Looking Through Your Soul (RO...

By BlueLondon612_42817

25K 576 345

100 years has passed since the Guardians has seen or heard from The King of Nightmares himself. It had been a... More

Chapter 1: Rebirth
Chapter 2: A Spark of Hope
Chapter 3: Forgotten Prophecy
Chapter 4: The Chosen Guardian
Chapter 5: A New Friend
Author's Note:
Chapter 7: Being a Guardian
Chapter 8: Truth of the Lantern
Chapter 9: Somehow
Chapter 10: Disappearance
Chapter 11: Hidden Moments
Chapter 12: Adventures in Burgess
Chapter 13: Connecting Hearts
Author's Note
Chapter 14: Guardian of Love
Chapter 15: Hold On
Chapter 16: The Sea of Memories
| Update & Author's Note |

Chapter 6: Bad Beginning

2K 45 18
By BlueLondon612_42817

Jack flew sluggish in the sky, following the compass wherever it would take him. It wasn't that he didn't like to find the new guardian to help the guardians defeat Pitch and his unknown friend. Its just that he could feel something bad is gonna happen. 

The cold wind took him to different surroundings. Snow was falling from the sky. It was a beautiful sight, but he didn't have time to enjoy the scenery, he had to find this 'Y/N' fast. The compass took him to a surrounding where there were a lot of trees, the forest. 

Then he heard sweet singing. He followed the voice and found a girl sitting on top of a tree branch with a white owl on her shoulder. He couldn't see her face since it was covered by her hood.

"I like being independent

Not so much of an investment

No one to tell me what to do

I like being by myself

Don't gotta entertain anybody else

No one to answer to.

But sometimes I just want somebody to hold

Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold

Got that young love even when we're old

Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand

Pick me up, pull me close, be my man

I will love you 'til the end

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you

But I'm done lookin' for my future someone

'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,

But for now, dear No One,

This is your love song

Ooh, oh, oh

I don't really like big crowds

I tend to shut people out

I like my space, yeah

But I'd love to have a soul mate

And God'll give him to me someday

And I know it'll be worth the wait,


So if you're out there I swear to be good to you

But I'm done lookin', I'm done lookin' for my future someone

'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,

But for now, dear No One

Dear Nobody

This is your love song

Ooh, ooh

Sometimes I just want somebody to hold

Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold

Got that young love even when we're old

Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand

Pick me up, pull me close, be my man

I will love you 'til the end

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you

But I'm done lookin', I'm done lookin' for my future someone

'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,

But for now, dear No One, dear Nobody

This is your love song

This is your love song

Dear No One, no need to be searchin', no

Dear No One.

Dear No One.

Dear No One, this is your love song"

When she finished singing, he kinda felt sad for her. 

"She must be very lonely and been alive for a long time." Jack thought.

Your POV:

You finished your song and let out a sad sigh. Your were pretty lonely and it was kinda boring to watch the same thing everyday. Then you heard a snap behind you. You turn around to see a boy with snow white hair, blue eyes bluer than the sky and pale white skin like hers and was wearing a blue hoodie and brown leggings. 

Your eyes widened as you realized that he must be a spirit. You jump from tree branch to another.

"Wait!" The boy shouted behind you but you didn't dare look back. You just kept running and jumping from tree to tree. You turn your head a little to see that the boy was practically chasing you. You loaded your bow and shot your arrow at him, unfortunately he dodged it and flew as fast as he could. You, meanwhile, ran as fast as your legs could take you.

Third Person's POV:

You and Jack continued your little run. Jack froze the place where you were stepping whenever he got the chance. You were starting to feel tired and almost fell from the tree branch. Then you look behind you to see that he wasn't there anymore.

"He must have gotten tired..." You thought as you smirked to yourself. 

You jumped on another tree branch. You let your body lean against the wood of the tree. Your hood slipped down to your back. Nerwin sat on your shoulder, nuzzled your cheek. Almost as if you understood what she said, you smiled to her tiredly.

"I'm fine, Nerwin." You said as you stroke her neck. 

Then you felt something heavy cling to your leg. You cling to the tree with all your might. You didn't need to look to know who was clinging to you. 

"Try to run away now." Jack said challengingly tired. Sweat was streaming on the sides of his face. 

You, too tired to say anything more, tried to shake him off by kicking him in the face. You heard a series of 'ouch' and 'hey'. Jack grabbed your other leg and pulled you down. You, placed your elbows on the tree branch, still kicking him. Nerwin flew off your shoulder and started to peck Jack's head. Then an idea popped in Jack's brain, his staff that he held by his toes, he took off one of his hands off her leg and reached for his staff. When he did, he froze where your elbows were, making your elbows slip and you and Jack fall off the tree. The tree was a really tall one. Jack reached for his staff and caught you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. Jack studied your features; you had dirty ghostly pale skin, dull e/c eyes and tangled h/c hair.

