Unsteady Β» Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

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❝ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . ❞ Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[2] Tattoo
[3] Turning Page
[4] Party Into the Night
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[9] Highway to Hell
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[12] Loss of a Friend
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[23] Other Options
[24] Don't Let Me Go
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[18] Dark Hallow

462 11 1
By OMGitsJustine

"Come on, Derek. Come on, wake up." Stiles and I kept saying, trying to get Derek to wake up but he wasn't budging. Stiles kept hitting Derek in the face but it was like it was nothing, not effecting him at all.

I was breathing heavy, tears streaming down my face as I shook my head. I felt like I was having a panic attack, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Jennifer--..she had our parents. She had three guardians, she could kill them right now. M-..I could lose my dad and I would feel it. It would kill me..

"Babe, calm down. I know you're shocked, I am too but we need to get Derek up." Stiles managed to snap me out of my thoughts as I nodded my head through my tears.

I took a deep breath, nodding my head before lifting my fist, taking a deep breath before moving up off the floor. I crawled over to Derek, taking a deep breath as I opened my eyes which were shifting to my supernatural eye color. I let out a sharp breath, lifting my fist and hitting Derek square across the face.

Derek gasped, sitting up and trying to hit us back but I stopped his hand. Derek looked panicked, asking where Cora was while he noticed the destroyed look on my face. "Where's Cora? Is she safe? Where is she?" Derek asked, still thrown off by the whole situation.

"She's all right, Isaac took. She's safe, she got out." Stiles said as Derek looked towards me.

I saw the look Derek was giving me, asking what else was wrong and what we weren't telling him. I let out a sharp cry, slowly shaking my head as I felt my hands still shaking. "J-..She too..Not everyone g-got out..M-.." I tried telling Derek but my voice kept breaking as Stiles placed his hands on my shoulders, explaining what happened to Derek.

"Not everyone got out. Jennifer took Melissa and Stephen, Sara's dad. And if that's not enough kick to the balls, I should also tell you Scott left with Deucalion because Jennifer took Melissa." Stiles said, Derek's eyes going slightly wide. "Now, come on. Get up, the cops are coming and we need to get you out of here." Stiles said, the two of us helping him off the floor while Stiles told me to go with Derek.

I shook my head, still crying. "N-no..I'm not leaving without you. I can't loose you too--.."

"You're not going to. I'm gonna stay behind and stall the cops as long as I can. You and Derek get out of here." Stiles tried pushing me into Derek as I shook my head, grabbing a hold of his hand and holding it tight in my own.

"Stiles, no." I argued with him. 

"Look, I'll be fine. I'll hold off the cops to give you guys enough time to get away. Derek, get her out of here." Stiles said, looking at Derek but I quickly shook my head, stepping in front of him. 

Stiles looked at me, trying to protest as I stared into his eyes. "I-..I am not leaving without you. S-So I'm staying. I am not losing you too..Do you hear me? I-I can't lose you too. We've always gone through the hard parts together, that includes this. So, the two of us will have a better chance of holding off the cops to give Derek enough time to get away." I cried, my voice breaking as Stiles sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn't going to win this argument. He nodded his head, holding my hand as we both warned Derek to get away while we'd keep in touch.

Stiles and I walked over, taking seats by the front desk as we were comforting each other on the events that transcribed. Our dad's were gone, taken by Jennifer along with Scott's mom to be used in a ritual for her to gain power or whatever. Either way, it was a kick to the nuts and a punch to the boob kind of day.

I held Stiles hand tight in my own, taking deep breaths as we watched dozens of men in suits, FBI badges hanging from their necks. And suddenly, Stiles and I spotted a familiar figure. The two of us groaned, turning our heads as the familiar FBI agent walked right up to us.

"Freaking fantastic.." I sighed in annoyance while the figure walked right up to us and I looked up to stare at him in the eyes. "Mr. McCall..How nice to see you're still alive. I haven't seen you since before the night you abandoned Scott. And here I was hoping you'd have rotten in hell by now." I glared at him, mentally throwing daggers at the man who broke Scott's heart. I remember sitting up with him for nights, Scott being so heartbroken over his dad leaving him and his mom.

