Unsteady ยป Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

22.2K 549 75

โ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . โž Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[2] Tattoo
[3] Turning Page
[4] Party Into the Night
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[9] Highway to Hell
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[12] Loss of a Friend
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[18] Dark Hallow
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[24] Don't Let Me Go
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[23] Other Options

536 13 4
By OMGitsJustine

stiles stood there, kind of walking back and forth while waiting for the nurse of doctor to give him any information. Stiles had texted Scott, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Derek, he texted everyone. Stiles was biting his nails, probably now chewing on the ends of his fingers. He wasn't sure what to do right now, he had no idea, he was paralyzed. 

As Stiles paced back and forth in the waiting area outside of Sara's room, he snapped his head in the direction of the door opening and closing. Stiles almost tackled Ms. McCall to the ground as she walked over with him, seeing a saddened look on her face as she was carrying a clip board. 

"How is she? Is she okay? Is her dad okay?" Stiles stuttered, surprised he even managed to talk. 

"Sara's dad is awake--...Ummm, I think it's best we talk with him." Ms. McCall slowly nodded her head, the two of them walking over to Sara's dad's room which was right next to her's. 


Ms. McCall lightly knocked on the door before opening it, letting Stiles walk in first as Mr. Sandoval sat up in his bed, groaning from the pain as he saw the look on Melissa's face. 

"How's my daughter? Is she okay? Melissa, please tell me Sara's okay--..." His voice almost broke, fearing the look on Melissa's face. Sara's dads heart couldn't help but break as he noticed the look on Melissa's face. Sara's dad loved her with all his heart, he'd do anything to protect his daughter--...and he already had before. If he ever lost her, he'd go out of his mind. Losing Sara's mom was hard, but losing Sara? He doesn't think he could recover from that. 

So when he looked at Melissa's expression, it broke his heart. He wanted to be positive, pray to the old and new gods to heal Sara but--...he couldn't keep hope alive. He knew that face all too well, it was a face he did not want her to display while speaking about his daughter's condition. 

Ms. McCall offered him and Stiles a saddened and apologetic look. Ms. McCall cleared her throat, trying to decide on which words would be best to express the situation at hand. "Ummm, Stephen--...We ummm..We did the best we could under the circumstances but her--..her injuries were extensive." Ms. McCall began saying, seeing the heartbroken look on both Sara's dad and Stiles face before she delivered the actual horrible heartbreaking news. "Even if she were to regain consciousness...We could prolong her life for as long as you wish but--.." Ms. McCall's voice broke as she held the clipboard close to her chest, hating that she had to tell Sara's dad..

he might lose his only child, his entire world. 

"..-It might be best to consider other options.." Ms. McCall said with a heavy heart, slowly showing Sara's dad the clipboard that had the paper work deciding her life support. "I am so sorry, Stephen--.." Ms. McCall tried saying as she herself had tears in her eyes. 

Stiles let out a sharp gasp, feeling like his chest was caving in as he looked at Ms. McCall like she was insane. "Wh-..what? What did you--..what did you say?" Stiles asked, his voice breaking as tears were in his eyes. 

"Melissa--..there has to be something. Anything. Please--.." Sara's dads voice broke as he looked at Ms. McCall, begging her to find a way to save his daughter. 

"Stephen--..." Ms. McCall said, taking a deep breath before offering him an apologetic look but also a stern one. She needed him to understand the dire situation that Sara was in. There weren't many options, and quite frankly, they didn't even have one. At least not one that would work or guarantee she would make it out alive. "--..if she wakes up, and that's a huge if, we're looking at some form of paralysis in her legs and other permanent damages. It won't be an easy road, it won't be a road at all.." 

"I-don't..I don't understand." Sara's dad said, feeling like his entire head was spinning in one direction and the room was spinning in the other. 

