2 Moons - Moon Courts Moon or...

By Sakura_D

1M 48.2K 12.3K

It's all that Ming Kwan's fault!!! When I see you Ming I will murder you with my bear hands. I'm standing at... More

Author's Note
I'm a girl.....
I meet Him, but im a girl ...
Save me...Ming...
Will this night never end!
Is this a dream?
More twists?
Why me???
I have a plan!
Here we go ...again
The Fight
What's happening?
It's all insane
The beach hates me
Author's Note 2
Let me ask
I made a bet?
A New friend
I hate you all!
The ally, the girl and the seniors
Is my love wrong?
Let's talk
The morning after
My side
Missing Person
There was a video
Mother, this is my girlfriend...
I meet Him, wearing a pink dress
Another fight...really?
We got trouble...
It's a fight...?
Problems, Problems...
A week apart....begins
I remember
More people join the club...
I have someone
We are going back
Friends ...
Night of revelations
Lets go to camp
The baby
More crazy people...
A senior, a baby and a trouble maker
What a mess
Meetings and greetings
Special Chapter
Kiss and makeup
It's On!!!
Lets run for it!
The faster you run, the faster your done
What the hell?
Weekend Plan
Lets go to the movies!
Do you know?
The world is small
Meetings and talks
In the dark
I can be cruel
A bad dream
Still dreaming
Now its Ming...
Time to ask questions
Yo, I had a nightmare
We know what you did...that night
Lets run away
We found a ...Godt
They came to find us
We will find out
Something is wrong
Not the first time.
Its not all black and white
The lights went out
The kid who came to play
Friends, troubles and Ming
A long night for many...
He is mine...
Something to learn
Only I'm allowed to...
It's a guy thing?
Siblings and spies
More came to visit
Surprises, old and new
We will save you!
Helping friends
What's in the box?
Alone isn't good
Team of Heroes
New events
Adorable is scary...
What did we do?
Look what you made me do...
Talk to them
We can do this
The night, that must not be named
I want to touch an angel
The aftermath isnt pleasent
Dealing with things...
Emergency declared
Something to say?
I did it again...
Amazing connections
Family ties
It's a date?... Yes it is!
Incentives and favours
A little visitor
The event
Gossiping again
Authors Note:
The truth revealed ...
And we dance...
You are the beginning and the end.

Who will survive...

6.3K 326 86
By Sakura_D


My phone vibrates again, but I ignore it and keep running. I want to tyre myself out, then I can fall asleep without thinking.

After half an hour when it won't stop, I check, its Himi again, but I don't know what to say. I don't know why he wants to talk, and not just forget the whole thing, doesn't he feel guilty? I do.

I told him so the first time he called me, I haven't spoken to him since. I told my friends, I know I was worrying them, but it was a hard thing to admit.

I stop abruptly, when a car pulls in front of me, onto the path.

"What the hell dude?" I yell.

But I stop and sigh when Himi steps out.

"We need to talk." He looks at me annoyed. "Get in the car please."

"I don't want to." I tell him and start running past.

I yell when I'm grabbed from behind, my hands pulled back, and cuffed? He pushes me into the back seat of the car, before driving off. I shout and yell, but he ignores it all, he's a lunatic driver! I'm worried for my safety!

I can't shout anymore, and we're in the middle of nowhere, when I look out of the window, sitting up.

"Gangster!" I shout. "You have no morels at all."

"Say what you want!" He snaps back. "But we need to talk."

"Why?" I shout. "You fell in love with me? you can't live without me? you know ..."

"Shut up and listen before I break your..."

"Try it, you think I'm scared of you." I shout back. "You thug for hire."

He smirks, the bastard actually smirks. "You watch too much tv, I'm a legitimate manager."

"Fine talk, then take me back." I glare. "You don't want to lie to your wife, why your late."

"You idiot." He sighs. "That's what I've been trying to tell you, we're getting a divorce."

"Convenient!" I say. "When the night before, she was snuggling up to you, and being a bitch too P'Lee."

"Yeh." He sighs. "That kind of put the finale end to it."

"Don't lie to me." I snap. "If you were separating, you would have said it too P'Lee right"

"Of course, the guy I left to marry someone else, says, 'let's shake hands, I've moved on', and I was going to tell him. 'About that Lee, its been shit for years, let's work it out'." He shouts.

I sit and think a minute, okay that does make a little sense. I take deep breaths and try to calm down, shit what a mess.

"Can you uncuff me?"

