Steel Rose

By just_autumn46

33.4K 876 165

Isabelle Nornus, a swift, the youngest child out of four older brothers, never expected anything truly specia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84

Chapter 23

566 13 0
By just_autumn46

Ptolemus Pov

   Reality sucks. It really does, and I realize I've been out of it for a while now. Evangeline looks hopeful, and I bite my lip to keep from saying anything I'll regret. Her smile is bright, as she pulls her hair back off her shoulder.

   "We have to inform Father, of course," she says looking at Elane who sits quietly beside her. "Better sooner then later,"

   "He probably already knows Eve." I tell her my hand grasping my knee.

   She nods, "You're probably right," she agrees. "Well, then I guess its up to us." She claps her hands together and takes Elane's hand. "When do you think the wedding should take hold?"

   I know she is talking it me, yet I stay silent. I twine my hands together and rest my forehead on them. I grind my teeth. I haven't told Isabelle of my engagement. I'm surprised she doesn't already know, and when the time comes for me to tell her, I dread her reaction. I squeeze my eyes shut, my stomach churning at the thought. 


   I look up opening my eyes. She stares at me, question in her eyes. I ignore it, I ignore it all for now. I stand, whipping my hands on my pants. "I need to go. We need to go."

Belle Pov

   A crowd is forming. Lords and ladies huddle in a tight knit  circle, smiles on their faces, hunger in their eyes. They whisper to each other, as the sound of marching boots vibrats in my ears. I can feel it under my feet. I quickened my step, Titus and Quinton in tow.

   A dozen or so many soldiers stand in the center, their faces as always stern. The king and queen are there are well, watching with eager eyes, and angry snarls. A scream shatters through my body, and I feel one of my brothers take my arm, about to pull me away. I shake him off, as the crowd parts.

   Evangeline stands with the royals, looking as prideful as ever. My gut drops when Ptolemus emerges from the back of the crowd. He's not alone though, in his hand the hair screaming red servant. She's sweated and dirty, and clearly terrified.

   His face is worse then his sister's, and it stuns me. His eyes cold, darker, sinister even. He tosses the girl to the floor, and her face smashes into the marble. She coughs, spitting red blood on the dusty floor. I flinch for her, and I bite my lip. He has a bad temper. Kane told me, and I discarded the valuable information. I regret that now.

   His once soft and almost sheepish face, now filled with pride, rage. Are you cruel? My question comes back to me suddently and I know more about Ptolemus then I thought I would. "The rats crawl in the tunnels," he snarls using his foot to turn her over. Despite her condition, she cowers and scrambles away from him. "We found this one trailing us near the river holes," 

   The crown prince continues to speak but I don't really listen to any of it. I can't take my eyes of Ptolemus. He doesn't notice me yet, watching the scene unfold with hungry eyes. He is breathing heavily, yet I know its not from being tired. His chest is puffed, and his hands are in fists. I don't know if I like him this way, and I'm surprised I ever saw it. 

   When our eyes finally meet I offer a small smile. I hope he can't see my see my disapproval. I don't want him to feel bad, its not my place to correct him. I've only known him for a few months. He looks proud of himself. "Belle," Titus whispers to me. "Let's go,"  And I let him pull me away. 

Ptolemus  Pov

   I let her eyes haunt me all the way back home. The red girl had swallowed a suicide pill, leading our search to be nearly useless. Evangeline was proud nonetheless, she got to show off in front of the royals, and Elane was happy for her as well. Belle said nothing. If my schedule had not been so occupied already, and Belle had to choice to come see me, I'm certain she would have avoided me. 

   Unlike Elane, she did not seem happy for me. She did not really smile, nor did her eyes spark at me. No, I would have killed for that reaction. What she gave me was worse. Surprise? Anger? Condemnation, absolutely. Although I can't seem to figure out why.

   Someone knocks twice on my door, before it slips open. I stand, thinking its Belle. Instead, I know how childish of me it was to think such impossible things, when Evangeline walks in instead. 

