[Slow Updates] Beasts (Tomoe...

By DoloresMika

76.5K 2K 346

You are the Beast Goddess. As the name suggests, you rule over all beasts, including animal like Yokai. What... More

The Stray God
The First of Many Disasters
Damn Snake
Back in Hell
The Angel in Hell
Inside, We Are All Beasts
Decent into Hell
The Tomb
Visiting the Past
I Can Never Love
First Day of School
I'd Call This a Bad Day
Humans are Strange
Not an Update!
A Little of the Old Spirit
Not an Update
Beach Bonanza
The Dragon King's Eye
Glimpse of the Past
Invitation to Izumo
Not an update! Important question!
The Divine Assembly
The Night
Izumo Dilemmas
At the End
Return to Shrine Life?
Why Can't Life Be Easy?
Never Ending

The Beast God in a Shrine

6.6K 153 30
By DoloresMika

Tomoe was perplexed by the new goddess. She was stunningly beautiful. She had fox ears and a tail, just like he did, but she was a goddess, not a yokai. Tomoe exited the shrine, and stepped out into the yard. He was startled to see dozens of animal clustering in the trees and on the ground. In the center of the chaos was Lady (Y/N). She still had on the red kimono, and had pulled her long white hair into a loose ponytail. She seemed to be talking to the animals, and taking care of them. I feel like I'm looking at a painting. Tomoe thought as he looked at the picturesque scene.

Tomoe was about to come closer, when she suddenly tensed. She stood, and looked into the forest. She growled under her breath, and stepped forward. In one step she transformed into a white stag. This form, unlike her previous one, had red on its hooves, tail tip, and ear tips. She bounded into the forest, limping from her wounds. Tomoe sighed, and followed after her. It wouldn't look good if he allowed a guest of the Mikage shrine to get killed.

He stayed a good distance back, but made sure to keep her in sight. Tomoe could sense two humans up ahead, as soon as he sensed them, she transformed again, this time into a wolf, again with it's feet, tail tip, and ear tips dyed red. She launched into the clearing, and slammed into the two humans. The man and woman fell to the ground, and looked at her in fear and awe. She growled viciously, and the humans crawled away slowly. When they were a gone, she transformed back into her human form. She approached a small cage that was propped on the stump of a tree, and forced it open. Inside was a tiny fox cub. She pulled out the small orange wad, and placed it gently on the ground.

She transformed once again, into a beautiful white fox, with the same markings as the other forms. She gently picked up the fox pup by the nape of its neck, and carried it towards the Mikage shrine. She winced with each step, but she didn't limp, so as not to stir the already scared pup. She walked past Tomoe, and stopped. She looked at him with her silver-blue eyes for a moment, then continued towards the shrine. She's beautiful. Tomoe thought with a soft blush. He trailed after her, still keeping his distance. When they arrived at the shrine, she carried the young pup up to the porch, and placed it down. She then curled up around the young pup, and sat there, not moving an inch. Tomoe sat next to the two foxes, and waited.

After several hours, the pup finally began to stir. It clambered over her tail, and stumbled onto the porch. (Y/N) sat up, and looked at the pup curiously, then sighed. In an instant she was back to her human form, her red kimono not even ruffled from her previous activities. She gently picked up the fox pup, and handed it to Tomoe. He held it away from himself, as though if he moved it would break. (Y/N) chuckled. She even has a beautiful laugh, like a warm breeze. She pushed his hands towards his chest. He looked at her, unsure what to do.  The young fox sniffed his kimono curiously, then rubbed its head against his chest. The little fox then crawled up his chest, and came to rest on his shoulder. Tomoe seemed shocked by the little fox's actions, and he once again grew rigid.

(Y/N) placed her hand on his head. "Relax Fox Boy, he feels safe with you." She chuckled.

"But, why?" Tomoe asked as he looked at the baby fox that sat happily on his shoulder.

"Who knows? Kids are incredibly knowing, and whimsical. They trust who they want, and befriend those they feel close to. It seems this one has chosen." (Y/N) smiled as she walked past Tomoe.

"H-hold on! What am I supposed to do with it?" Tomoe called nervously.

