That Cold Heart || min.yoongi...

By iCrunts

55.6K 1.5K 257

[UNEDITED] [COMPLETED] His heart was cold. No one can touch 'em, or else they'll freeze. But if a girl like P... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
New Cover
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
important note (Don't skip)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Author's note
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Author's note (Game)
Author's note
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Upcoming books

Chapter Thirty-Seven

321 11 1
By iCrunts

Chapter Thirty-Seven

---------Cherim's POV--------

1 week...

1 week..

1 week after, I was already fine, can walk n' talk but still upset. I didn't have a chance to talk with Yoongi about us, leaving. I only talked with Apple, Xiana and the rest of the guys. Sihyeon and Exel's case is still on-going and we don't know what will happen next to them. I don't listen much to news, and since they're young they'll be exemptions happening I think.

Now, I'm packing. Our flight is like 5 hours away and I was really fixing the things I have to bring. With this pouty face, I managed to keep strong even tho It means leaving my very best friends and the guy whom I fell inlove with.

What can I do? It's too late. I must as well give up. But atleast I want to say a nice goodbye to him before leaving because I don't want to be left alone, and I know he'll be surprised of this. Because I heard from mom that mrs min didn't took any confidence in telling her son about this. 

I sighed. I don't know if I'm going to keep on loving you.. but I know for sure that we aren't meant to be that you can find someone that is better than me. 

Then my phone rang. I answered it for awhile and was surprised to see Apple's name in it. I felt a heavy block covering my mouth from speaking but I wanted to say goodbye to her too but not in phones. "Apple.. how is your vocation right now?"

("I-It's nice, but I really want to see you right now! You fool! Why are you leaving us like that?! Hmp!")

"I'm sorry, I don't have any choice.. and I have to for the sake of The Min Family."

Silenced covered our convo. I know she was about to cry like hell, she's really my best friend. I'll miss her so much, and I don't know what my life can be without her.

("Who will talk to me when I'm mad?! Who will talk to me when I have a crush?! Who will I be with when I'm going to the mall? Who will be the one to scare me about boys?! Who will be the one to comfort me?! Who will be the one whom I'll be teasing if I'm bored?! Who will be the one I'll be loving as my best friend! WHO?! That's all of you! I'll be lonely if your away!! Uwaaahh!! Why do you have to leave TT___TT I'll be needing you!!!")

I smiled. "No.. you don't need me Apple, you can live with without me."

("Well? Is that what you think, you are wrong! I need you! I need you in everything! B-But if you really have to leave...")

She started sniffing. Wahh! I felt like I'm about to cry too! My eonnie is crying.. and I don't know but regret was covering me from leaving. "Hey? Are you there?"

("WAHHH! Eonnie! Saranghaeyooo! Bogoshipeoyoooo! WAAAAHHH!")

I smiled. She never speak to me like that. "I'll miss you too.. you've never talked to me like that."

("Hmp! That's because I love you so much eonnie that's WHY. I'll miss you :3 will I see you next month or so?")

"I guess so."

("Eonnie, Saranghamniidaaa~")

"Aistt. You're sweeter than a candy, Apple. Hahahaha. Nado saranghamnida." Then I ended the call. It's too hurtful to see her sad like that and I can't go and hug her at the times like this.

I only have one chance. I'll talk to Yoongi now, this time and it won't change. I excused myself from mom since I only have 5 hours to do it. I rushed to Yoongi's house but first,I fixed my hair and the clothes I have. I want to say goodbye in person and in formal so that he will miss me.. Joke. He won't miss me I'm sure. Hihihihi.

I reached his house and by my surprise someone stopped me from entering. A Guard was infront of me and he has his cold eyes. Like Yoongi has. He looked at me forawhile and examined my face, and the he shook is head making sounds. What the f is his problem? -____- tch stupid.

"Excuse me, can I talk to Yoongi?" I ask the horrible guard.

"And you are?"

"Park Cherim :3."

"You're cute, but sorry. You are not allowed here."

Atleast he said I'm cute :3 but wait, why would he just kick my @ss off like that? Duh! "Why? Is their any rules that Park aren't allowed in that mansion?"

He nodded. "Well sht you and I'm going in! I want to have a talk with Yoongi------"

"Rex? What's going on?"


He's here. Lol I can't stand it. I wanted to hug him so tight :((( But for me, I can't do that even tho I really wanted to. "Uhm.. Sir, She said she wanted a talk with you."

"Why so?"

"Mollaseo, Sir." That Rex stated.