"A Stilinski and a Sandoval at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker." Mr. McCall said, staring down at Stiles and I. "Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?" Mr. McCall asked us.

"If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." Stiles and I both answered back.

"Where's your dad, and why has no one been able to contact him?" Mr. McCall asked Stiles, directing his attention to my boyfriend sitting beside me.

I kept my hand in his, squeezing it for support while Stiles just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours." Stiles answered, no sarcasm in his tone. I was actually proud he managed to say that without spitting in Scott's dad's face like I wanted to right now.

"Is he drinking again?" Mr. McCall asked.

"What do you mean "again"? He never had to stop." Stiles sighed as I looked over at him with a worried look on my face. I know his dad had a slight problem before, after his mom and everything. I know it was a touchy subject as well.

"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?" Mr. McCall asked. I glared at Scott's dad. How dare he speak like that about Sheriff Stilinski. He's a good man and he hasn't been around for years! He doesn't know anything about anyone in this town, not anymore.

Stiles snapped, glaring up at Scott's dad with me. "How about this? The next time I see him, I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet. Start with F, and end with U." Stiles snapped, making him smirk slightly beside him.

Mr. McCall just smirked, turning his attention towards me this time. "Sara, how nice to see you again. Where's your dad? How he been?"

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, glaring at Mr. McCall. "He's fine. He doesn't work at the station anymore, he hasn't in years. He switched to a more private and quiet job. He teaches history now at the local college, he's head of the department actually."

"That's right..he hadn't worked in law enforcement since your mother, right?" Mr. McCall questioned me as my eyes went wide. I stayed quiet, not wanting to answer. He was just trying to rile me up, get me to confess to something that wasn't true.

You see, years before my mom "left", and after him and my mom retired to a quiet life here in Beacon Hills.. Well quiet until everything that happened.. He used to work with Stiles dad actually, him and my mom both did. Something about my mom still having an interest in helping people even after retiring from her Valkyrie duties. And dad was never going to let her march into danger by herself, even if it wasn't supernatural danger anymore.

It was pretty cool actually. My parents were like real life superheroes to me, fighting crime together and all that. God, it sucks to think that I might never see either of them again.....

I stayed quiet, scoffing as I looked to the side, not wanting to look Mr. McCall in the face and give him an answer. He must have noticed this as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, focusing his attention on me before saying something that set me off so quick.

"Your dad with Stiles dad?" Mr. McCall asked, me shrugging my shoulders and asking how I should know since my dad's probably still stuck at the college. "Didn't your dad and Stiles dad go on drinking binges together? Weren't they drinking buddies? I know your dad took things pretty hard once your mom abandoned you and him."

I practically almost jumped out of the seat, wanting nothing more than to rip his head off. How dare he talk about my father and Stiles father like that. I jumped up, trying to hit him across the face but Stiles kept his grip around me, keeping me from attacking Scott's dad.

I glared at Mr. McCall, seething with rage as my tone was practically dripping with venom. "Don't you dare speak about my dad or Stiles dad like that. You don't know this town, you don't know any of us, not anymore. Not since you tucked your tail between your legs and ran out years ago like a little bitch. You're nobody, Mr. McCall. You're not Scott's dad to me, you're not Ms. McCall's husband..You're nobody except a little bitch who abandoned his family and broke my best friend's heart." I glared at him. "You know nothing, my mom didn't abandon me and my dad. But I'm sure you'd know a lot about leaving since you left Scott like nothing."

Mr. McCall smirked, laughing slightly before looking back at Stiles and I. "How about you two just tell me what the hell happened here?"

"How about I rip your head off to save Scott the trouble of killing you himself?" I snapped, still feeling the anger building inside of me. Lucky me, that Stiles was still holding me back, reminding me that we didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. 

Mr. McCall laughed, shaking his head at me. "How about you just answer the question and we can all be out of each other's lives as soon as possible?" 

"We don't know what happened here. We were stuck in the elevator the entire time so I guess we missed a few things while we were trapped." I rolled my eyes at him when suddenly, Stiles and I noticed the look on Scott's dad's face.

"You're not the ones who wrote the name on the doors, are you?" Mr. McCall questioned us while we exchanged a confused look.

