Fallen Souls

By MissMillie

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Mikhail and Mikhaila are fraternal twins and at the same time the heirs to the throne of the Brethan Kingdom... More

Prologue: Past Life
Chapter 1: Life and Death
Chapter 2: Proof of a Knight
Chapter 3: More than just an old man
Chapter 4: Goddess Delphiria
Chapter 5: Festival at the Capital
Chapter 6: Domlora
Chapter 7: Lord Wilston
Chapter 8: Escape
Chapter 9: A trick of Fate
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 11: Ron's return
Chapter 12: Knights
Chapter 13: Return
Chapter 14: Discovery
Chapter 15: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 16: Interrogation
Chapter 17: A New Beginning
Chapter 19: Lady Anaclisse de Colabrè
Chapter 20: The Tearan Royal Family
Chapter 21: Selfishness
Chapter 22: Military Academy
Chapter 23: Consequences
Chapter 24: Mikhail
Chapter 25: Reunited
Chapter 26: In the light [END]

Chapter 18: Choice

271 4 0
By MissMillie

       It was Rendell who wrote the report to Sir Beneufort by pigeon mail and while they were waiting for his reply for their next order, they waited in the drawing room and discussed the interrogation.

       “So what about the North?” Rendell asked. “Only a Brethanian can see it according to the spy.”

       “That is a big problem. We can’t defeat them if we can’t destroy their hide-out!” Chris exclaimed.

       Izani sighed. “I don’t have any ideas about this but the fact that their prince and princess are still alive will create bigger problems.”

       “The king wouldn’t allow them to live. He would want to continue the blow that should have killed Prince Mikhail in the first place.” Chris said.

       “Yeah, the death of those twins will mean that the Tearan kingdom fully triumphed over them.” Izani said.

       “I have been meaning to ask this for a long time…” Rendell said carefully.

       “What is it, Rendell?”

       “What does those twins have that His Majesty was able to risk a lot of innocent lives just to kill them—just to kill their whole family…?”

       “I admit that I also have the same question as you, but actually, no one really knows the real reason except for the king himself.” Izani said.

       “The stories that you hear are just speculations people make.” Chris interjected. “Izani is right. No one knows the real reason, Rendell.”

       “I heard that whoever who was brave enough to ask the king about that were killed by His Majesty himself.” Izani said. “You should be careful, Rendell not to mention anything related to this to the king or else you wouldn’t be able to keep your head.”

       “Hey, brat stop scaring him!” Chris said.

       “How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me ‘brat’!” Izani said, irritated. “I’m not a kid anymore!”

       Chris and Rendell both laughed.

       “Oh really? But how come you are just twelve years old? Isn’t that a kid’s age?” Chris teased.

       “Shut up, you old sleepy head!”

       “I admit that I am always asleep, but I am not old! Can’t you see how young and good-looking I am?”

       Izani laughed. “I advise you to get a pair of glasses. You now couldn’t see yourself clearly.”

       “Why you, brat! Look at the time; you have missed your afternoon nap. It will be a problem for us if you wouldn’t get any taller!”

       The two continued arguing while Rendell watched them as he stifled a laugh. They really do get along well with each other, he thought.

       He poured himself some tea and leaned back on the sofa. It had been a tiring time doing the interrogation. He wanted to check on Ron and the others but he needs to be cautious because his companions might think it to be suspicious. He better watch his step carefully. He also needs to think of a way to help Ron escape. He needs to warn the others about the newly invented potion and how efficient it is.

       He placed his tea cup on the table and closed his eyes. He could still hear Chris and Izani arguing but he let their noisy conversation pass through his ears.

       He could feel his mind was about to sleep. He feared of having those dreams again. He didn’t want to see it again. He wanted to sleep in peace.

       Later he was awakened by the call of his name. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

       “Did something happen?” he asked. “How long was I asleep?”

       “Hmm, maybe about 2-3 hours.” Chris answered. “Don’t worry about it. Listen, Sir Beneufort already sent his reply.”

       “What did he say?”

       “He wants us to go report what we found out to the king since he is currently doing something.” Izani said.

       “Did he say anything else?”

       “No, that was all that was in the letter.” Chris said. “Sir Beneufort is never fond of long replies. He always keeps it short.”

