Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...

By xbookgirlx15

1.7M 41.2K 5.2K

"No!" I say softy, choking back tears that were threatening to pour out. "It just can't be!" I say with my h... More

1. Prologue -Nora Faith
2.Prologue -Alpha Damon
3. The Start...
4. The Meeting...
5. The Truth...
6. The Proposal...
7. Here Comes the Bride...
8. The Offering...
9. His Victory...
10. The Farewells...
11. The Perfect Illusions...
12. The Collisions...
13. The First Appearance...
14. The Lost Luna...
15. Wedding Flashback...
16. Wedding Duties...
17. The Crest...
18. The Home...
19. The Stairway...
20. The Last Farewell...
21. The Alpha...
22. The Dealthy Silence...
23. The Trip Home...
24. The Trip to Hell...
25. The Christmas Sprirt...
26. The Unexpected Guest...
27. The Attack...
28. The First Page...
29. The Fight...
30. The Bad Liar...
31. The Cruelty Of The Alpha...
32. The Third Entry...
33. The Luna and the Rogue...
34. The Waken and Riven...
35. At The Strike of Midnight...
36. The Truth Behind the City Lights...
37. If It Was Meant To Be...
39. The CommonWealth Games...
40. The Wander, the Broken, the Helpless and Pawn
41. The Skeletons of Not So Long Ago...
42. The Final Pages...
43. The Promise...
44. The Coming to Truth...
45. The Heart Knows What It Wants...
46. The Morning Sun...
47. The Complications...
48. The Late Guests...
49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...
50. The Heat of Night...
51. The Glorious Dawn...
52. The Distraught...
53. The Leaving and Coming...
54. The Awakening to Something...
55. The Heavy Nightfall...
56. The Changes...
57. The Morning News...
58. The Rainbow to his Rain...
59. The Evening Of...
60. The Villa We Shall...
61. The Night to Relish...
62. The Bartering Risks...
63. The Night Goes on...
64. The Sadness...
65. The Fear...
66. The Night Rather Then Day...
67. The Growing Pain...
68. The Beginning to an End...
69. //Epilogue// A New Entry...
llYou Are Most Welcome Alphall
~*Alpha Royale*~
70. //Epilogue 2//
//Regina Luna //
71. //Alternative Epilogue//

38. The Deliberate Move...

15.1K 410 29
By xbookgirlx15

After bidding farewell to Sister Cath and all the orphans, we reached back to the car and drove home in silence. Although we refused to exchange a word with each other of that trip, doesn't mean I wasnt thinking heavily about it. Instead I was, attempting to make meaning of it all. We reached the suite by nightfall, never making it to were Damon was meant to be but never once did he bring it up.

We reached to the suite, I used the washroom first while Damon was making some calls. My eyes grew heavy and before I knew it I had fallen asleep to an empty bed. Next morning, Damon had vanished like always, Celeste replacing his spot when I awoke. We packed in silent and within the next 30 minutes I was on the flight back home. Damon met me and my herd of guards at the check-in counter, and together in pin-drop silence we boarded the flight, being sure to grab some coffee beforehand. Almost 10 hours after I hear his voice and thats for asking me for my coffee preference.

We boarded and I was not surprised to find him as my flight passenger. Hours later we make it out the airport to be greeted by Kaden and his cigarette fumes along his indifferent herd of security. "Happy New Year to you too brother."

"Brother?" I react instantly, drawing both their heads in my direction while trying not to wrinkle my face from the horrid stench reeking off Kaden.

"Not by blood exactly," Damon says for a first. I had to say, no matter the month Damon remained to faze me every single time. The grey sheet of cloud over the sky seemed to match oddly well with his bad boy, black leather jacket over matching steel grey shirt and worn jeans.

"We've had each other's backs for so long, we're no less than brothers." Kaden acknowledged with Damon's hint of approval. "Enough chitter-chatter now. We having more pressing issues pending brother."