"What name?" Stiles and I asked, standing up as we walked towards the elevator doors, stopping when we saw what name was spray painted across the doors.



"The word is "guardian," Allison. More than anyone, you know that's a role I haven't lived up to lately." Mr. Argent argued with Allison as him, her, Stiles, and I walked through the front door of their apartment.

After ditching the cops, Stiles and I had called Allison and told her that her father was being targeted. It didn't make sense though. Jennifer had been killing in threes this entire time. She already had three guardians, Stiles dad, My dad, and Scott's mom. Why would she need Allison's dad too? It didn't make sense.

"But she took Scott's mom, Sara's dad, and Stiles father. That can't be a coincidence." Allison pointed out to her dad.

"She already has three guardians, why take me?" Mr. Argent further questioned Allison so she would stop worrying about him so much.

I shrugged my shoulders, still feeling panicky. "Maybe this is what she wants. She wants to kill someone close to each of us so she can not only have enough power to do whatever she wants to do but to send a message to us. That we can't stop her."

"Yeah, I'd also consider the fact that someone put your name up in large block letters on the elevator doors. It kind of felt like a warning to me." Stiles said.

"I think it might be Morrell. She knows a lot more than she lets on, and she might even be trying to help us." Allison explained.

"Well, she needs to get on that a lot faster, okay? Seeing as the lunar eclipse is less than two freaking nights away. And--..we don't know even know if our parents are alive.." My voice broke as I let out a sharp breath, grabbing Stiles hand as he helped me sit down on the chair. I felt like I was breaking, like I couldn't get in control. I felt like everything around me was crumbling and it was.

Not knowing if my dad was alive or not, it killed me.

"Don't give up hope." Mr. Argent said, making me look up at him as he gave some peaceful advice that managed to calm me down even for a second. "You're a Valkyrie, Sara. You can feel death, predict it even..Do you feel your father's death? Any of your parents?" Mr. Argent asked me as I bit my bottom lip, slowly shaking my head. "Then there's still hope to save them. Remember that."

I sighed, nodding my head as I held Stiles hand in my own, trying to keep calm. Now wasn't the time to freak out. "Okay but aside from my Valkyrie, death like feelings..How can you be so sure?" I asked Mr. Argent.

"Because I don't think so. There's something about Jennifer's tactics. It's like she's still positioning, still moving pieces into place." Mr. Argent explained his reasoning for why we shouldn't give up hope.

"And you're one of them." Allison reminded her dad.

"Then let's not wait around to see her next move." Mr. Argent said before moving to unfold his map and putting it on his desk. "Everything she's done has been on a tulleric current. So Melissa, the Sheriff, and Sara's dad have to be somewhere on one of these currents, right?" Mr. Argent said, looking towards a distraught Stiles and myself. "Stiles, Sara..If we're gonna find them, we need your help."

I stayed quiet, having my hands in my lap as I looked up at Stiles. "You seriously want to go after her?" Stiles questioned Mr. Argent. "I mean, what if she just takes you like the others, huh? No offense, but what's the difference between you and them?"

we all watched as Mr. Argent grabbed his gun, loading it before pulling the chamber back, looking at us. "I'm carrying a .45." He showed us his gun while we looked at him with slight wide eyes. "Maybe she can heal from a shot to the leg and a few slashes to the face, but personally, I'd like to see how she holds up with half her skull blown off."

"I can get down with that." I finally spoke, slowly standing up. "If not for one of the many reasons being to watch you blow her head off, I'd prefer to rip it off and cut her throat to the bone with my father's blade."

"We've got one priority right now, and that is to find Melissa, Stiles father, and your dad." Mr. Argent told me, making me calm down just a little bit as Stiles reached for my hand. I grabbed it in mind, feeling myself becoming more calm as he was kind of like my own anchor, keeping me grounded. "We've got a map and every clue we need to figure this out. The only thing we don't have is time. Which is why I need all of you."

I looked down at Stiles, watching as he sighed and slowly stood up to stand beside me. "Where do we start?" Stiles asked, making me smile softly while we all turned our attention to Mr. Argent.