He looked at me and signalled Rex to go leave us for a moment. I can hear his footsteps as he looked at me while he went down the gate. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say goodbye in personal. And, I wanted to say thank you for saving me." I said, smiling.

I can see his chest with cover, and I think he's just recovering and a tint of guilty tickles me. "Are you ok right now? I see you're still recovering."

"I don't need your questions."

"I just wanted to assure you are really okay. And, I'm sorry if I was the one who caused all of this, I know you just wanted to save me---"

"Get out."

Get out. I know he meant that 2 words so bad. I pouted, and about to cry but I controlled myself. "E-eh?"

"Get out."

"I dont know why are you're acting stupidly infront of me. Look, I just wanted to say Thank you----"

"FCK! I said get out! Don't ever come back, if you're leaving I don't give a damn about it! GET OUT IN HERE AND ALSO IN MY LIFE!"

Get out. I think those words really meant something. I almost cry when he closed the gate. This is not what I expected to see. That the boy I fell inlove with, already hates me. I think that's not simple as it was. That Rex bowed down and excused for me to go away.

But my feet wont cooperate. I want to go there, hug him and ask what is happening. But, that's just my dream. Being with him is really exciting, but I think my first decision got it wrong.

I went back to my house and stepped inside, determined.

"Mom, let's go."


----Apple's POV---

"Mom, thank you for letting me continue my vocation here at Seoul :3 now I can go to Cherim's house, as she go to airport." I almost cry. My best friend is leaving me for good :(( and that's sooo sad.

"Dear, are you really ok with this?"

"What are you telling me?"

"You know that Mrs Min payed me to let you stay away from Cherim or anyone related to her now right? I'm scared that you'll be at the same case as your sister has now---"

"How can you let me stand away from my best friend? She's my best friend! And I won't go back home if I won't see her, nor touch her before leaving! If you don't understand me, then fine! Go home without me then, I'll go to her now."

"Apple, you don't understand me!"

"YES I DO MOM. I really do! Stop making me look stupid, making my happiness away from me! STOP CONTROLLING ME!"

"You know Im not controlling you! God knows what is real and true. So if I were you, I'll stay away from Cherim now--"

"Sht. I HATE YOU."

Saying those words to mom is really hurtful. Even if she isn't my real mother :( I stepped aside my tears as I cried near the road. Most of the kids notice me, But I don't care! I wanted to cry all those pains! I thought mom let me here because she wanted me to see cherim but it was TOTAL OPPOSITE.

I hate her. I hate her so much.

"Apple? What are you doing here?"

I looked at the guy as he saw me looking at him. "Ivan."

"Um.. no it's not me. Why are you crying tss. You don't look good. You look dumb."

"-_____- well fck off."

"Where's Cherim?"

"OH SHT! RIGHT! HER FLIGHT IS--- Im sorry! I have to go."

I rushed out of the place. I forgot about her because of MOM! WAAHHH. Before I can go, Ivan held my wrist. FCK YOU WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?

"Hey! I have to go rush!"

"I have my car. I'll go with you."

I didn't hesitate. Why? I don't have any choice But to follow him. He started the engine and he sped off the road. :) I must say, he's good at driving too. He's a big help today lol so I think I owe him alot.

"Ivan.. Can you drive slowly? AISH!"

"You said she is about to leave. Where exactly?" He asked.


"Ohhh. My brother lives in there."


"Uhm yeah." He replied. "I used to tag along with him alot, but you know, things change so fast so.. I dislike old games now."

"Why do you sound like me." I pouted.

"It's because I did. Aist, If only she knew Yoongi likes her."

WHAT. O_______O speak to what again?!


"Don't shout! And yes. Yoongi loves---"

Before he can continue, there is a loud noise from behind our car. A big truck was yelling and keeps on asking us to move. Is stared at the lane and yep, ITS GREEN LIGHT :( "Why did you stopped at the green light? Jerk!"

"You said I'll drive slowly."



"Mom, Let's go."

"Dear? Did you ate something sour? What happened to you?"

If only she knew me well. I knew that I wasn't the girl for him after all. I know that I'm not the person who'll be by his side all the time. I knew he fell inlove with the girl who lost her glasses or something. I envy that girl, she was too lucky.

Before Going to the airport, I wrote my last message for Yoongi. How I thanked him for giving me new glasses and for saving me everytime I needed help. I even get the glasses he gave me and I treasured it into a box. With my picture, wearing it. Farewell, Min Yoongi :) Kamsa.


OMG. End is coming TT____TT HUHhUHUHUHU ok I'm OVERREACTING! Lol stick to the storrrryy everyone. Saranghae!!

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