2 Moons - Moon Courts Moon or...

By Sakura_D

1M 48.2K 12.3K

It's all that Ming Kwan's fault!!! When I see you Ming I will murder you with my bear hands. I'm standing at... More

Author's Note
I'm a girl.....
I meet Him, but im a girl ...
Save me...Ming...
Will this night never end!
Is this a dream?
More twists?
Why me???
I have a plan!
Here we go ...again
The Fight
What's happening?
It's all insane
The beach hates me
Author's Note 2
Let me ask
I made a bet?
A New friend
I hate you all!
The ally, the girl and the seniors
Is my love wrong?
Let's talk
The morning after
My side
Missing Person
There was a video
Mother, this is my girlfriend...
I meet Him, wearing a pink dress
Another fight...really?
We got trouble...
It's a fight...?
Problems, Problems...
A week apart....begins
I remember
More people join the club...
I have someone
We are going back
Friends ...
Night of revelations
Lets go to camp
The baby
More crazy people...
A senior, a baby and a trouble maker
What a mess
Meetings and greetings
Special Chapter
Kiss and makeup
It's On!!!
Lets run for it!
The faster you run, the faster your done
What the hell?
Weekend Plan
Lets go to the movies!
Do you know?
The world is small
Meetings and talks
In the dark
I can be cruel
A bad dream
Still dreaming
Now its Ming...
Time to ask questions
Yo, I had a nightmare
We know what you did...that night
Lets run away
We found a ...Godt
They came to find us
We will find out
Something is wrong
Not the first time.
Its not all black and white
The lights went out
The kid who came to play
Friends, troubles and Ming
A long night for many...
He is mine...
Something to learn
Only I'm allowed to...
It's a guy thing?
Siblings and spies
More came to visit
Surprises, old and new
We will save you!
Helping friends
What's in the box?
Alone isn't good
Team of Heroes
New events
Adorable is scary...
What did we do?
Look what you made me do...
Talk to them
We can do this
The night, that must not be named
I want to touch an angel
The aftermath isnt pleasent
Dealing with things...
Emergency declared
Something to say?
I did it again...
Who will survive...
Amazing connections
Family ties
Incentives and favours
A little visitor
The event
Gossiping again
Authors Note:
The truth revealed ...
And we dance...
You are the beginning and the end.

It's a date?... Yes it is!

6.6K 337 113
By Sakura_D


"You're not what we are looking for at this time." The interviewer says.

Of course not, I bet you already gave the job to someone, but wanted to look good advertising it. I think him for the opportunity and leave. The rooms still half full, everyone's going to be disappointed, it would have been a good internship for the summer, but I'll have to keep looking.

I step aside as a group comes down the hall, still thinking, when the guy bumps into me. I bow and move on, I'm pulled out of my thoughts, as I'm grabbed from behind.

"Don't know how to say sorry?" He shouts in my face.

Sorry for what? He's the one who bumped into me, before I can say anything, he backhands me. That hurt! What's his problem? The others in the room are surprised, some stand, he's about to hit me again, this time he's turned and punched. He falls on the floor, clutching his nose.

"You okay Yut?"

I look up, to see a furious Himi, looking at me. I nod.

"What's happening here?"

The interviewer comes out, he stops seeing Himi, the group behind him is also quiet, as another older gentleman comes around the corner.

"What..." The gentleman asks.

"Is this what your teaching your recruits?" Himi's voice is scary. "To hurt people who do nothing?"

"Certainly not!" The gentleman says, before glaring at the guy on the floor. "My son..."

"If he's the one we need to work with in the future, we need to rethink about our security contract with you."

"Calm down Himi." The older gentleman tells him.

"I need security who will protect the people working for us, not attack them to show their superiority."

When the guy gets up, and says something insulting to Himi, his father tells him to shut up.

When Himi looks ready to hit the guy, I grab his arm quickly, the older gentleman has sharp eyes, he doesn't miss the fact I stopped him.

"Let's talk when your calmer." He says. "We've known each other a long time Himi, I apologise for today."

Himi nods and grabs my arm, before leaving.

"What were you doing there?" He asks when we're outside.

"Interview." I tell him.

"You still have another year at school." He looks at me.

"Yes, but they offer great summer internships for students. I was trying my luck."

"That's months away."

"They start interviewing early." I tell him. "Why are you here?"

"We need more security." He sighs.

When my stomach rumbles, he laughs. I didn't have time to eat, my alarm didn't go off... Yes, that's a lie, I turned it off for 5 minutes, which became 30...

"Have you eaten?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"I'll buy you breakfast."

"You're asking me on a date?"


He laughs and agrees, walking me to his car.

