By BlueMonster7787

92.5K 4.2K 1.5K

We used to be happy back then We played and smiled together I missed the memories of ours - US You and me are... More

Sun is The Light
You From Afar
Unloved Prince
The New Beginning
Because You Like Me?
Piper Boy
New Friend, More Hate
I Wish We Could Be Back Like Before
Surprise : Big Surprises (part 1)
Surprise : Big Surprises (part 2)
Plan A, B, C.... to Court You
Love Song : My Love Only For you
Aftermath : Stolen Kiss
Your Smile Is Giving Me Heart Attack
Confuse : Do I like Him?
Will My Heart Be Okay?
Heart To Heart With Mom
Change - Something New
Challenge (To Win O̶v̶e̶r̶ You) [Part 1]
Challenge (To Win O̶v̶e̶r̶ You) [Part 2]
Prince vs Princess
Mistake and Mistaken
Secret and Other Plan
Heart Breaks
Was It Dream?
The Strange Feeling
Going Mad Because Of You
Dumb and Dumber
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 1]
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 2]
Jealousy and Rivals [Part 3]
I See Him Everywhere
Go On Date With Me!
Our Date
Start Over
The True Feeling
This Love Is Ours
Jealousy Everywhere
You Are Mine
You Are The One And Only
Official But Not Officially
Our Official First Kiss [Fourth Kiss]
Copper vs His Mom
Weekend and Movie [Part 1]
Weekend and Movie [Part 2]
Holiday Planning
Sweet Punishment
Back : New Ending
Extra Story 1 : It Makes Us Out of Control
Extra Story 3 : Our First Time (Copper x Oh)

Extra Story 2 : Finally, I Found You

1.1K 56 15
By BlueMonster7787


After Peach and I put our stuff in our room, we go out separately. She said she wanted to go around, while I wanted to do photography near the beach.

I took many pictures with my camera. It was fun to spend time doing thing that I love the most. It made me feel like I lost in times. Times flew so fast and I felt like I am in my own world. But....

Klik. I heard a sound from beside me. Not far away. I saw a boy took a picture of me. I frowned. I showed him my annoyance face.

"It is so rude to take a girl picture without her permission!" I told him, "It can be called as harassment!"

"I am sorry" he said, "I didn't mean to be rude but you look so cool and I couldn't help but take your picture"

"Let me see if you said the truth or not" I commanded him to show me the picture he took before.

He let me saw it. It look so cool. Well, I am a cool girl. And I could tell if he is a pro. His work is amazing. Artistic.

"I am View, by the way" He told me his name. He smiled to me. This guy is handsome, for sure. His smile is charming. You can fall for him immidiately when you saw him.

"Are you trying to flirt me?"

"Flirting is inappropiate word" he said, "Let's say if I just want to know you better?" he smiled.

"Well, if you consider like that. But I don't like handsome guy anyways. I like a cute one!"

Well, I said the truth of I am liking cute guy. I like cute guy. I prefer cute guy than handsome guy. That is why I had fell for Sun.

"I can be cute if you want" He smiled and acted cute. It made me chuckled. I laughed. He kept acting cute.

"It doesn't fit you anyways!"

"But, at least I can make you laugh!"

True. He made me laugh because of his silliness. I couldn't believe there is a guy like him. And never thought I will meet someone like him.

"Wanna have coffee time with me?"

Okay, he wanna make a move on me. But I didn't like to be easy on a stranger like him. Well, if he wanted to court me, I will let him. But I would never go out with stranger. At least, let me know about him first.

"Thank you for the offer but no thanks. I am busy now"

I refused his offer. I passed him. I walked away but then I stopped. I looked back at him. He still there, looking at me.

"Nam!" I told him, "My name is Nam! And I have free times tomorrow if you want"

He smiled at me when he heard what I said. He smiled ear to ear. He look so happy. He scream loud to me.

"Nice to know you, Nam. And I would love to!"