"Well, she's a mess..."  He thought.

You both landed safely. You scrambled out of Jack's arms and glared at him angrily.

"Hah! I caught you!" Jack said playfully and happily.

"You didn't catch me. In case you've forgotten, we fell idiot." You said quite annoyed, too proud to admit that he caught you. Nerwin flew down and landed on your shoulder. 

Then you heard rustling nearby. You loaded you bow quickly. Jack heard the noises too and pointed where he heard it. Less than a minute, they saw there were 3 nightmare horses. 

"Pitch..." You sneered as you recognized the sand. But something was different with this nightmare sand, it wasn't completely black but had dark purple streaks on it. You heard your 'companion' shot a blast of frost at an incoming nightmare horse.

"Hey, are you going to fight or not?" Jack asked, his playfullness gone and was replaced by sternness.

You didn't reply, instead shot at nightmare horses. But you noticed that the sand fell to the ground and formed a small pile of black with dark purple streaks sand. 

"Stay close Nerwin..." You whispered to your pet owl. After a few seconds, the sand rose from the ground and formed 6 more nightmare horses.

"Stop! They're just being formed over and over again." You stopped Jack as you saw he was gonna strike the nightmare horses again. 

"Then whats the plan?" Jack asked you.

"How am I supposed to know? Shouldn't you think too?" You asked annoyed.

"I'm the idiot, remember?" 

"Not the time to play games old man." 

"Name calling on the first day, interesting..." Jack said playfully.

"Middle of Battle... Watch out!" You said as you shot at an incoming nightmare horse. You hit it square at the chest where the heart should be. Instead of turning into a pile of sand, it vanished. 

"Hit it in the heart, it'll not turn into piles anymore..." You ordered. 

Jack immediatly followed your order and less than a minute, both of you killed 6 nightmare horses. You scanned your eyes around for more but that was it. 

"Y/N L/N, right?" 

You spun around to see him leaning on his staff, studying you with his eyes. You pointed your bow and arrow at him. 

"Who are you? And how did you find me? " 

"Isn't it polite to say your name first before asking mine?" 

"I asked first! Who are you? And how ddi you find me?" You glared at him. 

"She tough..." 

"Jack Frost. And your the Chosen Guardian..." Jack said.

"Chosen? Guardian? What kind of sick joke is this? I'm not a guardian. Besides, how would you know I'd come with you?" You asked sternly. 

"Because I know..." Jack charges at you and you both fight. Since you both were tired, your battle didn't take long. Nerwin, somehow, helped you by pecking Jack from time to time. You both dropped to the ground, tired and out of breath after 3 minutes. You were clearly out of breath since you've been running for an hour, then fought nightmare horses and fought Jack. Then Jack pointed his staff at you, you look up and snatch his staff away and pointed it at Jack, who was looking at you amused and smirking.

"Thats not gonna work on me, ya know..." Jack said.

"I know..." You said as you held the staff in both hands, attempting to break it into two. You were going to break it  but at the back of Jack, you could see movement and someone shoot their arrow towards Jack. Your eyes widened, you quickly ran to him, held him by the collar of hus hoodie and spun him around so instead of him getting it, it would be you.

When you felt the arrow at your back, you saw Jack looking surprised, you looked straight at his eyes and a memory of his flashed through your head. Jack quickly got his staff and froze the attacker. Then at the corner of his eye saw you fall down, but before you could hit the ground, he caught you. He looked at you straight at your eyes with worry. At the corner of your eye, you could see Nerwin drop to your side and nuzzled your arm. Then you felt the darkness consume you. You heard someone call your name but you ignored them.

A/N: AHHHHHH....! What happened to you? What did you see? Are you alright? Oh wait, I'm the author, I should know whats gonna happen to you... I'm so sorry guys for not updating. Life and School is kinda torturing me. My teachers are giving us loads of homework when we have a long weekend after piling us with homeworks and tests in a week (What?!) And I still have extra school work. I know horrible, but that is the life of a student. But sometimes I wonder if my teachers are trying to help me or kill me, ya know? 

But I hope this chappie is good enough for you guys. I'll try to update ASAP. Tell me what you think of this chappie and I'll try to answer them all. Thank you to everyone who have waited for me to update this story, I really appreciate it. The song is Dear No One by Tori Kelly. See you all soon... :)

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