       “He sometimes tells you his reply personally but he probably is busy right now so he wrote his message instead.” Izani said.

       “When shall we go to the king?” Rendell asked.


       The other two gave their consent and it was decided.

       It was only on the following day when Rendell realized that the king might recognize Zeron. He felt worried again and was troubled how he would act in front of the king.

       They left at noon because Chris had slept in. their hoods were up because of the heat of the sun.

       “This is your entire fault.” Izani said to him. “And what do you plan on telling His Majesty as an excuse?”

       “I already apologized, okay?”

       “Hmph, that’s not enough.” Izani retorted.

       “Tch. Just shut up, brat.”

       They started arguing again. Rendell sighed and just concentrated on the road. He was still thinking about his problem at hand. The king will probably be curious to know how and where he found his Proof. Rendell sighed again. If he lied, it would be more dangerous for him.

       They reached Limbistein castle and the soldiers bowed low when they saw them. It was Carlos who waited for them at the entrance.


       Chris showed him his badge and Carlos quickly apologized.

       “My Lords, please follow me.”

       As they entered the castle, Rendell lowered his hood and Carlos was surprised to see him but kept his countenance.

       As they passed through the corridors, they noticed how busy the servants were.

       “Is there going to be a gathering?” Rendell asked.

       Carlos nodded. “It will be a dinner among the family. His Highness, Prince Beckham is currently here.”

       “His Highness?” Rendell said, surprised.

       “He arrived yesterday afternoon.

       Prince Beckham Tearan, the younger brother of the king had extreme wanderlust and was always away from the kingdom. He only returns once in a few years. The last time Rendell had seen him was when he attended his mother’s birthday when he was fourteen years old.

       As they reached the huge black doors, they stopped.

      “This is as far as I can go.” Carlos said.

       “Thank you.” Chris said.

       The guards standing by announced their entrance and the door opened. The three of them walked forward. This was now the first time Rendell will face the king as a knight.

       The throne room was dark and cold even though there was a fire burning. Their footsteps echoed loudly through the walls. Rendell avoided looking at the king as he walked. The three of them kneeled before the throne.

       “I, Chris Absterleine humbly greet you, your Majesty.”

       “Izani McGregor, your Majesty.”

       “Rendell Colabrè, your Majesty.”

       “My knights…Beneufort told me that you got important information for me.” King Gelatte said. “Tell me.”

       “The Fallen Souls are still alive.” Chris said.

       Rendell gulped. He didn’t expect Chris to be so direct. The king was silent. Rendell slowly raised his head to look at his expression. The king’s face was fierce and dark. There were fire in his eyes and his knuckles turned to white as he grasped the arms of his throne tightly.

       “Are you sure about that?” he asked. Rendell could tell that the king was struggling to keep his voice even.

       “Yes, your Majesty.” Chris answered. “Sir Somier’s potion is flawless and is very efficient.”

       “Where are they?”

       “In the North, sire.” Izani said.

       The king slammed his fist. “Why didn’t you tell me this as soon as possible? Tell Beneufort to prepare for an attack! Call the general of my armies immediately!” he shouted.

       Rendell was shocked at the wrath of the king. This was the first time he saw him react like that. The three of them were frozen.

       “I-I beg your pardon, your Majesty…” Rendell started. “May I speak?”

       The king gave him a curt nod.

       “We also have learned when we interrogated the spies that it would be impossible for us to the find the location of their hide-out.”

       “What are you talking about?” the king said. “How can it be impossible?”

       “The only people who can find the location are people that have Brethanian blood in their veins..” Rendell explained.

       It was a tense moment where they waited how the king will react to this.

       “How can that be? You must have heard wrong!” the king said. He stood and started pacing back and forth. “This must be a mistake!”

       “…we confirmed it several times, your Majesty.” Rendell said.

       “I refuse to believe this!” the king thundered. “I have heard the best news in my seventeen years of waiting and then you tell me that it is impossible for us to find their location?!”

       “Your Majesty, please calm down.” Chris said even though he knows it to be impossible.

       “Call back the other knights!” the king said. His face was now reddening with anger. “Bring Beneufort and Somier to me! At once! Get out of my sight!”

       “Yes, your Majesty.” The three said and quickly went out of the throne room in haste.

       When they were out in the corridor, they still continued walking briskly.