"They can wait," Damon replied smoothly, snapping his fingers. A guard from Kaden's herd maneuvered around to take the trolley from the him as Damon walked forward with Kaden, leaving me behind. "What's the hurry?"

Kaden turns to wait for me to join rather than discard me with the guards and I waste no time in following. Even with my woolen beanie, scarf, matching gloves and heavy trench coat, I was trembling from the early morning coldness. "Believe me when I say I wish for the  exact same but unfortunately it may be better if you were to take action now before things rise out of hand." He says to Damon, leading us out to the long line of SUV's.

"What is it?" Damon halts by the foot of the car with his hands folded in his pockets like always. He rises an eyebrow at me scurrying behind Kaden before looking for an answer at Kaden. "I rather say in the car than here and as far as it goes for Nora darling on accompanying us. Trust me, she'll want to hear this."

Damon doesn't argue, but gives one final nod at me and takes a seat in the back while leaving the door one for me on his way in. "After you." Kaden ushers me in before slamming the door shut behind him. He takes the driver's seat and spares no time in leading us on wards. We were out the airport, and on the highway by the time he began explaining.

"So while you two were rendezvousing in New York for the New Year's, things here were beginning to worsen. I managed to keep to the low until now, but God know's how much longer it will."

"What the hell are you saying Kaden?" Damon said infuriatingly, refusing to look up from his phone's screen. "If you cant hear yourself let me be the one to inform you that you're sounding awfully vague to be making any sense."

Kaden turned, taking up an exit and emerging into some internal lanes with heavy evergreen forestry. "Damon," Kaden said with agony through gritted teeth as if it were burning him to contain it to himself. "The Pack's demanding you hold the CommonWealth Game soon. Actually, as in today soon, soon!"

Damon's back stiffened and an odd orb of anger lit his raging eyes. Hints of golden were to be seen even. His hands were balled up into fist over his jeans and I could've sworn to hearing his phone crack in one of his fist. "The Pack? Who even told them! They couldn't have known about it on their own."

"Yes, the Pack Damon. As in our very own Pack. And as far as it is for your hunch about someone tipping it off to them, again you're correct. Stephanie was one to suggest it and the other stronze Heads followed. I managed to make her understand to keep it aside, to not mention a word of it to the Pack but somehow, word got out she said." Kaden said, rolling in eyes. "She's in your meeting hall as of right now."

Kaden lead the SUV speeding in the gates and towards the entrance of the place now my home. Damon had bolted out his door before the cars engine could be killed and went racing upward and onwards to the house leaving me and Kaden to speed jog on his trail. "Kaden, what's with all CommonWealth Game that's enraging Damon? What is the CommonWealth Game even?"

We lowered our pace to a mild speed walk as we approached the flight of stairs. He sighed. "It's called the 'CommonWealth Game' with the intention that it's anyone game. These Ranks we use aren't fixed, well at least not during the Game and after. They become a sort of chess game during this period, you can say. Regardless of the position. Anyone who can play the right move, can win the end game. It's essentially means 'Common Wealth' for anyone to gain a hold off."

We were at approaching the end of the stairs with no Damon in sight. "Now the CommonWealth Game though, are a bit complicated to understand so listen carefully. Essentially all it really is, is a gigantic wrestling match." Pauses with a grimace. "With no rules or referees to constrain you as you fight to death or even a fight to the first one standing and not bleeding to their death sort of fight fight with one another for the Alpha and Luna position."

My blood runs ice cold and my heart pains to beat. Fight? First one not bleeding to death?!

Kaden takes down a hall opposite of the bedrooms and to the end of the hallway where he rolls apart the sliding door. Inside was a large gigantic round conference table, nearly polished with furnished leather seats at the edges and a radiant diamond chandelier dangling overhead. Long, lengthy windows the size of doors were over the far cream wall, arch domes traced with gold and were craved into the walls above each window.

