You and Me || JM ✔️

By AlmightyBomb

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"She leaned on the wall for support. Her knees weakened but managed to hold her up. Tears trickling down her... More

Chapter 1: Let me go!
Chapter 2: Who are you?
Chapter 3: Maid costume
Chapter 4: It's the begining
Chapter 5: Rules
Chapter 6: Reasons
Chapter 7: Nearly Escaped
Chapter 8: Assistant
Chapter 9: Never!
Chapter 10: Trapped once again
Chapter 11: It all starts now
Chapter 12: I beg you
Chapter 13: He's crazy!
Chapter 14: Save me
Chapter 15: Finally at peace
Chapter 16: The hunt is on
Chapter 17: Hawaii
Chapter 18: Business can be nasty
Chapter 19: Shopping and starvation
Chapter 20: Reveal the truth (part 1)
Chapter 21: Reveal the truth (part 2)
Chapter 22: War with business (part 1)
Chapter 23: War with bussiness (part 2)
Chapter 24: War with bussiness (part 3)
Chapter 25: Trust
Chapter 26: All I want is you
Chapter 27: I'm back with a surprise
Chapter 28: my heart
Chapter 29: Handover
Chapter 30: lets go back home
Chapter 31: satisfaction or guilt
Chapter 32: alliance
Chapter 33: i may pronounce you husband and wife
Chapter 34: i married this man
Chapter 35: unexpected visitor
Chapter 36: the real truth
Chapter 37: honeymoon?
Chapter 38: 2 faced?
Chapter 39: it can't be
Chapter 40: not ready for this
Chapter 41: mistakes
Chapter 42: please come back
Chapter 44: love and hatred
Chapter 45: another chance
Chapter 46: I love you
New book

Chapter 43: another member

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By AlmightyBomb

Before I could take another step down the last stair, there was a black out. The only thing I could hear was Taehyung's voice. Not clear what he said because it was all muffled up and for some reason I felt as if I was lying on top of a cushion. Did he catch me?
I tried to focus but my eyes got heavier by minute and slumber took

End of recap.

Jennie's pov

"Uhh..she's waking up"

The darkness keeping me away from the bright faded as my visions cleared up to meet a figure.

"Hospital?" I mumbled, trying to get up.

The doctor's head shot towards me with a smile on her face.

"Mrs Park right?"

I slight nodded, trying to sit up.

"Congratulations you are pregnant".


I stopped at an uncomfortable position, rushing back to her words.

"Your husband claims you collapsed on the stairs, luckily he caught you or there could have been complications".

She continued talking but I heard nothing. Her lips went up and down but no words nor voice could reach my ears.

I felt deaf.

I'm pregnant?

A smile crept on my face as I looked down, touching my stomach.
My little baby...


No, NO, NOOOO!!!!!

I'm pregnant with JIMIN!

My smile faded instantly with the thought of carrying Jimin's baby.

It may have been a month already but the memories are still fresh. I can still feel the sensation his tongue giving me that night. I can still feel his warmth. I can still remember everything! Traumatic things that occurred that night. The memories are still fresh to the point it feels like I time traveled back into living it once again.

"Mrs Park? Mrs Park?"

The female doctor snapped her fingers bringing me back to reality.

"I will prescribe some medicines to your husband and you can leave afterwords."

"Excuse husband?"

"Well yes, he's the one who brought you here didn't he? Oh and he was quite worried too. He must be outside".

Is she talking about Tae? Wait he can't know about this! He's gonna call Jimin! And if Jimin comes, he'll take me with him! No, no, no.

"Uh...can you please do me a favour".

"What kind of favour dear?"

I just smiled pleadingly.

Narrator's pov

The middle aged doctor guided Jennie out of the room. Opening the door she revealed a worried Taehyung marching back and forth. His face lit up after seeing Jennie.

"Jen, Jen are you ok?"
He quickly began observing her, twisting and turning her to see if she's got anything abnormal.

"Tae I'm Fine, calm down".

"Yes she Uh..had collapsed due to stress", the doctor announced.

He sighed in relief before hugging her tightly.

"You freaked the hell out of me. Do you know how worried I was? You definitely need good rest now and I'll make sure you do".

"What do you mean?"
She asked breaking the hug.

"I'll be the one taking care of you now. I'll make sure you eat on time and that you don't get stress at all".


"You may take your leave".
The doctor went back in leaving Jennie and Tae exiting the hospital.

"What's that in your hand?"
He asked approaching the car and opening his door.

Nervousness fussed on her face.

"'s the medicines...S-sleeping pills".


