[Slow Updates] Beasts (Tomoe...

Par DoloresMika

76.5K 2K 346

You are the Beast Goddess. As the name suggests, you rule over all beasts, including animal like Yokai. What... Plus

The Stray God
The Beast God in a Shrine
The First of Many Disasters
Back in Hell
The Angel in Hell
Inside, We Are All Beasts
Decent into Hell
The Tomb
Visiting the Past
I Can Never Love
First Day of School
I'd Call This a Bad Day
Humans are Strange
Not an Update!
A Little of the Old Spirit
Not an Update
Beach Bonanza
The Dragon King's Eye
Glimpse of the Past
Invitation to Izumo
Not an update! Important question!
The Divine Assembly
The Night
Izumo Dilemmas
At the End
Return to Shrine Life?
Why Can't Life Be Easy?
Never Ending

Damn Snake

4.5K 110 28
Par DoloresMika

Hello dear readers! Sorry I've been so slow to publish an update to this story! I hope you can forgive me! To make up for it, I'm publishing two chapters in one day. This is the second one, so I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment, and tell me what you think. Comments help motivate me to keep writing. The more comments, the faster I will try to update.


Tomoe woke up bright and early, as he always did. He pulled the blankets off of himself, and stood to get changed. He stepped towards his dresser, and nearly stepped on a white bundle of fur. Taken aback, he knelt next to the small ball of white. (Y/N)? He questioned quietly. What is she doing in my room? Tomoe hesitated for a second, and looked around, confirming to himself that he was, in fact, in his own room. He stepped around the bundle of fur, and noticed that Kenji had fallen asleep under her tail. He smiled, grabbed his clothes, and headed to the bathroom to change. He went about his normal routine, and got everything in order before he had to wake up Nanami for school.

When breakfast was made, he entered Nanami's room, and threw a pillow at her face. "Get up!" He barked. The girl groaned, and rolled over, so he grabbed the edge of her bed, and flipped her. Nanami squealed, as she tumbled across the cold ground.

"Why do you have to be so mean, Tomoe?" She whined, as she groggily got to her feet.

"You are the one who insisted on continuing attending school. I am simply doing what you requested." Tomoe stated bluntly.

"I asked you to wake me up, not throw me out of bed!" Nanami grumbled.

"It did the primary task, did it not?" Tomoe sighed, as he exited the room.

Nanami took a shower, and got changed. When she was ready she entered the kitchen for breakfast. "Where's (Y/N)? She's usually awake by now."

"She is still resting. Now hurry up and eat."

"Why aren't you throwing her out of her bed?"

"Because she doesn't need to be awake. Besides, her wounds are still healing. She needs as much rest as she can get."


When you finally woke, most of the day had passed. You stretched, and strolled out of the room. Tomoe was busy dusting and sweeping the shrine. When he saw you he raised an eyebrow, and smirked. "I didn't think a fox could get bed head." He chuckled.

You huffed at him, and went out the open door, to sit on the steps of the shrine. He came out, and sat next to you. "Are you planning on turning back to your regular form any time soon."

You grunted at him, and tugged once on the sleeve of his kimono.

"What? Do you need a change of clothes?"

You nodded your head.

"I'll see what I can find. Of course, you can't keep wearing my kimono's. We need to get you some of your own." He said as he reentered the shrine, and entered his room. After a minute, he emerged holding a lavender kimono. He carried the kimono to the bathroom, at your insistence, and left. When the door clicked closed, you transformed back into your human form. You got undressed, and took a quick shower, before changing into the new kimono. 

When you were clean, and clothed, you exited the bathroom, and headed to the kitchen. Your foot was killing you, but you did your best to keep from limping. You sagged into one of the chairs around the table, and stretched the stiffness from your back. Tomoe brought you a bowl of rice, and a grilled fish, and sat opposite you. You thanked him for the food, and began to pick listlessly at the rice. You stole a glance at him, and saw his bandaged hand. You felt your fox ears droop. "I'm sorry about your hand." You mumbled.

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't even hurt." Tomoe dismissed. "Do you want to tell me what happened last night?" He asked, his voice soft.

"What do you mean?"

"You were terrified last night, and when I touched you..." His voice trailed off, as he recalled the terror and pain he'd felt.

"Sorry about that. It happens when people touch me, especially if the fear from the creature is strong."

"Is that what you feel all the time?"

"It's not that bad." You lied, not wanting him to worry about you.

"If it's anything like I felt last night... I don't know how you can handle it."

"It's not as bad when I'm in the forest, in the home of a god, or in contact with a god."

Tomoe nodded in understanding, and stopped asking questions. He simply got up, and continued his chores.

Within the hour, Nanami returned home from school. Instantly, your eyes fell upon her right wrist. "Nanami, what did you do?" You asked, as you jumped to your feet. You hobbled over to her, and grabbed her arm. You held her wrist up so you could look at it, and sighed. "Tomoe~" You called.

"What is it?" Tomoe asked, as he lumbered into the room.

You held up Nanami's arm, and smirked. "Nanami got a bit to friendly with a scaly stalker." You stated.

Tomoe looked furious. "Where did you get that mark?"

"There was this snake in the hallway at school, and the boys were picking on it, so I grabbed it and let it outside. I guess maybe I'm allergic to them." Nanami mumbled obliviously.

