Unsteady Β» Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

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❝ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . ❞ Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[2] Tattoo
[3] Turning Page
[4] Party Into the Night
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[9] Highway to Hell
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[18] Dark Hallow
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[23] Other Options
[24] Don't Let Me Go
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[12] Loss of a Friend

522 14 2
By OMGitsJustine

After the events that happened at Murder Motel, I mean the Glen Capri, Ethan was grateful that "Scott" saved his life. So he gave us some very helpful information.

Derek was alive.

I needed to see this for myself; I knew I was right. I knew he wasn't dead but no one would believe me. I'll be sure to collect their apologizes after this is all over and once we're all safe and sound.

I ran all the way up to Derek's loft, pushing open the door to see him standing there with Isaac and Boyd. I let out a sharp breath, smiling towards him. "I knew it--..I knew you were alive." I said, running over to give him a hug. Derek seemed stiff at first but slowly wrapped his own arms around me. I smiled, pulling back to stare up at the Alpha werewolf. "I knew you weren't really dead. I would have felt it if you were gone, and I didn't."

"Thanks for not giving up, I guess." Derek said, offering me a small smile before moving his hand towards where my stab wound would be if I hadn't healed properly. "You're okay? Stiles and Isaac told me what happened a few nights ago. Said you almost died."

"We all almost died.." I reminded him before simply nodding my head. "But i'm fine...I just--...there's something I needed to tell you because I know the Alpha pack is coming for you tonight what with their vague and creepy ass warning painted on your windows."

"What is it?" Derek asked, looking at me slightly confused.

"Someone's going to die tonight..." I warned him before getting a call from Stiles and Scott. Derek asked what was wrong, seeing the look on my face.

"It's Deaton.. he's the next sacrifice."


"It's going to be okay..We'll find him." I tried comforting Scott as him, myself, and Stiles all stood around the animal clinic. Scott had gotten a call from Deaton, telling Scott he would need him to find him before he got sacrificed. And as soon as we got here, he was already taken just like the others. So we stood around, trying to find some way to stay positive insight of something, as Sheriff Stilinski told us to keep a positive mind and to get back to school.

When the Sheriff walked away, Scott gave us a look before we followed him into the next room. Once the door was closed, Scott turned to Stiles and I with a certain look on his face. One that didn't just read panic and worry from Deaton being missing. Like he was... weighing the pros and cons of something.

And it wasn't until he started talking that either of us finally understood him.

"We have to tell him.." Scott said, looking at Stiles.

Stiles and I looked at each other confused before turning back to Scott. "You mean, like "tell him" tell him? Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want me to tell him?" Stiles asked Scott.

Wow, so what I'm picking up that Scott's putting down is that he wants Stiles to tell his dad the truth. And I mean the whole truth or so help us god.. I mean, sure telling my dad the truth about the supernatural was relatively well for me because he already knew.. Scott on the other hand, his mom didn't handle it so well for a few weeks.

Scott rolled his eyes slightly at Stiles before telling him, "You know what I mean."

"You remember how well your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week." Stiles scoffed, looking at Scott with a slight angry look. He gave the two of us looks that just screamed he thought we were insane for thinking he should tell his dad the truth.

"Exactly, my mom freaked out but she got over it. And it actually made us a lot closer." Scott said, trying to get Stiles to see that while telling his dad the truth might be scary, the outcome is worth it.

Stiles stayed quiet before looking over at me. He gave me this look, basically mentally asking me what I thought about this whole situation. There's no one's opinion I valued, other than my dad's, more than Stiles and I knew the same went for him. He valued my opinion and I know I swore I'd always be on his side, and I will be.. it's just this whole thing is delicate.

"Stiles--...Babe, I'm sorry but Scott's right." I said, already seeing the saddened look form on his face. God, I hated whenever he made that face. It just made me feel so bad and made me want to be like 'nevermind, you're right babe'. But not this time, he needed to know that I genuinely thought he should tell his dad because I thought it would be better. "We can't keep secrets from one another, especially when those secrets might get us killed.." I reminded Stiles, not wanting him to lose his dad but..

what if him not telling his dad is what gets him killed?

"I don't know..I mean, look at him..--" Stiles said while the three of us turned to see a very stressful Sheriff Stilinski through the window on the door. He looked stressed as hell and it was understandable. People were dying and he couldn't do anything about it, but only because he doesn't know the full story yet. "Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is." Stiles tried to convince us that telling his dad was not a good idea. But Scott and I exchanged an understanding look before standing our ground.

I sighed, stepping closer to Stiles as I placed a hand on his arm. Stiles looked down at me while I offered him a small smile, gentle rubbing his arm in an attempt to make him in a better mood for what I was about to tell him. "He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening...He's got people dying in his town--..the town he's supposed to protect. And it's not his fault he doesn't know what's really happening. Babe, I know how much your dad means to you and you know I understand what you're feeling but--...Your dad needs to know before he gets himself hurt trying to stop something he doesn't understand or know about. Eventually he's going to find out and it's better if it comes from you."

