Unsteady ยป Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

22.2K 549 75

โ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . โž Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[2] Tattoo
[3] Turning Page
[4] Party Into the Night
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[12] Loss of a Friend
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[18] Dark Hallow
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[23] Other Options
[24] Don't Let Me Go
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[9] Highway to Hell

480 14 0
By OMGitsJustine

I sat at the back of the bus next to Stiles and Scott. Normally I'd probably be sitting next to Stiles or in my own seat, actually just to piss Stiles off Isaac probably would have sat next to me. But i'm getting off topic, right now I was crammed into a seat with both Stiles and Scott since the crazy shit that went down. We actually probably shouldn't be on this school bus, on our way to a cross country meet....

But everyone insisted we had to keep moving on after what happened.

After Derek was killed apparently during a confrontation with the Alpha pack, a stupid confrontation at that. No one should have never been there, not Derek or Isaac or Scott. None of them should have been there but they went anyway. And where was I while Derek was dying? While the others were fighting? I was at home... with Stiles. I was hanging out with him, we were watching a movie and laughing like there was nothing wrong.

I felt disgusted with myself over this. I should have been there, helping. I just--..I can't help but think that they're all wrong. That what Scott and Isaac and Boyd described the scene is not all true, that it's not the end of the story.

I still don't know how this whole Valkyrie thing works but I do know that I'm connected to death, one of omens and warriors of it, whatever that actually means. But I don't have a bad feeling about this, not like I've ever felt. When they told me Derek was dead, of course like any rational person I felt like hitting something and crying because we lost someone else. But when I managed to calm myself down, finding comfort in Stiles arms...

it got me thinking.

It was weird, it was like I was upset on hearing this but the news didn't really stick. It's like even though they told me Derek was dead, I never got that feeling. I couldn't explain it but I don't think he's really dead. I have a feeling someone's going to die, that danger is coming our way but with the whole "death" thing... I don't feel that with Derek. It's like he's not gone, it's like he's still here somehow.

I know I probably sound crazy but unless I see Derek's lifeless body in front of me on a morgue table... I won't believe he's dead. It just doesn't feel like he is, I mean..being a omen of death and being connected to it, I should be able to feel something right? I should feel his presences severed or something, I should be able to physically feel it in my chest that Derek's no longer on this earth, alive anyways. If Derek was really dead, I'd have an empty feeling or ache in my chest when I focus on him.

But I feel nothing, like nothing's changed.

Which is why I don't think Derek's really dead.

"And you're sure? Like positive? I mean did you see his body?" I bombarded Scott with a million questions. I wasn't just going to take everyone's word that Derek was really dead. He's survived a lot just like the rest of us and the last time I thought Derek was dead, it turns out he survived that too. I mean, if Derek can survive getting impaled by Peter and tossed against a wall so hard that i swear I can still hear his back cracking in my head... he can survive a fall.

Scott didn't look so good, gripping his side as he slowly nodded his head. "I watched it happened--...I can't believe he's dead, like Derek's really dead."

"I don't know Scotty boy...Something just doesn't feel right, are you sure Derek's really dead? I mean did you get a look at his deceased body?" I sighed, trying to comfort Scott but Stiles quickly jumped in, pointing out flaws in my thinking Derek is alive.

"Babe, Scott says he saw Derek fall off the edge and slam against the escalator in the abandoned mall. Scott says he saw Derek's body at the bottom, blood and all. There's no way he could walk away from something like that." Stiles said.

I shook my head, giving my cute boyfriend a look of disbelief. "I don't think we have the whole story..I mean, if we don't have visual conformation that Derek's really dead...I'm not going to believe it. I don't think Derek's really dead." Stiles and Scott looked at me confused, asking me why I was so sure about my hunch. "Because, while I still don't understand it, my Valkyrie abilities like my dad explained means I'm connected to death, I can feel it and predict it even. I'm one of the omens and messengers of death, I think i'd be able to feel if Derek was dead."

"He's gone, babe. I know you're sad about it, we all are but Derek is dead." Stiles said, offering me a comforting look.

"I don't think he could have survived that fall." Scott said.

"He's survived worse than a fall. I mean freaking Peter impaled him, lifted him so many feet in the air before flinging him like a sack of potatoes into a brick wall where I'm pretty sure I heard his spine snap. If Derek can survive that then I think he can survive a fall too.." I pointed out to my two best friends. "And I'd feel it if he was really gone, I would have felt something if Derek died...I didn't and I don't. I think I'd feel something changed if Derek died and I don't, it's like he's still here...Like he didn't really die." I explained to Stiles and Scott, who just gave me looks of confusion.