"Take care of him, of course. I leave him in your capable hands. In nature, a baby without a parent dies, lets see if you can give that cub a different option." She smiled as she walked inside the shrine.

"How frustrating." Tomoe sighed. He grabbed the young fox from his shoulder, and placed it onto the porch. "I have work to do." He stated to the young fox as he turned to leave. The fox cub started crying as soon as Tomoe started to walk away. The fox cried and screamed until Tomoe picked him back up. He placed the baby fox back on his shoulder, and went back to work. She's quite troublesome. He thought to himself with a small smile.


You looked out at the fox yokai, and smiled. He'd picked up the young fox again. He walked away with the little fox perched on his shoulder. You chuckled, and returned to your room. You pulled down the kimono, and removed the bandages on your shoulder. The wound was red and grotesque, but there was nothing you could do about that. You cleaned the wound, and changed the bandages on both your shoulder and leg. When you were finished, you carried the soiled bandages out of your room, and tossed them into the trash.

"Hey, get back here!" Tomoe shouted from the yard. You peaked out the window, and chuckled. The little fox had stolen the cord Tomoe used to tie up his sleeves while he worked, and was playing keep away with him. The little fox seemed incredibly happy, but Tomoe seemed flustered. I should help. You thought to yourself as you walked outside, and whistled softly. The little fox's ears turned to the noise, and he bounded over to you happily. He dropped the cord in your lap, and scampered up to your hand. Tomoe ran up to you, his expression contorted with annoyance. "Can I please have that back." He grumbled.

You smiled, and handed him the cord. "He just wants you to pay attention to him." You explained.

"I don't have time to babysit a baby fox." He grumbled.

"What will you do then? Will you abandon him to die, or will you find the time?"

Tomoe looked at you skeptically. "Excuse my rudeness, but what exactly are you trying to pull."

"I'm not trying to pull anything."

"I don't believe you."

You smiled, and picked up the baby fox. "I'm trying to show you, that every life, no matter how small, is precious. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something in order to protect that small life." You whispered as you placed the baby fox on his shoulder once again.

"Why do you feel the need to teach me this lesson that I didn't ask for?" Tomoe grumbled.

"Very rarely do we ask to be taught a lesson. Some lessons are forgotten, while others live on in our hearts and actions. I simply want to remind you of a lesson you experienced a very long time ago."

"What are you talking about? How do you know anything about my past?" Tomoe barked.

"I'm the beast goddess. Any time a creature feels fear or pain, part of my consciousness goes to them. On rare occasions, the fear is so extreme, it summons my whole being. I have known every creature of this land, at one time or another." You stated.

"Are you intentionally being vague, or is that just something you do?"

You smirked. "What will you name your new companion?" You changed the subject.

"Why should I name it?"

"He wants a name. Every creature desires to be called something. His mother died before being able to call him, so now the duty falls to you. Every creature has a name, just because you don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Think about it for a little while." You said as you turned to leave.

"Why is a goddess of beasts so calm and graceful?" Tomoe called after you.

"I'm far from calm and graceful. I just choose to show you the side of me that causes others the least discomfort." You whispered, as you once again entered the shrine.

You walked into the shrine, and sighed. It was exhausting repressing your natural personality. You were almost composed, when Nanami burst into the shrine, wearing her school uniform.

"Man, school is boring." Nanami complained as she dropped her bag at the door.

"Why do you choose to go then?"

"Cause I want to have something normal in my life." Nanami sighed. You nodded in understanding. "What about you? What is normal for you?" She eyed you curiously.

"I suppose a normal day for me is waking up in the woods, and patrolling all the forests, scaring off hunters and poachers." You shrugged.

"But, what do you do for fun?" Nanami asked.

"Fun, huh? I guess the most fun thing for me is walking through the forest when there are no hunters."

"That's not fun! I mean what do you do to just cut loose, and feel free?" Nanami pouted at your lame answer.

"I've never done anything else." You mused.

Nanami's eyes widened. "Tomoe, get in here!" She shouted for the familiar.

"What is it?" Tomoe grumbled, as he threw open the door.

"First, what's with the baby fox." Nanami looked at the young fox in confusion.

