[SasuXSaku] Tightrope

Por SnowRabbit

935K 23.4K 18.5K

Two years after the 4th Nin war, all of them struggle to get their lives back to normal. Sakura is now a Jou... Más

Author's Notes
Chapter 00
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - Finale~
Side Story 01 - The Scar
Side Story 02 - Valentine
Side Story 03 - Aphrodisiac part1
Side Story 04 - Aphrodisiac part 2

Chapter 28

16.5K 480 288
Por SnowRabbit

Chapter 28


"I can't believe this!" Sakura threw her hands in the air, turned around and keep pacing back and forth in front of the Hokage, "I can't believe you'll do this to me Hokage-sama. You know how I tried my best to keep away from him just so I can move on from this...this stupid feeling I have for him! You knowthat I have to do something if we're living in the same fucking village and know that I have to do this for me to be able to live after all the things that had happened between us! Now this?"

Tsunade eye's followed her apprentice as she was pacing back and forth in the room. "So," she cleared her throat then gazed at the pink haired woman who was still wearing her scrubs. She must've really sprint straight from her shift when she had received the mission scroll, "you're saying that you still love him?"

Sakura paused and snap her head towards the Hokage. Did she still love him? OF COURSE. Didn't she promise FOREVER to him? And that promise wouldn't change no matter what the circumstances are. But, as she had decided years ago, she had already accepted the fact that Sasuke will not see her as a woman, and will never love her back. He will never give her the only thing she wanted the most. His affection...his love. He even told her that they're not friends to her face! It's time to know when to give up and when to face the truth.

At least out of it all, she has something from him in return...her daughter.

She took her time to answer as she looked away from the intense eyes of her Shishou, sadness immediately crossed her eyes, but just a brief moment. She's not weak anymore. "I...--"

"Look Sakura," Tsunade stood and approached her, "Aside from being a woman who's in love, a loving mother, you are still a Shinobi. This mission is for that shinobi. Do you understand? You have to set aside whatever conflicting emotions you have for him. Do this as a professional and you have to show him that after all those times, you are not affected by him anymore. You have to show him what you're capable right now," Tsunade looked at her trying to gauge her reaction, "Do you want to show him you're weak against him?"

"I am not weak," she glared at the floor, "I can even wipe his face on the floor,"

"I know, and you can rub it to him that you're not that weak girl before. Take this mission and show him,"

Sakura sighed in defeat. No matter what she'll do, she had to do it anyways because a Hokage's order is a law, and unfortunately even the mednin is not above that law.

"I understand," She said with firm expression. She has to do this anyways. She just remembered Ryuna's eyes were awakening and this mission aka project could help her resolve some of the issues and mystery she can't find about the Sharingan. It's going to be give and take then.

Tsunade obviously heaved a sigh of relief as she sat again on her swivel chair. She was really worried that her apprentice will fight her for this new mission. She unconsciously rubbed her temple but still thankful that in the end she choose to cooperate. Still, in the back of her mind, there was that question of why the Uchiha suddenly propose this kind of arrangement. What was he planning? This was really rare but she set those thoughts aside. In the medical history, this is going to be a breakthrough. And she's resting the success of this research to the pink haired mednin who had conflicting emotions towards the egotistical Uchiha. She really hopes everything will end successfully and they will attain favorable results.

Or something good between the two could happen, who knows.

"Good. The truth is, I was planning to send Shizune to him but considering that Shizune handles poison expertly than eyes, I decided to send you instead since you have studied under Dr. Tenkou about this field. The sessions will last for two months, maximum is six. It will still depend on the result and how much information that brat is willing to share to us. You have to document everything from scratch. You will start this weekend. Clear all your schedules in the next few days and use that to re-assign any pending work you have in the hospital. Shizune will handle the rest of it. Apply everything that you have learned from Dr. Tenkou. I know you can do this Sakura," Tsunade smiled at her.

"I will," she said as she bowed slightly and turned around to exit the door.

"By the way Sakura, I heard what happened with Ryuna. How is she?" Tsunade asked.

Sakura turned around, "She's fine Tsunade-sama," she just said but there was that worry on her face.

A few days after she had learned about the incident, Ryuna kept on rubbing her eyes and when she checked it, the dreading color of the blood was spreading visibly on the iris of her eyes. She feared it would happen again this time. However, it didn't last long just like the previous appearances but she had observed that the color was spreading bigger and bigger each time it appears. And yes, it just didn't happen once or twice. The mednin had counted that from the first appearance up until last week, a total of five. And she's getting worried. Ryuna often complain of throbbing, itchy eyes. She had managed to revert it though and stopped it further but how long can she do this? Good thing this happens when the little girl was at home.

