A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost...

By __FrnksFrThMmrs__

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basically about Sky and Dick, how they bond, mischief they get up to, wether sky discoveres her nerdy brother... More

A Bat and two birds (YJ Lost bird ff book 2)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
New Book

Chapter 14

611 30 0
By __FrnksFrThMmrs__

I huffed, flopping down on my bed and taking my mask off, once I noticed that guy got away I just left, I wouldn't have been able to find him anyway. I grabbed my laptop and hacked the GCPDs system. I looked through the files, turns out they hadn't even seen the ninjas. They must be keeping a really low profile. I sighed, if im going to stop this then I need more info.

Dick obviously won't want to help... the team will be on his side, KF may come but im not dragging him into this. I'm going alone, no Batman to help either, no Robin or brother to back me up, no team to get me through a fight with only minor injuries, nobody to save me, if I get caught then thats it. I will have to be ready for anything. Because this time nobody can save me. That is worrying. I could easily get killed, but they wouldn't kil me. Not straight away anyway. They needed me for something, something big. I pulled out the files from my draw. The files me and Dick 'borrowed'. The plan needed our DNA, well... our parents DNA.

They had two things planned out, first up was a cloning process... well that won't go down well with Bruce... and they wanted something else but it doesn't state exactly what in the files. Apparently that bit is highly classified. Wonder what it is...

Well, I'll find out soon, I pulled up my hood (I was still in my suit) fixed my mask on then stretched. Time to get that info. I ran out my room and ran downstairs.

I went to the cave where I saw Alfred working on a bike. it was black with purple handle bars and a purple stripe on each side. "Hey Alf" I smiled "What are you doing?"

"Ah miss Starling, I figured you would need some transport so I made you a motor bike, it is just like Robins only a different colour and style"

"Woah! Thanks!" I grinned. He stood up, "Well, its done, do you wish to try it out?"

"Sure, hey wheres Bruce?"

"Probably out on patrol" Alfred smiled. I grinned back as he threw me some keys, I ran to the bike and sat on it, I then put the keys into the ignition. I turned them and it roared to life, the wheels lit up too, dim purple lights lit the inner part of the tires. I grinned "So cool, thanks Alfred" I grinned,

"No problem miss starling, but please do wear this helmet" he smiled passing me a black helmet with purple lines on the edges. I nodded and slipped it on. I then smiled, waved said goodbye then sped off. Time to get that information.

I sped up and a thing opened leading me onto the main road. I smirked and made my way to the one place I could think of, the place which was clearly stated in the files. Where was it? Just that abandoned factory I went to in metropolis with the team, turns out there will be something going on there. I smirked speeding up, then I sam a shadow running across roofs, following me. "Danm it!"

I studdied the figure, still paying attention to the road, I quickly swerved around a truck, that person was a ninja. Im being followed, then a motorbike came out a alley towards me. I gasped and swerved onto the curb on the far side from that alley, two more bikes followed. Ninjas ridimg both of them. "Jeez, stalkers much" I muttered, it seemed everywhere I went they'd find me.

I swerved back onto the road, better get rid of these guys before metropolis. I sped up more till I was going about 80 mph. Thankfully I had sort of known how to ride a motorbike.

I swerved around to a flight of steps and dodged pedestrians as I sped down them, the ninjas followed. I sped around a corner as a van came speeding from the road towards me, guess who was in it.

Yay, it was that dude from earlier. I huffed, this is really getting annoying now. I quickly swerved to the left as a array of throwing stars shot past where I was. I sped up and drove out the city.

Then bullets came, probably from the van, I sped up and drove to a mall. I smashed through the glass doors, ducking begind the screen on the bike as I shot through the glass, scattering it everywhere. the bikes and van still followed.

I pressed on the screen on the front of the bike and braught up a map of the center. Hopefully I can lose them here, I sped down the escalator and down past Mc donalds. The van gotstuck but the bikes followed. I gasped as I narrowly missed a lady and her kids.

I pressed into my ear peice, "Hey Rob, you there?!?"


"Sorry, I may have gotten myself into a little problem..." I trailed off.

"What is it-" he began then I drove through a shop window, Primark to be precise, "Was that glass shattering?!? where the hell are you?!?" I swearved down a aisle and through to another window.

"At the mall on my bike" I said quietly as I dodged bullets "Is someone shooting at you?!? STAR!"

"yeah, sorry, ninjas, please come over!"

"Are you in Gotham mall?"

"No, I dunno where I am" I sighed then yelped as a sword shot pas my head, "SERIOUSLY, SWORDS, REALLY?!?" I yelled.


"Sorry R, bit of achase going on- woah!" I yelled as I came out the mall and down towards the main road. "You better hurry, im on the way to metropolis." I said swerving around cars and looking back, they were still gaining on me. I pressed a button which activated voice command. I then gained speed, the ninjas sped upaswell, gaining on me really fast.

"Aaggh" I yelped as I swerved from a bullet. Then something lept onto the back of my bike, two arms wrapped around mine holding my arms by my sides, preventing me from steering. "AAGH, ENGAGE AUTO PILOT!!!" I screamed.

"Auto pilot engaged" A robotic voice replied, I leaned back forcing the persons head near the wheel, they pulled me back aswell. I gripped the front of the bike with my legs as I tried to get free. I ended up causing the bike to do a wheelie which forced me to lean forwards. I squirmed and realised I wouldn't be able to stay on the bike.


"Changing routes... on way to batcave" I smirked, now I know the bike will be okay. I struggled against the persons grip then threw myself off the bike. I twisted in the air and landed on them.

I heard them gasp in pain as I lept up and turned round to see them, soon another motorbike pulled up. A red and black motorbike. "You came" I stated as I kicked the ninjas head knocking them out cold.

"Yes, I came, I may not like you at the moment but I don't want you dead" he said.

"Okay, thanks... I think. Robin, do you hate me?"

"No, we'll talk when we get back, wheres your bike?" he asked. I moved my helmet slightly, "Sent it back to thh cave" I said.

"Okay, your coming back with me then- why were you out here anyway?"

"Oh yeah, I have a lead"

"A lead?" he asked growing more curious.

"Yes, at the warehouse in metropolis there could be some crucial info, I was going there but the ninjas came"

"Okay... we'll go" he huffed and I got on the back of the bike, we then set off, I pressed a button on my belt and my bike followed, once close enough I stood up and lept onto mine.

Maybe he has forgiven me, or is it just me who's forgiven him? could be either. I dunno, all I do know is that I nearly have my brother back.

AN. sorry for the late update, I tried to make this one longer so it took a while, sorry. Ill try to update again tomorrow, but it it may be late x

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