   "Hey," she greets. "Elane just left." she adds. She immediately senses my shift in attitude and her face drops. "What's wrong?"

   I shake my head, "Nothing big," I tell her but I can tell she doesn't believe me. "Its Belle."

   "That girl you've been seeing? What about her? Did you guys break up?"

   I shrug, her eyes flashing before mine again. "I hope not." I place my head in my hands. "She was there today. When we caught that red girl."

   Eve smirks, "She should have been proud of you," she says placing a hand in my shoulder. "The family was,"

   I find myself not caring for my family's approval. Belle's trumps there's, and I can't find out why. "Did you see the way she looked at me?"

   Eve goes quiet for a second, "What does it matter?"

    I look up at her, "Her opinion is important to me Eve." I stand up and she follows suit. "How can you say that?"

    "Say what?" Eve asks confused.

   "Ask how her opinion doesn't matter. You know how much Belle means to me. She-," I trail off. "She's like you and Elane. And you care what Elane thinks. Don't deny that either."

   Eve purses her lips and glances at the floor. "You're right. I'm sorry,"

   I wave it off as I begin to pace across the floor. "Maybe I should ask father for advice." 

   Eve jerks, "Why? Just go talk to her."

   I chew on my lip, "Now?"

   Eve shrugs, "Why not?" she tilts her chin outside towards the window. "Its almost dark. Go see her, talk, kiss, and enjoy the rest of the night." she grins widely her words as suggestive as ever. 

   I blush, "We've never done that yet," I admit to her.

   Eve snorts, "What's going on? Is there more to your situation then you telling me?" she laughs.

   "Believe it,  Belle and I would be way past the sex mark if it was up to me, but," I shrug, "she isn't ready yet." 

   "Still go talk to her," Eve says ushering me out the door, "Best to do it now. And maybe she will be when you finish," she adds with another short laugh. 

Evangeline Pov

   I don't like Isabelle. No, Ptolemus would say its because I haven't really met her yet. Elane says to give it time. I shouldn't jump to conclusions about her, I know that. Besides, she seems to make Ptolemus happy, and that's great. I can see why he is attracted to her. She is physically stunning. The red and gold colors of her house, makes her skin glow. A white bright smile, that normally reaches her eyes.  And from what I can remember from the Parting Ball, deep red lips, that captivate attention. But I still my doubts, and I suppose that makes me a good sister. I don't know enough about her yet. I can vaguely recall Elane mentioning her a while ago. But I paid little mind to it then. My memory of the Nornus girl is nearly nonexistent.

   I leave the house not soon after Ptolemus. A transport with my own set of guards wait for me outside. I ignore them as I climb in. I don't know what to think of her just yet. The information I do have, I don't like. Ptolemus has never doubted himself before. He had no reason to seek approval from anyone outside the family. 

Belle Pov

   My heart skips a beat when I hear the quiet rap of knuckles on my window. I look over, and see Ptolemus. I stare at him for a moment, trying to figure out why he could be here. He shivers and waves me over. I get up from my bed, unlocking the window, and pushing it up to open. Ptolemus steps in with ease, on long leg over the window sill. I step back, as he pulls the rest of himself in. 

   "What-," I stutter, "What are you doing here?" I ask folding my arms over my chest, feeling very conscious that I'm only in my night gown in front of him. 

   Ptolemus closes the window and turns to face me, a foolish smile on his face. "You seem happy to see me," he jokes.

   I push my hair back from my face, "Of-of course I'm happy." I turn to my door, locking it.

   He steps towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I place my hands on his chest. "That was convincing." he smirks.

   I shake my head, "Its nothing." 

   He purses is lips. He doesn't believe me. "Eve told me I should talk to you."

   "Talk?" I ask. "About what? And at this hour?"

   Ptolemus shrugs it off. "About what happened today. I saw your face." he says before I can deny it. "It wasn't what I was expecting." 