       “Izani go back to the residence and question them again—but don’t overdo it. Let’s confirm it one last time.” Chris ordered.


       “I’ll report this right away to Sir Beneufort.” Chris said. “Rendell, for the time being, stay here in the castle to watch over His Majesty and try to calm him down if possible.”

       “But I think it’s impossible for him to calm down after hearing our report.” Rendell said.

       “I also think likewise but at least try.” Chris said. “I’ll relay Sir Beneufort’s orders to you two when I see him”.

       They now reached the entrance hall and Rendell watched as they departed. He sighed. He faced a new problem now. He went back inside and saw himself face to face with the butler, Carlos.

       “Sir Colabrè, His Majesty wants to see you in his office.”

       Rendell nodded. “Is he calm?”

       “A little, sir.”

       Rendell sighed. “Thank you, Carlos.”

       “Have you met with Prince Beckham?”

       “No, not yet.” Rendell said. “I’m not sure when will I be free.”

       “He would really be glad to see you I’m sure.”

       Rendell smiled then continued on his way to the king’s office.

       The king was pacing back and forth inside his office. Rendell saw an untouched cup of tea sitting on his desk. He already knocked on the door several times but didn’t hear any reply so he entered by himself.

       “Your Majesty…” he said.

       The king spun around, wide-eyed. “I didn’t hear you coming. Knock on the door first.”

       “I did—several times, but you weren’t answering, your Majesty.” Rendell explained while the king sat on his chair then watched him closely. Rendell stiffened. He saw the king’s eyes linger on the sword by hanging by his side.

       “I must apologize to you because we haven’t given you the proper ceremony of becoming a knight.” The king said. “You have succeeded in finding your Proof in a short time…”

       “Yes, your Majesty. Goddess Delphiria guided me well it seems.” Rendell was tense. He feared that the king might recognize it.

       The king continued staring at his sword. Rendell noticed that the more he looked at it, his eyes grew darker.

       “Your Majesty?” Rendell said. “…I heard that you wanted to see me?”

       King Gelatte cleared his throat. “I called you to acknowledge you of being my knight. You have proven yourself and I congratulate you. Do all your best for the sake of the Tearan kingdom. I expect you to carry out all my orders according to my wishes.”

       “Thank you very much, your Majesty.” Rendell said.

       “…that will be all. You may go.” The king said.

       Rendell bowed and went out of the room. Outside the king’s office, he breathed a sigh of relief. He thought the king was going to question him about his sword. He grasped Zeron’s hilt. It felt warm and he could feel its power by just a touch. It was the sword of King Elmar. He stopped his thoughts there. He didn’t want to think about the rest.

       He walked along the corridor and then made a decision—a very risky one. As a knight, he must honor promises he makes and make sure to return favors especially if it involves life. He resolved to help Ron escape.

       As he walked, he formed a plan in his head until he found Carlos.

       “Lord Colabrè…”

       “I have a favor to ask of you…and swear to me that you will not tell a soul about this conversation.” He said firmly looking at him in the eye.

       The butler was surprised and confused. “What is it, my Lord?”

       “Tell the other knights that I haven’t left the castle if they ask you of my whereabouts.”

       “My Lord?”

       “Swear to me, Carlos.” Rendell ordered.

       There was a period of silence. “I’m bound to serve the royal family and do whatever they wish…Lord Colabrè, you have my word.”

       Rendell rushed quickly after that. He knew all the secret passageways in and out of the castle and it became easy for him to go out without being detected. He thought that Izani wouldn’t stay long in interrogating the captives again. He planned to help Ron escape while Izani was no longer there. He just prayed that his timing would be good.

       He was running at top speed through the corridors. He needs to accomplish his goal in less than an hour then go back to avoid suspicion.

       It was also fortunate for him to know various shortcuts in town. He was able to arrive in Sir Beneufort’s residence in fifteen minutes instead of thirty. He saw that Izani’s horse was still there as he hid behind the trees a few meters away. He must wait until he was gone to go inside. He thought that after he was inside, what should he do next? How will he be able to let them escape?

       Rendell patiently waited outside. After a few more minutes, he saw Izani emerge out of the house, hood up. He climbed on his horse and rushed back towards the castle. Rendell immediately went out of his hiding place. He also wore his hood up to conceal his face. He can’t let the guards recognize any part of him.

