Unsteady ยป Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

22.2K 549 75

โ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . โž Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[2] Tattoo
[3] Turning Page
[4] Party Into the Night
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[9] Highway to Hell
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[12] Loss of a Friend
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[18] Dark Hallow
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[23] Other Options
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[24] Don't Let Me Go

519 11 4
By OMGitsJustine

"Please, there has to be something that can help Sara...Please, anything." Stiles and Scott begged Deaton after they arrived at the animal clinic. They had given Deaton the update on Sara's condition, Stiles not wanting to accept that she was gone forever. In a world of possibilities, there had to be something, no matter how small or huge, they could do in order to bring Sara back.

Stiles refused to give up and accept that Sara was gone forever. Scott, on the other hand, didn't think that there was anything they could do. They couldn't give her the bite because she was already immune from Peter's bite, and even if the bite did work.. Scott couldn't subject Sara to being a slave to the full moon. She wouldn't want that. When Scott tried telling Stiles there was nothing he could do as an Alpha, Stiles became angry at the thought of Scott giving up on Sara.

"No one's saying give up but--...she's gone Stiles. Forever." Scott tried reminding his best friend, knowing he was refusing to see the facts that were laid out in front of him.

So as the two best friends argued over whether or not there was something that could help Sara, Deaton finally spoke up to suggest something.

"If I might offer a suggestion..there might be something that could help her." Deaton said, making Stiles and Scott look at him confused.

"What? What is it? We'll do anything." Stiles immediately said, not even having to hear the consequences of the act that could bring Sara back. He didn't care about anything else right now other than bringing Sara back to him.

Deaton took a deep breath, suggesting that Stiles and Scott should take a seat for this. But Stiles refused, saying he was good with standing and again asking Deaton what was his suggestion to get Sara back.

"In legend, there is a mystical place known to only a few as "Tearmann Solais" or known in Gaelic as "Haven of Light" in which the Valkyries of this world subside. Within this 'Haven', there is a spring of power that they refer to as "Athbhreith" or "Rebirth" that the Valkyries protect with their lives. It is said that the water from the spring of power can grant power to those who drink from it." Deaton began explaining while Stiles and Scott just looked confused.

"I don't-..What do you mean? Grant power?" Stiles and Scott questioned.

"The Spring of Power is ancient, many don't think it exists and those who do..have not seen it. There's not a person alive who's seen the spring and lived to tell the tale. The waters that come from the Spring of Power hold magical properties that can grant anyone power, strength, heal wounds..anything they desire." Deaton said before stopping to take a deep breath and give Stiles the news he needed to hear the most.

  "And in rare instances, told only in legend, those waters have been used to restore the dead to life."

The two best friends looked at one another like they were crazy, with Stiles asking what that meant and where they could find this "spring of power" or "haven of light" that the Valkyries protect and live in.

Deaton slowly shook his head. "Unfortunately..-no one alive has ever visited the spring and lived to tell the tale. The spring and Safe Haven in which the spring resides is guarded by the Valkyries, the swore protectors of the spring. Even if we were granted permission to drink from the spring-..there's no way we'd be able to find it in the first place. The pathway to the spring is a dangerous one, one that many don't ever come back from. No one alive knows the way, no one can enter."

Stiles let out a sharp breath, saying that there must be someway.

Stiles remained quiet at first, taking a deep breath before asking, "Will it work? Can I get her back?"

"I'm not sure..Only in legend does it state the waters from the Spring of Power can restore the dead to life. But they also warn of something else that comes from the spring." Deaton said, Stiles and Scott asking him what the warning was. "Those who are brought back, aren't the same." Deaton said.

"What do you mean, aren't the same?" Stiles asked.

"Being brought back from the other side, the waters--..they change a person. In the soul. If Sara is brought back, she won't be the same one you lost." Deaton tried explaining the complications and warnings for not seeking to go down this path.

But all Stiles heard was of a way to get Sara back to him. To bring her back. That's all he heard and that's all that mattered to him right now.