"She's--...Ummmm, Stephen, she's--...Sara's not breathing on her own, she's got about ten different machines hooked up to her to help her breathe, eat, and pump oxygen and blood to her heart so it keeps beating. The MRI we took when she first got here showed a complete dislocation of the spine, from the C5 to L4 interspace." Ms. McCall began explaining while they just looked at her like she was speaking a foreign language. "Basically her entire spine is shattered." Ms. McCall simplified it. 

"I-..Can you fix it? Can you make her better?" Sara's dad and Stiles asked Ms. McCall. 

Ms. McCall sighed. "The damage to her spinal chord--..it's going to be permanent. She's never going to walk again, Stephen. We aren't even sure she'll ever wake up so, I think you should prepare for the worse..." 

"Th-..that can't be right. There has to be something. I mean--...Melissa, she's my daughter. She can't--..." Sara's dad started breathing heavy, feeling like he was having a heart attack. 

"I am so, so sorry, Stephen. I am truly sorry.." Ms. McCall just sadly shook her head. "But her entire spine is shattered, she's lucky to be alive, quite frankly. If she ever wakes up, she won't be able to talk, move, let alone walk ever again. She'll never be able to be taken off these machines..I think it's best if you consider other options, Stephen. We've seen this before and most people don't make it.." 

"She's not most people." Stiles cried, taking deep breaths as him and Sara's dad were just there completely shocked. Neither of them knew what to do, they weren't sure what to say or do. They were just focusing on breathing. 

"I know that--...Stephen, you and Val, asked me to take care of Sara if something were to happen to either of you. I want whats best for her but honestly, I think we should consider the other options we have here." Ms. McCall said sadly. 

Sara's dad sobbed, bringing his hands to his face as he was breaking down on his hospital bed. Melissa moved towards Sara's dad, embracing him as he sobbed into her. 

Sara's dad felt like his entire world was collapsing around him. The thought of having to live without his daughter, it killed Stephen. Sara was his entire world, he'd do anything and give anything to protect her like he had already done many times before. Sara was his anchor, his heart and soul, the reason he kept on living all these years even after losing Sara's mom. Sara is what inspires Stephen to keep going, to live without her.. 

what was the point? 

Sara's dad kept sobbing into Ms. McCall, who was trying her best to comfort him but there wasn't any point. Stiles was crying to himself, silently sobbing as he tried composing himself before asking Ms. McCall a question. "C-..can i see her?" Stiles asked, feeling his breath getting caught in his throat. 

"Y-yeah..Just make sure to talk to her, hold her hand even. Let her know that you're there." Ms. McCall advised Stiles, preparing to give Sara's dad something to help him calm down. But before Stiles could leave the room, she walked over to him and handed him something. "They took this off of her in the OR...I thought you would want it." Ms. McCall said as Stiles left the room. 

Stiles took a deep breath, standing outside of Sara's door as he stared down at the infinity ring he had given her. It was a promise. A promise that they'd always be together, no matter what. And he'd go where she'd go, he'd fight when she'd fight, and if she died then he'd die too. But looks like he was going to keep his promise after all because...

if Sara dies, if she's really gone and there's no coming back then a part of him is going to die with her. 

Stiles took a deep breath, coaching himself as he slowly opened the door to Sara's room. And his heart instantly broke when he saw her laying on her hospital bed, hooked up to a bunch of different machines that were keeping her alive. He let out a silent sob, biting his bottom lip as he closed the door behind him, slowly walking over to sit by her bedside. Stiles took a seat, crying to himself as he couldn't stand it. He couldn't handle seeing her like this. He doesn't think he ever stopped crying, not since the moment he saw her laying in the living room, surrounded by her own blood. 

Stiles tried reaching for Sara's hand, to hold it in his own but he felt his hands were unsteady. He looked down at his hands, they were still shaking and no matter how hard he scrubbed, he couldn't seem to get the feeling of Sara's blood off his hands. It terrified him. His hands were shaky, his breath short as he felt like he was dying with her. 

But Stiles took deep breaths, slowly reaching over to hold Sara's hand in his own. 

