Draco Malfoy Imagines

By XSoieaX

2.1M 41.4K 23.8K

Here. I baked you some fluff. Enjoy. All imagines written by me! These imagines are x female reader unle... More

A/N: Welcome, Format Information, & Request Form
Malfoy Manor
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 1
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 2
The Astronomy Tower Pt. 3
What Are We?
Hear Me Out!
Wedding Bells
Free Period
Meeting Her Pt. 1
Meeting Her Pt. 2
The Slytherin Common Room
Insults and Sabotage
The Mission Pt. 1
The Mission Pt. 2
The Mission Pt. 3
My Hufflepuff Pt. 1
My Hufflepuff Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 1
Innocence Pt. 2
Innocence Pt. 3
Dating Draco Malfoy Would Include...
What Essay?
Living Together
Draco Malfoy Preferences and Favorites
Screams and Whispers
Wings Pt. 1
Wings Pt. 2
Wings Pt.3
Halloween Party
I'm Here, Draco
I Got Your Back
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 1
Flourish and Blotts Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 1
Minister's Box Pt. 2
Minister's Box Pt. 3
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 1
It's Only a Matter of Time Pt. 2
Prefects Pt. 1
Prefects Pt. 2
After the Battle
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 1
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 2
Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 3
I'm In, I'm Out, I'm In...
How Long Will I Love You?
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 1
Polyjuice Potion Pt. 2
The Madness
Ethics Pt. 1
Ethics Pt. 2
Our Place Pt. 1
Our Place Pt. 2
Colours Pt. 1
Colours Pt. 2
Second Dimension
It's My Fault Pt. 1
It's My Fault Pt. 2
It's My Fault Pt. 3
It's My Fault Pt. 4
Potions Partners
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Bad Reputation
Being an Envy
Different From All the Rest Pt. 1
Different From All the Rest Pt. 2
Different From All the Rest Pt. 3
Chinese Lessons
My Resolve
Draco vs. Harry
Immortalize Me Pt. 1
Immortalize Me Pt. 2
Immortalize Me Pt. 3
Decisions Pt. 1
Decisions Pt. 2
I Don't Care About My Exes
Professor's Daughter Pt.1
Professor's Daughter Pt. 2
Professor's Daughter Pt. 3
You Have Nothing to Be Ashamed Of
I'll Wait For You
25k Special - Q&A With Soiea!
Here to Stay
Secret Place
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 1
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 2
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 3
You Don't Know What I've Done Pt. 4
100th Imagine - Looking Ahead
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 1
Azkaban Prisoner No. 71 Pt. 2
Quail in the Corner
Love for the Music Lover
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 1
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 2
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 3
Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 4
Don't Look
Old Friend
50k Special - Q&A With the Author
50k Special - Fed Up
50k Special - Greatest Fear
Valentine's Day Special - Crystal Hearts
Save Him
Unfamiliar Girl
Gryffindor Quidditch Star
Cheater Pt. 1
Cheater Pt. 2
Cheater Pt. 3
One More Night
All Thanks to Narcissa Malfoy
Detention With Draco
He Makes Three
My Best Friend
Draco's Tutor
A/N: New Cover!
Dragon Tamer
Life Debt
Arrangement Pt. 1
Arrangement Pt. 2
Arrangement Pt. 3
Arrangement Pt. 4
Thank You For 100k
Misfit Pt. 1
Misfit Pt. 2
Misfit Pt. 3
Lune Pt. 1
Lune Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 1
Solitude Pt. 2
Solitude Pt. 3
125k Special - Q&A With the Author
Promise Pt. 1
Promise Pt. 2
Promise Pt. 3
Sudden Change Pt. 1
Sudden Change Pt. 2
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 1
Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 2
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 1
That Big, Bloody Chicken Pt. 2 (Republish)
The Truth Hurts Pt. 1
The Truth Hurts Pt. 2 (Republish)
A/N: 1 Old and 1 New Announcement (Book/275k)!
Cause and Effect
End of Year Traditions
Dark Side
Want U Back
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 1
Beauty and the Beast Pt. 2
I Still Love You, Ferret Boy
Unbreakable Pt. 1
Unbreakable Pt. 2
Snake in the Pride
The Zabini Twins
Diamond in the Rough
Winter Mornings
A Letter: Love, Draco
A/N: (Please Read) An Important Message
A/N: Hello Again & My New Home

