
By newbiegac2015

51.6K 2.2K 312

Serendipity - Finding something good, without looking for it. After waking up from an accident, Katy finds he... More

Houston, We Have A Problem.
Dalliance II
Adulation *m*
Little bird


869 38 1
By newbiegac2015

A week later..

"You're a massive chicken shit!" I snapped storming through Zak's home as he trailed behind muttering. "You told me you would sort it with Billy, smooth it over. Even using the words 'A Bro talk!' I exclaimed throwing my hands out in front of me in anger.

"Well it didn't happen like that.." He sighed following me into the bedroom.

"No shit!"

"Well sorry if I don't want to break that news to him when we are out firing guns!" He threw back making my head snap back at his outburst.

"Well you should have told him on the way home!"

Zak threw his hands up in dismissal and stormed his way into the walk-in wardrobe to continue packing. Letting out a huff, I slumped on the end of his bed sulking.

Yes, I was being childish. Yes, the announcement of myself and Zak being in a relationship should come from me when Billy is to find out. But the anxiety of him finding out and reacting was too much.

Looking up from my hands, I saw Zak peeking out of his wardrobe, before raising a white sock in surrender.

"I'm sorry." I sighed parting my fiddling fingers.

His shoulders relaxed as he exited his walk-in and came over. We sat in silence for a while, a part of me wished I could know what was going on inside his head, but I couldn't. Everything seemed so shut down with him, as if we weren't working together, in a relationship.

"All this is kinda new to me, Katy." He began. "I've never had to worry about the small talks, the meeting parents, approval of friends..." he paused letting me linger on it. "But I do know when to say I'm sorry...And I'm sorry."

I shook my head "No, I am. You shouldn't be sorry for thinking ahead, you're thinking logical, the impact it will have on your working relationship with Billy. I'm being selfish, I'm being a coward, actually. I'm just worried that Billy won't take it so well."

Zak put his hand onto mine in comfort. "You and me both."

When I first came to Vegas, I was a slightly wounded bird after a bitter breakup. I arrived on Billy's doorstep, swollen eyes and reddened nose from the persistent crying, sobs racking my chest as I explained that I was now back on the singles ladder with nothing to my name. It was Billy who picked me up. Billy who dusted me off, Billy who helped me regain my confidence. Billy who warned me away from Zak's flirtatious ways.

But I was a sucker.

A sucker for a man who had a softer side, a man who gave me killer smile and a wink. A man who had charm and style. A man who was gentle, caring and kind. A man who was kind to animals and made it his mission to look after them, one way or another.

I rested my temple against his shoulder "Maybe.. Maybe he won't care?"

He scoffed instantly "He's going too. I guarantee you he'd have warned you off me before even introducing you to the crew... Didn't he?"

I kept my lips sealed and lowered my head slightly.

"I take that as a yes. Look I've been friends with Billy for a long time, we work together and sure we have even had the man talks about women et cetera. I can't sit here and say we haven't jest about the women I've slept with. And there's a few..." He trailed off before continuing "So he knows I've had a few women. He knows how bad they've taken it when I've broke things off because they've wanted more. He's been here when they've been screaming in my face, calling me a player, a gigolo, a monster, a pig, blah, blah, blah.. He's seen them get hurt. Kat, I can't blame him for warning you, I can't blame him if he wanted to put you in an ivory tower and protect you from heartache ever again. Hell I would if it was Meredith. But we are, are own people. He's gotta let you make your own mistakes."

I looked at Zak as he explained his reasons but I couldn't shift one thing from my mind.

"You're not a mistake. You wouldn't ever be a mistake." I frowned rolling my hand over to take his.

"Maybe not, or not yet. What's to say we will have a happy ever after?" He asked.

I swallowed down my own anxiety about that question "Surely we of all people are allowed to have one. Or even hope for one? We can have hope.. Can't we?"

He smiled slightly and nodded "Of course. I'm just saying, he's seen the ugly side of a breakup with me.. He might not want that for you. So his response may not be to give his seal of approval."

Billy arrived over at Zak's to give him the last of the camera equipment when his eyes landed on me sitting on the RV step.

"What's up?" He asked sliding over with his shades on.

"Not much. You?" I replied squinting to look up at him enjoying the sun.

"I'm good.. I've got a burning question to ask you..." Billy spoke trailing off.

"Well, fire away."

He lifted his glasses to give me the serious conversation look, one that made my back stiffen slightly and I had taken a small breath ready to prepare myself. "Nothing, it's nothing important." He waved it off and looked away.

Chewing my lip, I decided that now would be as good as time as any, to find out if I'm in that ivory tower.


"Hmm?" He hummed looking back over to me from staring at the concrete of Zak's driveway.

"Am I..." My mind paused trying to find the right words. "Am I loveable?"

His eyebrows rose slightly "What ever makes you think that you're not?"

