The Call (A Moana x Maui Fanf...

By iamsporty657

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Moana was just a normal sixteen year old attending high school and trying to survive day by day. She's also a... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Chapter 42

Chapter 19

511 7 11
By iamsporty657

Chapter 19

Maui's POV

Time Skip... A Few Days Later... 

   Moana and I are currently having a picnic at the waterfall we both love dearly. She's eating sandwich after sandwich without a care in the world. The sight of her eating so much is beyond adorable. It's clear to me now that my baby girl has my big appetite, which is wonderful. It's always a plus when your girlfriend shares your love of food. That alone often brings couples together even more. "Moana, I never knew you could eat that much." She pouts playfully at me. "Aw, is my big boy jealous because I can eat just as much as him, if not more so?" I raise an eyebrow at her. "Is that a challenge?" I smirk. "I suppose it is." "Alright Maui, you have a deal. The first one to eat five sandwiches in a row is the winner." I nod and we begin eating in unison, though somehow she manages to eat faster than me. I'm only my third sandwich when she's on her fourth. Before I know it, she's eaten all five sandwiches.

  I stare at her with my eyes bugging out of my head and my jaw dropped. She's clearly amused by my actions and bursts into laughter. "I beat you didn't see that coming, did you Maui?" I stupidly shake my head no and she laughs even more. "Congratulations princess, you both surprised me and managed to beat me, the champion eater. I should reward you somehow." Moana does a dorky victory dance before joining my side once again. "How about you get to be my personal slave for a day?" I sigh. "I suppose that's only fair, though can it wait until tomorrow? I want to enjoy our date." She giggles. "It can wait until tomorrow." 

   Neither one of us has the stomach to eat anymore so simply set aside the leftover food and leisurely sip our coconut juice. "Hey Mo?" She looks up at me. "Yes Maui?" "What's one place you've never visited but always wanted to?" "Well there are many places I've dreamed of visiting but never had the chance to. My top one would have to be California. I'd do a two week long trip and visit all of the amazing cities like L.A, San Francisco, San Diego, and San Jose. In addition, I'd see the Redwood Forest and enjoy the beauty of the countryside." She looks away sadly. "I'll probably never get there though. It's difficult as is to travel between realms." I look at her seriously. "I'll get there one day my love. It may not be right now, but I promise you that you'll get the chance to go on that dream trip." 

  "Y-You'd travel all that way with me just to make me happy?" I give her a sweet smile. "Moana, I'd take a bullet for you if it would make you happy. I love you so much. You've done so much for me. Please let me try to make this happen for you." She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Are you sure?" A tear slips down her cheek and I kiss it away. Her tear is salty but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. "I've never been more sure. Now cheer up buttercup, I hate seeing you sad. When you cry, it makes me want to cry and trust me, I'm an ugly crier." That causes her to giggle. "You look sexy no matter what you do." I flex my muscles and wink at her. "I try." She playfully rolls her eyes at me. "And he's back." I kiss my muscles before pulling her towards me, enveloping her in a warm hug and kiss. 

  For the rest of our date, Moana and I talk about everything from our childhoods to overcoming our obstacles to what we like to do in our spare time. This is really nice. I'm glad we're getting to know each other, both the good parts and the bad, both the big things and the little ones. The sun is beginning to set so we take it as our cue to head back to our cave for the night. When we get there, we climb into my bed. I pull a few blankets over us and we cuddle with each other, trying to stay as warm as possible. Moana falls asleep first in my arms. I press one last kiss to her forehead and fall asleep myself with a dorky smile on my face. This is the best way to fall asleep at night. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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