"Sorry to tell you, but that's not a rash. That's an engagement ring." You stated matter-of-factly

"What?" She looked at you in confusion.

"She means, you are now the betrothed of a snake." Tomoe growled.

"WHAT?!" Nanami screeched.

You turned to Tomoe, and sighed. "You know he'll be coming for her soon."

"I am painfully aware of that fact. I will not allow a snake to take my lady and mistress." He hissed angrily.

"So what, are you going to go with her to school?"

"I am. I would request your help, but we shouldn't chance it."

"You can't keep an eye on her alone."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"I'm fine as long as I stay with Nanami." You stated. "So..." You transformed into a small mouse with lavender on your feet, tail, and ears. You leapt up onto Nanami's hand, and scampered up her arm. You ducked under the collar of her shirt, and vanished. You were so small, that the fold perfectly hid you.

"I suppose that would work." Tomoe agreed.

You leapt out from her collar, and transformed. When you hit the ground you were back in your human form. "As long as she doesn't move around like crazy, I'll be fine there. That way I can keep an eye out when you can't." You stated.

"Very well then. We have some sort of plan of action." Tomoe nodded. "Nanami, I suggest you eat, then get to bed. We don't need you dragging around tomorrow." Tomoe instructed. Nanami grumbled, but did as she was told. She quickly ate, then headed off to bed.

While Tomoe cleaned the dishes, you went out to the yard with a bottle of sake, and looked up at the moon. Munakata was at it again. You could feel so much pain, and fear, but there wasn't anything you could do. He knew your weakness. If you went to help any of those poor creatures, he'd get you. If that happened, than no creature would be safe. You sat on the porch, and poured yourself some sake. You drank two cups of the cold alcohol, before putting the cup down. The booze muffled the screams and cries that echoed in your mind.

Slowly, you began to doze off. Leaving your third cup of sake half full. You, of course, had nightmares. It wasn't exactly a nightmare so much as it was a memory. You were in a deep, dark hole. The ground was covered in an foot of water, and your hands and legs were bound by cold iron shackles. The shackles were attached to chains that went all the way up, and out of the pit. When you were inside the pit, the chains were loose enough that you could move around, but as soon as Munakata felt like tormenting you, the chains were pulled taunt, and you were dragged out to an almost worse hell.

You jerked awake, and realized that Tomoe's hand was on your shoulder. He was starring at you, a mixture of fear and worry on his face. Damn, he saw. You cursed yourself for being so careless.

"(Y/N), what was that?"

"It was nothing." You grumbled, as you stood to go to your room. He caught your arm.

"That wasn't nothing." He stated. "What was that place? W-What..." His voice trailed off.

"I-I haven't always been so afraid of being out in the open." You whispered. "There was a time when I was dragged into my own personal hell." You continued, your voice cold. You shook your head, and yanked your arm away from the fox familiar. "I'm going to bed." You mumbled.


The next morning, Tomoe didn't ask you any more questions. Without a word between you two, you climbed up onto Nanami's shoulder, and hid underneath her collar.

The day went by in an uninteresting wave. This thing they called school was of little interest to you. It just seemed like a waste of time. Why would I sit in a room, and learn about all of this stuff? I've lived through most of the events they speak of, and anything else they talk about I could easily learn in a book. Humans are such weird creatures. You thought to yourself. Nanami told Tomoe that she had to fill out something or another, so we had to stay after school. When she'd finished, she stood, and went to drop off the notebook. Tomoe had fallen asleep. You were surprised. He never falls asleep in front of people, especially when he was trying to protect someone.

Nanami walked outside under the covered walkway. It was raining pretty hard, the rain hit the roof of the walkway in a rhythmic drone.

"Miss Nanami." A voice called. Nanami turned, and you saw a figure standing under an umbrella. "It's good to see you." The figure stated, lifting the umbrella so you could finally see his face. You immediately recognized the figure.

You leapt out from your hiding spot, and transformed into your human form. You stood between him, and Nanami. "That's enough. Just leave here. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you try to fight me." You growled.

"Who might you be?" The boy asked, cocking his head curiously.

"It doesn't matter who I am. All you need to know is that a familiar can not defeat a god. Now turn around, and leave." You growled, your tail sweeping the ground behind you.

"That would normally be true. But Miss Nanami is just a new god."

You winced, as you felt the fear filtering into your head. The screams crashed down on your head like a sack of bricks. You fell to your knees, clutching your head. Damn. I didn't think. I just rushed out, without thinking about what would happen if left contact with Nanami. 

"(Y/N)!" Nanami shouted. She went to your side, and placed her hand on your shoulder. The pain dulled slightly. Nanami looked at the white haired boy. "You're right, I can't fight you, and (Y/N) is in no shape to either. I only have one request. Please take her too."

"Why would I do that?" The white haired familiar asked.

"Please. She needs to stay with me, or she'll be in danger." Nanami pleaded.

"Very well than." The boy agreed to Nanami's terms.

"Don't be stupid." You hissed through the pain. "Run, and get Tomoe." You grimaced. The pain was getting worse by the second, even with Nanami holding your shoulder.

"I can't leave you." She stated.

Dammit! You cursed as your vision began to grow blurry. I was afraid of this. Nanami's powers aren't strong enough to repress the pain and screams. Fortunately, just her status as a god is needed to keep me grounded, but if this keeps up... Your thoughts faltered, and you collapsed.

Continuer la Lecture

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