"How hard did that guy hit me?" I ask Himi, as we leave the café, after food.

"You're not hallucinating, I see him." Himi says, taking pictures.

Monty POV

I sit watching the movie, okay I try watching it, but I keep trying to move closer to the person next to me. Stupid arm rest is in the way!

Why didn't I get the couple seats? Why? I was so nervous, and woke up 2 hours earlier, and nearly passed out waiting outside.

I look over, Park seems to be watching the film, I bet he knows what's happening. I look at the screen, when an explosion happens, who did that? Who cares!

I look at Park again, I can't believe he agreed. I try watching the film again, eat popcorn, then look at Park. Stop gawking Monty! I might have to slap myself, just to make sure I'm not still sleeping.

I yelp, when I look at Park and he's staring at me.

"Monty, do you want to watch the movie, or me?"

Was that a trick question? What should I say? Umm movie right...


I meant to say movie!! My cheeks are hot! I sip my drink, and look at the screen, what was this film even called again?

I move forward, as the screen goes dark, what's that? An arm moves across my chest, and moves me back, I yell and grab onto it when the zombie jumps out, and starts eating a brain.

"Why are you even watching this?" Park laughs, putting a hand in front of my eyes.

"You said let's watch this one."

"What's the film called, Monty?" He asks.

I try to remember but I can't, I try to find the ticket in my pocket...

"Without looking at the ticket half."

"I forgot..." I say softly.

"Why not choose one you like?"

"I was just happy, you said yes." I say honestly.

"How long were you waiting outside, before I got here?" He asks.

"47 minutes..." I say quietly. "I didn't want the car to break down on the way, or what if I got lost? Or what if..."

He puts his hand in front of my mouth, to stop my rant. I look over, he's watching the screen, amused.

I can't help smiling as we leave, he held my hand through the last half.

"Next time, you choose the film." He says.

Wait, he said next time, right?? I can't help the giggle, he said next time!

"Oh my pink unicorns!" I say shocked. "Did I pass out?"

"No, I'm seeing it too." Park says surprised.


I yawn and stretch, I feel a lot saner, sleeping regularly, is a good thing. I can't believe I passed out on the first meeting, but on the plus side, I woke up in his bed.

Unfortunately, the next few days I had to sleep in mine, I was worried I scared him off, this type of obsession, when you find the person runs in my family. But he agreed to have breakfast with him.

"Are you insane going to breakfast this early?" I ask as he drives us.

"Its 10.30." He says looking at the clock.

"I rest my case!" I tell him. "I only wake at this time, for class."

"Get used to it, I mostly have morning's free." He smiles. "If you want to date, this is what you're getting."

"Good thing your cute." I yawn. "Or I'd find someone else."

"Just cute?"

"Fine, good in bed, which technically, I have been in, but not done in, since I found you." I stretch. "I'm forgetting if you're really that good."

"I have a right mind to..."

"Do me?" I ask. "Cool, find a dark parking lot, back seats always fun."

"You need a filter." He glares at me. "Food, I'm hungry."

"At your age, your sex drive can get underactive." I think. "I'll have to find good pills for you, to keep up with me."

"If I wasn't hungry, and I didn't have an important meeting, this afternoon..."

"You'd do me till morning?" I smile. "Okay! I'll have to start booking appointments with your secretary, for these kinds of things."

I give him directions, he looks confused at the restaurant I take him to, and even more surprised when I pay. Well I invited him, of course I will pay.

As we're going back, I walk into the stationary store, I need notebooks. This place is great, they have little gifts, I see couple items, but I doubt he will want a cute matching bag charm.

As I'm paying, I notice him looking at a snow globe, when he moves away, I buy it, and give it to him. He looks at me strangely, but I wanted to buy him something.

"Get used to me buying things for you." I tell him.

"What did you want in return?" He asks, reserved.

Him acting like that bothers me, what did I want in return? When I tell him, I will find a position to try, he grabs me by my ear and pulls me out of the store. I can't help laughing, at lease he's not reserved anymore.

"Am I passed out in your bed still?" I ask Oh.

He answers his phone, before he looks in the same direction.

"Is that Wayo?" Oh, looks again. "In a bunny outfit?"

"OH!" A lady shouts. "You better..."

"So, I'm not dreaming, that's Yo, in an actual cute bunny outfit..."

"Speak to me right now!" The lady yells.

I take his phone and ask, who she is, calling my Oh. She says his sister, I proceed to tell her what I see. She wants a picture, I take one and send it.

"I like you." She says, after seeing the photo. "But, I don't approve of you yet."

"I have a video of him dancing, in a Sailor Moon outfit, which I am willing to share."

There is a pause, before she speaks again. "Welcome, to the family."

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