Just Try

By Divergentlover12

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When 15 year old Leah decides she wants this year to be different than all the others, she transforms herself... More

Just Try
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

41 4 0
By Divergentlover12

Morgan's POV

I so don't want to be here right now. Like really why do I have to be so unlucky.


"So Morgan, this is your copy of the ultrasound we just took and your blood work results," the doctor replied, as much as I didn't want to be here I knew that in reality I needed to find out if my suspicions were actually true.

After the nurse called me into the office and took my blood pressure she let the doctor in. I explained the fact that I was feeling sick and had been having stomach pains. Lucky the doctor kicked Leah out of the room for most of the check, especially the ultrasound. Now that my results were in, I was mostly nervous.


Leah's POV

The doctors with Morgan was a strange experience, I knew something was going on. But wasn't completely sure. Hopefully now that Morgan has her results she will come clean and tell me exactly what's going on with her.


Morgan's POV

There was no way in hell that I was going to tell Leah what the results said. It was just to much to handle all at once. Even for me. Eventually she'll find out what's going on with me all on her own.... I hope.


Leah's POV

Its been 3 days since Morgan's doctors visit. And she still hasn't told me what the heck is going on. We go back to school tomorrow from our long weekend for a week and then its exams and we're finally out for summer. It's been a long hard trek of a year, but we're finally at the finish line.

Considering Morgan is keeping secrets from me, I've decided that i'm gonna have to find out whatever's going on, on my own. So off I head to Ridgewood Emergency Clinic.

30 minutes later when I finally arrive angry because there was so much traffic. I head in and go straight to the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am."

"How may I help you?"

"Well my name is Leah , I was here with my best friend Morgan 4 days ago and I would like to speak to the doctor she saw."

"Alright what was her middle name dear?" This was the weirdness of living in Ridgewood, besides the fact that almost every place here was named Ridgewood ______ (blank), like the supermarket was named Ridgewood supermarket. Like why does everything have to be named after the town? The other strange thing was that the hospital and clinic asked for your first and middle name, instead of your first and last.

"Morgan Meadows." Morgan was always ashamed of her middle name, just because she was born on a day the sun was shining bright and the hospital was right near this gorgeous green meadow, her mom would look out the window of her hospital room right after she was born and the sight would take her breath away. At least, thats what she says. Morgan had to suffer with having the fact that her mom loved it so much she named her Morgan Meadows. They can be quite a strange family sometimes but thats why shes my best friend.

"Alright Leah, the doctor will call you in right away."

20 minutes later, after waiting for the doctor Leah was getting antsy. What could have been so horrible that Morgan couldn't tell her? They're best friends after all and therefore they tell each other absolutely everything.

"Okay, Morgan, what do I owe this lovely visit?" The doctor asked.

"I came to find out what Morgan has been hiding from me. She wouldn't tell me her results from the other day."

"Ok, well you know you have to be blood related to find out anything about our patients here at Ridgewood Clinic."

"Yes, sadly. But I was hoping you'd make a special exception."

"Fine, but just this once. I'll give you the same letter I gave to Morgan."

"Thank you."


After leaving the clinic with the letter Leah felt strangely guilty about this. She doesn't usually go behind Morgan's back like this, but she had no choice if she wanted to find out what was really bothering her friend.


Leah's POV

As I sat in my car, fear started to take over. I was so curious as to finding out what Morgan was keeping from me, that I forgot the fact that it could be something horrible.

I slowly pulled the letter out of the envelope and read the letter twice, then three time, then four, not believing what I was actually reading about my best friend. I still don't understand why she wouldn't tell me. Its not completely horrible. The results said that Morgan Meadows has been confirmed 16 and Pregnant.

A/N: I think this book just took a plot twist, but oh well. I hardly knew what to write about, i've been having writers block. Sorry, i'll write again soon I promise. But for now i hope you like this chapter.

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