Stiles looked down at the ground, knowing I was right but he didn't want to look at him instead he focused on the ground. "Okay but is now really the best time?" Stiles asked.

"What if not telling him gets someone killed?" Scott asked Stiles, offering our best friend a sadden look. But he needed Stiles to understand that people were dying, being murdered and his father couldn't help. Not really. Because he didn't know the truth about the town he's sworn to protect.

"Yeah? Well, what if telling him, gets him killed? Huh?" Stiles questioned Scott, raising his voice slightly which made me and Scott stare at him with wide eyes. Stiles had never risen his voice to me or Scott before, this might be a first.  The look on Stiles face was panic almost mixed with fear, Stiles feared losing his dad. And I understand what he's feeling or fearing.

I know that if anything ever happened to my dad, I'd go out of my freaking mind. I don't think i could go on without him, he's all I have, the only parents I have. My dad's my savior, my hero--...my alpha. If I ever lost him, I don't think I could ever recover. So I understood the fear Stiles had for his dad, he didn't want to lose him.

"I mean, okay, look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you...I get that, okay? But this isn't--...You guys, this is my actual father. I can't l-..I can't lose both of my parents, okay? Not both of them..My dad's all I got." Stiles said, his voice breaking which in turn made tears form in my own eyes. I didn't like seeing, hearing, or even knowing or thinking Stiles was hurt. That he was in pain. It hurt me that he hurt.

It was quiet for a few seconds as i took a deep breath, slowly nodding my head in agreement with Stiles. Stiles and Scott looked at me, watching as I walked over to Stiles side. I hugged his side, staying quiet at first before letting him know that i was, like I always would be until the day I die, by his side and on his team.

"You're right. We'll think of something else. You don't need to tell your dad." I whispered to Stiles, holding his hand in mine and giving it a squeeze.

Stiles looked down at me with a smile on his face, placing a kiss on my lips before pulling back. "I appreciate you being on my side for this but--...I'm not right, I'll tell him. You and Scott are right, he needs to know.." Stiles said, sighing in defeat.

I offered him a supporting smile, reaching for Scott's hand so he'd grab it while the three of us all stood close. "You're not alone. We'll help you." Scott and I told Stiles, letting him know that he'd always have the two of us on his team. No questions asked.

While we were walking back to the main lobby however, we heard a familiar voice. "Please, whatever you need, however you can help find my brother." Ms. Morell, the guidance counselor, told the Sheriff and the deputies.  We all looked at her confused as she walked over to us, leaning in close. "Listen, closely, all of you. No sheriff, deputy, or detective is going to be able to find him.."

"You don't have to ask us for help." Scott answered right away, letting her know that it wasn't a question if Scott was going to help Deaton or not.

"Actually, I'm trying to help you. Because if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural." Ms. Morell said, looking over at me. I gave her a strange look before she quickly added, "You'll need the two people who might have a connection to death, and the supernatural."

Stiles quickly answered that was me, before he questioned who the other person was. But it didn't take long for it to click in my head. I knew who Morell was talking about, I knew who we needed to find.



"Derek would kindly like to ask you to stop seeing Aiden. Which means, If I catch you with him again, I'm not gonna pull the fire alarm. I'm going to pull your tongue out of your head."

"Sweetheart, my last boyfriend was a homicidal lizard. So, I think I can handle a werewolf."

"Let go. I said--..."

I heard Cora's threatening voice, quickly pushing open Coach's office door with Stiles and pushed Cora way from Lydia. I grabbed Lydia, bringing her close to me while glaring towards Cora. "She said let go. Now I don't know if Derek's told you but sometimes I have a bit of trouble controlling my temper. So back off or else you'll see what I really look like when I'm angry." I snapped at Cora while Stiles ran in, coming between us to make the situation die out before it could get worse. I sighed, rolling my eyes at him but stayed quiet. I did, however, keep Lydia close to me. I didn't need Cora trying to kill her or anything.


So, after the whole stopping Cora from hurting Lydia thing, we managed to find something. We figured out Danny was a target last night but he wasn't sacrificed, which lead us to figuring out why Danny was targeted. And after a very awkward trip from the hospital, we found in Danny's stuff, a project he was working on with geomagnetic fields. Danny was onto something, so we kind of stole his stuff then texted everyone to meet at the clinic so we could show them what we found.

"What does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora asked.

"Because it's not just homework. It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth, they can even be affected by lunar phases, all right." I explained, helping Stiles finish spreading out the last of Danny's papers on the table for everyone to see.

"Now, look at this." Stiles said while flipping through Danny's paper before stopping on a page where Mr. Harris had written a note to Danny in red ink about his proposal. "I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class." Lydia added, reading the note out loud for us.

"Harris wasn't just a sacrifice. He knew something." I pointed out. This could be why he was killed, why he was a sacrifice. Because he knew too much and they needed to make sure he didn't talk.

"Now, check this out. Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all right. Danny had one too. Danny marked all the telluric currents. Okay, now the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a Beacon." Stiles explained, the two of us spreading Danny's map across the table to show them that Danny was onto something.