Mr. Argent grabbed his black light, showing off the highlighted parts on his copy of the map before pointing out his plan. "The place where the sacrifices have been committed have usually been different from where the bodies have been found. I think the placement has something to do with the strength of the current. So there's the school, the animal clinic, and the bank." Mr. Argent pointed out before showing us the rest of the map.

"Wait a sec. She wouldn't use the same place twice, would she?" Stiles questioned.

"Only if she didn't succeed the first time." Mr. Argent said, pointing to the mark on the map where the vault was.

"Deaton, Scott's boss. It was her only failure, that could be something." I suggested, staring down at the map.

"That's just one place so far. We're gonna need a lot more help." Stiles said.

"What about Lydia?" Allison suggested.

"Lydia? What can she do?" Mr. Argent asked.

"Well, she sort of has a talent. She somehow ended up finding the bodies without actually looking for them." Stiles explained to Allison's dad.

"What is she psychic?" He asked.

"She's something.." I sighed before Mr. Argent commented that we were still going to need a lot more help.

"We're gonna need an army.." Stiles said.

I quickly took out my phone, dialing a number while they questioned who I was calling. "We need an army, and an army is exactly what I'm calling."


I called Isaac, Derek, and ugh, god forbid, Peter to tell them what was happening and our plan. Isaac said he was going to go try and get Derek and see if Cora was doing better before meeting us. I walked back into Mr. Argent's office, my eyes going slightly wide as I saw him and Allison laying out all their weapons on the desk. Stiles and I exchanged a look, watching in awe while he loaded another gun. 

"I thought you guys were retired?" Stiles and I questioned. 

"Retired, yes. Defenseless, no." Mr. Argent pointed out before setting another gun down on the table. "Now keep your phones on and close by. If you hear from Scott, you let us know immediately." 

Stiles, Allison, and I all exchanged an uncertain look.. Wondering if that was going to happen since he was with Deucalion now. "Yeah, I'm thinking that's gonna be highly unlikely." Stiles mumbled, looking down at his phone which still didn't have anything from Scott before shoving it back into his pocket. 

Mr. Argent looked at all of us before saying, "All of you, try to remember that he's just doing what he thinks is right." 

before any of us could answer, we heard the floor board creaking behind us, making us all turn around suddenly before seeing Isaac walking into the study. "I can't shoot a gun or use a crossbow, but.." Isaac began saying as he brought out his claws, showing them to us. "Well, I am getting pretty good with these." 


"I don't believe it." Lydia said, sitting back in her chair while Stiles and I stood in front of her. 

After splitting up from the Argents and Isaac, Stiles and I came to find Lydia and bring her into the loop. Maybe we'd be able to find our parents with her help. So when we got to her house, we explained what happened and how Scott was with Deucalion now in order to find our parents. But Lydia didn't believe it, which i don't blame her for. I wouldn't believe it and I saw it happen right before my own eyes. 

"Scott can't really be with them. He can't be." Lydia insisted. 

"You didn't see the look on his face, Lydia. It was..he was broken." I sighed, folding my arms in front of my chest.

"Then what can I do? I mean, I get that I'm some kind of, like, human Geiger counter for death. I don't know how to turn it on and off yet. All I know is that she tried to kill me because of..." Lydia started saying but stopped mid sentence, and I noticed the look on her face. 

"What?" Stiles questioned. 

"When she called me a Banshee, she was surprised by it. What if that's not why she tried to kill me?" Lydia questioned as Stiles and I questioned why would Ms. Blake try to kill her then. "That's what we need to find out." 


"Aiden isn't texting me back." Lydia said, while the three of us rushed through the school hallway. We had come to the school, hoping to find Ms. Morrell but she was not in her office and no one had seen her. Lydia had texted Aiden, even though I still want to skin him alive, there was no denying that he had a soft spot for my strawberry blonde best friend. And if he had a soft spot for Lydia, maybe she can convince him to help us. 

While we continued rushing down the hallway until I felt Stiles stop behind us. Lydia and I turned around, watching him as he took out his phone and looked like he was reading something. That's when I saw the look on his face. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, stepping closer to him as he looked terrified, breathing heavy. 