He comes around and opens the door, uncuffing me. I get out and try to punch him, but completely miss, he just smiles.

"Get in, I'll take you back."

I need to take some martial arts, or something, that was a pathetic punch. I slowly walk around, and get into the passenger seat.

"Why bother to find me?"

"I didn't like what you said last time." He tells me as he drives. "I took my vows seriously."

"You cheated on P'Lee."

"I told him it wouldn't last, the wedding happened earlier than originally planned, but it was going to happen."

"So, what..."

But I don't really have a right to ask. It was just one night, people don't even take these things seriously anymore. Except In... but he was always, a little nuts. And me I guess, so did I.

"There has been trouble for a while." He sighs. "She's been living out of town, I thought she came back to talk. But she came with divorce papers."

"Your friends... "

"They knew about it."

"They seemed upset, seeing P'Lee."

"We were good friends, we clicked pretty quickly." He says quietly. "They didn't like how it ended, they didn't realise, staying quiet, would cost them Lee."

I looked out the window, decisions costing you friends, it was scary to think about.

"Your boyfriend, get mad at you?" He asks.


"That other guy, hanging out with you all the time." He asks.

"What other guy?" I frown. "New is dating P'Sing, Din is dating P'Lee, In is stalking his future husband, and I'm, just me."


"I'm not the cheating type!" I tell him firmly.

"That's a good thing."

"You're really a manager?" I ask.

"Yes." He laughs. "Tae's business is legit."

"You can drop me where you picked me up." I tell him.

"I'll drop you at your place, it's raining."

I look outside, it had started raining, their goes my plan to exhaust myself. I thank him and head inside, straight for the shower. I was sweaty and wet, it wasn't a good feeling.

I opened my door, in my night clothes, drying my hair with a towel, when someone knocks.

"What In?" I ask.

"Can I borrow your tablet?"

"Are you going to murder, maim, electrocute, or destroy it?" I ask.

"No on all accounts." He tells me.

I let him in, he knows where it is.

"Your late back." He says rummaging in my drawer. "Did you forget its movie night? New and Din should be here soon."

"I was talking to Himi." I sigh.

"Oh shit." He stops to look at me. "How did it go?"

"Fine I guess."

"His wife?" He asks.

"He's divorcing her." I tell him.

"Are you dating?"

"No, we just talked."

He quickly starts rummaging again.

"Din! He fell for our boy... he's divorcing his wife, ...I just got it from Yut... I know dude... he just got outta the shower, they did it in the back seat..."

"Get the fuck out." I yell at In, who's taking my tablet, as he's telling Din.

When In stops to grab my spare phone charger, I shove him out the door, shutting it.

There is a knock, I open it glaring.

"I need your lapt..."

"No." I shut the door.

"Just tonight dude." He bangs on the door. "We need it for the movie!"

I grab it, open the door and hand it to him, before shutting the door again.

"You're a great neighbour." He shouts.

"I'm moving out!" I shout back smiling.

"I'm the best across the hall guy you will ever find."

He's an idiot, I laugh. When he knocks on the door again, I open it, ready to throw my laptop charger, but its not In, its Himi.

"You dropped this." He says handing me my phone.

I take it, but before I can say anything, In is out in the hall yelling. He grabs me and pulls me to his room.

"Is that Himi out in the hall?" New asks coming in.

"I found him guys!" He's got a picture on his screen, jumping up and down, like a little kid.

"The guy?" Din asks looking at the screen.

"I'm going to punch his lights out, just for fun." He laughs hysterically. "Then I'm going to ask him out!"

"You might have trouble with both."

We look around, Himi followed me, In walks up to him looking annoyed.

"I don't tell you how to do Yut, don't tell me how to seduce my future boyfriend."

"Oi." I shout. "I'm standing right here."

"He's engaged." Himi says pointing to the picture. "And, he really does have underground connections."

"You know him?" In asks excited.

"Oh god." New and Din say together.

"My mum, crashed my dad's wedding ceremony, and ran away with him." In smiles. "Engaged is nothing."

I have heard this story before, and I have met his mother. She was pretty, smart, a great cook... but scary as hell, if you crossed her.

"Name please." He smiles.

It's not a happy smile, it's the 'I will slice you as I make you bleed if you don't tell me'  smile... New and Din start backing towards the door.

"He's Tae's, older brother." Himi tells him. "His name is, Oh."

When In starts laughing, I move closer to Himi, grabbing his arm. I pray we survive this...

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