Now, she didn't know how the Sharingan take its form. Was the transformation gradual just like what's happening on Ryuna's eyes or was it instant? These are the things she wanted to know. This mission could benefit her daughter very much.

After accepting the mission, Sakura exited the Hokage Tower and to vent off her frustration, she walked straight to the one of the training grounds outside of the Konoha village. In there, she punched trees after trees as well as unearthed the grounds. She kicked boulders and uprooted many trees. Kami she hates this. Everything was okay until now. She was surviving everyday because of her determination not to crossed paths with him anymore. She had given up already, five years to be exact! Going in the missions with the Uchiha was tolerable as long as she think that he's just one of the people in a team. She can manage that, but to actually facing him and talking to him...and touching him? Kami, how should I do this? What I did in the club was not even erased in my head yet, and I'm sure he has a sharp memory. What if he brought that up all of a sudden? She thought after punching a tree and looking at it flew off a few meters from her. Geezzz, I'm really gonna die!!!

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto called, "What ya doin' here clearing the whole area?" he scanned the area as he scratched his head. Cracks on the earth, fallen and broken trees and many boulders scattered the whole area. Yamato-taicho will be very busy again re-enforcing and planting new trees on this area. Aside from that, Naruto just admired how formidable his friend really was. Sakura is still so strong!

"I'm just venting some steam Naruto," she said as she unlocked the buttons on her gloves and removed it from her hands, then she inserted it on her back pockets, "My day's not good,"

"Why? What happened?"

The mednin sighed, "A lot. I have a new mission," then she looked straight on Naruto's eyes, "I'm assigned to study the Sharingan, with Sasuke. As his request, in his own house, for 2 or 6 months," she said monotonously then she slumped on the ground as she brushed her hair and cover her face warily. Just thinking about it already brought so much stress on her.

Naruto's eyes widened and there's that wide grin on his mouth. "Isn't that-"

"Don't tell me its good news. I have enough of you people trying to find ways for me and Sasuke to work things out and I'll tell you as many times as you like. It is over!" she cut him off. Naruto's smile vanished that instant

"But Saku-chan, aren't you judging things too early? I mean, you do know that people change. You're the perfect example for that. Why don't you give him a chance?"

"A chance for what Naruto?" she shook her head bitterly, "I get his message and thank Kami I finally accepted the truth. He doesn't want anything to do with me, so here I am, moving on with my life. The past hurts Naruto, he just didn't hurt me once, but many times. And in that every occasion, he's rubbing it to me that he didn't need me, someone like me. I don't want to keep on pushing myself to someone who doesn't want me. I deserve to be loved too,"

Naruto didn't answer but sat beside her and embraced her, "I know how you feel. I love you, just remember that,"

"Thanks. Wanna eat at Ichiraku? My treat for making me feel better,"

"Yatta!" Naruto jumped like a kid, "Let's go!"

"You're missing you're lesson again with Shishou aren't you?"

Naruto chuckle then clamped his hands, "Please don't tell her, I promise to focus and study next time. I'm just hungry so I decided to run here first to hide,"

Sakura sighed, "When will you change?"

Both of them walked side by side to the direction of the Ichiraku ramen house. It was a fair day as usual and the busy main street is occupied with ordinary citizens and Shinobis alike.

"Geez, you won't believe who's my other sensei now," Naruto mumbled as he scowled, "It's sunglass-sensei!"

"Huh? You mean, Ebisu-sensei's going to teach you?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he pouted, "Yeah, I just escaped from him using the ultimate technique I used against him before. You know, his weakness!"

Sakura stopped walking and widen her eyes. She put both of her hands on her hips, "You mean you use the Oiroki no Jutsu- Naruto, that was so childish of you!"

Naruto ran ahead of her, "Haha, kidding! Anyway, I'm famished!" he said as he ran towards the ramen house which was already a few meters away from her view. Sakura smiled as she shook her head. Really, change doesn't apply to Naruto.