"It's from Isaac..-Jennifer, she--she has Allison's father. She took him. She's got all of them now." Stiles said, slowly putting his phone back into his pocket as I noticed the look on his face. I looked at him, seeing his hands trembling as he looked like he had a vacant look on his face. I questioned what was wrong, trying to step closer to him but he had a vacant look on his face. Stiles breathing was becoming more erratic, panicky as he slowly turned to look at me. 

"I think I'm having a panic attack." 


Lydia and I dragged Stiles into the empty locker room, him pushing us away as he fell to the floor. His breathing was becoming more erratic, not being able to steady his hands. I quickly fell to the floor with Lydia, trying to calm him down but it wasn't working. He was breathing sharper, shorter breaths. If we didn't think of something quick, I don't know what'll happen. 

"Stiles, look at me. Babe, you've got to breathe, okay? Breathe." I tried calming him down, motioning for him to do as I did while we practiced slowing our breathing. 

Stiles nodded his head, trying to copy my moves but he couldn't. He was still breathing too short, too harsh. "I-I can't." Stiles gasped, trying to catch his breath but he couldn't. 

"Try and think of something else. Anything. Uh, happy things. Friends, family--..uh, not family." Lydia said, panicking as well while me and Stiles gave her a look when she mentioned family. She apologized, while I kept trying to get Stiles to slow his breathing. 

"Just try and slow your breathing." I motioned for Stiles to look at me, to do what I do but he just kept hyperventilating. 

"I-can't. I can't." Stiles gasped, making my heart beat out of my chest. We needed to do something, anything. 

"Try holding your breath. I read somewhere that holding your breath stops panic attacks." Lydia suggested while I quickly nodded my head, turning all my attention back to Stiles. 

"Stiles, babe. Look at me, look at me.." I cupped Stiles face lightly in my hands, soothing him as I forced him to look into my eyes. "Focus on me, okay? Just me. Focus on me, listen to the sound of my breath. Just shhhhh, shhhhhh.. " I soothed Stiles, lightly stroking his cheek as his breathing was still heavy but it seemed like he was focusing on me. "Look at me, only me...babe, you can get through this. We can get through this, together. So, just focus on me and let me help you through this...because I can't do this without you.." I soothed him, staring into his eyes as he looked into mine. 

I offered him a small smile before crashing our lips together. I couldn't help but smirk to myself at how Stiles stopped breathing for a second when I crashed our lips together before slowly wrapping his arms around my waist. I smirked against his lips, taking a deep breath as I brought him closer to me. Stiles then sighed into the kiss, and I could feel him becoming more relaxed, indulging in it. And it was just like the first time we kissed last year. 

After he confronted me on Scott kissing me, we had confessed our feelings and shared our first kiss. The first of many that are still to come. And I remember everything about that moment so vividly, like it just happened moments ago. And I remember during our first kiss, he held his breath because it happened all so fast, it was like the wind was knocked out of him. I know because I felt the same way. I always feel like the wind's knocked out of me whenever he kisses me or even let alone looks at me. 

I slowly pulled away, my lips already missing the feeling of his own my own. I slowly opened my eyes, letting out a small breath as I saw the look on Stiles face. It was priceless. He rapidly blinked, having a goofy smile on his face as he stared at me like I was his moon that lit up the night sky. "H-how'd you know that would work?" Stiles whispered, staring lovely at my face. 

I smirked, shrugging slightly, stroking his cheek as he leaned into my touch. "I-I didn't. Though, the first time we kissed, you held your breath that I thought you might pass out. I remember feeling like I was going to pass out too. So..I kind of hoped it'd still have the same effect despite being so long." I admitted truthfully, kind of needing to know if he still felt the same way after we kissed like I did. 

Stiles nodded his head, smiling at me like I was a dork. "Thanks..that was really smart. A-and I still feel fireworks like the fourth of july every time we kiss. I still think you shine brighter than the moon." 

"You're my sun and stars, and I'm your moon." I smirked playfully, quoting Game of Thrones to him since I knew it was his weakness. 

"You're everything to me." Stiles corrected me before placing one last kiss on my lips, commenting how it was smart of me to kiss him to get him to hold his breath. 