"Kenji is apparently a lesson that Lady (Y/N) wants me to learn." Tomoe sighed.

You smiled despite yourself. "Kenji? What made you choose that name?"

Tomoe blushed a little, and looked away. "He keeps biting my hand and chewing on my kimono." He mumbled.

"Alright then. Anyways, I want to take (Y/N) to town!" Nanami chirped.

"Don't think that is a good idea." You said quickly.

"I agree with Nanami. It will be good for you to get out, and have some fun." Tomoe stated.

"I'd rather not." You replied earnestly.

"Come on! Let's go out!" Nanami shouted.

"I can't." You insisted.

"And why not?" Tomoe asked.

"It is best for everyone if I stay in the shadows." You mumbled.


She's uncomfortable. It's kind of cute. Tomoe thought to himself as he and Nanami tried to convince her to go out.

"I need to stay close to the animals or else my powers won't keep them healthy." She continued.

She dislikes humans as much as I do. I wonder what her reason is. She's a goddess, she's supposed to interact with humans. "You won't be going far. Your powers should more than reach the shrine from town." Tomoe insisted. "Are you afraid of something?" Tomoe asked, seeing her troubled expression.

She blushed, and looked down at her lap. How cute, she's embarrassed. Tomoe mused. "It's just something that I don't like to happen." She mumbled.

"What is it?" Nanami pestered.

"I can't control whether or not I'm teleported to a terrified creature if I'm away from the forest." She mumbled almost inaudibly.

"Didn't you say it was extremely rare? What is there to worry about?" Tomoe inquired.

"I-I guess you're right." She whispered in defeat. "I just worry about being sent somewhere."

"We'll be right there with you, so you don't have to worry!" Nanami shouted confidently.

She gulped, but slowly nodded. Tomoe smiled, and placed a leaf on his head and tail. His ears and tail vanished, and he held a hand out to (Y/N). "Shall we go?"

She tentatively took his hand. "Alright."

"You should hide your tail and ears." Nanami instructed.

(Y/N)'s ears folded down, and her tail drooped nervously. "I can't do that." She mumbled.

Tomoe smiled. She gets embarrassed so easily. He chuckled to himself. He placed a leaf on her head, and tail, causing them to vanish. She seemed shocked. She spun around, and felt her head. She looked both surprised and unnerved. "What did you do?" She cried in surprise.

"I've hidden them. They aren't gone. It's just a transformation." Tomoe explained, trying not to laugh.

The three of them (four if you count the baby fox that still clung to Tomoe's shoulder) headed down the hill, towards the main road. When the first vehicle passed them, (Y/N) grew tense, and growled softly. Tomoe put his hand on her head. "Don't worry. I won't allow anything to happen to you." He smiled at her. I think we're finally getting to see what she's really like. He thought to himself as he looked at her childish face.

They wandered the town. At first (Y/N) was tense and nervous, but slowly she relaxed until she was bounding around, looking in every store window. "I'm glad she's started to relax." Nanami said to Tomoe.

"Indeed. She is normally so on guard, but it seems she's let her guard down just a little." Tomoe agreed.

"Tomoe! Tomoe!" (Y/N) shouted as she ran up the the fox familiar. "I want to try what humans call a roller coaster!" She smiled at him childishly.

"Another time perhaps. It's getting late, we should head back to the shrine." Tomoe stated. "Yokai become more active at night. With two gods present, every yokai will come after us if we wander around."

"You're right. They are going to be moving around soon." (Y/N) mumbled, once again growing nervous.

"Come on, Tomoe. One ride!" Nanami insisted. "(Y/N) deserves to have a little extra fun!"

Tomoe looked at the nervous goddess, and sighed. "Nanami's right. We can ride one ride." He stated. She's opened up so much. If we let her succumb to her fear now, we'll get nowhere.

"Are you sure? We can ride another time. We don't want to get into any trouble." (Y/N) seemed to plead.

"One ride around on the Ferris-wheel, then we'll go back!" Nanami chuckled as she looped arms with (Y/N) and ran towards the towering wheel. What is she so afraid of? Tomoe pondered as he followed the two girls.

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