"S-sorry.." Stiles cried, trying to compose himself but there was no use. He couldn't calm himself down, he was falling apart. Completely. And all at once. "I'm so sorry--..pl-..please, please don't leave me here.." Stiles cried, letting out a sharp breath as his voice broke. "Please, don't leave..You promised--...you promised I wouldn't have to know what it feels like to live in a world without you. We're supposed to be together, end up together. Infinity times infinity, remember?" 

Stiles doesn't know why he hoped she'd reply, telling him to stop being so dramatic and that he wasn't losing her anytime soon. But she didn't. And when she didn't it broke his heart completely. The room was silent besides his cries and the sounds of the machines keeping her alive beeping. The sounds of the machines keeping her alive was driving him insane, it was like the worse sound ever. Like that annoying song on the radio that keeps playing on every station despite being a shitty song. 

"Please, come back to me--...I-you can't die on me. Not you too-..." Stiles cried, resting his head down against her hand as he just let it all out. 


About a little less than two hours passed when everyone had come running to the hospital to see Sara. Even Derek and Peter, who for some strange reason wanted to see what had happened even if he wasn't welcomed. And as everyone piled into Sara's room, her dad made it very clear Peter was not welcomed there. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" Sara's dad yelled while glaring at Peter. "He's the reason my daughter's laying here, dying. This started with him. I outta put a bullet through your skull--...I should rip your head off! I'd like to see you come back from that!" 

Sara's dad tried charging towards Peter, trying to get his hands around him to break his neck. Peter was growling, going to fight back but Sara's dad punched him across the face, surprising everyone. Derek and Scott grabbed Sara's dad, holding him back while Stiles stood in front of Peter to make sure that the two wouldn't fight each other. Derek and Scott struggled to keep Sara's dad back, his anger and sadness over his daughter's condition, fueling his rage. 

"Stop, he's not worth it." Derek tried calming Sara's dad down, trying to reason with him but that was until he snapped at him. Sara's dad pushed Derek and Scott away from him, sending glares towards each and everyone of them. 

Sara's dad let out a scoff, laughing as he looked around at everyone. "Don't you dare try and tell me what's worth it." Sara's dad practically growled at Derek, everyone getting in between Sara's dad and Peter before he could start another altercation. 

"Mr. Sandoval--...this isn't going to help Sara." Stiles and Scott tried telling him but he wasn't listening to any of them. It was like he was being blinded by his rage, by his grief. 

"No--...but it'll help me." Sara's dad spit in the two boys face as he was breathing heavy, looking around at everyone. They were all staring at Sara's dad scared, no one had ever seen him like this before. But then again, they'd never seen up close what he's willing to sacrifice to keep his daughter safe. 

No one knew what he's done to ensure Sara's safety and survival.. 

No one except one person.. 

"Sara wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want you going off the deep end..not for her." Derek tried his best to not say anything that would trigger Sara's dad. While they weren't best friends or anything, Derek and Sara did have their moments where it seemed like an actual solid friendship was beginning to form. And Derek knows that Sara wouldn't want her dad spiraling like this, lashing out on her behalf. She'd want him safe and calm, not going off the deep end. 

Sara's dad scoffed, shaking his head at the Hale werewolf. "Don't you dare tell me what my daughter would want. Y-..I might have been friends with your mother before she died but don't think for one second that I won't rip the head off of anyone who hurts my daughter, that includes you." 

"I wouldn't hurt her." Derek said, everyone looking scared at the scene in front of them, afraid of what would transpire next as they all got a good look of Sara's dad.

"I don't believe you. I don't believe any of you." Sara's dad was breathing heavy, shaking his head as he began sobbing through his breakdown. He sobbed, turning around and glaring at every single one of them. "I-I never should have let any of you near her! We were fine before you came along. We were fine--...she was safe, she was alive! She didn't have anything to do with this." Sara's dad snapped, pointing his finger towards Derek. "If you hadn't of waged war of on the Alphas--..." Sara's dad yelled, turning to glare at Peter. "..-If you hadn't of been consumed in your thirst for revenge against the Argents..-If you hadn't of been a psychopath killing everyone..You're the reason this started! This started with you! And it's going to end with you!" 