At the end of the table was were they all were gather. Damon, Stephanie -in a spotless lemon blouse and pencil skirt, heels with her charcoal hair swaying behind her, Hunter, Rossi, Carter, Jace -all in sweats and tight fitting shirts, all staring hungrily at me and Kaden approaching. Walking slower than ever I follow Kaden, feeling ever so grateful for his broad shoulders for one.

"You can't mislead the Pack into wanting the CommonWealth Game behind our backs! You never once thought to run it by me or Kaden!" Damon was heads on with Stephanie -who seemed to have been a tad bit, too calm to not have practice what to say beforehand.

"What's the point? You've had your Mate for quite some time and I haven't see you planning it now have I?" Her icy, sincere sounding tone made me want to retch. "Besides it's not like you need any time to train, since the objective is to test our dynamic Alpha-Luna couple. The game should've been held the day after the meeting your Mate."

"So that makes it okay to hold it for today evening?! They literally haven't been off a flight for an hour yet and you want them to go fight their assess off with with everyone, male or female who challenges their authority!" Kaden exclaims.

"It's not fair for the Luna especially. She doesn't know anything that's happening," Hunter defended. Good. One person I can trust between Caption control freak and Mr.Im-too-drunk-to-give-a-fuck.

"Stephanie," Damon growls dangerously, allowing a moment of silence, "You're threading on a very thin line here. Be wise. Reconsider but, don't do this."

"Forgive me my Alpha," she inclined her head without reluctance, keeping up her sincere sounding tone. "But what's tradition will remain tradition and be carried out as one. I find all the other Committee Heads find this a reasonable and valid point worthy mentioning."

Jace, Rossi, Carter all nod their heads in a shared agreement. "Well. I should begin the preparations and inform the Pack of this joyous occasion."

Stephanie turns from looking at them to looking disappointingly at Damon. Slipping her head down and walking pass them towards me on her way out, she slows down just enough for me catch her lowly whispered words. "Beat that Luna."

This was just bullshit. If she weren't to leave, I would've risen that metal candle stand aside the wall and thrown it not only at her smug bitchy face cracking her nose into threes, but at her legs before reconstructing her body into an origami bird and blazing it up into a bonfire. Leaving with a generous smack of the door, Stephanie was gone. For now.

"Damon please. Hear us out," Jace began,"I admit no one likes Stephanie and we hate to agree with her but she had a point here. It's only tradition when an Alpha finds his Mate, he needs to hold them CommonWealth Game as soon as possible before people begin questioning him."

"You know how much it means for the Pack for a chance to obtain such a title." Antonio commented as a matter-of-fact.

"Since when did Stephanie start having sex with you to make you on her side?" Kaden retorted bitterly at Antonio, tilting his head in consideration.

"Enough!" Damon slams his fist onto the table top. The impact of the fist alone was enough to tremble the chandelier. Everyone seemed to have been staggered a step from their enraged Alpha -all expect for me who stood perfectly where I stood. "Fine! If that's what you all want, then fine! This evening, we will hold the CommonWealth Game and see for ourself, who has the balls to test an Alpha."

"Its good to have you back my Luna," Hunter said, assisting my bags up into the room.

"Thank you Hunter. Trust me when I say you're one of the best things that happen to this place and that makes it ten times easier to come back here." I reply softly, sitting on the bed.

He gave a lopsided smile, dropping the bag from over his shoulder to the ground with a loud thump. "Im always here if you need anything my Luna. Ill be back later to help explain the whole Game situation more clearer but Im needed at the moment somewhere else. Here's my number. Call me for anything and please, I mean for literally anything."

I caught the signal and it brings a bright smile to think. "Thank you Hunter."

With the note pinned on the dresser, he left. Nothing better to do, I fetch out the grungy old diary I had left off in New York. "Nothing like reading some dead's person diary before getting your ass beaten in front of the whole Pack," I mutter to no one in particular.Running my fingers over the several torn pages, I adjust back, resting lazily against the headboard.

