving on to the digestive system." Mr. Penn looked at the twins. "You guys started that at your old school?"

"No, sir," Natalie responded for them.

Allan raised his hand before he spoke. "Another way to say that is when we like.. poop, right?" he asked, the class choked on laughter and Sheer buried her head in her hands from embarrassment. How can she not be expecting that?

"'s part of it, but not fully. When we digest food it first goes into our mouths, which is called ingestion. When it's leaving our bodies, it's called egestion." Mr. Penn explained.

"So, like, when we use the toilet, specifically our anuses.. it's egestion?" Allan clarified.

Mr. Penn's lips quivered as he nodded his head quickly turning away and writing on the board. The next thing we knew was Mr. Penn was doubling over in laughter, which immediately triggered the whole class' laughter as well. I looked over at Natalie to see that she was crying because of how hard she was laughing. I'm glad she's having a good time, seen as she had a terrible morning.

Lunch time came around quicker than expected, but I couldn't be more thankful. Most of my classes were awkward. See, what had happened was Natalie introduced us to her brother, and all of us hit it off. But, throughout each class and time Nathaniel and I would converse, I'd feel a certain pair of eyes bore holes into my body. I just tried to keep my cool and laugh and talk with my best friend and my two other newly found friends.

Sheer, Allan, Natalie, Nathaniel and I sat at our regular table and we made small talk over our lunch. Unable to stop myself, my eyes kept wandering over to Heath, who now sat at the popular table with Samantha and crew. She was all over him, which was no surprise. I'm surprised at the fact that they didn't tongue wrestle as yet though. I even think she tried and Heath stopped her. For some reason that made me a bit happy.

Heath's P.O.V.

I sat at the table with the cheer heads and my friends. I mean, I only have two friends that I always hang out with on a regular basis. But because Charm and I happened to be on 'not speaking terms', I was forced to sit here.

You weren't forced to sit anywhere. You can just go, be the bigger person and apologize. But no.. your ego is too fucking big.

I felt sharp nails making what was suppose to be seductive trails up and down my thigh repeatedly. This would usually turn me on, but now.. it's just not happening. I don't feel crap for Samantha. Nothing. All I could see when I look at her is a scary clown. I seriously only did it for the sex. I even stopped doing that. I grabbed her hand and placed it on the table without so much as looking at her. I was not having a good lunch time.

However, Miss giggly over there seems as though she's having a splendid time with the new dude. I noticed them hit it off from Mr. Penn's class. I don't like him.

What the hell? I actually sound.. jealous. Am I? I think so.

I spun around subtly, trying to go unnoticed by Charm so she wouldn't see me staring or at least, trying to. I watched the way she threw her head back and laughed at whatever Nathaniel was saying. Her purple hair fell like waves around her, so graceful and gorgeous.

That should definitely be me making her laugh like that. Not some new kid. Is she going to just give up on us like that? After I made one mistake?



Give up on us?

There was no 'us'.

I can't take this. I need to apologize before Mr. Perfect over there wins her over. I mean, how could he not? He's all decent and smart looking and I'm all delinquent like and tattooed up and "failing biology". But, only if she knew I only failed it to get close to her.

I miss her so much already.

Today after school, I'll go and apologize. I have to. Even to her mom.. I just need to be on her good side again.

I noticed Samantha get up and I can't tell you how relieved I felt, how relaxed I got. I sighed and placed my head on the table. Today just isn't my day. However, my ears perked up when I heard what Samantha was saying across the room.

Oh no..

"Hey, nerds." she sneered. "Well, except for you." she pointed at Nathaniel. He shook his head at her. At least he had sense.

"What do you want?" Charm snapped at her.

"Definitely not you," Samantha sneered the last word. " However, I can't help but notice the fact that you keep looking over at our table, fuming." she said nastily. "Is something wrong?" she used that sickly sweet voice I hated so much. I could practically see the plastic smile plastered across her face.

"What the hell is your problem, Samantha?!" Sheer asked angrily shooting up out of her seat, making Samantha take a step back.

"My problem is your slut friend won't leave me and my man alone," Samantha sneered and that did it. As soon as my brain won the debate of slapping the absolute shit out of her, Sheer beat me to it. Of course, I really wasn't going to hit a girl.  But, the slap was so hard, it echoed throughout the entire cafeteria and it had everyone stunned to silence. I, for one, was very happy.

"Listen to me you little slut," Sheer demanded. "You'd better leave my friends alone, you hear me? I don't know what your problem is and quite frankly, I don't give a crap, but stay. Away. From. Them!" Sheer pushed Samantha away from her. "I can promise you that you won't see another penis in your life if you don't." Sheer's glares made me shiver and all! I couldn't express how happy I was Sheer did and said what she did.

I noticed Samantha stomping back my way and I resisted the urge to burst out laughing in her colorful face. Maybe if she wasn't such a bitch I would go easier on her. But, she's not so I won't.

° ° °

Charm's P.O.V.

I was lying down texting Natalie and Nathaniel as Sheer lied beside me on my laptop. She was buying clothes online like she always would. She was absolutely too lazy to shop and when she actually would, she could go for hours and hours! However, as I text my new friends, that situation at lunch time was glued to my mind. I couldn't think of anything else. As soon as I nearly killed myself for wracking my brain for answers, I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly shot up, almost losing my balance.

I made my way downstairs and walked up to the door, I picked up Dallas on the way. I pulled the door open, and guess who stood on my porch looking hotter than ever? That's right.

"Heath," I said with distaste. I had to seem upset, even if I just want to hug him and kiss him right now.

"Nice to see you too, Charm." he muttered sarcastically.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. "My mom would kill me if she knew I let you any where near this porch." I said.

"Nope," he said popping the P. "You see, I just spent about three hours at your mom's office apologizing and I finally got through to her." he said, sounding exasperated. "I explained the reasons for my foolish actions and she actually understood." he said.

Am I hearing correctly or did he say he spoke to my mom.. about dad? And she didn't flip? What the.. How come when I mentioned him she'd have a conniption fit, but when Heath does she's calm and collected about the entire thing? Not fair.

"You got through to her? She forgives you?" I asked incredulously.

He nodded, looking proud. "Yes she did. And she accepted my flowers." he said sheepishly.

"How were you even able to talk to her about.. him?"

"I have no idea. It just kind of happened. And now, I'd like to apologize to you." he said sincerely.

I wanted to burst into tears of joy. But that would definitely be too dramatic. "For what?" I played dumb.

He glared at me. "I'm trying, Charm." he warned, then he sighed. "I'm apologizing for all the damage I've caused you and your mom, for being nosy, for everything. I hate arguing with you, I hate not bothering you.. and to be completely honest, I just miss you." he said with so much sincerity I thought my heart would implode.

Can I jump on him now? No? Too bad.. I did anyway.

I quickly rest Dallas down and jumped on Heath, relishing in his manly, sexy scent. God, I missed his scent. I missed the way he felt.. I missed everything.

"I missed you too." I croaked. I honestly hated fighting with him too. It was devastating. His arms smothered me and I couldn't help giggling as he lifted me off of my feet and spun me around.

"Come on inside," I said happily, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. He was grinning like an idiot too, but he still looked beautiful.

Author's Note ~

This chapter didn't go exactly as planned, but I guess it's okay. Vote and comment, if you'd like. And also, exams are coming up in a week's time and I have to study. I'll still try my best to update for you beautiful people, but if I'm late.. you know why.

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