You Capture My Attention (GxG)

By AmyliasElden

399K 12.3K 2K

Valerie Christopher is an extremely talented fashion student. Winning multiple contests and awards for her wo... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty-Six

4.1K 213 32
By AmyliasElden

Author Note:

Please comment and vote

Lyndsey's POV:

"So, I'm just curious. What are you going to do now?" Kyle asked from her kitchen as she poured herself and I a glass of wine. I sulked on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. As childish as this probably looked, it was the only thing that was calming my ever-growing anxiety. I looked over the top of the couch towards my friend who was looking at me with a knowing glance. "Are you planning on telling her?"

"I don't know." I spoke truthfully, running a hand over face in frustration, "Like, how do I even bring that up, Kyle? 'Oh, hey Valerie, I need to tell you something. You know that guy that killed your mother? Oh yeah, well he was my father.'" I rolled my eyes at how absurd it sounded. Kyle didn't say anything as she walked over to me, handing me the glass of wine. "Thanks..." I pouted, taking a long sip of it.

"You can't avoid her forever, Lyn." She spoke in between sips, "You've been here for almost three days. Don't get me wrong; I love having you here." She said as she tilted her glass towards me, "But you can't crash on my couch forever. I need my place back, so I can bring around my boy toys." We shared a laugh at the last statement.

"I know, I know." I half smiled, "But, I just feel so guilty Kyle." I frowned, sulking deeper into my seat. "I can't help but feel a boulder rest upon my chest whenever I'm around her. We share this deep unreal connection." I couldn't help but smile as Valerie's face appeared in my thoughts, "She's amazing in every way possible Kyle. I don't even know how to explain it. I'm pretty sure she feels that same way towards me too... but I'm not certain of it either. But..." I sighed, downing the rest of my wine, "I'm bad for her. The connection we have is earth-shattering for me, but it's based off fucked up reasons..."

"It's not your fault that your father is a monster, Lyndsey. It's beyond obvious that you're madly in love with this woman." She said, nudging me with her knee, "You need to do this. You owe it to her, to be honest with her. I'm sure she'll understand if she returns these feelings that you have for her." She smiled before standing up and heading to the fridge.

"Since when did you become an all-knowing Jedi?" I smirked, following her. She looked over her shoulder before grabbing a frozen pizza from the freezer.

"Jedi? Hm... well shit, that'd be awesome. But seriously. Look at you," She said pointing towards my person, "You're a mess." I looked down at myself, noting that I was still in the same sweatpants I was wearing yesterday. "I've never seen you so fucked up over a girl before. Well..." She trailed off as she walked over to the oven, "Besides when you fucked up over Emalie... but that's different. This, "She said, gesturing towards me and the invisible body whom must have been Valerie, "This is insanely unlike you. This woman has you all fucked up in the head. And I know you're going to hate me for saying this, but I mean you guys were brought together by fate in my opinion. I know, don't give me that look girl." She said, flipping me off. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at her words. "You either need to fuck her bad, or just tell her you love her." She laughed at her attempt to make me smile, which worked. "It's not your fault what he did, Lyndsey," Her voice took a serious note. I looked at her as she slipped the frozen pizza into the oven. Kyle stood upright, turning her head towards me. "You need to tell her, what is the worst that can happen?"

"Never speaking to me again..." I whispered, leaning up against the counter. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I rolled my eyes in irritation, wiping it away as if it had burned a path in its trail. "Ugh!" I groaned out, "It's all my fucking fault that he's still out there!" I yelled out, starling Kyle, "I'm the reason her mother is gone." I gritted my teeth; the guilt was overwhelming me.

"Not to be rude," She started, causing me to look at her with interest, "But you're doing a great job of her not talking to you. And yeah Lyndsey, it is your fault that he is still out there." It felt as if a knife cut through my being. "But, you're not the one doing fucked up shit to people. You can't change what happened, it's not going to bring your family back and it won't bring her mother back. You must do right by her if you truly love her. Even if that means losing her. Why don't you report what you know?"

"I plan on doing that... but it's not going to help catch him." I groaned out, hating at how pathetic this fucked up shit was making me look.

"So what? Any information can help them. Tell her, then let her decide what to do with the information. Stop being such a god damn pussy, Lyndsey. Like what the fuck have you become? You're acting like a scared little bitch." She smiled kindly, pushing my shoulder lightly which of course made me smile back at her. "You should also tell her you love, maybe it'll soften the blow."

"Fuck off with all of that."

"Come on," She said, pulling her hair into a high ponytail, "You're going to be in the most romantic city in the entire world, Lyn."

"Kyle..." I sighed, licking my bottom lip. Kyle shrugged her shoulders as she looked back at the oven.

"I have no idea how to make this pizza..." I couldn't help laughing at how pathetic she was. I pushed her out of the way, turning on the oven. "So, you'll be out tomorrow?


"Alright everyone," Michele announced. I lifted my head from the resting it on my crossed arms, causing an overdramatic gasp from everyone. "Jesus Christ Lyndsey! What the fuck happened to you?" My eyes couldn't help but draw my attention when the girl that had been plaguing my mind walked into the room, carrying her sketchbook. I noticed that she had bags under her eyes, her glasses were on, and she refused to look at me as she took her seat. "Earth to Lyndsey!"

"Can't sleep lately." I croaked out, attempting to sit up.

"My god... well please get some much-needed rest, we leave for Paris bright and early tomorrow," Michele said, giving Brian Binders filled with pointless shit.

"Maybe if she came home..." Valerie whispered, causing me to look at her. To my surprise though, she was looking directly at me. I frowned, quickly averting my glance from her piercing one.

"Seriously Lyndsey," Michele's voice chimed in, drawing my attention towards her. "You look like complete crap." I clicked my tongue over my teeth, giving her a curt nod with my head. "Brian, can you please pass those out to everyone?" She ordered him. "Now, I know all of you are really excited about this trip." She announced towards the rest of staff, models, and whoever was around. I watched as Brian handed me a binder with a smile.

"Miss. Ryan, you'll be sharing a king suite with Miss. Christopher." He said, handing me the blue folder. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I ripped the binder away from him.

"Wait... what?" Came Valerie's voice, making my stomach flip upside down.

"Are you kidding me? I don't get my own room? What is this shit, Michele?" I asked, pissed off now. I could feel Valerie's eyes digging into mine, but I couldn't find myself to turn my head towards her.

"The hotel was overbooked this year and I didn't have time to book you another hotel. It's inconvenient if we are staying at separate hotels and to be honest, short notice to even find a place." Michele explained, pacing back and forth as she used her hands for gesturing. "I figured the two of you, seeing as how you're roommates, wouldn't mind sharing the king suite." I couldn't help but look to Valerie, my anxiety flying through the roof.

"A single bed?" Valerie choked out.

"Yes, that's all they had available. Now... moving on, when we get to..." Michele's voice began to drift away as my brain went into overdrive.

What the fuck am I going to do now?

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