I shrugged slightly "I dunno, my scars and amne-"

"Your scars are survival marks.. And you're amnesia? You're doing great with that. Things are going well, you're attending your appointments, right?"

I nodded remembering yesterday that Zak kicked me from the bed to attend it.

"Then I can't see there being a problem, you're a beautiful, smart woman."

I smiled slightly, trusting Billy to make me feel better, but an ego pat isn't what I wanted.

"Why do you ask?" He queried.

"I've had... I've had a chance, to get close to someone. Only now I'm not thinking that I'm so much of a catch, you know? Battered and forgetful." I replied tapping my forehead.

"Oh yeah?" He asked smiling with a little excitement, I followed his reaction, knowing how much of a gossip he was and revelled in knowing something others didn't. "Anyone I kno-"

A car horn beeped making me jump slightly from my perch on the step, I shot a daggered look across Zak's drive to see the convertible.

Okay fine. I spotted the high maintenance woman beaming at Zak whilst he gave a shifty look back to see where I was too.

"Nice car." I commented.

"It's an Audi." Bacon spoke from beside me as he came around the RV to see the visitor. "What is it? A3?"

"A5?" Billy guessed making me shake my head.

"It's an A7. Who's the woman?" I investigated looking at Bacon for answers.

I had my suspicions that Bacon knew of mine and Zak's relationship, mainly because he had been acting a little different around me for the past few days. You see, Bacon was Zak's assistant, through the museum and his odd jobs man.. Yes Zak really was a princess in disguise. But it seemed that Bacon delivered all the new furniture to my apartment. Now why would a man fully refurbish a 'friend's' apartment?

"No idea." Billy shrugged taking interest in his phone, unknowingly leaving Bacon to face the question.

"Uh.. Car sales rep?" He guessed making my eyes narrow.

"But Zak doesn't own an Audi.. Does he?" I replied casually and watched his  Adam's apple bob before he walked away muttering to himself. I knew full well Zak didn't, he owned a few cars but an Audi definitely wasn't one.

"Probably someone wanting round two." Billy threw in before answering a call.

I turned my eyes back to the woman as she laughed, her hand fiddling with her hair as she pushed her chest out. I took a deep breath and got onto the RV.

"He's got 5 minutes, or we leave without him." I spoke taking myself to the back and turning on the TV trying to ignore the sound waves of her laugh.

Ooooooh look at me. Driving an Audi, with false nails and stupid giggle.


I said I hated RV-ing, but the idea of spending more time with Zak seemed appealing at the time. So I chose that over flying to Texas.

I was regretting it now.

Since leaving Vegas, he had avoided me  like I had the plague. At first, I wondered if I smelt, then wondered if it was because he was feeling travel sick, but after watching him scoff down a whole pack of twizzlers, I settled that he was avoiding me after my death glare before leaving.

I also still didn't know who that woman was.

Now I know that I shouldn't be jealous, I should trust him and know that he wouldn't be doing anything untoward behind my back. I trust him. I do. It's everyone else..

It was 7 hours before we stopped to get dinner, by then I was famished and debated eating the RV furniture, so when Bacon mentioned food. I was more than ready.

Zak rose from the passenger seat and looked back at me, it was then that I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.

"Have you got attitude cause you're hungry?" He asked coming closer.

"Me? Oh I'm fine. In fact I would go as far as saying that I'm peachy."

"Wow, sarcasm." He chuckled crouching in front of me. His hand lifted my chin "What's up buttercup?"

"Uh without trying to sound like some needy bitch.. You've been ignoring me since we left Vegas? What's up with you, princess?" I asked making his grin fill his face.

"Oh there's that attitude. Come, I'll buy you ice cream." He tempted.

"With sprinkles?"

He chuckled again "Of course. Anything for you."

Of course the diner sucked. It sucked the moment we walked in and a large board stated that the ice cream machine was broke. So now I was depressed and mentally wanted to bash my head against the table until my brain fell out. I probably would have gone back to the RV, if I wasn't so hungry.

Things did start to look up when I saw a monster size burger pass by on a waitresses tray. I was sure that even Bacon gulped, but like I said.. I'm hungry. However it soon took a sour turn when we got a waitress..

Tall, redhead, endless legs, pretty smile, tiny waist and a pair of drooling men to look up at her.

Her red hair was long, shiny, and gorgeous, her green eyes seemed to twinkle under the lights and even I was jealous of her legs.

"What can I getcha?" She smiled beaming down at Zak who returned the smile all too well.

With her pen perched on the pad, she awaited his order but he was too interested in looking at her.

Why are men dogs?

"Can I have a water please?" I asked giving her a soft smile.

She turned her eyes to me and nodded "Absolutely, ice and lemon?"

"Yes please."

"Any food for you?"

I swallowed down my dying urge for a calorie exploding burger. "A chicken salad please.."

I didn't want it. But considering how beautiful she was, I felt guilty ordering a burger. If Zak was this interested, maybe I should lose a few pounds?

