2 Moons - Moon Courts Moon or...

By Sakura_D

1M 48.1K 12.3K

It's all that Ming Kwan's fault!!! When I see you Ming I will murder you with my bear hands. I'm standing at... More

Author's Note
I'm a girl.....
I meet Him, but im a girl ...
Save me...Ming...
Will this night never end!
Is this a dream?
More twists?
Why me???
I have a plan!
Here we go ...again
The Fight
What's happening?
It's all insane
The beach hates me
Author's Note 2
Let me ask
I made a bet?
A New friend
I hate you all!
The ally, the girl and the seniors
Is my love wrong?
Let's talk
The morning after
My side
Missing Person
There was a video
Mother, this is my girlfriend...
I meet Him, wearing a pink dress
Another fight...really?
We got trouble...
It's a fight...?
Problems, Problems...
A week apart....begins
I remember
More people join the club...
I have someone
We are going back
Friends ...
Night of revelations
Lets go to camp
The baby
More crazy people...
A senior, a baby and a trouble maker
What a mess
Meetings and greetings
Special Chapter
Kiss and makeup
It's On!!!
Lets run for it!
The faster you run, the faster your done
What the hell?
Weekend Plan
Lets go to the movies!
Do you know?
The world is small
Meetings and talks
In the dark
I can be cruel
A bad dream
Still dreaming
Now its Ming...
Time to ask questions
Yo, I had a nightmare
We know what you did...that night
Lets run away
We found a ...Godt
They came to find us
We will find out
Something is wrong
Not the first time.
Its not all black and white
The lights went out
The kid who came to play
Friends, troubles and Ming
A long night for many...
He is mine...
Something to learn
Only I'm allowed to...
It's a guy thing?
Siblings and spies
More came to visit
Surprises, old and new
We will save you!
Helping friends
What's in the box?
Alone isn't good
Team of Heroes
New events
Adorable is scary...
What did we do?
Look what you made me do...
Talk to them
We can do this
The night, that must not be named
I want to touch an angel
The aftermath isnt pleasent
Emergency declared
Something to say?
I did it again...
Who will survive...
Amazing connections
Family ties
It's a date?... Yes it is!
Incentives and favours
A little visitor
The event
Gossiping again
Authors Note:
The truth revealed ...
And we dance...
You are the beginning and the end.

Dealing with things...

6.6K 333 52
By Sakura_D


I hang up my phone and take a deep breath, when did seeing my siblings become scary? P'Sing is going to be a little late, but I head into the restaurant.

I look around, and see P'Peach and Ryu talking at a small table, I make my way to them. P'Peach hugs me when I get to her, Ryu laughs and hugs me as well, brother in law privileges.

"That's all you wanted." I smile. "To spy on p."

"Oh yes." He laughs. "Love at first sight."

We sit and talk, they had a good trip, P'Peach is happy talking about setting up their new place. We order as we wait for P'Push and P'Sing,

"So where is your hotter then Rook, boyfriend?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, should have known Min was going to turn up. I knew she couldn't let it go; she was ready to breathe fire, when P'Push had told her at the wedding. She was the youngest and both mum and dad spoiled her too much, she got used to getting what she wanted.

"Why are you here Min?" P'Peach is angry.

"I can be here if I want." She shouts.

"No, you can't." Ryu tells her.

"Whipped hubbies should stay quite." She glares.

When did she become such a bitch? She was bad already, but even talking back to P'Peach and Ryu now.

"Watch your mouth Min." P'Peach snaps. "You speak to Ryu like that again, I'm not beyond slapping you, sister or not."

P'Push comes in smiling, but the minute he spots Min, he sighs, taking a seat, but when Min tries sitting he doesn't let her.

"Go home min." P'Push tells her. "I don't want to hear anything."

She fumes. "Even after what he is... you're still taking his side."

"He's my brother, that's what he is." P'Push says calmly. "It's time to grow up Min, I'm extremely disappointed with your attitude."

When Min tries to protest again, P'Push gives her no choice but to go, she's gritting her teeth, giving me hateful looks. I don't care, it's best to stay quiet, if I say anything; she will twist my words and start a fight.

P'Push is staring behind me, when I look, I see P'Sing coming down the stairs towards us, he smiles when he sees me. He's coming after work, he's dressed in a suit, clean and hot as hell. I didn't know I had a thing for guys in suits, till I saw him in one.

"Sorry I'm late, New." He kisses my forehead, before smiling at my siblings.

Another thing I found out I really liked, being cared for, and the other person not ashamed to be seen with me.

He shakes P'Push's hand, who introduces him to P'Peach and Ryu. P'Sing is charming as always, he commands attentions, and my siblings are awed.