I laughed about to say something until Lydia spoke. "If she was really smart, she'd sign you both up for a couple of sessions with the guidance counselor." Lydia half joked, all three of us laughing until Stiles and I exchanged a look. Lydia questioned what the look on our faces were for before we answered with a simple name. 



"Are you here for Ms. Morrell?" Stiles asked as we barged into her office. We ran into her office, pushing the door open but she wasn't in here. Her desk was empty except for the random girl sitting across from it. We questioned if she was here for Ms. Morrell, to which she rolled her eyes before answering sarcastically. 

"No, I thought this was gym class." She answered sarcastically. 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, about to say something until Lydia beat me to it. "Sweetheart, we're not in the mood for funny. Do you know where she is?" Lydia questioned the random girl, making me smirk at her in surprise. Sassy Lydia is my favorite Lydia, well aside from brainiac Lydia. The girl rolled her eyes before pointing to Morrell's empty seat, commenting how she was waiting for twenty minutes. And also how we needed to leave and wait our turn. 

"We're not here for a session." I told her, pacing back and forth. 

"Well I am and I've got some serious issues to work on." The girl sassed me back. 

I practically growled, stepping forward to say something else, maybe even hit her but Stiles caught my hand and kept me from moving. I glared at him, going to tell the girl off before Stiles spoke up. 

"Wait, hey. You're Danielle, you're Heather's best friend." Stiles said, making us all calm down before we had a old fashion girl fight right here. Frankly, I was still ready to kick her ass for wasting our time. We didn't have time enough as it is and we're wasting it talking to this random girl. 

"I was Heather's best friend. We've been working on that issue three times a week." Danielle corrected Stiles, a sadness in her tone at the mention of Heather's name. I hated Heather, there's no denying that especially after she kissed my boyfriend in front of me. I mean we got into a fight at her birthday party so, we we're exactly besties. But still, she didn't deserve to be murdered by Jennifer. And I felt sad for Danielle, who lost her best friend. I can't imagine something like that happening, even with all the craziness and chaos in our lives. 

"Hang on, did you say Ms. Morrell is twenty minutes late?" Lydia questioned her, backing the conversation up a bit. 

Danielle nodded her head before saying, "Yeah and I don't understand why. She's always on time." 

Lydia walked over to where Stiles and I were standing, leaning in before whispering something into our ears. "I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester, she was never late." Lydia pointed out.

Oh, great. Something else was going wrong in our lives. As if we could catch a break. 

"if she's not late then she's missing." I whispered back, feeling a headache coming on. And not a  supernatural one, just a kick in the shin kind of headache. "We aren't the only ones who think she knows something. She's the emissary to the Alpha pack, that's gotta put a lot of targets on the back of her head. Including some in town, maybe." 

Stiles sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before throwing his hands up in defeat. "Well, I want to know what she knows." Stiles said before he started rummaging through her desk drawers. I nodded my head in agreement, started to help him look through everything for a clue or something of importance. 

Danielle stood up, shocked at what we were doing but I honestly couldn't care less. "What are you doing? Those are private." Danielle protested, trying to get us to stop but that was not happening. We needed to know what Ms. Morrell knew since she was acting shady as hell. 

"She's kind of right." Lydia said, sighing as she agreed with Danielle while Stiles and I continued looking through her desk. I scoffed, not having the patience to deal with this. Especially since my father's life was on the line.

"Here's yours." I said, handing Lydia the folder with her name on it. And from the looks of it, it looked pretty thick. Lydia gasped, snatching the folder from my hands as she began looking through the pages. But every page was the same, it was just a drawing. Of a tree. But it wasn't just a tree, it was the same exact one every single time down to the detail, almost like she was copying them in a copy machine. 

I stood up, stopping her before pointing out the similarities. "Woah, Lydia. Wait, look. It's your drawing, the same exact tree." I pointed to the different drawings but all were the same. Danielle commented how it was a good drawing, Lydia smiling as she thanked her. "No, Lydia. Look, closely. It's the same exact tree." I showed her different drawings, all of them identical. 

Lydia shrugged. "I like drawing trees." 