Peach POV

And here I am, just walking around. I had heard if there was a small play group nearby. I wanted to go there. I like kids. I wanted to see them playing. Maybe I could offer teacher over there for my help.

I have had met one of the teacher before. I met her during my school trip few weeks ago. She told me if I came back here, I should meet her. So, here I am. I would to keep my promise for her.

"You come?" she greeted me when she saw me. I smiled at her. She introduced me with other teacher. They only have two teachers. And my presence will be so helpful for them, I guessed.

I helped them. I played with kids. They made me laugh by their cute action. They are so innocent. They asked me lot of things. But one of lil girl always tries to get my attention. She look like really liked me.

"It is so rare to see Daw look so happy like that. I thinks she likes you, Peach!"

"Really? What she usually look like?" I asked curious.

"She always look lonely. She always wants to be alone. Never wants to play with others. We have tried everything but it seems not work at all"

I looked at the lil girl who is named Daw. She is a pretty little girl. She is beautiful. She smiled at me. She came and asked me.

"P'Peach, do you have a boyfriend?" I shook my head.

"No. Why? Do you want to help find a boyfriend for me?" I teased her. She nodded. She is so cute.

"My Pa is single. I want you to be his girlfriend!" She spoke innocently. I smiled at her. Maybe she was joking, I thought.

"But, I think your Pa don't want me to be his girlfriend" I tried refused her nicely. She shook her head again.

"No. My Pa will like you, just like me. I like you P'Peach!"

"I like you too, Daw"

I hugged her. She was chuckling in my embrace. I let go our embrace. She smiled at me and then she called her Pa excitedly.

"Pa!" she called him when she saw someone came. I turned to see her Pa. He is still young to be a father for this little girl. He is around early 20s, maybe 22? I didn't know.

"Pa... Pa... Pa... Come here!" she said in very excited voice.

That guy came to her and gave her a big hug. He smiled. It was very charming to see a young guy so lovely to his daughter.

"Pa, this is P'Peach. Do you want to be her boyfriend?"

I coughed. He also coughed. This lil girl is too straight forward. Too to the point. We looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. We introduced each other after that.

The time spending in this play group was nice. I watched kids played around. I saw Daw became so happy today. Not like what other teachers said about her.

"Thank you" he said who stood up beside me.


"Thank you for making Daw happy. She smiles alot today"

"You're welcome!" I said, "She is pretty. I bet her mother is beautiful too"

"Yes, she is" I could sense a sad in his voice, "Our mother is beautiful"

I didn't say anything to him. So he is not hef father but her brother. I looked at him. He just looked straight to Daw. I waited for him to speak more. He looked at me and smiled.

"Our parent died when she was 1 year old. Car accident. That is why she considers me as her father because I take care of her like a father"

"I am sorry. About your parent"

"It is okay" he smiled again, "I am happy now. I still have Daw with me. And I think my parent want us to be happy too"

After that, no words came from us. We stayed quiet until their class finished and they ready to go home. Daw wanted me to come with her but I refused. I told her if I would come back tomorrow.

"Thank you..."

"Peach. My name is Peach"

"Thank you Peach for making my lil sister happy today" he thanked me.

"You're welcome"

"And my name is Vic. Victor. But you can call me Vic!" he told me, "And we live in Bangkok by the way. We come here to visit a family member who leave here. So, if you don't mind, please keep in touch with Daw"

"It is okay, P. I don't mind"

He gave me his phone number and I gave him my phone number, so Daw could call me sometime. They bid me goodbye. He is a nice guy. He is a nice brother. It is rare to find someone nice like him.

"Bye bye Daw. See you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow, P'Peach!"

"See you tomorrow, Peach" he bid goodbye to me, "I hope we can meet everyday"

His last word made me blushed. I just smiled awkwardly to him. He chuckled and drove away.

Wow. My heart was beating so fast. Am I falling for him?


That is what happen to Nam and Peach at the first day they come.
They met their future boyfriend 😉
That is why they didn't go with Oh to the beach in the last chapter
They have another plan 😁


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