       He had no choice but to go in front because he knew the entrance to the underground dungeons was near there. He needed to do it fast. Rendell approached as quietly as possible but the guards were alerted to his approach.

       “Who are you? State your name and business here.” The guard said.

       Rendell had no plan on answering. He punched him hard on the stomach and took his sword from him. The others ran to him, theirs drawn but Rendell parried them all and knocked them all unconscious. He was disappointed that his presence was now known this early and he was worried that they might call for reinforcements and notify Izani about it.

       When he entered the manor, he saw that more were there. Their skill was nothing compared to his and they lacked strength to defeat him.

       “These guards need more training.” Rendell muttered to himself.

       He walked towards his destination and went down the stairs. His footsteps echoed through the cold walls. The guards below were oblivious to what has happened above them. They were only three guards there fortunately and when they saw the hooded man before them, they realized that he was an intruder.

       Unlike the ones he met upstairs, these were better trained and highly skilled that Rendell had no choice but to kill them. It was unexpected because they were gaining on him and pushing him into the corner and he had no choice but to use his real sword skills on them. They now lay dead before him with their blood dripping from the sword he took.

       “W-what’s happening out there?” he heard Jackson Milestone called.

       He ran towards the cells ignoring his questions about his identity.

       “Did Sir Wilston send you to rescue us?” he asked. “Who are you? Please answer me.”

       But Rendell didn’t answer. He slashed the chains on Ron’s cell and they fell on the stone floor with a loud clang. He threw it open and saw him curled up in the corner. He went to him, took his arm and helped him stand.

       “W-who a-are you?” Ron asked, staring at him and as he looked up he saw his savior’s face that was under the hood. “Y-your H-Highness, what a-are y-you doing?”

       “Sshh!” Rendell helped him out of the cell and past Jackson Milestone’s cell.

       “Wait! Help us! Please!” Milestone pleaded. Rendell stopped in his tracks.

       He was caught in the middle. He didn’t know what to do. His original plan was to only rescue Ron because he owes him his life and there’s only a little time remaining before the reinforcements arrive. He started again, dragging Ron.

       “Sir, please! Please help us!” it was the voice of Mrs. Milestone. “We don’t know who you are but you killed the guards and helped Ron…you must be a good person. Please! Or at least help our children escape with Ron! Please, sir!”

       Rendell tightened his grip on Ron’s arm. Ron seemed to gain full consciousness at that moment.

       “Your highness…” he said in a weak voice. “Thank you. I can now stand. I’m fine.”

       Rendell let go of him and watched Ron steady himself. He saw that he was still in pain. He could see it in his eyes.

       “Ron, are you alright? That kid interrogated you again, right? He must have used that potion again.” Jackson said.

       “Don’t worry. I can handle this.” Ron replied. He approached one of the guards and took his sword then slashed the chains on the cell doors of the Milestones.

       “Thank you, Ron.” Mrs. Milestone said with tears in her eyes. She hugged her children and Jackson Milestone embraced his family.

       “Soldiers will be here at any moment. This probably has reached Izani by now. You must hurry and escape.” Rendell said. He estimated how long will it take for Izani to arrive. They must hurry.

       “I want to thank you again.” Ron bowed. The Milestone family was now eyeing the hooded man curiously. They wondered of his identity. “Please hurry and escape first. They must not see you here or your life will be in danger.”

       Rendell listened to his words and saw the logic in it, but they will definitely be captured again when he leaves. Ron is still not in the right condition to fight.

       “Ron do you know him?” Jackson asked. “Who is he?”

       Ron looked at him and at Rendell. He was not sure of what to say.

       “My identity is not important. You only need to concern yourselves on to how to escape from here alive.” Rendell said. “Follow me.”

       Rendell led them upstairs and fought a few more guards. When they were outside, Rendell could hear horses and the sound of armor coming their way.

       “It’s too late. The reinforcements are already here!” Mrs. Milestone exclaimed.

       Rendell didn’t mind her and led them to the small forest not far from the mansion.

       “It will be impossible for you to escape far away immediately. The soldiers are on horses and they are much faster than you.” Rendell said as they were running. “At the end of this forest is a mountain. Go and hide there until you recover then send a message to either Sir Wilston or Capt. Volnacker to send for help.”