   I press my lips together and hesitate my next words. What do I say to him? Nothing I can do about him seeing my face. I just hope it wasn't as bad as I think. As what his eyes are telling me. "What do you mean?" 

   He sighs, "You looked shocked. And sorry, for the Red girl. Then you looked up at me and," he pauses and I feel guilty. "you looked nearly afraid." he finishes. "Did I scare you Belle?"

   I shake my head, "No, I wasn't afraid." his face from this afternoon flashes before me. Angry, and vicious. Like an animal. "I've never seen you like that before." I tell him. "Filled with anger, and pride. I mean," I look away from him searching for the right words. "I honestly, never thought of you that way. I guess that was foolish of me." 


   "Before we went out, I asked my brother Kane about you. I was curious. He told me you had a temper, I just never thought much of it until now."

   Ptolemus breaths in deeply before he shifts. His hands move to hold my face. His tough is gentle and light. I feel my body relax and become excited at the same time. "Look, I'm sorry. I guess I should have given you a heads up about my temper." he moves his hand to thread through my hair. "But, hey. We're still a new couple, still learning about each other." he looks at me, "Anything that I need to know?" 

   I chuckle and shrug, "I don't know." I step closer so our chests press together, "I don't like olives, when I was 7 my brothers thought it would be funny to hang me over the railing at our estate, and I think you are super cute in your armor. Anything else you want to know?"

   He's laughing before I can finish. "Cute? I don't think cute is the word I would have used. Dashing, intimidating, maybe." 

   I smile at him and he dips his head pressing our lips together. I sigh as any rational thought is replaced with bliss. I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my hands into his back. Under my fingertips, I feel his strength. I feel his hand move from my face, to my hip. He squeezes, and I find myself smiling into our kiss. He smiles back, as we take a breath of air. 

   When we touch again, fireworks go off behind my eyes. His lips are warm and soft, and the thought of separating nearly hurts. His hand in my waist travels upward, under my skirt. I don't push him away, as something stirs in my stomach, a feeling I like too much to stop. Want. His hands aren't soft on my skin, but rough from years of work. His touch makes goosebumps arise, and my skin sensitive. In return, I slip my own hands under his shirt. Despite his hands, his skin is smooth. Warm and firm. My stomach rolls, when I feel the light touch of wetness of his tongue on my bottom lip. My nails dig into his back at contact and he groans deep in his throat. 

   Ptolemus begins to push me back gently, leading me to the bed. I let him. His touch travels lower, and his lips trail to my neck. I gasp at the bite of teeth. The mix of pain and pleasure is delightful. They freeze on my skin when we hear a knock at my door.

   "Belle," my mother says from behind the door. We both pull away and blink at the door for a moment stuck in our haze. "Belle, darling, I need to speak with you. May I come in?"

   I react quickly, pulling my hands out of shirt. Pushing his off me, although the impression lasts. "One moment," I call back. I turn to the window pushing it back open. I turn to Ptolemus, who still stands in the middle of the room, eyes dark. "Come on," I gesture his back out the window, the night cold chilling my arms.

   "Belle," my mother urges. "Its important."

   Not moving fast enough for me, I grab his thick arm pulling him to the window. "I'll see you tomorrow," I whisper to him.

   He turns back to me, sitting on the sill like he plans to stay. "Is that a promise?"

   I peck his lips, "I promise."

   "Belle what are you doing?" She says and I hear the door jiggle. "Why is the door locked?"

   "Go!" I whisper shout pushing him out. He falls out, not so gracefully, landing with a dull thud and I chuckle, closing the window before he can say anything else.

   He stares back at me from behind the glass, eyes soft. He presses his hand to the glass, and my heart melts. I place mine to mirror his, smiling. His gaze bores into mine, with loving intensity. My blood rushes and my heart pounds. I don't know if I'll ever think straight when I see those eyes.

   "Belle!" my mother calls frustration evident in her voice.

   Ptolemus grins and disappears into the dark. I sigh to myself, smoothing over my clothes, trying to gather whatever mind I have left. "I'm coming," I call back.




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