The Plugs Son: 2

By deschanel_xo

1.4M 48.6K 25.5K

The kids are all grown up. Some are going down a good path while others follow a bad one. Who's actually go... More

Family Reunion


29.1K 1K 434
By deschanel_xo


My dad called all of us downstairs and I was already bored. He was going over what to do and what not to do. We've been over this a million times. Sometimes I wish we had a regular life like other kids. We always have to make sure we don't run into the wrong people and get killed.

"I hate this." I said making his stop talking.

"What you mean?" My mom asked

"I hate the fact that we can't do things like normal families." I said

"We do things like normal families." She said

"I almost fucked a girl that tried to set us up." I said getting frustrated.

"Watch your mouth." She said

"No ma. I'm tired of this shit. I can't even go in the mall without somebody saying they gone kill us or wanna fuck with me because of my money shit getting old." I said

I watched as my mama walked up to me. I've never really been afraid of my mama. She's so small compared to me and Marcus I don't think she'll do any damage really.

I was brought out of my thoughts because I was slapped to the ground. She literally knocked me off my chair. I looked back at her and she was looking at me with a blank face. I looked at my dad for support and he just went back to talking.

"I don't know who the hell you and Marcus think y'all are but in my house y'all gone show me respect. Now disrespect me again and I'll knock your teeth down your mouth." She said

"Yes ma'am." I said

She walked from me and I got back on my chair.

"And you gone need to straighten up. Me and your mama spoiled y'all because we grew up with no money and don't want y'all to feel like you have to wonder when your next meal is." My Dad said pointing at me.

"He lying. I was broke your dad always had money but he was humble about it when he finally grew up." My mama said

"Yeah what she said." My Dad said

"Ma why don't we just move from Dallas?" Marcus asked

"Because Dallas is our home. Plus it's the middle of the school year and I don't want y'all to have to start over in the middle of the year." She said

"If it's better that we leave then I'm okay with that." I said

"You just want to run away from that baby." My Dad said

"Nah when the baby born and if it's mine I'm gone take care of it. 9/10 we gone get custody right?" I asked

"Not necessarily baby. We aren't sure what's going on right know but we know people are after us. It may be the government or just regular gang bangers. But if it's the government there's no way they're going to let you take the baby." Mom said

"Ma why would the government be after us? Because you and daddy kill people?" Marcus asked

"I don't kill people." Mama said

"Yes you do. Aunt Karmen said you kill multiple people." I said

She quickly looked at me with the meanest look.

"You about to get your teeth knocked down your throat if you keep running your mouth." She said to me

"I don't get why y'all keep lying to us. I did research on our family and neither of y'all are innocent. I don't see how y'all sleep at night knowing y'all took people mothers and fathers away." I said

"The only reason I took their lives were because mine or your fathers life were in danger." She said

"What about that Angel woman? It said she was last seen with Dad but after they visited you in New York she went missing. Everybody think you did it because you were jealous daddy moved on from you." I said

"Talk to your son because imma break that boy jaw." She said to my dad walking to the kitchen.

"Your mother and Angel fought because she kidnapped you and Marcus when y'all were babies. Your mama only do crazy shit because she love us. And you gone stop disrespecting my woman and questioning her about shit she did in her past. She regrets all of it and you bringing it up make her feel bad about the whole thing all over again." He said

My dad was always the calm one which is why I never understood why Marcus was scared of Dad and not mama.

"I just wanted to know because people ask me if you and mama are hitmen. Someone asked if I could kill a man for them." I said

"Ignore those type of people. They're saying stupid shit to get under your skin." He said

"I know but it still make me wonder." I said

"KAMIYA!" He yelled

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" Mama yelled back from the kitchen.

My dad did a confused face and walked into the kitchen.

"Why would you say shit like that?" Marcus asked me.

"Because I can." I said

"You gone make mama feel bad." He said

"Shut the fuck up cry baby." I told him.

"I don't even care about you calling me names. You hurt mama and you know I don't play about my mama." He said

"Mama a grown woman. My words don't hurt her." I said

"You don't think they do but I bet you mama in there crying." He said

"Bet she ain't." I said

We both got up from the couches and walked into the kitchen. I saw my dad hugging my mom and heard her crying into his shirt.

"Mama." I said

She looked at me and wiped her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked walking to me.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." I said

"I'm okay. I just hate what I did in the past. I was childish and wish I could take everything back." She said

"Except meeting me." My Dad threw in there

She glanced up at him.

"Just got to bed and we can do something tomorrow with the twins." She told us.

We hugged her and went to our bedrooms.


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