Jennie's pov

It's been almost 1 week and I have been keeping my secret away from Taehyung. The problem was he stayed home and took care of me rather than going to work.

Luckily he had to go for a meeting today, giving me a great opportunity to go to the hospital. The doctor asked me to stop by and collect some information about pregnancy and things to eat etc.

She sat in front of me and soon after we were done. She handed me a pregnancy booklet, which i had to accept. How am I suppose to hide this? The medicines were quite troublesome itself.

Ugh...great another burden.

After we were done, I exited the hospital, turning towards the right street and walking back to Tae's house. It's really not that far. Plus it'll be a good workout too.

I turned towards another street and started walking. The bright sunny day and the hot weather set me in a good mood. The breeze tickling my cheeks and I was pretty much enjoying it if it wasn't for that car horn.

My head tilted slightly, seeing a black Mercedes from the corner of my eye.

"Is that Tae's car?"

I turned back to find Tae walking out from the drivers seat. Freshly dressed in a plain white t-shirt, black ripped jeans and his black cap.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

Shit what do I say?

"Uh..t-the Doctor told me to stop by so she could give me some more supplies of medicine". That's believable right?

"Ok...well i don't see it".

Guess it was a bad idea after all.

"Well..I told her that I have enough and that she shouldn't worry because I got a good care taker, looking after me". Hopefully my grin saves me.

He smiled and got diverted.

"Of course because you're getting cured by me", he let out a slight chuckle.

"Come on let's go home".

He turned his back towards me and walked towards his door when i realised I was still carrying the pregnancy booklet.

Luckily I had my handbag with me. I stuffed it in there and made my way to the passenger seat.

The ride back was usual, laughter and irrelevant topics. In no time we arrived home, and me being my thief self, ran up to my bedroom hiding my booklet first.

The medicine and booklet were both chucked in the bed stand drawer.

I sat on the bed and took a deep breath of relief before exhaling.

Phew...that was close.

My mind rushed through a million topics in no time.

What will happen if Taehyung found out?

Worse, what will happen if Jimin finds out?

Will I ever find real love?

Is this baby a message of some sort?

Should I abort it?
Hell no! Jennie wake up!

I do know for a fact that I wouldn't abort my baby no matter what. I will still love him or her no matter who the father is.

It's MY baby, and I'll make sure it doesn't have any of Jimin's behaviours. Worse, can I just erase his DNA? Like out of it completely? Only if it was possible.

I laid down on my bed and relaxed my aching back.

I was snoozing off to sleep when I heard Tae yelling.

"Who wants kimchi??"gosh his voice is loud but its so cute when he yells, his face turns up too 100 times cuter.

I instantly stood up and head over to the dinning table. Yum.

"I decided to make something special today since I only fed you porridge and soup the whole week". He laughed and kinda scratched the nape of his neck.

"Yeah I felt sick already".
I joked.

"Come on now, settle down".

We both sat down and enjoyed the meal. His still good at cooking. Did he maybe take classes cause the flavour taste really good for some reason.
Oh well he's Tae after all.

"Hey I heard there's a new romcom in the cinemas, wanna check it out?" He took a spoonful of his meal and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Nah, couples are gonna start making out on their seats so no. Not a good view for me".

He slays a cheeky smile.

"Why you smiling for?"

"I mean we could do the same you know".

My hands loosened and the chopsticks fell out of it. Making me bring my hand to my lap.

"Tae you do know that...we're not possible anymore right?"

The atmosphere went awfully quiet.

"I know, but it was worth a try". He smiled, trying to hide the disappointment roaming in his eyes. His head hung low for some time making me feel guilty.

It's just not possible anymore. I had to make it clear to him. I mean after this, pregnancy...I don't want to keep him in the dark believing that I might be his one day. I think I'll be better off as a single mother. Besides he's got Irene and I respect that. I won't steal her man, not like how Jimin stole me from mine.

I stared at his figure that kept looking down until his eyes met mine again when he fixed his position back right up to face me.

"After all you're only made for Jimin anyways".

"What was that?" I questioned almost instantly.
He mumbled under his breath but I caught it.

"It's nothing".

" I heard what you said Tae, please tell me".

He gave me a look that shouted 'really?'

"Please Tae, don't keep me in the dark".

There was a moment of silence while my curiosity intensified.

"It was a set up ok. I knew but should've been careful about keeping you by my side. I've always known that Jimin will take you away from me one day, but I thought my love for you could make his heart melt. Guess not. It was his plan anyways. I even know that he kidnaped you. I found out about a month ago".

"His revenge, his perfect revenge".

W-what does he mean?
Wait what's going on?

To be continued...

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