More or Less {A.C.M}

By SheaKamikaze

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Being the leader of The UK Queens- the world's third most renowned gang- means two things. One; You'll always... More

More or Less (An Austin Mahone Fanfiction)
1) He's In
2) It's An Ego Thing
3) Not A Morning Person
4) The Boys
5) The Big Picture
6) Doesn't Hurt Anymore
7) Bros Before Hoes
8) More
9) Relax, Dad. He's Gay
10) Played At Our Own Game
11) Does Karma Ever Get Bored?
12) Those Three Words
13) Can't Always Win
14) Fragile
15) Morning After
17) History Repeating
18) You're What I Need
19) Say It Again
20) He's Scared
21) Her Bag Of Tricks
22) She's Glowing
23) Guilty Conscience
24) Taking Risks
25) Cat And Mouse
26) It's Gone
27) More Or Less

16) The Dreaded Confession

422 28 5
By SheaKamikaze

I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now. This is crazy, I’ve got to be imagining things…


Before Carter got down the stairs, I heard a familiar voice, and I couldn’t help myself as the sound compelled me to stumble down the stairs seamlessly, not caring what would come of the very bottom.


And, now here I am, staring at a fucking ghost.


“The myth. The legend. Piper Mayes? Come here, girl!” She smiles excitedly, rushing over to pull me into a tight, extremely overdue hug. I immediately wrap my arms around her, missing her hugs.


“Rebecca! What the hell are you doing here?” I exclaim, pulling away from the hug, not able to wipe away the huge smile on my face.


“Heard you were chillin’ with “The Crew” again. Figured it had to be something serious. I was already looking for you, and I figured, if I really wanted to find you, I’d start here.” She grins, shrugging her shoulders modestly.


I couldn’t help, but laugh a little at her tone when she said “The Crew”. She said it like they were some immaculate concept of my imagination. Like how people say things when they’re pretending to be scared or intimidated. I can’t blame her, though. She’s only ever heard of them. Many, many stories. But, she’s never actually met them.


“You were looking for me. What for?” I ask curiously, furrowing my brows at her.


“Okay, yeah, hi. Don’t mean to break up the love fest, here, but I’d kind of like to know what the fuck is going on in my fucking house.” Carter growls impatiently.


I whirl around, and glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest. “Excuse me?” I snap at him.


He throws his hand up over his face, dragging it down slowly before muttering “Nothing. I said absolutely nothing.” He sighs, and I can tell he’s annoyed.


“Wait. You’re kidding. Him?” Rebecca asks, pointing a finger at Carter, giving me a questioning look.


“Yupp. That’s the one.” I smile, turning back to her, and shrugging my shoulders.


“What about me?” Carter asks, taking a step over to me, and throwing his hands on my waist.


I figure now’s a good time to explain, I guess…


“Rebecca and I went to high school together before I switched over to La Vernia sophomore year. We were best friends. Then, I transferred here, and we lost contact. Then, we met up again just after I left to form my own crew, and now I guess she’s been looking for me. Caught up, now?” I explain, sliding my hands down to cover his.


“So, what are you doing, working with Dave?” Carter asks, confused.


“Oh, honey. I’m not working with Dave. He’s working with me. I had a proposition he just couldn’t refuse.” She smirks, raising a mischievous eyebrow.


The confused look on Carter’s face is priceless. I have a bit of trouble stifling back a laugh before it erupts from my mouth. Rebecca has a way of getting any and everything she wants whether she’s lying or telling the truth, and playing the field, no one can refuse her deals. She’s pretty savvy.


“Becky. Becky G. You’re Carter, so that over there must be Alex. You were right, Piper. They could be brothers.” Becky smiles, winking at me before going on. “You; Mute.” She says, pointing at Tyler.  “You must be Tyler. Senior swaggot over there must be Robert V, and 2 Chainz’s apprentice; You’re Zach, right?” She questions, smirking slightly to herself.