"This is it," Sakura mumbled to herself. She's now standing not far away from the huge entrance of the Uchiha District. She noticed that it was different from what she had remembered it. The former entrance was now replaced with a myojin type of torii* still with a wall that surrounds the whole district, but not as high as the previous wall where it was intended for seclusion. Sakura thought that Sasuke maybe had requested a torii to be placed in the entrance because he considered the whole compound sacred. It is where, both adults and children died on that night. The details of what really happened on that massacre were kept secret from the public. The mednin felt the distressing emotion upon thinking about that tragedy. What more about how Sasuke feels upon setting foot on this compound? He must've felt this negative energy that eats up on him, pulling him down gnawing him inside. Maybe it's one of the reasons why he built that torii so the souls of those that perished here will rest in peace.

Sakura looked left and right and on each side of the walls, it is still decorated with the Uchiha Clan's symbol, the uchiwa fan, each were two meters apart. She can't see the end of the wall so it probably stretch a few hundred meters.

"I can do this," she tried to convinced herself. She keeps on repeating that words like a prayer as she made her way towards that area, trying to convince herself that this is just work. Honestly, she dreaded this day to come. There was that little fear inside her heart that keeps on clawing her gut.

She inhaled deep trying to relax the knots on her muscles. She's been really tense since last night, so keeping in mind that this is just one of her job as a doctor, telling herself that Sasuke is just one of her patients, her determination flared up. 'C'mon Sakura you can do this!'

Reaching the vicinity, she doesn't have to look farther away because she can see the manor immediately. One more exhale before she stepped closer to the main entrance of the manor.

The manor itself was surrounded by stonewalls which was a meter high. There's also a huge entrance and it'ss actually open right now so she peeked inside expecting to see a lot of people. She knew that the manor is currently under construction but looking up close, it's almost as if it's already done. Majority of the manor is finish. Probably, there are some things that were not finish yet. Why the hell did he built this enormous manor? She can't help to think.

Duh, he was planning to revive his clan right? Of course he needs a big house. Sasuke is planning to have a big family!

Oh that stings. Because she knew, she won't be part of that family.

Probably her baby, Ryuna as well...

She cleared her mind. This is not the time to think about stupid things like that!

"Hello?" she called. She looked around but the whole place is quiet. She can hear the distant pounding of a hammer, murmuring and laughters and few sounds you typically hear in a construction site. Curious, she walked around the corner to where the sound came from. As she curved around the corner, she was suddenly hit with something big, like a wall. Out of balance, she found herself sitting on the ground and the bag she was carrying was thrown off her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking-" she glanced up to see the big man, carrying a few blocks of woods on his shoulders. Juugo.

Juugo crouched down and extended his hand towards the mednin, "I'm sorry Sakura-san. I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" he asked as he gently pulled her up. Sakura brushed the dust on her skirt.

"Yeah, I'm okay, sorry about that as well. Uhm, is-"


She paused. That voice. She knows that very well.

Uchiha Sasuke.

His tone was not that of a greeting, it was not of an acknowledgment that he knew she was here. It was a voice of complete authority. It was a command.


Her heart was beating so fast it was ready to jump out of her chest. Slowly, she turned out to see him leaning on the frame of the entrance, looking so relax yet his expression told her otherwise. He's scowling and that stare of his, those obsidian orbs that's so deep, like a black hole, was piercing right to her very soul. It inflicts fear and uncertainty and so much negativity that drags her down to anxiety.

Kami, why did I accept this job?

Composing herself, trying her best to look and act normal, she flashed him a small smile. Yes, that's right. Act professional. This is your job as a doctor!

"How are you Sasuke?" she greeted him. Instead of answering, the stoic man just gave her a slight raise of his perfect brows and pushed himself from where he was leaning. She didn't missed the way he looked at her from head to foot though. Was he appraising her?

His eyes lingered from her form to the big man behind her, "Juugo, do not disturb us. Medical session," And just like that he turned and strut inside the manor.

"Yes, Sasuke-sama," Juugo politely bowed. She didn't have anyone tell her what to do. Of course it's obvious that Sasuke wants her to follow him inside. With one last chance, she was actually thinking of running away and called it quits. With a sigh, she turned to Juugo and bowed slightly and picked up her bag.

This is going to be a long day.

She followed him inside and saw him waiting for her in the corner of the corridor, still in that deadpan expression. Feeling like she was intruding his territory, she excused herself while she entered the manor and her mouth slightly opened as she looked around the new Uchiha Manor.