"But it's the same tree, every single time. There's not one difference." I pointed out, her, Stiles, and I looking at most of her drawings, spreading them out on the desk. We stepped back, staring at the trees while Danielle commented how we could have her sessions since we "had bigger problems" before leaving us. 

"What is this?" Lydia asked, a panic tone in her voice as I picked up one of her drawings. 

I stared at it in my hands, hearing those voices in my head as I don't know what came over me. I stayed quiet, slowly flipping her drawing upside down and staring at it. There was something familiar about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then suddenly, i gasped and started seeing something. 

I don't know where I was but it was like I was thrown into a memory or something, like a dream but I'm seeing everything as third person. I heard crying, moving down the wooden stairs until I looked like I was in some sort of cellar. I looked all around, following the cries before gasping when I saw the scene in front of me. 

It was a young looking Derek, holding a teenage girl in his arms. She was crying, begging Derek to make the pain stop since she couldn't take it anymore. I brought a hand to my mouth, tears forming in my eyes as I watched Derek say he loved the girl before he screamed, snapping her spine and ending her suffering. I watched him cry, holding her body close as I saw his eyes shift from a golden yellow, to a blue. 

Oh my god, this was the root cellar, the one where Derek killed Paige. Oh my god, what was that name Peter used when telling us the story of how Derek's eyes changed? God, maybe i should have payed attention more to him during that story telling session but he's full of crap. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to remember the name he used for it until I suddenly heard the voices in my head again. But they were all whispering the same thing. 


I sat up, gasping for air as I looked all around me, seeing that I was on the floor of Morrell's office with Lydia and Stiles looking at me panicked. I sighed, holding my head as Stiles helped me up, asking me if i was okay. I nodded my head, still feeling a bit woozy before asking them what happened. 

"I don't know. You were staring at one of Lydia's drawings then you fell to the floor. You like-..I don't even know. But you kept repeating the same thing, over and over." Stiles explained. I looked at him confused, not really remembering any of this before asking him what I said. "You said Nemeton. You said we had to find the Nemeton.." 


After everyone gathered at Deaton's, we discussed how we could find the Nemeton. Apparently I had some out of body experience and if we find the Nemeton, we'd find our parents. 

"It has to be on a telluric current or maybe even at the axis of two or where they all intersect." Stiles suggested, everyone gathered around the table and staring down at Mr. Argent's map. 

I shrugged my shoulders, still feeling pretty weird from whatever out of body or vision thing had happened in Morrell's office. "I don't know where it is..I just remember being there--...the moment Derek took Paige there to die, the moment he killed her. It was like I was there as it happened, I felt her death and it scared the shit out of me. But i also felt something else." I explained, all of them looking at me and asking what I felt. "Power." I answered simply while rubbing my neck. "It was her death that gave it power again, just enough for Jennifer to hold on until Stiles dad and the others could find him. I asked Derek but he said his mom took his memory of the place and Peter's from them. She didn't want them going back there ever again." 

"My dad and Gerard were there once but Gerard said it was years ago and he didn't remember. And my dad's not here so.." Allison said, trailing off as I reached over to grab her hand in my own. I offered her a small smile, trying to stay strong even though I was on the verge of breaking myself. If something happened to my dad, I think that's what would cause me to switch to the dark side. Just like Padme's death is what made Anakin, become Darth Vader. 

"Yeah, my dad either.." Stiles sighed. It seemed like the three of us were losing all hope. 

"Then how do we find the place?" Isaac questioned. No one wasted any time before looking over at Deaton for the answer. If anyone had the answer, it would be him. And from the looks on his face, it didn't seem like the idea was going to be an easy one. 

"There might be a way, but it's dangerous. And we're gonna need Scott.." 

author's note: 

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. :) Special thanks to anyone who has been voting and commenting and reading, since the beginning or just joining now. I appreciate all of you :D 

also does anyone watch ON MY BLOCK or STAR WARS THE CLONE WARS/STAR WARS REBELS i need someone to cry to about those shows because MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THE AWESOMENESS FROM ANY OF THOSE SHOWS kdsksgjkjhgjkdhgjkhdgjg

anyhow, talk soon. 

stay golden 


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