Stiles and Scott exchanged worried looks, wondering what to do. Scott had an indecisive look on his face, wanting Sara back as much as the next person but to subject her to the horrors of the aftermath.. He doesn't know what he should do. But Stiles on the other hand? He didn't need to think about it for another second.

"We need to bring her back." Stiles said without wasting another second.

Deaton gave Stiles a warning look. "Stiles, know if you do decide to bring her back..just know that her journey will not be easy. Those who come out of the waters, those who are brought back have a certain lust, for blood. They aren't the same as when they went in. They come out different, darker and more dangerous. Sara will not be the same and her journey will be a difficult one. So make sure you do it for her and not yourself."

Scott gave Stiles a warning look, not being too sure about this whole thing but Stiles knew. "Scott, if she dies--.." Stiles began saying, his breath getting caught in his throat as Scott gave him a sympathetic look.

"She already has.." Scott answered quietly, trying not to upset Stiles. Stiles looked at Scott with a disgusted look, looking at his best friend like he was crazy for not wanting to get Sara back. He commented on this, a fight suing to arise. "There's no one who loves Sara more than her dad, you or me but--..I know for a fact that if Sara was hearing this, if she knew the choices and possible outcomes, the price to be paid...She wouldn't want you to do it. She wouldn't want to be a monster."

"We can save her. Don't you get that? We can get her back, Scott. W-..we have to. She can't just stay like that forever, stuck in wherever she is. Every second could be worse than the last, every second she remains--...it's another second we're closer to losing her forever." Stiles said, his voice breaking.

Deaton came to stand near the two best friends, looking to give Stiles and Scott a serious but understanding look. "There's something else I want you both to consider.." Deaton warned Stiles and Scott, who looked at him and awaited to hear the warning. "A life must be sacrificed in order to bring back one." Deaton said as the two best friends eyes went wide. "There has to be a balance, there must be a price to say. If one soul leaves, another must stay. Is this something you're willing to pay the price for?"

"No-..but I am."

But before either of them could answer, another person walked into the room. Everyone turned their heads towards the entrance, seeing Sara's dad standing in the door way. He looked tired, weak as he should be resting but there was nothing that could stand between him and his daughter other than death itself.

Deaton offered Sara's dad a sympathetic look before reminding him of the dangers and price to pay for her to be brought back. "Stephen--...You know if this works, you won't see her again. You'll take her place, you'll die." Deaton reminded Sara's dad.

"And gladly as long as she is okay.." Sara's dad answered, taking a deep breath. Mr. Sandoval was prepared to sacrifice anything to get his daughter back. Even if it meant never seeing her again. Just the thought of knowing she would be alive, and would be okay was enough for him to walk to death freely, unafraid and waiting to be welcomed to the afterlife in Valhalla that awaits him.

"You know where the Spring of Power is?" Stiles and Scott questioned Sara's dad.

Sara's dad nodded, stepping closer to them as he held his side, still sore from being attacked. "I've seen it myself. I know where it is, I can get us there.." Sara's dad said.

Stiles noticed the look on Mr. Sandoval's face, fearing the worse as he asked him what was wrong. "What's wrong? There's something more, isn't there? Something you're afraid to tell us." Stiles questioned Sara's dad.

"Just know that the path to the Spring of Power is a dangerous one. You'll hear things along the way that sound like whispers, telling you of everything your heart desires and knows it wants to hear. It's the power from the spring. It'll try to compel you to drink from the spring. Just know when you do, that when the spring gives you something, it takes something as well. Those who drink from the spring and indulge in it's magical properties, they leave something behind." Sara's dad warned the two of them before taking another deep breath.

"Come, we must leave now. The journey there will be a long one."


It had been three days to book the flights and gathering everything they would need for their journey to this "Spring of Power" in order to bring Sara back. While everyone had their concerns, no one fully denied the plan, seeing as they wanted Sara back as much as anyone. Not to mention, all were afraid of crossing her father.

So here they sat on a private plane, heading towards Eastern Scotland where they would be dropped off before making the journey on horses before getting to the forests edge and proceeding the rest of the way on foot. It was a long, complicated and dangerous journey they were all going to be on. But all of them trusted Sara's dad, knowing he would never risk his daughter's life or potential to be brought back. So they boarded the plane and were sitting there silently as they awaited to arrive.