Winter Holiday Special - A Little Encouragement

8.1K 212 245
By XSoieaX

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Light Swearing

A/N: Happy Holidays everybody! Merry/Happy Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa (is that what you say?)! And If you celebrate something else, Happy (fill in your holiday) and Happy Holidays, still! And if you don't celebrate a winter holiday, Happy December! :)! This will be a Christmasy imagine. I'm so sorry to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas and I regret only being able to provide you all with a Christmas imagine. It's what I celebrate with my family and I believe that it wouldn't be appropriate for me to write an imagine about any other holiday. I'm afraid I would get facts wrong about the holiday and the traditions that are practised. It just feels that it wouldn't be okay for someone who celebrates Christmas and only Christmas to write a Hanukkah imagine or a Kwanzaa imagine.  You understand right?   Once again, Happy Holidays and Happy Winter (...unless you live south of the equator... Happy summer to you)!

f/n = Friend's Name; n/c = name combination (of you and Draco - Example (a bad one, but an example):  Draco and Claudia Dradia or Clarco. Ya get it?  Ship names anyone?)


"Malfoy!" f/n gasps, rounding the corner, stopping Draco in his tracks.

"What is it f/n?" he asks, with a calm shake of his head.  F/n was always super spontaneous so it was always expected that she'd rush around the corner gasping for air at least thrice a week at least.

"You gotta ask y/n out!" she squeals in happiness.  

"W-What?" he gasps, obviously surprised, despite the fact that she often ambushed him in this way, squealing about something.  

"Ask y/n out!  Do it quick!" she says, clapping her hands and jumping up and down excitedly.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because I said so, of course, Malfoy!" she attempts to reason. 

"That's not much of a reason to ask y/n out, f/n..." he replies, sceptically.  She's not making much sense, Draco thinks to himself.

"Stop stalling and ask her to Hogsmeade!"

"I don't even know what I'd say! and what do you mean by stalling?" 

"You're obviously holding in suppressed feelings for her!" she argues.  "I know you like her, Malfoy....  You like her a lot"

"How do you know that f/n?" he huffs, blushing a bit at f/n knowing his deepest secret.  

"I heard you talking to yourself in front of a mirror about her.  You were asking if you should reveal your feelings about her to her," she beams.

"How the hell do you know that?" he coughs, surprised at f/n as she jumps onto him pinning him against the wall.

"I have my ways!  Ask her out!  It would make my holiday!!!!!  It could be a Christmas gift from you to me!" she gushes.  He pauses and doesn't say anything to her, trying to get her to leave him alone.

"PLEEEEEEASE?  I've been shipping you two together for so long!" f/n whines loudly.  "You two are perfect for each other!"

Realising she'll never go away, Draco sighs and turns back to f/n.

"I'll think about it, f/n...  I can't guarantee it, though," he says, trying to get f/n to stop her pursuit of playing the role of matchmaker.

"Yaaaaaaayyyy!  You're going to ask y/n out!!!!" she blurts out, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Wait...!  F/n...!  I didn't say that!  I said I'd think about it!" he exclaims.  

"You pretty much said you'd ask her out, Malfoy.  Just you wait!" F/n calls behind her, skipping off to the Great Hall for lunch, leaving Draco confused, overwhelmed, and in the dust.



"F/n??" you mumble.  "I'm still half asleep.  I just woke up and I couldn't miss lunch so I came down here... reluctantly...  What is it?  What's so important that you're yelling again?  "

"Ask Malfoy out!" she almost yells.  

"F/n...," you grumble.  "You've been saying that to me every hour for the past two months...  Stop..."