"Babe, I know it's hard to believe but--...Derek's gone, forever." Stiles sighed, rubbing my arm in an attempt to sooth me. He thought I was upset, but I wasn't. I have a feeling and it's telling me that Derek's not dead.

"What's the number one rule during a horror movie?" I asked the two of them who shrugged their shoulders, giving me random answers like; 'never go check the noise' and 'never have sex in the woods'. "The number one rule during a horror movie or a show is...no one's dead until you see the deceased body and bury it. Even then...I'm telling the both of you, I don't think Derek's dead.."


"Something's wrong..Why isn't it healing yet?" I questioned Scott, noticing his wound from the Alphas weren't showing any signs of recovery. I know an Alpha's wounds last longer but this was something else. It was like they were fresh in his body. Scott should have been healing by now.

"I-I'm fine.." Scott breathed out, his voice sounding hoarse. He didn't sound good or look good. He looked like he was dying. When the bus went over another bump, Scott groaned in pain once more. Proving that he was in fact, not fine at all.

Stiles complained to himself, coming back from talking to Coach with an annoyed look on his face. Stiles took his seat besides Scott and myself, looking over at Scott with an equally worried expression. "You call Deaton yet?" Stiles asked.

"I did but I ke--..I keep getting his voicemail." Scott groaned, sounding like he was getting weaker and weaker.

"That's it, I'm calling Lydia and Allison." I snapped, grabbing my phone from my purse and dialing Lydia's number. Scott questioned how they were going to help us if they were back in Beacon Hills, making Stiles and me laugh.

"They're not, they've been following us for hours. Pathetic." Stiles commented, making me laugh as I held my phone to my ear to listen.

I waited a couple of seconds before Lydia finally picked up her phone.

"Hey, Sara..We're just about to walk into a movie. You know, popcorn and all--..." Lydia began saying, making me laugh before I cut her off.

"..--Cut the crap. We know you're behind us. Put me on speaker." I laughed at Lydia, letting her know that her lying was bullshit. She needed to work on that if she thought that was supposed to convince us that her and Allison hadn't been following us like a couple of stalkers. Lydia sighed, telling me she put us on speaker. "Look, Scott's still hurt." Stiles and I told the two of them.

"What do you mean still? He's not healing?" Allison asked, concern in her voice. Even though I was still bitter about her turning her back on us, trying to kill us and fighting with Gerard...I still would do anything to help her. We're friends after all, despite fighting and everything. And I still think it's complete crap about her and Scott's breakup. It's obvious those two still love each other, why keep trying to deny it?

It was painful to watch both of them in pain, more so for Scott. He wasn't as good at hiding behind a fake smile as Allison had become. But hearing Scott still was hurt, it was like a switch flicked on for her and she stopped acting like such a bitch.

"No, he's not healing. I think he's getting worse actually. His blood is turning like a black color." Stiles explained to the two of them while I kept looking at Scott's disgusting wound. It made me want to throw up a little bit.

"What's wrong with him?" Lydia asked.

"What's wrong with him? Do i have a PHD in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?" Stiles said, sarcasm dripping in his voice which made me roll my eyes. I always found his sarcasm hilarious and attractive but right now, we didn't need it. This was a serious situation.

It was silent before a few moments, before Lydia and Allison gave their thoughts.

"We need to get him off that bus."

"And take him where? The hospital?"

"If he's dying, yeah.."

"Stiles, Sara..There's a rest stop about a mile up, tell Coach to pull over." Allison said while Stiles and I exchanged looks. How the hell were we supposed to convince Coach to pull over?


Well, Stiles was the one who always came up with the plans. All though, I kind of wish he hadn't of came up with the idea to make Jared throw up in order for us to pull over at the rest stop. Coach was yelling at him, how he sucked. It smelled horrible, making me want to throw up and start a chain reaction. But at least we managed to pull over and find a way to help Scott.

Stiles and I helped drag Scott to the bathroom while Allison and Lydia followed close behind us. Scott almost fell over but I caught him, Stiles and I both counting before gently setting him on the bathroom floor and leaning him up against the tile wall. Scott was groaning in pain, sounding more and more weak.

I gagged slightly, slowly peeling Scott's shirt from his wound which was sticking due to the blood. I lifted his shirt up, showing that his wound was getting worse. "Why didn't you say anything?" Allison asked Scott, sounding scared.

"S-sorry." Scott sighed, breathing slowly before he rested his eyes.

"This shouldn't be happening. We've seen him heal from things worse than this." Stiles and I said, standing to look up at Allison and Lydia.

"What should we do? Call an ambulance?" Stiles asked.

"No, what if it's too late? What if they can't do anything?" Allison said, rejecting the idea.