I sighed, nodding my head. "You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through this earth is around this town."

Scott stood back, looking back and forth from Danny's map to Allison's dad's. Scott then got this sudden look on his face, pointing out the similarities in the two maps. "Look, they match. There's three places, right? Where they're kidnapped, where they're sacrificed, and where their bodies are found." Scott said, grabbing a marker and marking the map. As Scott was marking the map, Lydia pointed out how it was on a telluric current.

"So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between.." I suggested, feeling like my head was going dizzy from this whole thing. I asked Scott for the marker, pointing to the map along with Stiles. "You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of them. Got to be somewhere in between, right?" Stiles and I asked, looking over the map before Cora reached for my hand.

I was about to slap her upside the head, Stiles and Scott looking protective as if to pull her off of me if something started. But she stayed quiet, gently bringing my hand to point the marker to a certain place on the map. "The vault..he's in the same vault." Cora said while we all stared down at map.

We didn't waste another second, moving to quickly leave so we could save Deaton but then that's when my phone started going off. I gasped, telling everyone to stop but Scott just looked at me like I was crazy. He reminded me we didn't have time, that we needed to find Deaton and fast. But what I said next made him stop long enough to listen to me.

"It's Isaac--...the plan didn't work. They cut the power." I said, feeling a weight on my chest. Oh god, this wasn't good. It was like I warned Derek. Something bad was going to happen, someone was going to die. "I-..They're going after Derek. They're gonna kill him. I-I felt it. Someone's going to die." I warned them, Stiles coming over to calm me down while we turned to Scott for leadership. We needed to know what to do.

While we wanted to save Deaton, we couldn't let Derek die.

"It's just like he said.." Scott whispered, looking like he was recalling something before looking over at all of us. "Go. I can save Deaton on my own." Scott said.

"What? Scott, what about us?" Stiles and I questioned him, wondering if it was a good idea to split up right now. But the question was already answered; hell no it wasn't a good idea. It's never a good idea to split up when shit is about to go down.

"Cora can't get there fast enough without you both..And Derek's going to need all the help he can get for the fight against the Alphas. Go..we can save them both." Scott said while we exchanged our goodbyes. And reminded the other to be safe and how we'd talk soon before going our separate ways to save everyone.


"Son of a bit--..why can't things ever be easy for us." I cursed, opening the circuit breaker in the building's basement. It looked like something from an MIT's finale project or something. We all exchanged confused looks, wondering which one to pull to turn the power back on so we could fry the alphas.

"What do we do?" Stiles asked, all of us still staring at the million of switches.

"We pull them...All of them, hurry." I said before we all started pulling the switches. I grabbed my phone, telling Isaac the power was getting turned back on and to make sure none of them were in the water. "Let's make it shine." I sighed, flipping on the last switch while all of the lights were flickering back on, signaling that the power was back.

I sighed, Stiles grabbing my hand while everyone started running up the stairs to Derek's loft. While we were running up the stairs, all of a sudden, I got this weight on my chest. This pain in my chest as well as my head. I screamed in pain, gasping for air as I almost fell over but luckily Stiles caught me. He looked at me confused, panicking as he asked me what was happening.

I cried in pain, slowly opening my eyes as I looked at him. I kept crying in pain, cringing for the horrible feeling in my chest and the pain in my head. "Y-you didn't feel that?" I cried, looking at Stiles through my blurry vision as he slowly shook his head. I was gasping for air, holding a hand to my chest as they all looked at me confused.

Then it hit me.. It wasn't Derek's death I was feeling..

"Boyd.." I whispered, telling Cora to run while we'd catch up.

Stiles looked at me confused, frightened but I told him to help me up. We needed to go and help the others. I-..I needed to see what was happening. Stiles put an arm around me, helping me up the stairs the rest of the way as we froze once we got to the doorway. Ms. Blake was in Isaac's arms, a scared look on her face before my eyes traveled to the horror scene in front of us. I gasped, seeing Cora run over to Boyd's body as she cried, holding onto him. Then my eyes went to Derek, who was on the floor looking completely broken as he had blood on his hands.

I squeezed Stiles hand in my own before unwrapping myself from him and making my way towards Derek. I could feel his pain, I still hurt myself from feeling Boyd's death. If this is a Valkyrie's...I don't want any of it. I don't want the power, the strength--..none of it.

I slowly made my way to Derek, gently placing my hands on his shoulders. I looked down, seeing his claws still shaking as they had Boyd's blood on them. I bit my bottom lip, gently reaching to hold Derek's hand in my own. He winced at first, probably still stunned from the events that occurred but I didn't stop as i gave his hand a squeeze. I held Derek's hand in mine, watching as he slowly retracted his claws, shifting them back to normal.

I sighed, placing my hands on Derek's shoulders while hugging him from behind. I know he wasn't normally up for emotions and what not but I knew he'd need a hug or something after this. Kali made him kill Boyd, she'll kill the rest of us. I could feel Derek's pain as I held him close, trying to give him some form of comfort during this dark and troubled time.

Well, it looks like Deucalion was right..

we were all going to suffer

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