"Come on!  Ask him out!  You two would be the best power couple of... HOGWARTS HISTORY!" she pipes up.  "Imagine:  DRACO AND Y/N...! Or N/C!  I like n/c, personally.  I made n/c up!  Do you like it?  It's the best ship, n/c!  You two would be unstoppable and so damn cute together!  I can just imagine you both going down the halls, his hand on your waist, telling jokes and secrets!  It would be the best!"

"For the last time, Draco and I are only friends...  Can you stop your blabbing and let me eat, f/n?"

"Come on!  Isn't he hot?"  she asks, leaning over the table to look you directly into the eye.

"Well... Yeah.  I guess Draco's hot."

"AAAAAH!" she squeals.  "My ship has sailed!!!!!  You said he's hot!   You said he's hot!!!!"

Multiple heads from the other tables turn to face you with nasty looks.

"Shhh, f/n.  You're attracting too much attention!" you whisper.

"Y/n y/l/n!  Everyone must know this new development in the matter of Draco Malfoy and Y/n y/l/n!" she shouts, getting up on the table.  "The world must know!"

"Augh!" you groan, pulling her down by the arm, making her sit beside you.  "Sometimes I can't understand how I tolerate you..."

"You love me, y/n!  That's why!" she smiles.

"You're right, f/n.  I do love you," you reply with a laugh.

"... But you love Draco more!!!!' she hollers teasingly.  

"F/N!" you shout, exasperated, but she's already running out of the Hall.


You sit in the Great Hall after dessert.  

"Hey, y/n," a voice says from behind you.

"Hi, Draco!" you respond.  "Take a seat!"

He sits down beside you and exhales deeply.

"Looks like someone's tired, Draco," you laugh.

"Yep.  Absolutely exhausted," he replies warily.

"Why?  There was no Quidditch today...  It's the winter holiday."

"Oh... Just emotionally.   A lot of stuff going on in my head, to be honest...," he admits, lowering his head.

"Here," you say, pushing a cup of chocolate pudding towards him.  "This'll perk you up some."

"Thanks for saving me this, y/n," he thanks, grabbing a spoon and taking a bite.   

You two laugh and hold come nice conversation for a few minutes like you two always do, talking about the day and family until f/n comes bursting through the Great Hall doors.  She runs over to you, almost out of breath.

"What's wrong f/n?  Did something happen?" Draco asks, concerned. She shakes her head and straightens herself up eventually.  She reaches into her pocket and brings out a small piece of plant.  It's green and has snow white berries.  Mistletoe.  She sticks it out above the two of you.

"Now kiss, you two!" she declares, shaking the mistletoe berries.

"Wait.  What?!" you and Draco gasp in unison.

"KISS!" f/n shouts.  "PLEASE!  I've been trying all day!  OBEY THE POWER OF MISTLETOE!  THE MISTLETOE COMPELLS YOU!"  

"Uhhh. Y/n?" Draco asks.  "Should we? Only if you want to, though..."

You blush, feeling your cheeks go pink and nod.  Draco slides himself closer to you on the bench and takes your hands, placing them gently on his shoulders.  He rests his hands on your waist and pulls you in close, slowly but surely he closes the gap between you two.  You can feel his breath on your cheeks as your lips meet.  He presses his lips to yours gently, careful not to mess up.  You hear him have a sharp intake of breath after a moment.  He's obviously enjoying the kiss very much.  Smiling into the kiss, you begin to kiss back.   Not expecting this, Draco lets out an accidental, soft groan against your mouth.  You smile wider and slowly part your lips.  In the background, you hear f/n squealing and jumping up and down.  

"Hey, Draco," you say softly.

"Hi y/n," he replies, kissing you again.  "So what does this make us do you think?"

"Let's not think about that just yet.  Just keep kissing me, please," you whisper, bringing your hands up to his hair.  He pulls you in even tighter than before and everything else around you disappears into nothingness... Well, except f/n.



A/N:  This imagine 1,116 words long!  Happy holidays/Happy December/Happy Winter to all!  More imagines to come!  Thanks for reading!  Requests open!

- Soiea

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