Min is still standing nearby, looking at P'Push to introduce her, but he tells her to go home. She's gone red, glaring at me, I know she can't leave without saying something, even before her mouth opens.

"I bet you hired someone." She fumes. "Someone depraved like you, couldn't really have anyone."

The word dad used, she always knows the right things to say, that hurt the most. But I've gotten stronger in the time I was alone, I'm not going to let her change that.

I had great friends, and I was lucky I met wonderful new ones. P'Sing takes my hand under the table, I smile at him. I'm not alone anymore.

When Min tries to say something else, P'Sing begins talking to the others. It's a complete dismissal; she isn't used to that, she stares for a while before walking off.

The rest of the dinner goes well, after all the time being alone, this is nice. As the talk changes to different topics and friends, I realise I need to go check on mine, who never left me, even when I didn't tell them anything. Now they might need me.

"Okay I've had enough!" I tell P'Din. "Let's break down the door."

"Cool, on 3?" He asks flexing his arm.

"Oi, I have to pay damages, don't do it." P'In snaps opening it, before walking back in.

We quickly go in, what if he changes his mind? He's been locked up in his room for the last three days, he's always weird but more so then before.

"Are you mad at me and New, cause we didn't go out with you guys at the event?" P'Din asks.

"Dude, I'm not a high schooler." P'In shakes his head.

"Then, why are you avoiding us?" I ask.

"Your being a hermit, Yut is depressed, and going for long walks in the rain." P'Din asks. "Did you get drunk and do each other?"

"You idiot!" P'In shouts.

"What can I think? No one is telling us anything!" P'Din shouts.

"I got drunk, and did it with a stranger." He sighs sitting.

"Okay..." I say.

"A guy." He tells us.

"Thank god I wasn't drinking anything, I would have choked." P'Din's shocked.

They have known each other longer than me, but I never thought P'In would be interested in guys.

"I thought you were after a waitress." I ask.

"How cute was the guy?" P'Din's smirking. "Did you get him pregnant or something?"

It's a while before P'In speaks again.

"He did me." P'In sighs.

"Oh, fing hell." P'Din's shocked. "Don't stop you bastard; tell me everything, how long have I known you?"

"I'm having flashbacks." He looks down.

"Okay the haze is clearing; you're remembering details, so spill dude." P'Din asks. "Did he force you or something?"

"When I was the one, moaning and screaming for more, I don't think so."

"You did what?"

"Think of a young, overly imaginative female character, in a porno manga, their first time, that was basically me."

"You liked it then right?"

"Dude, like? I can't sleep I keep thinking about." He shouts.

"Did you get the guy's name and number?"

"I ran for it, because I was late for the event."

"Did you go back? Just hack the hotel computer, and get the name."

"Don't need to, the bastard got my number, he keeps texting me."

He throws his phone at me, after logging into a chat, P'Din moves closer and we both read it.


Running away? I thought you wanted more.

I had things to do. How did you get my number?

Your phone has face recognition, it's cute.

That's illegal.

Says a kid who hacks for fun.

How you know? You stalking me?

The other night was fun, let's do it again soon, baby.

Baby my ass! I'm gonna pound you, next time I see you.

That's my job, you just be cute and scream.

You bastard.

That's not what you called me before.

I told you, I'm the single type.

Oh, you want a relationship? Let me do you two more times, and then we can talk.

You have no shame!

Too late to say that, you're the one who ran away with me.

There is a lot more, but I stop looking. P'Din's happily going through it all making a lot of faces, and adding comments.

"Who the hell is this guy?" P'Din asks.

"I don't know. The bastards well protected, his firewalls are really good, and his security is jamming me. I've been trying to hack him for the last two days but nothing."

"Wait, you were locked in here, trying to hack him all this time?" I ask.

"Of course, what you think I was mooning?"

"Of for fuck sake." P'Din sighs.

"When I find out who he is, I'm going to mess up his pretty face, and then kiss it better."

"He's lost it." I look at P'Din.

"You wait you smug bastard, I'm going to find you." P'In laughs.

"You're going to need a laptop p." I tell him.

I look around his room, not even a TV is here.

"You think I'm nuts?" He snaps at me. "I taught you think New. Follow me!"

We follow him to his dinning slash kitchen which has at least 3 laptops, monitors, smaller sets, all running codes, tracking, trying to break inscription.

"Bloody hell p." I shout. "You can't actually be doing that."

"Why can't you have a normal one night stand, In." P'Din's shaking his head.

"I may have borrowed a few things from the professor." He laughs. "Just don't tell the professor."

"If anyone asks, New." P'Din says looking at me. "Remember, we didn't know him, at all."

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