"Fabulous." She replied giving me one last smile before turning to Bacon.

I sighed quietly, watching her work, when I realised how clever she was. Her beauty was undeniable, and for her to work here was ludicrous, she was the type to be on Vogue. Not serving burgers or in my case, salads. Her natural beauty had men eating out the palm of her hand and no doubt spending their hard earned cash just for an excuse to be in the diner/ bar & grill.

Yes I've only just noticed a bar... Shots anyone?

Zak finally put his brain into drive and gave his order before flashing her another smile. I hated the twist in my stomach, jealousy seemed to have got into my system for this road trip. Placing my hand onto my tummy, I took a breath.

"Imma have a cigarette." Bacon spoke looking around for the waitress "She's smoking hot."

I gave a slight nod in agreement before he departed leaving myself and Zak at the table. My decision to let him speak first fell flat on it's face too. As he pulled his phone out and decided to text.

"The baby just kicked." I announced causing him to choke on the air he was breathing. His eyes shot across to my stomach before he finally looked up at me. "Oh hi. Yes hello remember me?."

"Are you.. Se-"

"No of course I'm not. You idiot. But why are you ignoring me?" I asked as he put his phone away.

"I'm not... Am I?"

I threw my hands up and shook my head "You don't even realise it. Jesus Christ man."

"Well what am I suppose to do? Attach myself to your hip and..." His words droned off as pain soared into my skull.

My fingers scrunched in pain and I shut my eyes as the light seemed to get brighter. Lifting my hand, I pressed my palm onto my eye socket praying that it would go, when it happened again.

Grunting in pain, I opened my other eye and grabbed my bag. "Katy?"

"I need to get out." I breathed pushing my chair back and exiting the diner quickly.

Maybe this was me? Maybe I'm being over the top again? Jealousy? Possessiveness? I don't own Zak but the idea of any woman looking at him made me angry. Maybe these pains were to do with him?

Stumbling, I grabbed the outside of the diner and made my way towards the RV passing Bacon.

"You okay?!" He called unlocking the RV with the fob.

I waved him off and slammed the door behind me. Reaching the bed, I grabbed my make up bag that I had left there and poured its contents on the bed. Finding my tablets, I popped two and sat on the opposite side of the bed waiting for the throbbing to stop.

This has to be a migraine. It had to be. Because the idea of Zak causing this kind of pain would be ridiculous. Right? I mean.. The man isn't even capable of it. Is he?


"You can't ignore me the whole way." Zak spoke as I was laid on the bed, denying him any rights to get on the bed as I was completely starfishing, only face down.

We had left the diner some time ago, without my salad.

"I'm not." I mumbled.

"Then sit up and talk to me. I hate silence. You know that."

Sighing, I got up and turned myself to his body. "I'm just tired." I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Your head hurting again?"

I gave a small nod and took a glance up at him, it was then that I felt like a right bitch, as concern was written all over his face. "You wanna tell me what today has been about? The stink eyes and baby joke?"

Now feeling scrutinised, I shrugged.

"You were jealous. The woman at home was the previous owner of the house."

The Audi woman.

"She was just passing and wanted to see how things were going. She knows the work I do, and knew that I moved to that house to escape the demon in the old house I had."

I nodded to show I was listening.

"That waitress was hot. She was, even you would agree. I'm not sure if I was meant to avoid looking at her or what, like I said. This relationship stuff is all new to me. But I do know that she would have taken hours to get ready each morning to look like that. Where as I wake up beside you and instantly see how beautiful you are."

My heart ached instantly and I looked up into his eyes to see honesty pouring out. "I'm with you, so we haven't told Billy yet, but we will. You know, for all the sulking and stroppy ways, you are still my favourite person."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled pushing my hair back behind my ears. "I let my head runaway with itself. I'm sorry I took it out on you."

He shook his head in dismissal. "Don't worry about it. It's a learning curve for both of us. And I admit, I was flirting back there, but old habits die hard. Just know it was a harmless flirt. Not anything serious... How's your head?"

"Aches." I replied still not liking the harmless flirt and old habits comments.

"Well I know you didn't eat, so maybe that's the problem, here.. I got it boxed up." Zak spoke handing me the foodbox.

"T-thanks." I struggled wondering if I could toss the salad out the window when he wasn't looking.

He sat on the bed beside me and turned on the TV, whilst he made himself comfortable with Star Wars, I decided it was time to open the box of doom.

Cracking the lid back, I frowned seeing the foil and opened the box fully.

"Salad.." Zak scoffed "Please. I like you the way you are..." A smile pulled on my lips as I looked at the contents. "...and if it means you eat a mean meal then so be it. Besides, I like your bum the way it is."

He had got me a burger and even picked up sauce sachets for me too.

I looked over at him ready to thank him when he winked and stroked my back gently. "Eat up, Buttercup."

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