"Well, we have to do something! We can't just stand here arguing over the best course of actions to take. We need to just do one before it's too late." I snapped, raising my voice which caused everyone to look at me with wide eyes. "Sorry for yelling but--..I'm freaking out because one of my best friends is dying on a dirty rest stop bathroom floor. We need to do something before it's too late. And I know that there's no way in hell any of us wants to tell Ms. McCall that her only son is dead...So we need to figure something out and fast."

Everyone stayed silent for a moment, none of us having anything to say. It was horrible, Scott was dying on the floor and not one of us could come up with anything to do to save him. Suddenly, Lydia broke us all from our silent thoughts with a genius idea.

"You know, it could be psychological." Lydia suggested.

"You mean like psychosomatic?" Stiles questioned her.

"Somatoformic." Lydia corrected him. "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause." Lydia said while Stiles kept looking at her with a look before telling her to get to the point. Lydia rolled her eyes before adding, "Yes, it's all in his head."

"In his head?" Stiles questioned before it dawned on me.

I tapped his shoulder, gesturing down to Scott. "Because of Derek..-" I finally caught on. "..-He's not letting himself heal because Derek died." I felt an ache in my chest but not a Valkyrie death feeling, more like a sadness. Scott felt like it was all his fault, he wanted to die too because he thinks Derek's death is on him.

But it's not on him.

"So what do we do?" Allison asked.

"Stitch him up." Lydia said, digging trough her bag and holding up a travel size sewing kit. I smirked, smiling over at Lydia. God, this girl was a genius and handy as hell. Who carries a sewing kit with them? Lydia's like our guardian angel and her bag is like Hermine's bag in deathly hallows.

But everyone else kept looking at Lydia confused, wondering if this was a good idea.

"I'm serious, maybe all he needs is to believe it's healing." Lydia explained. I guess that would fall under the psychological side of it all.

Allison grabbed the scissors, spreading all the supplies out, and cutting Scott's shirt open. "He's going to need another shirt, where's his bag?" Allison asked, peeling his shirt from his body.

"On the bus, I'll get it. I hate needles anyways." Stiles volunteered, me quickly adding that I would go with him and help stall the bus if they tried leaving. I mean, from the looks of it, it didn't seem like Allison was going to be able to hurry up with this. She needed time so we were going to have to give her just that.


"Isaac, stop it!" I yelled, trying to pull him off of Ethan but he just kept beating the shit out of him. I grabbed his arm, trying to use all my strength to pull him off Ethan but Isaac just yelled at me to stay out of it. I groaned in frustration, screaming at Isaac to knock it off while he beat the shit out of Ethan. Who I'm surprised wasn't fighting back. He was just letting Isaac kick his ass.

After Stiles and I came to get Scott's bag, Isaac asked me what was happening with Scott. I told him what happened and that must have made him snap or something. Because he went after Ethan, beating the shit out of him and hadn't stopped. Stiles went running to give Allison, Scott's bag and help him change while I tried getting Isaac off of Ethan.

Well, guess this was one way of stalling the bus?

"Hey--..what's going on?" Scott asked, Allison and Lydia helping drag Scott towards the crowd where all the yelling was coming from. Everyone was chanting 'fight' instead of breaking it up, which only made things a lot more complicated. But then again, it's best everyone stay out of this since Isaac could probably snap and kill them with one punch if anything.

I turned, spotting them coming towards the crowd. I sighed, running to Stiles and into his arms. he asked me if I was okay, to which I said I was but it wasn't me we needed to worry about right now. Scott asked me what was happening with the crowd before I simply shook my head. "He went after him..I told him what was happening with you and he just went after him. I can't get him off of him either." I told Scott, worry in my voice as he questioned who.

"Boyd?" Scott asked.

I shook my head, holding onto Stiles hand before saying, "Not Boyd.."

Scott just looked confused before pushing through the crowd to see Isaac beating the shit out of Ethan with his own eyes. Isaac kept hitting Ethan, not caring that he might actually kill him in front of all these witnesses. And the court would not be on our side, everyone will say that Isaac attacked him for no reason. I stood close to Stiles, scared to death that Isaac was going to do something that'll get himself in trouble. And in high sight, fuck us all over in the end.

But suddenly, Scott pushed through the crowd even more, screaming Isaac's name. He like growled it or screamed so powerful, I felt the whole ground shake around us practically. It was amazing. It was almost like...

an alpha's roar.

Isaac pulled back, staring at Scott before pulling away from Ethan. I grabbed Isaac's hand, pulling him far away from Ethan before cursing him out for being so reckless. But at least it's over for now, now we have other things to worry about... I sighed, still holding Stiles hand before we all started getting back on the bus again. And as we did, it was strange.

it was like I got this feeling that where we were going was... not going to be good.

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