It is perfect...and huge. The traditional style home is very beautiful, and very well crafted. It is obvious that Sasuke put a lot of time into the dwelling. The hard wood floors are lovely and varnished, there are steps that lead upward into a main sitting area, and other rooms are visible; the contents being hidden behind cream coloured shoji doors. Sakura feels completely out of place in this house big enough for ten, and focussed on keeping her chakra in line, as well as her heavy breaths at bay. It will do no good to show Sasuke how weak she is. He cannot know what an affect he has upon her, or the results could be devastating. Sakura doesn't think she can take having her heart torn again, not when it can be avoided. Steeling herself, the pinkette thinks again, 'This is just work. This is just work.' She is not here for a personal visit, Sasuke would never allow it. No. This is for the sake of Konoha and the sharingan, that is all.

"Sakura," he called. She snapped and turned to him right away. Damn, was she daydreaming?

"Uh..sorry, coming," she said as she slowly trudge towards him. He led them in an open porch that faces the small garden. He stopped and opened a shoji door and went inside without waiting for her. She followed.

Inside the room, it was bare except for the low table, a large lantern standing in the corner and few zabuton*. There's also a zaisu* with one armrest and of course she knows who it belongs to. She eyed Sasuke sat down on it. She followed him and sat adjacent to him and started unpacking some papers and scrolls from her bag.


As she was busy unpacking stuff from her large bag, he eyed her with boredom on his face. He was resting his right arm on the armrest.

He knew that the Hokage will send Sakura instead of Shizune though he has that small doubt. Shizune indeed is one of the best medics around and her rank put her directly under the Hokage herself, but there's a catch. Shizune is a poison expert and Sakura had studied ophthalmology. He requested a study of the Sharingan, which will put advantage towards Sakura because of the expertise she has. He knew that the girl in front of him right now has gone through medical training specializing for the eyes, that's why she had been gone from Konoha for five years.

A smirk made its way to his mouth. Plans do work out.

"I know the Hokage will send you," he suddenly said. He noticed her shoulders stiffen a little and she paused whatever she was doing, but she refuse to look at him. Was she nervous? It passes quickly though, she continued arranging the papers and notes she had brought.

"Why is that? It could be Shizune-senpai who's here right now," she casually said, then she glanced at him with that small smile on her mouth.

"Shizune specializes in poison, you in general med plus the study you made for five years in Tea. Figures," he said.

"Well, let's put it to rest shall we? I know you don't want me here, but I'll do my best Sasuke,"

Don't want her here? Damn. He scowled. Stupid Sakura. Did she even know how he had to devise a way so that he will have a chance to grab her like this? To face her like this? Even to sacrifice the secrets of the Sharingan because he wanted to talk to her and corner her and face her like this? Just plain stupid.

Sakura has been avoiding him like plague. And it irked him. He wanted to talk to her about something...something so important that he didn't want to miss the chance. Something has been bothering him lately and he wants it spilled out from her mouth. It's just speculations though, he has no proof. But he will do it gradually.

"Stupid," he mumbled.

He saw from the corner of his eyes that her shoulders stiffened again. He was waiting for her lash. He knew she was like that. Her temper rivals that of her master. Both of them were short-fused. But no short-temper Sakura came. She was totally in control of herself which is a bit of surprise actually.

She cleared her throat instead and managed to draw a small smile to her face. Why is she like this?

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," she whispered then cleared her throat again, "Okay, we will start. I'm going to check the basic structure of your eye first," she moved closer to him and face him, she looked him in the eye, "I'm going to touch your temple Sasuke, ok?"

He didn't answer, he just looked at her so taking that as a yes, she put her palms on his temple and green glow of her chakra appeared. He flinched a little, feeling a bit of invasion.

He just looked at her...just stare, but kami. He could smell her. The moment she went near him and she had placed her hands on his temple, he could smell her. It was heaven.

He even had the urge to close his eyes and just inhale deep.

Of course, he would die first than do it in front of her, so he just stared. With that scowl on his face.

"It's alright, I'll do it gently, I just wanted to do a thorough check up on your eyes before we start," She said closing her eyes as she concentrate.

Sasuke could only stare. His eyes darted from her closed eyes, her small nose then lingered on her lips.

"Have you been avoiding me?"

That made her paused, as well as abruptly opened her eyes. She saw him staring at her mouth and he made no move that indicated he was feeling guilty that he was caught staring. Instead, he slowly runs his eyes back to her jade orbs. For a while her emotion flooded like a dam, and he was able to read her immediately. Surprise, nervousness, anxiety...and so much of them. When she noticed it, her expression changed and it went back to Sakura who entered the room. Professional. A strong woman that has been through hell and back. She continued checking up his eyes.