Sara's dad tried charging at Peter again but Scott held him back this time. Sara's dad kept fighting against Scott's grip, Derek and Stiles both having to hold him back while Peter just had an amused look on his face.  

"My condolences your daughter's gone but don't lose perspective here. We still have our town, the Darach and the alphas are gone, we're all still ali--.." Peter began saying before he was cut off by Sara's dad. 

"..-I don't care about the Alphas or anyone else! I don't care if I'm still here, she is dead!" Sara's dad sobbed, having to take a deep breath as he felt like he was going to pass out. "My daughter is dead..because she surrounded herself with you people and your supernatural bullshit. My daughter is dead because--...be..because I let her go head first into this supernatural bullshit that follows you all around. If I--...If I hadn't of let her, if I had kept her from it all.. She'd still be here." 

"Mr. Sandoval, Sara wouldn't want you acting this way.." Stiles tried reasoning with her dad but he wasn't listening. 

"You don't understand, any of you." Sara's dad cried, shaking his head as he went to go stand over by his daughter's bed side. He held her hand, giving it a squeeze as he cried. "She's all I have in th-...Just go." 


"I said get out!" Sara's dad snapped, picking up the nearest thing to him and throwing it towards everyone. Luckily for them, it happened to be a clipboard with information so no one was injured. "None of you are welcomed here, ever again. Now get the hell out of here or you're going to wish you never saw my bad side." Sara's dad threatened everyone, watching everyone slowly leaving the room. 

Scott practically had to force Stiles out of the room, telling him that they should go talk to Deaton, maybe find out if there was something he could do to help Sara. Sara's dad let out a sharp breath, crying out loud as he held her hand after everyone left. Once they were all gone, Sara's dad broke down completely. He cried, sinking to his knees as he kept holding her hand. He started praying, hoping anyone would be listening and whoever was listening, would grant his wish. 

Which was to ensure his daughter's survival. 


Only a day had passed since the accident, Sara's dad never leaving her side not even for a second while everyone else scrambled to find a way to help her get better. But there was no use, there was nothing no one could do...

well, except for one person. 

"Val..-" Sara's dad sighed, his voice breaking as he stared down at the picture of Sara's mother he carried around with him. "I-..I'm sorry I broke my promise. I hope you know h-..how hard I tried to keep that promise. I-..If there's any chance you can hear me, please tell me our daughter's going to be all right." 

Sara's dad cried, continuing to pray. "Val, I swear to you...If there's a way to get out of this, to ensure she'll be all right and survive for the unseasonable future...I am going to do everything in my power. I don't-..I don't know or heard of any cure that'll help Sara's condition..So..Please, don't give up on our daughter because I sure as hell am not." 

Sara's dad sighed, putting Sara's moms picture back into his wallet before turning back to focus his attention on Sara's comatose body. It only took a few minutes for an idea to pop into his head, wondering if the boys had figured out as well. Either way, he packed up his stuff and placed a kiss on Sara's forehead.

"I'll be back later, I promise. You're not going to stay like this. I'll bring you home." He whispered to Sara before reluctantly leaving to go and find the others. If the others were searching for a way to bring Sara back.. he knew the only way with an actual answer as the end results... the price to pay is far too high a price for either Stiles or Scott to pay. 

If there was a way for Sara to come out of this alive, he didn't need to waste another second in wondering or wondering what it was because he was willing to pay the price himself. 

author's note: 

Hope you guys liked this chapter the next few are going to be so heartbreaking so be prepared because it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster. Plus Sara's storyline is going to be amazing from this point on :D 

thanks to everyone who's read so far you're all amazing and I cherish you all :) <3333 

talk soon, stay golden 


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