       “Wait a minute. I can’t stand this anymore.” Jackson Milestone said. “Who are you really? How come you know those names?”

       Rendell didn’t answer.

       “I’ll try to buy you some time then run away from here as fast as you can.” He said.

       “But you just said that they are faster than us. How will you try to buy us some time?” Mrs. Milestone asked.

       “There they are! Don’t let them escape!” someone from the back shouted.

       They turned around and saw at least twenty soldiers pursuing them. They were only a few yards away.

       “They have caught up with us!”

       “Please leave at once.” Ron said to Rendell again.

       Rendell looked at him. His eyes reflected that he was still in pain but he was still worried about him instead of his own. He had now chosen to help not only Ron but the Milestones and they already came this far and he would not let them be captured again.

       They stood watching the approaching soldiers.

       “Like I said earlier, I’ll but you some time. While I hold them off, run away. Hide in the deepest part of the mountain.” Rendell said. He walked forward, facing the approaching soldiers.

       “You can’t win against those numbers alone!” Jackson Milstone said. Rendell gave him the sword he took earlier.

       “Use this to protect your family.” He told him. “Even though you are a baker, just this once hold a sword.”

       Jackson Milestone couldn’t see his face but he saw in his voice that he was determined to protect and fight for them. “Thank you.” He said.

       “If you’re going to fight them, I’ll stay here with you.” Ron said.

       “No. you need to protect them.”

       “But I can’t leave you to face them by yourself. By the looks of it, these soldiers are more skilled than the others in the mansion. Your life will be in danger.”

       Rendell said nothing and still continued to walk forward.

       “Your Highness!” Ron called.

       Rendell turned again to face him. “Run and protect the Milestones, Ron. This is an order.

       Ron was silence with what Rendell have said.

       “We can now call it quits.” Rendell said. “I have already paid my debt to you…”

       “Y-your Highness…”

       “Thank you, Ron.” Rendell said. “Now go.”


       Rendell already planned what to do. He drew out Zeron. It looked majestic. It was indeed a king’s sword.

       He heard Jackson Milestone mutter something from behind but he didn’t hear it as he concentrated.

       Rendell talked to ZEron in his mind and felt its power draw inside him.

       “Zeron, help me defeat the enemy with your power.”

       He let the power build up and created a tornado around him. He remembered that Zeron has the power to create and control wind and use it freely.

       He slashed Zeron and it sent the tornado of wind to the coming soldiers. The attack blew away them from the forest easily along with everything that lay in its path—even the trees. The soldiers were no longer can be seen and they slowly disappeared in the distance. Rendell looked at the huge mess in the surroundings he caused.

       “You…you are that knight.” Jackson muttered

       Rendell realized that his hood was down. His cover was also blown away by the strong wind. He faced them and the Milestones gasped.

       “Impossible! Why did you help us?”

       “You are one of the Tearan knights. Why did you disobey your king?” Jackson said.

       Rendell sheathed his sword and whistled loudly. His horse came trotting towards him. He patted its nose and climbed. He needed to go back to the castle immediately. He also unfastened his cloak, handed it to Ron while saying, “Do me a favor and burn this.”

       “Yes, your Highness…” Ron said. “Won’t you come back with us?”

       Rendell bit his lip. He already thought that Ron might ask him this.

       “When will you stop denying the truth?”

       “Be silent, Ron. Whatever you are thinking, keep it to yourself.” He said coldly.

       Ron obeyed but he looked like he wanted to say more on the subject.

       “I’ll be going now…”

       “Wait! Answer our question!” Jackson Milestone said.

       “It’s none of your business, Jackson Milestone. “Is it not enough to just express your gratitude at least?”

       “We are grateful to you.” Mrs. Milestone said. “Who would have thought that of all people, we would owe our lives to a Tearan.”

       “That’s true. We are indeed indebted to you. Thank you.”

       “Do not think much about it. Be sure not to be caught next time. Lord Somier’s potion is truly effective. Remember that…” Rendell said.

       “I hope nothing happens bad to you, your Highness…” Ron said.

       Rendell just nodded. After giving them one last look, he kicked his horse and rode out fast out of the forest. A little while later, he entered one of his shortcuts going back to the castle.

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