Dark Sides(Discontinued, May...

By TechnaLied713

64K 1.9K 760

What would have happened if the others kept bullying Virgil? Long answer short; A nightmare. Virgil grew bitt... More

Author's Note
Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Seven
Author's Note 2
Page Eight
Page Nine
Page Ten
Page 11
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen (Really short, Sorry)
Serious Question.
In Which The Author Starts Naming The Chapters
In Which Hatred is Hiss-tory (I'm sorry)
In Which Deceit Gets a Hug.
In Which Virgil Has a Bad Feeling
In Which There is a Cliff Hanger
In Which the Author is Very Sorry
In Which Hell Breaks Lose
In Which There is a Lot of Running
In Which the Evil is Slain
In Which Ego is Poetic
I Got Tagged.
In Which There Is Intrusive Thot
In Which There is Hope
I'm So VERY Sorry

Page Six

2.8K 98 9
By TechnaLied713

"No, I never did." He admitted, then he stood up straighter as if he had just realized something important, "But, I still tried, meaning: I'm not Passive!" He then crossed his arms and smiled like he had somehow beaten me. Thomas smiled too, regaining his hope, which I was just going to crush again.

I chuckled. "So, you weren't passive on one thing, big deal. You didn't apologize to Logan, that could have saved him, you had a chance to help Roman before I got to him, and that was just today. How about all of those times you made Thomas sit by and watch instead of doing anything, or how the others bullied and hated me for YEARS and you didn't do a DAMN thing to stop them, or maybe how instead of telling Logan the truth-."

"Shut. Up." He muttered, still not eye contact and shaking out of anger.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." I told him, cupping my hand around my ear.

"I said," He turned to me his fists clenched as anger came off of him in waves. "SHUT UP!"

"Make. Me." I retorted, stepping closer to him with my hands behind my back.

Unfortunately for him I was standing just out of his reach. He started slamming his fists against the invisible barrier. "I HATE YOU, YOU TOOK THEM AWAY! I HATE YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed.

It surprised me, I didn't think Patton was capable of hating, or even saying the word "hate". Thomas looked just as shocked as I felt.

Eventually he started crying, and his yelling got quieter. "I hate you! I hate you so much- I-I"

"Patton, just-just stop. It's over." Thomas told him, leaning back against the barrier.

Patton slid down the barrier to his hands and knees, mumbling incoherently and sobbing.

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