Everyone’s jaw drops a little, and they all just sit there gaping at her aside from Zach. Zach just glowers at her a little, jingling his chains. “2 Chainz’s apprentice, huh? Yeah, says the wanna be J-lo.” He smirks back at her.


“Touche.” She mumbles, narrowing her eyes, and pointing accusingly at him. He simply shrugs, and smirks a little to himself, turning his attention back to his chains.


Everyone chuckles a bit to themselves at Becky, and Zach’s little face off, but the volume quickly goes back to nonexistent as a comfortable silence fills the room. I just stand there silently, soaking up the peace of the scene as I lean over into Carter, his hand snaked around my back, his hand resting just above my hips.


I like this. This scene. I could definitely get used to this, but for now, someone’s gotta break the silence so we can figure out what we’re gonna do.


“Sooo…” I sigh, looking down at the ground, playing with my hair absentmindedly.


“Yeah…” Becky sighs back, looking around the room distractedly.


“So, what are we supposed to do now? Dave wants U.K. Queens off the map. And, I’m obviously not having that.” Carter asks, running his hand through his already dishevelled hair frustratedly.


I fought off a small smile as he said that. My heart swells a little as his words. "What can we do? All of us are under Dave." Alex asks, noticeably tightening his grip around Paige.


"I did promise to get you guys out of Dave's grip, right? Maybe I could start now." I suggest, looking up at Carter hopefully.


I know that Carter is gonna have an opinion on this, whether he agrees with it or not,  but no matter his opinion, I still need to do this, I just need to talk with him about it first.


"Piper." Carter sighs.


"What? Come on, you don't think I can do it, do you?"


"You know that's not true." He sigh, looking own at me with a straight face.


“No. No, that’s exactly true! And, you know it, Carter. Admit it!” I spit. He thinks just because I’m a woman, I can’t handle Dave. Because I couldn’t possibly handle my own against a man, I’m just supposed to maintain residence in the kitchen, and make men sandwiches, and serve them their beers during football season..


“Piper, you can’t-” Is all he has time to get out before i lose control of my arm, drawing back, intending to slap him, but just as I’m about to successfully hit him, he grabs hold of my wrist, stopping me, and pulling me into his chest. He just stands there, staring boldly into my eyes; I’m assuming his intentions are to calm me down, but unfortunately for him, they are only making it worse. I’m only becoming more frustrated as the seconds drag with him staring into my eyes. The fact that he can stand there, so glib, like he wasn’t just about to tell me I couldn’t handle my own because I’m a woman.


I lead a number three spot crew, goddamnit! I think I can very handle this without having to be told I need help because I’m a fucking woman. Sexist asshole.


He furrows his eyebrows at me in confusion as his grip slowly loosens around my wrist, but his other hand still rests on my hip.


Shit, I just said that out loud.


“Sexist? What the hell-” He begins to question before a eureka look of realization flashes over his face instantly. “Oh, come on, Piper! You don’t actually believe I think you can’t do it because of your sex, do you?” He asks, his voice rising with irritation.


So, that leaves us with an irritated Carter, and a confused as fuck, Piper…


“You don’t?”


“No! Of course not! Piper, I don’t think you can’t do it because you can’t. I think you can’t do it because I won’t let you.” He answers, digging his fingers into the bare skin of my hips.


I’m such an idiot. I should have known this would happen. I don’t know how this just so happened the slip from my mind. I should have known the minute I told him I loved him, that Possessive Carter would come back, and he’ll do anything to make sure I’m okay. He’s protective that way, and in a way I love it, but in another, I kind of don’t.


When he becomes that Carter, he never leaves my side. I barely get any time to myself without him there watching over me. And, don’t get me wrong, I mean, I love spending time with him as much as the next gal, but sometimes people need breaks…


I guess I’ll just have to deal with it. If I love him, and I want to be with him, I need to suck it up, and take in all of his quirks, and flaws.


