Villain Todoroki x Reader [Di...

By pokepawz

203K 4.9K 4.7K

Todoroki Shouto, a year after he graduated from U.A, got a big twist in his life which made him join the Leag... More

Chapter 1 - The beginning
Chapter 2 - Caught.
Chapter 3 - Remembered
Chapter 4 - Mother
[Info] Your Quirk
Chapter 5 - Again.
Kind of Important info
Updating Book
Chapter 6 - The Todoroki Family
1k reads
\\Not an update//
Chapter 7 - Am I safe?
Chapter 8 - How It Was
Chapter 9 - Training?!?
Chapter 10 - Day 1~
Chapter 12 - Day 3~
Chapter 13 - War
Christmas Special!! - A cold night
Chapter 14 - Strange Guests
Chapter 15 - The Plan
Chapter 16 - Clues
Chapter 17 - A Date
[AN] Selena gone 'offline'
Your New Co-Writer and another chapter
19 - Cake and kidnapping
20 - Kill Shouto
21 - Lets Cut Those Strings
22 - This Is Gonna Be Awesome (y/n)
23 - Without a Heart
24 - I Can't Wait Toga
25 - This sucks
26 - That's What I like to hear
27 - A sadist
28 - insanity
29 - My Sleeping Beauty
I gots some newz!
30 - Like a light you were out
31 - Breakfast
32 - let's go
33 - A lost puppy
34 - I'll have the usual
35 - Proposal
Smol update
Don't keep me waiting - 36
Gain your trust - 37
hay, its me!

Chapter 11 - Day 2~

3.8K 111 151
By pokepawz

Shouto's POV

I don't really know what happened last night with (Y/n). It felt like I went completely blank and the next thing I knew was I kissed her on the cheek. It was a small short kiss, but what mattered was the emotions that were in it.

What emotions though? I guess I have to figure that out.

For today's training, I wanted to work on her quirk. It was powerful and if taught correctly could be a great quirk of a hero.

I finished making coffee for the both of us. I set up the table for breakfasts and just as I was finishing I heard movement behind me.

I turned around to see (Y/n) stumble out of her room.

"Good morning." She said yawning.


"You made breakfast?" She asked with a questioning look on her face, as she scanned the table and sat down.

"Long day of hard training its the least I could do."

She didn't look me in the eyes. She seemed to be out if it because of last night.

"Listen today's training is going to be a bit different." I started.

"Why? Is there something going on?" She always has that concerned look on her face.

"Yes. I have to go find the league of villains new base. There's no doubt in my mind Tomura moved."

"So what will I do?"

"I'm going to give you a list of tasks to complete before I come back. It's all quirk training."

A glint of curiosity and happiness flooded her eyes. "Sound great!"

We finished up dinner and headed outside.

"Okay first thing on the list." I took her to an open field where I had set up a couple things for the training of my own a while ago.

There was a small brick house with one wall made of bars. There were chains dangling from the wall and attached to them a straw dummy.

"I want you to figure out how to break this person out using your quirk."

She looked at the puzzle in front of her. We moved on to the next puzzle.

There were huge trees in front of us leading deeper into the forest.

"I want you to break as many as you can. When I say break I don't want to see anything left."

She sighed deeply. "What's next!"

"The last thing I have for you is this." We were in front of huge slabs of stone. At least as tall as me. There were quite a few staggered around.

"I want you to cut these in half."

I looked over at her expecting to see a face full of worries and regrets, but that's not what I saw at all. Instead, she smiled with determined eyes.

Wow, she's really something else.

"That's all, ill be back by sunset. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine. You be safe Shouto please." She mumbled the last part, but I still heard it.

With that, I was off. Nobody ever goes in that forest. She'll be fine. Me, however, I have to be careful I'm not seen.

(Y/n) I'll come back, that's a promise.

(Y/n) POV

I stared at the obstacles in front of me and strangely felt excited.

The first thing on my list was breaking the person out of jail.

I have to figure how to break the bars. If I'm trying to save someone I don't want to blow everything up. I could end up hurting or even worse killing the person.

The best I could I let out a soft scream. Trying to find the right pitch to shatter the bars in a safe way.

After a while of trying they finally shattered. There was a big enough gap to let me go through. I squeezed through to find my next challenge. The chains.

I remembered what I had done before to get out of chains. I picked up one.

Bad memories flashed back. Chains, the dungeon, the torture. I quickly shook my head and put all my focus on the chains.

I formed my mouth into an O. With accurate aim the chain brook. I moved on to the next doing the same thing.

After I was done I dragged the dummy out and laid him on the ground. Check that off the list. On to the next.

The trees. For this I would have to use all my force to shatter them. The same amount of force I used in my old house that day with Shouto.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. With as much force as I could, I screamed. The tree in front of me nearly shattered to pieces. I could do better.

Shouto I hope you're safe.

Shouto's POV

I ran through back allies following a lead on were the could be. After a while of running, I spotted a sketchy looking two level house.

There was just a bad feeling coming from it. I approached it carefully and slowly. I saw two people entering the house. I hid myself from sight but stayed in earshot.

"This place won't stay hiding for long. Shouto will eventually find it." One spoke.

"Yeah, but for now it's the best we have."

"Shh. Someone's here." They both took out a knife.

Don't worry (Y/n) I'll be back soon.

(Y/n) POV

After breaking around ten trees I took a break and got some water. I wanted to push myself today, but not to a point where I lost my voice forever.

I moved on to the next challenge. The brick walls.

I don't think I'll be able to break these with force.

I screamed with all the force I could but only left a couple dents.

I'll have to think about this one more. Let's see to cut brick you need something sharp and strong. If I could somehow use my voice to make it sharp enough to cut the brick...

After a lot of failed attempts, I decided to use my hand to help.

I screamed at a certain frequency and used my hand to cut down diagonally. To my surprise, the whole top right corner of the brick slid off.

I actually cut a brick wall! With my voice!

I practice this until there were no more walls left. I was so tired by the end I fell to the ground.

I gazed up at the beautiful colored sky. It's sunset.

Right on cue, I heard footsteps behind me.

I sat up to see Shouto glancing around with a shocked and impressed expression.

"Looks like finishing my tasks wasn't that hard for you after all." He smiled softly.

"As you can tell it took everything out of me." I notice a small scratch on his leg.

"Are you alright?" I asked standing.

Unstable and tired I fell into him. I looked up into his beautiful brown and blue eyes.

"I'm fine don't worry about me. Dinner?"

"Sounds good."

The next thing I knew he picked me up bridal style and I was carried to my castle by my Prince Charming.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. The next chapter will be the last day of training with Shouto. Let's hope it's a good one!! XD
Till next time Selena~Chan out!

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