Those who had joined on the journey besides Sara's father were only Stiles and Scott, everyone else staying behind to watch over their town. Scott thought for a second Derek might join them, knowing that Derek had a soft spot for Sara since she never believed he was dead and he mentioned once or twice how "he hated her the least". But Derek was nowhere to be found after the incident at the hospital. It was like him and Peter disappeared. Scott should be more concerned but he'd deal with Derek and Peter after Sara was okay.

Scott slowly walked through the plane, leaving Stiles to have a moment alone with Sara's body as he spotted Sara's dad working on something. Scott slowly approached her father, seeing that he looked like he was recording something on his computer before shutting it and looking up at Scott. "What are you working on Mr. Sandoval?" Scott asked Mr. Sandoval.

Sara's dad couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Actually..since we're really doing this. I should probably tell at least one living soul." Sara's dad said, earning a confused look from Scott. "After Sara was born, me and her mother were in Tearmann Solais to show Sara her birth right. We were visiting when the sanctuary was attacked. After Sara's mom stayed behind and made me promise to get Sara away from all this--..to never try and find her or contact her..I brought Sara to Beacon Hills, my hometown, and changed our names."

"What do you mean changed your names, Mr. Sandoval?" Scott asked.

"Sandoval is my last name but originally..Sara and I were going to take her mother's. Sara's birth name is actually Sara Valerie Sinclair. Sinclair was her mother's maiden name, a one she wore with pride among her people for the Sinclair's were a powerful family within the supernatural community." Sara's dad sighed. "After promising to get Sara away from all this, I changed our names and came to Beacon Hills..Wanting to keep her from all this as long as I could..Looks like I did a fantastic job." Sara's dad let out a sharp laugh, feeling tears in his eyes.

"Hey, you did the best you could Mr. Sandoval. You are an amazing father to Sara, she loves you so much and you're one of the most badass parents I've ever seen. You taught her how to defend herself and she told me how you were her strength. So you have to be her strength, all of ours right now because we're scared out of our minds." Scott said, making Sara's dad look at him with a slightly surprised look.

Sara's dad slowly nodded his head. "You know..I always thought my daughter would end up with you."

"No-..we're just friends." Scott laughed, feeling a bit awkward about her dad commenting on his and Sara's friendship.

"Yes you are but...I need you to be more than that after I'm gone." Sara's dad began saying, Scott trying to stop him but he needed to hear it and Sara's dad needed to say it. "Scott, when she comes back--...I'm going to die. I'm not going to see her again, not alive anyways. So, she's going to need you. She'll have Stiles, sure. And your mother promised me she'd look after her but...She's going to need someone else. She's going to need you to remind her to keep going."

"I-I can't.." Scott stuttered, feeling nervous.

"You must." Sara's dad said, bringing his hands to Scott's while placing something in his hands. Scott looked confused as he stared down at the letter and flashdrive that Sara's dad placed in his hands.

"What's this?" Scott asked.

"Something I want you to give to Sara when the time's right." He said to Scott, with Scott questioning when he'd know what the right time was. "You'll just know..She's going to be crushed when I'm gone, she'll want to give up or follow me to Valhalla herself, and she'll blame herself--..she'll want to give up, to stop fighting. You must promise me, Scott..That you won't let her give up. She's a fighter, a survivor..She must live. Don't let her give up.."

"I promise.." Scott said, putting the letter and flashdrive in his bag for safe keeping. When the plane started shaking randomly, everyone got frightened as Stiles came running to the two, asking what was happening. They both turned to Sara's dad as he was looking out the window at the familiar ground below.

"We're here.."

Authors note:
Ahhhhh so many feels are coming up prepare cause I died while writing this chapter and the next couple of chapters. Also I'm so obsessed with peter Parker right now Tom Holland is my boo. I bought infinity war on dvd already and watched it a billion times already lol so I'm thinking of writing a Peter Parker fic next what do y'all think?
Comment theories and other stuff I love talking with you all who I appreciate so much :) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Talk soon. Stay golden
- J 👑

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