“We’re gonna have to kill him. And, anyone who protests. I know someone who can, and will help, but with his help comes the need to kill someone else.” I explain, hoping Carter doesn’t automatically shoot down the idea.


“Who?” He asks.


“Doesn’t matter at the moment.” I mumble.


Without waiting for a response, I draw out my phone from the pocket of my hoodie, automatically going straight to my contacts, and to a familiar name. I know just the person to help us carry this out. The whole reason he’s even doing what he’s doing right now is so that he can kill Dave. So, we have different motives, but we both also want the same thing. We both want to kill Dave.


I press the little green button, and raise my phone to my ear, listening to his hardcore ringback tone, waiting for his voice to sound through the phone. After only a few seconds, I get just that.


“You’re risking a lot calling me like this, P” He scolds, and I can practically see his scolding glare through the phone. “The whole reason I brought you back there was because-”


“Because you didn’t want me to have to deal with the abuse anymore, I know. But, Gabe, this is serious.” I cut him off, rolling my eyes, knowing he can’t see.


“What is this? The Wonder Pets?” He chuckles jokingly.


“Well, the phone was ringing, right?” I joke back, but quickly sober up, knowing that there are more important things to talk about aside from a stupid nickelodeon show for little kids. “Anyways, I’m calling because I found a way for me to pay back that favor I owe you.”


“Piper, I told you. You don’t owe me jack shit.” He sighs.


I roll my eyes, and rub my temples, knowing that this; convincing him that I owe him won’t be easy. So, I skip that part.


“Alright then, consider it a new favor. I-We need your help.” I propose, hoping he’ll take the bait.


“We? Whose we?” He asks.


“The Crew, and I.” I answer.


“Piper!” Carter hisses when he hears his crew’s name being discussed with an unknown person. Should have thought that one through better. I just wave my hand dismissively, continuing my conversation with Gabe.


“What’s the favor?” he asks, curiosity completely filling his tone.


“We need to kill Dave.” I speak bluntly, getting straight to the point. wasting no time. I’ve got no time to waste. The more he sits within Dave’s hands, the more likely it is that I won’t get the chance to get him back. And, I need to get him back. I owe him that.


“Please tell me you aren’t serious.” Gabe sighs.


“I am. We need Dave dead, Gabe. And, maybe Jay would be willing to create some sort of alliance? You guys can do whatever the hell you want with him and his crew afterwards. Toss him in a ravine, leave his body to rot, hell, fuck it for all I care, just so long as he ends up dead.” I explain.


“It’s gonna take some convincing…” He sighs, but doesn’t argue.


“Thank you so much, Gabe. I really appreciate it!”


“Don’t thank me yet, P. I haven’t said yes yet.” He says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice.


“But, you will. Bye, Gabe!”


And, with that, I hang up, hopeful that Gabe will be able to convince Jay and The Red’s to help us out. We really need this. I really need this. With Carter free from Dave’s rule, things could be so much easier for us. Carter wouldn’t have to do any of Dave’s dirty work anymore, and maybe this could all work out for the best… Maybe.


But, Jay is a total douche, and as soon as he hears my name he’ll probably reject the plan, and absolutely refuse to help us. He isn’t as forgiving of me as Gabe is. He still hasn’t let go of the fact that I almost prohibited his ability to have kids at the club that night. I’m just hoping Gabe is a good negotiator.


Now, for step two; Convincing the crew this was a good idea…


Carter’s POV


“I still don’t think it was a good idea.” I sigh, digging through my dresser for my black basketball shorts.


I still can’t believe Piper was stupid enough to try and recruit The Reds’ help. Why the fuck would they want to help us after our last encounter? Who in their right mind would want to help us after an ordeal like that? It’s already bad enough I have to work with Becky and her snark. But, now Piper’s trying to set us up with The Reds. What was she thinking?