"I'm not avoiding you Sasuke. I was busy," she said after awhile, closing her eyes as she probe deeper into the optical nerves of his eyes.


"I don't care whether you believe it or not," she immediately said, stopping the flow of her chakra then start scribbling something on her notes. "Now, I want you to turn your Sharingan on slowly please. Stage one," she commanded. He didn't answer, instead he comply and activated his Sharingan slowly to stage one."That's good, now I'm going to swim to the nerves, you'll feel a little tingle," she said.

She checked the full structures of his eyes and its all well. Even the scar tissue where the nerves had linked due to the operation done on his eyes years ago was healing properly.

"I don't see that going out with a guy on Sundays falls under the category of being 'busy' to me," he said after a while.

Sakura's mouth dropped as he stared at the stoic man in front of her. She dropped her arms and stopped the flow of her chakra. There's actually a playful smirk running on that sinful mouth of his. She could not believe this. Sasuke was trying to be an ass today! And kami, how did he know about that?

"Aren't we talkative today?" she said. Kami, my patience, please. Hold it in a bit more!

"It's not that I don't want to talk, I just know when to shut my mouth," he arrogantly said then shrugged.

She cleared her throat once more. Kamisama, she's going to lose her control on this kind of situation, "Look, I'm not here to talk about me, Sasuke. I'm here because this is my job right now. I'm trying to work and wanted this be done ASAP. I still have tons of things to do at the hospital," Her tone is flat and slightly annoyed. "Turn your Sharingan to stage one again please," she finishes and goes back to work-mode.

Clearly, that made Sasuke scowl.

Nonetheless, he complies and turned his Sharingan again. A single tomoe spinning on his eyes.

She definitely had changed. And he doesn't know whether he liked this new Sakura or the former Sakura. To be honest, he was relieved to know that she had gone out of her fangirling side. He had noticed it since five years ago.

That made him stop. And he tensed.

Kami, why did he have to remember it now?

She seemed to sense the irregular flicker of his chakra so she stopped what's she's doing. "I'm sorry, was it too much? We can continue this tomorrow instead," she looked at him with worry on her eyes. Kami, her eyes were as beautiful and clear as a polished gem.

He scowled in order for her not to notice anything. He looked away from her his scowl more intense. Sakura really flips his world upside down. She had brought him so much unknown emotion he can't seemed to recognize.

And it scares him.

Those feelings that were so foreign to him, yet they envelope him with warmth. He wanted to reach it out, but what if there was nothing on that side for him?

Worst, Sakura could be his weakness after all, bringing so many emotions to him.

When he didn't answer, the pinkette started to packed her stuff then stood. She went towards the shoji but before she exited, she turned around and looked at man, who was brooding.

"Sasuke? Uhm, it would be nice if you won't be an ass next time. You see, I really want to finish this study and want this to be successful. That's all," she slowly turned around to exit the room.


She stopped her strides but didn't turn. His voice told her that somehow, he had regained his composure from whatever had crossed his mind awhile ago. Instead, she answered with a hum.

"At the forest, and at the club..." Sasuke saw her tensed, "what I said..."

Sakura prayed that the floor should swallow her now. She heard him shuffle behind her and felt that he stood up and walked towards her. She stared down at the floor.

Sasuke stood beside her. She glanced and saw him looking at the garden.

"Forget it..." he said as he stride and went outside the room.

It took time for Sakura to decipher what he said. Forget what?

Then it dawned on her.

'We're not friends, we're just comrades'

"Oh," she gasped. She just stared at the floor. Was she hearing right? Sasuke saying that was as close as him saying he was sorry. The Uchiha never say they were sorry. They were that arrogant.

And Uchiha Sasuke is the embodiment of an ego that was as big as population of Fire Country.

A smile crossed her lips. She walked out of that room and found him walking across the corridor.

"Sasuke!" He stopped but did not turn around, "Does this time fine with you tomorrow?"

"Aa," Sasuke replies the continued to walked and disappear in the corner of the corridor.

Sakura smiled. Maybe, he's not a hopeless case afterall.

At the corner of the garden, Karin was seething inside.



*torii - is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the profane to the sacred. Myojin is one of the few types/design of the torii. I chose this kind of design because of its arches that curve upwards.

*Zabuton - Japanese cushion for sitting. Usually partnered with a zaisu, a Japanese floor style chair

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