Jan 19th

Dear Diary,

I cant believe a years already came and gone. It feels like yesterday I was recovering from my countless hours of labours, laying in bed with Damon wrapped under layers of  the finest of blankets in the security of my arms, and now, here he was. Using his chubby fingers to grasp onto anything to help in walking. Back then, I clearly remembered him being not even long as my forearm. Now he's as tall as my knees. Maybe it just my small figure making him seem so but I cant help it. My baby's one year old today!

I havent been this happy in ages. It feels good to be though. If only I could be everyday. If today wasnt good enough, Damon finally learned to say dada. When Rocco heard, I could tell he was beyond delighted behind those frigid eyes he kept to himself. He just never said so and perhaps, thats what hurt me more. His facial expressions seemed to hurt me than his actions these days.

For Damon's party I brought him this gigantic, round Paw Patrol cake with toys of each pup. Damon was so tempted by the sight of his new toys, he hardly touched his cake. I mean he definitively touched it, causing a big enough of a mess that he needed another bathe by the end of it.

I let him though. Let him play with the cake, smearing it from his face to his toes like paint, stuffing the cake portion into his overalls pocket 'for later', giggling from the texture of the icing between his fingers and even creating his masterpiece over my face with the leftover cake. Since it was the two of us, there was plenty of different colour frostings to choice from and no once to stop us mother-son from being kids together.

I couldnt help but think about the wish Damon would've made. Even for a baby, he paid close attention when explaining the candle part to him, staring hard at the candle for a long time before eventually blowing them out. He probably wished the exact same thing I was during the entire thing. If only if it could've been three rather than two of us.

Ps. He found Nathan and Camilla's present -a 24 set of different rubber ducks just as enjoyable as the toys from the cake. He's currently in the tub, chomping on the leader duck's head quite fondly.


My laugh couldn't be resisted at this point. Imagining Damon as a toddler, butt naked in a tub full of water, biting off the commander rubber duckie's head was something I'd never anticipate. Even for a half toothless baby. Damon always struck me as the type of child to laugh at the sight of people burning in a cauldron of fire or exploding up as fireworks and to cry at the sight of his baby rattle.


Jan 21th

Dear Diary,

I know I made a vow to never write about my pain again, to never store physical evidence of my torment for me to remember but today was worse. Worse than it ever has been. It hasn't been this painful and personal from the time we were trying to get pregnant with Damon.

Oh my gracious. I just realized. What if Rocco was indeed trying to have a second child? I couldnt, I just couldnt. Damon was ready a handful enough and I could hardly get out of bed in the middle of night without getting hit by Rocco for going to tend to Damon than tend to him. I cant allow having another child and have them bare living this nightmare Damon was. Even if it meant kept him from knowing the love of siblings, Id do it. To save them.

Why must the Moon Goddess be so cruel and make me do such a sin towards that angel?


Days apart and this drastic difference in writing tones was hinting towards something much bigger and something told me I wasnt going to like this. Another good chuck of pages were torn.


Jan 19th

Dear Diary,

Another year added to Damon's life already. I still cant believe Damon's been in my life for 2 whole years now and there isnt a day I regretted having him. Life without him seems so blanch and stale, I cant imagine days going on without him. He was all I had and still have to this day.

This year, even Nathan and Camilla decided to pitch in the celebrations with us. Rocco created some excuse from the tip of his tongue and left right on the day of his son's birthday. Even Nathan's explaining went futile against Rocco stubbornness to go.

Not only this, but Camilla came this close to finding out about Rocco and me and what went on at night. She spotted the scratch wound at my neck that had began bleeding again and smearing of concealer over bruising around my arms but even putting it off, I knew from the look in her eyes she wouldn't leave it at this.  I ended up avoided to her the entire night. The last person I had trust in and now gone because I choice so. Ive never hated my existence more than I do today.
Ps. Sono incinta

[Im pregnant]

Hey guys!

This is a sort of filler for the next chapter but a chapter in its own significance.
A week into the New Year gone! Whoa!

Thanks a ton for putting up with my weird mind, planning, writing thing.
Comment and Vote this chapter up, please?🙁

The Author;

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