“Come on, babe. We need their help. Dave’s got the biggest crew out there, and comparing us to him is like comparing all of Soviet Russia to Bahrain. Recruiting The Red’s could give us an advantage. We’d have people on the inside, strength in numbers, and more experience.” She says, pulling all her hair back into a messy bun.


I have to admit she’s right. Compared to Dave’s crew we’re ants, but, I mean, is recruiting The Reds’ help really the best idea right now? I mean, now that Piper and I are together, even I know that I’m gonna change. And, Piper might even to. Now that we’re back together emotions will run high, things will be said, and some serious shit will go down. Personally, I don’t really feel like we need to drag anyone else into this. Not until we get our shit under control, at least.


Finally, pulling my basketball shorts from my dresser, I turn around, and spot Piper sitting down on the bed with her hands crossed in her lap, looking up at me with a blank expression on her face. But, in her eyes, I can see she’s silently pleading with me to accept her plan, and let it go for now. She just doesn’t want to throw it at me full force. Piper has long very well known that tiptoeing around my temper is the best thing to do when trying to negotiate with me.


I don’t know if she doesn’t see it or she just doesn’t believe it, but I am in fucking love with Piper, and that fact is going to change a shitload of things. Whether she knows it or not. Me, and my stubborn, possessive, independent ass are going to fuck a lot of things up, and bringing someone else into it is only going to make things worse. Especially, if it’s a guy. That will only make my possessive tendencies worse, and everyone knows it.


You’re jealous. That’s why you don’t want to bring The Reds into this…


I could very well possibly be jealous. That’s another irritating thing about being with Piper. Whenever any guy is around her, no matter who it is, I’ll always worry about losing her to him. I mean, it’s happened once already. I thought we were forever. No turning back. Locked tight. I even had a ring. I was gonna fucking propose to her, ask to spend the rest of my goddamn life with her, and what does she go and do?


Fucks Dave, and leaves.


Just fucking leaves.


Because I wasn’t fucking good enough. I wasn’t good enough to keep her around. Not good enough to continue to peak her interest. Not good enough to hold her love. I just wasn’t enough.


“I lied.” She squeaks nervously.


My eyebrows furrow at her statement, and I find myself asking “What?”


She swallows hard, wringing her hands roughly as a nervous tick. She forces her eyes up to mine, taking in a deep breath. “I-I… Carter, I lied.” She sputters.


“You lied? Lied about what?” I ask, clearly confused.


Many scenarios play out in my head. Possibilities of what she could have lied about. But, none of them make any sense to me.


“I never had sex with Dave. I-I never cheated on you. It was all a lie.” She whispers, hanging her head down, shamefully.


My body automatically goes tense, and I just freeze in my spot. I can’t believe what I just heard. She lied. She never slept with Dave. She never cheated. Does that mean that she always loved me? I mean, why would she lie about something like that if she loved me? If she loved me the whole time, wouldn’t she have wanted to be with me?


My head is spinning. Why would she do this? Why would do this to me? To us?


I forced an indifferent look, and forced myself to speak through my confusion. “Why?” I ask stiffly through clenched teeth.


“Carter, I was young and stupid. I was eighteen, and I didn’t know what I wanted. One day, I wanted to be your stay at home wife right here in San Antonio with three kids, and a house with a yard, and the next, I wanted to travel the world. Go to Paris, Tokyo. But, Carter, you wouldn’t be able to come with me. You were so tied down, and you couldn’t break out of it. So, I decided to just rip off the bandage. I thought that maybe if I fucked it up enough, you would hate me, and it would be easier to let me go. So, I lied. And, then, I left. No matter how stupid the notion was, I did it for you, Carter.” She explains softly, her voice never going above a soft mumble.


I can feel my temper hitting it’s peak. What the fuck does she mean she did it for me? What the fuck kind of bullshit is that?!


“I would have gone with you, Piper! I would have done anything for you! Didn’t you see that?!” I shout angrily.


“I did! That’s why I did what I did! I saw it! I saw it all! But, Carter, I didn’t want that! I didn’t want you to give up everything you had for me!” She counters with just as much intensity, shooting up from the bed, her chest heaving furiously.


“All that I had?! Are you kidding?! I didn’t have anything if I didn’t have you! When you left, you took every-fucking-thing! I was nothing without you! You should have said something! How could you have been so fucking selfish?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”


And, just like that, all the anger, and the red just disappears. The mask just cracks, and falls away, leaving behind nothing but sorrow, and betrayal. In this moment, I want nothing more than to just take everything I said back. The look on her face is enough to make me regret everything I’ve ever done or said to and, or about her. At the sound of my words, she just breaks. Every piece of the wall of hate, and anger, and indifference just crumbles, and it’s all my fault.


“Piper, I-”


“Save it! I get it, now! I finally know how you feel.” She shouts, furiously trying to wipe the never ending trail of tears off her cheeks.


Fuck, I made her cry…


Before I can even try to apologize, she turns, and bolts out the door like a pro marathon runner. Not even second thinking it, I go to run after her, slamming my shoulder into the side of the door frame on the way out accidentally, nearly knocking it out of place.


“Fuck.” I hissed in pain, as I forced myself down the stares, dead set on stopping Piper. “Piper! Wait!” I call after her.


Still running, she pulls open the door, and runs right out of it, slamming it shut in my face before I can catch her. “Fuck!” I yell, throwing my hand up into the wall beside the door, forcing a hole through it. I slowly turn around, and fall back against the wall, sliding down until I’m sitting back against it.


I just fucking got her back, and I’ve already fucked it up again. What’s wrong with me?

Piper’s POV


I’m selfish?! I’m fucking selfish?! Everything I’ve done was for him! I gave up so much because I didn’t want him to be dragged down, and put in danger! All the hurt, and the pain, I’ve suffered through was all for that selfish bastard, and he has the nerve to fucking call me selfish! What an ass!


He doesn’t know…


Finally, realizing that I’ve flipped out over all this, and it’s all my fault, I stop in my tracks, and just chew myself out for being such an idiot. For letting my temper get the best of me. If I could have just sat, and thought about this for a minute, I would have realized it sooner. Carter has no fucking idea what I’ve done for him because I refuse to tell him. And, all this time, I’ve always told myself it was for his own good, but was it really? All this… All the pain and suffering, the lies, the guilt, the confusion… Was any of it worth it?


Aggressively wiping the unnecessary tears from my face, and turn to look back at the house, just thinking about how the hell I could do this. How could I just tell him something like this. How could he just take something like this. This could do so many things to him. Confuse him. Anger him. Stress him out.  But, he’s gotta know. It’s about damn time I come clean.


With that last thought in mind, I force a grip on myself, and march back up to the house, automatically pushing the door open to see Carter, balled up on the floor against the wall with blood oozing from his knuckles, and a huge hole in the wall above his head.


Without thinking, I grab his wrists, pulling him up off the floor, and dragging him into the kitchen, and to the sink. I turned the knob of the faucet, and waiting for the water to turn cold. Not just cold. Ice cold. Before I started cleaning his knuckles as he just stood silently watching me, flinching occasionally.


“Piper, I didn’t mean it. I swear.” He mumbles, pulling his arm out of my grasp as I finished cleaning it.


“I know, Carter.” I whisper, not looking up at him.


In my head, I’m still desperately searching for a way to tell him, but nothing is coming to mind.


“Piper? What is so important that you keep hiding from me?” He asks softly, tiptoeing around the subject.




“Goddamnit, Piper. I think I should know! If your going to put us through the wringer for it, I think I should damn well know why I’m doing it!” He growls, his temper quickly getting the best of him again.

And, just as quickly as his temper peaks, so does mine. And, all caution is thrown to the wind. “Your son!” I exclaim in frustration. “Our son.”


Author's Note!

Not much to say today, guys! Hope you liked it! I'll probably fix this note later when I have more time... Bye!

Mad love from yours truly,


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